namespace FOO;
* Class Dashboard_REST
* REST endpoint for dashboard data.
* @package FOO
class Dashboard_REST extends REST {
const RANGE = 15;
public function GET(array $get) {
$data = [];
$meta = new DBMeta;
$cfg = new DBConfig;
$client = new ESClient;
$dates = $this->dateRange(-self::RANGE);
// Get a count of how many Searches are failing.
$sql = sprintf('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%s` WHERE `site_id` = ? AND `archived` = 0 AND `enabled` = ? AND `last_execution_date` = `last_failure_date` AND `last_execution_date` > 0',
$data['failing_searches'] = (int)DB::query($sql, [SiteFinder::getCurrentId(), true], DB::VAL);
// Get a count of active Alerts and their priorities.
$data['active_alerts'] = $client->getActiveAlertCounts();
// Generate data for an Alert creation histogram.
$data['historical_alerts'] = $client->getAlertActivityCounts(self::RANGE);
// Generate data for an Alert action histogram.
if (DB::getType() == 'mysql') {
$sql = sprintf('
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(create_date), "%%Y-%%m-%%d") as `date`, `action`, COUNT(*) as `count` FROM `%s` INNER JOIN (
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(create_date), "%%Y-%%m-%%d"), `alert_id`, MAX(`create_date`) as `create_date`
FROM `%s` WHERE `site_id` = ? AND `archived` = 0 AND (
(`action` = ? AND `a` = 1) OR
(`action` = ? AND (`a` != 0 OR `b` != 0)) OR
(`action` = ? AND `a` = 2)
) AND `create_date` > ? AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(create_date), "%%Y-%%m-%%d") > DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(?), "%%Y-%%m-%%d") GROUP BY 1, 2
) AS `tbl` USING(`alert_id`, `create_date`) GROUP BY 1, 2;
', AlertLog::$TABLE, AlertLog::$TABLE);
} else {
$sql = sprintf('
SELECT DATE(create_date, "unixepoch") as `date`, `action`, COUNT(*) as `count` FROM `%s` INNER JOIN (
SELECT DATE(create_date, "unixepoch"), `alert_id`, MAX(`create_date`) as `create_date`
FROM `%s` WHERE `site_id` = ? AND `archived` = 0 AND (
(`action` = ? AND `a` = 1) OR
(`action` = ? AND (`a` != 0 OR `b` != 0)) OR
(`action` = ? AND `a` = 2)
) AND `create_date` > ? AND DATE(create_date, "unixepoch") > DATE(?, "unixepoch") GROUP BY 1, 2
) AS `tbl` USING(`alert_id`, `create_date`) GROUP BY 1, 2;
', AlertLog::$TABLE, AlertLog::$TABLE);
$ret = DB::query($sql, [
strtotime(sprintf('now -%d days', self::RANGE + 1)), strtotime(sprintf('now -%d days', self::RANGE))
$groups = [[], [], []];
foreach($ret as $row) {
switch($row['action']) {
case AlertLog::A_ESCALATE:
$groups[0][] = $row;
case AlertLog::A_ASSIGN: // Assign
$groups[1][] = $row;
case AlertLog::A_SWITCH:
$groups[2][] = $row;
$func = function($data) {
return [$data['date'], Util::get($data, 'count', 0)];
$data['historical_actions'] = [
$this->fillDates($groups[0], $dates, $func),
$this->fillDates($groups[1], $dates, $func),
$this->fillDates($groups[2], $dates, $func),
// Cron hasn't run in more than 20 minutes.
$data['no_recent_cron'] = (int) $meta['last_cron_date'] < ($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 20 * 60);
$data['announcement'] = $cfg['announcement'] ?? '';
return self::format($data);
private function dateRange($delta) {
$start = $delta > 0 ? 0:$delta;
$end = $delta > 0 ? $delta:0;
return array_map(function($x) { return date('Y-m-d', strtotime("now $x days")); }, range($start, $end));
private function fillDates($data, $range, $func) {
$i = 0;
$ret = [];
foreach($range as $date) {
if($i < count($data) && $data[$i]['date'] == $date) {
$ret[] = $func($data[$i]);
} else {
$ret[] = $func(['date' => $date]);
return $ret;