

0 mins
Test Coverage
 * This configuration will be read and overlaid on top of the
 * default configuration. Command line arguments will be applied
 * after this file is read.
 * @see src/Phan/Config.php
 * See Config for all configurable options.
return [
    // A list of individual files to include in analysis
    // with a path relative to the root directory of the
    // project
    'file_list' => [
    // A list of directories that should be parsed for class and
    // method information. After excluding the directories
    // defined in exclude_analysis_directory_list, the remaining
    // files will be statically analyzed for errors.
    // Thus, both first-party and third-party code being used by
    // your application should be included in this list.
    'directory_list' => [
    // A file list that defines files that will be excluded
    // from parsing and analysis and will not be read at all.
    // This is useful for excluding hopelessly unanalyzable
    // files that can't be removed for whatever reason.
    'exclude_file_list' => [],
    // A directory list that defines files that will be excluded
    // from static analysis, but whose class and method
    // information should be included.
    // Generally, you'll want to include the directories for
    // third-party code (such as "vendor/") in this list.
    // n.b.: If you'd like to parse but not analyze 3rd
    //       party code, directories containing that code
    //       should be added to the `directory_list` as
    //       to `excluce_analysis_directory_list`.
    'exclude_analysis_directory_list' => [
    // Backwards Compatibility Checking. This is slow
    // and expensive, but you should consider running
    // it before upgrading your version of PHP to a
    // new version that has backward compatibility
    // breaks.
    'backward_compatibility_checks' => true,
    // A set of fully qualified class-names for which
    // a call to parent::__construct() is required.
    'parent_constructor_required' => [],
    // Run a quick version of checks that takes less
    // time at the cost of not running as thorough
    // an analysis. You should consider setting this
    // to true only when you wish you had more issues
    // to fix in your code base.
    // In quick-mode the scanner doesn't rescan a function
    // or a method's code block every time a call is seen.
    // This means that the problem here won't be detected:
    // ```php
    // <?php
    // function test($arg):int {
    //  return $arg;
    // }
    // test("abc");
    // ```
    // This would normally generate:
    // ```sh
    // test.php:3 TypeError return string but `test()` is declared to return int
    // ```
    // The initial scan of the function's code block has no
    // type information for `$arg`. It isn't until we see
    // the call and rescan test()'s code block that we can
    // detect that it is actually returning the passed in
    // `string` instead of an `int` as declared.
    'quick_mode' => false,
    // By default, Phan will not analyze all node types
    // in order to save time. If this config is set to true,
    // Phan will dig deeper into the AST tree and do an
    // analysis on all nodes, possibly finding more issues.
    // See \Phan\Analysis::shouldVisit for the set of skipped
    // nodes.
    'should_visit_all_nodes' => true,
    // If enabled, check all methods that override a
    // parent method to make sure its signature is
    // compatible with the parent's. This check
    // can add quite a bit of time to the analysis.
    'analyze_signature_compatibility' => true,
    // The minimum severity level to report on. This can be
    // set to Issue::SEVERITY_LOW, Issue::SEVERITY_NORMAL or
    // Issue::SEVERITY_CRITICAL. Setting it to only
    // critical issues is a good place to start on a big
    // sloppy mature code base.
    'minimum_severity' => 0,
    // If true, missing properties will be created when
    // they are first seen. If false, we'll report an
    // error message if there is an attempt to write
    // to a class property that wasn't explicitly
    // defined.
    'allow_missing_properties' => false,
    // Allow null to be cast as any type and for any
    // type to be cast to null. Setting this to false
    // will cut down on false positives.
    'null_casts_as_any_type' => true,
    // If enabled, scalars (int, float, bool, string, null)
    // are treated as if they can cast to each other.
    'scalar_implicit_cast' => true,
    // If true, seemingly undeclared variables in the global
    // scope will be ignored. This is useful for projects
    // with complicated cross-file globals that you have no
    // hope of fixing.
    'ignore_undeclared_variables_in_global_scope' => true,
    // Set to true in order to attempt to detect dead
    // (unreferenced) code. Keep in mind that the
    // results will only be a guess given that classes,
    // properties, constants and methods can be referenced
    // as variables (like `$class->$property` or
    // `$class->$method()`) in ways that we're unable
    // to make sense of.
    'dead_code_detection' => false,
    // If true, the dead code detection rig will
    // prefer false negatives (not report dead code) to
    // false positives (report dead code that is not
    // actually dead) which is to say that the graph of
    // references will create too many edges rather than
    // too few edges when guesses have to be made about
    // what references what.
