

55 mins
Test Coverage

namespace FOO;

 * Class TypeModel
 * Represents models that can dynamically construct a sub class based on a type string.
 * @package FOO
abstract class TypeModel extends Model {
    // List of types. getTypes() should be used instead of referencing this directly.
    public static $TYPES = [];
    /** @var string Sub-type of this model. */
    public static $TYPE = '';

     * Return a mapping of all type slugs to their actual class name.
     * @return array The type mapping.
    public static function getTypes() {
        static $type_map = null;
        if(is_null($type_map)) {
            $type_map = [];
            // Populate the list of types.
            foreach(static::$TYPES as $class) {
                $type_map[$class::$TYPE] = $class;
            // Remove any types that aren't accessible. We do it this way because
            // getTypes is called by instantiating a class. All the types must be
            // available before that happens.
            foreach($type_map as $type=>$class) {
                if(!(new $class)->isAccessible()) {

        return $type_map;

     * Return the type.
    public static function getType() {
        return static::$TYPE;

     * Retrieve the schema for this model.
     * @return array The schema.
    public static function getSchema() {
        static $schema = null;
        if(is_null($schema)) {
            $schema = static::generateSchema();
            $schema['type'] = [self::T_ENUM, static::getTypes(), ''];

        return $schema;

     * Creates a new object of the appropriate type.
     * @param string $type The type of the object.
     * @param array $data The attributes for the object.
     * @return object The new object.
    public static function newObject($type, $data=null) {
        $type_map = static::getTypes();
        if(!array_key_exists($type, $type_map)) {
            throw new \OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('Invalid type: %s', $type));

        return new $type_map[$type]($data);

     * Constructs the object and keeps track of the type.
     * @param array $data The model attributes.
    public function __construct(array $data=null) {

        $this->obj['type'] = static::$TYPE;

     * Whether the Model is available. Can be used to enforce access control on a Model.
     * @return bool The availability of the Model.
    public function isAccessible() {
        return true;

 * Class TypeModelFinder
 * Base finder for TypeModels.
 * @package FOO
 * @method static TypeModel getById(int $id, bool $archived=false)
 * @method static TypeModel[] getAll()
 * @method static TypeModel[] getByQuery(array $query=[], $count=null, $offset=null, $sort=[], $reverse=null)
 * @method static TypeModel[] hydrateModels($objs)
class TypeModelFinder extends ModelFinder {
     * Hydrates TypeModels into the correct subclass.
     * @param array $obj The attribute data.
     * @return object The hydrated TypeModel.
    protected static function construct(array $obj) {
        $model = 'FOO\\' . static::$MODEL;
        return $model::newObject(Util::get($obj, 'type'), $obj);