    'dead_code_detection_prefer_false_negative' => true,
    // If true (and if stored_state_file_path is set) we'll
    // look at the list of files passed in and expand the list
    // to include files that depend on the given files
    'expand_file_list' => false,
    // Include a progress bar in the output
    'progress_bar' => true,
    // The probability of actually emitting any progress
    // bar update. Setting this to something very low
    // is good for reducing network IO and filling up
    // your terminal's buffer when running phan on a
    // remote host.
    'progress_bar_sample_rate' => 0.005,
    // The number of processes to fork off during the analysis
    // phase.
    'processes' => 4,
    // Add any issue types (such as 'PhanUndeclaredMethod')
    // to this black-list to inhibit them from being reported.
    'suppress_issue_types' => [
        // 'PhanUndeclaredMethod',
    // If empty, no filter against issues types will be applied.
    // If this white-list is non-empty, only issues within the list
    // will be emitted by Phan.
    'whitelist_issue_types' => [
        // 'PhanAccessMethodPrivate',
        // 'PhanAccessMethodProtected',
        // 'PhanAccessNonStaticToStatic',
        // 'PhanAccessPropertyPrivate',
        // 'PhanAccessPropertyProtected',
        // 'PhanAccessSignatureMismatch',
        // 'PhanAccessSignatureMismatchInternal',
        // 'PhanAccessStaticToNonStatic',
        // 'PhanCompatibleExpressionPHP7',
        // 'PhanCompatiblePHP7',
        // 'PhanContextNotObject',
        // 'PhanDeprecatedClass',
        // 'PhanDeprecatedFunction',
        // 'PhanDeprecatedProperty',
        // 'PhanEmptyFile',
        // 'PhanNonClassMethodCall',
        // 'PhanNoopArray',
        // 'PhanNoopClosure',
        // 'PhanNoopConstant',
        // 'PhanNoopProperty',
        // 'PhanNoopVariable',
        // 'PhanParamRedefined',
        // 'PhanParamReqAfterOpt',
        // 'PhanParamSpecial1',
        // 'PhanParamSpecial2',
        // 'PhanParamSpecial3',
        // 'PhanParamSpecial4',
        // 'PhanParamTooFew',
        // 'PhanParamTooFewInternal',
        // 'PhanParamTooMany',
        // 'PhanParamTooManyInternal',
        // 'PhanParamTypeMismatch',
        // 'PhanParentlessClass',
        // 'PhanRedefineClass',
        // 'PhanRedefineClassInternal',
        // 'PhanRedefineFunction',
        // 'PhanRedefineFunctionInternal',
        // 'PhanSignatureMismatch',
        // 'PhanSignatureMismatchInternal',
        // 'PhanStaticCallToNonStatic',
        // 'PhanSyntaxError',
        // 'PhanTraitParentReference',
        // 'PhanTypeArrayOperator',
        // 'PhanTypeArraySuspicious',
        // 'PhanTypeComparisonFromArray',
        // 'PhanTypeComparisonToArray',
        // 'PhanTypeConversionFromArray',
        // 'PhanTypeInstantiateAbstract',
        // 'PhanTypeInstantiateInterface',
        // 'PhanTypeInvalidLeftOperand',
        // 'PhanTypeInvalidRightOperand',
        // 'PhanTypeMismatchArgument',
        // 'PhanTypeMismatchArgumentInternal',
        // 'PhanTypeMismatchDefault',
        // 'PhanTypeMismatchForeach',
        // 'PhanTypeMismatchProperty',
        // 'PhanTypeMismatchReturn',
        // 'PhanTypeMissingReturn',
        // 'PhanTypeNonVarPassByRef',
        // 'PhanTypeParentConstructorCalled',
        // 'PhanTypeVoidAssignment',
        // 'PhanUnanalyzable',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredClass',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredClassCatch',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredClassConstant',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredClassInstanceof',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredClassMethod',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredClassReference',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredConstant',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredExtendedClass',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredFunction',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredInterface',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredMethod',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredProperty',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredStaticMethod',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredStaticProperty',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredTrait',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredTypeParameter',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredTypeProperty',
        // 'PhanUndeclaredVariable',
        // 'PhanUnreferencedClass',
        // 'PhanUnreferencedConstant',
        // 'PhanUnreferencedMethod',
        // 'PhanUnreferencedProperty',
        // 'PhanVariableUseClause',
    // Emit issue messages with markdown formatting
    'markdown_issue_messages' => true,
    // Enable or disable support for generic templated
    // class types.
    'generic_types_enabled' => true,