

1 hr
Test Coverage

namespace FOO;

 * Class Util
 * Contains miscellaneous functions.
 * @package FOO
class Util {
     * Return the value of a key or a default value.
     * @param array|\ArrayAccess $arr The array.
     * @param string|int $key The key.
     * @param mixed $default The default value to return.
     * @return mixed|null The value of that key.
    public static function get($arr, $key, $default=null) {
        return self::exists($arr, $key) ? $arr[$key]:$default;

     * Determines whether an array contains a certain key.
     * @param array|\ArrayAccess $arr The array.
     * @param string|int $key The key.
     * @return bool true if the key exists and false otherwise.
    public static function exists($arr, $key) {
        // If it's an object, index directly because array_key_exists doesn't
        // work with the ArrayAccess interface. Otherwise, check if it implements
        // ArrayAccess and fall back to array_key_exists.
        if(is_object($arr)) {
            return $arr->offsetExists($key);
        if(is_array($arr)) {
            return array_key_exists($key, $arr);

        return false;

     * Escapes data for displaying in a browser.
     * @param string $data Raw data to escape.
     * @return string The escaped data.
    public static function escape($data) {
        return htmlentities($data, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');

     * Sends a 302 redirect to the browser.
     * @param string $url The target.
    public static function redirect($url, $exit=true) {
        header("Location: $url");

     * Returns whether we're running in a development environment.
     * @return bool True if in a dev environment.
    public static function isDevelopment() {
        return false;

     * Returns whether we're running in a test environment.
     * @return bool True if in a test environment.
    public static function isTesting() {
        global $TESTING;
        return (bool) $TESTING;

     * Prompt for input.
     * @param string $str The string to display.
     * @return string An input string.
    public static function prompt($str) {
        $ret = '';
        while(true) {
            printf("%s: ", $str);
            $ret = fgets(STDIN);
            if($ret === false) {
            $ret = trim($ret);
            if(strlen($ret)) {

        return $ret;

     * Exec a command.
     * @param string $path The executable to run.
     * @param string[] $args ARGV
     * @param array $env ENVP
     * @return int|null The status code on success or null on error.
    public static function exec($path, $args, $env=[]) {
        $pid = pcntl_fork();
        if($pid == -1) {
            return null;

        if($pid == 0) {
            pcntl_exec($path, $args, $env);

        if(pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status) == -1) {
            return null;

        if(!pcntl_wifexited($status)) {
            return null;

        return pcntl_wexitstatus($status);

     * Get the name of the 411 instance
     * @return string The name.
    public static function getSiteName() {
        $name = '411';
        $site = SiteFinder::getCurrent();
        if($site) {
            $name = $site['name'];
        return $name;

     * Get the displayed host.
     * @return string The hostname.
    public static function getHost() {
        $host = 'fouroneone';
        $site = SiteFinder::getCurrent();
        if($site) {
            $host = $site['host'];
        return $host;

     * Convert dates to unix timestamps (in milliseconds).
     * @param string|null $format Format.
     * @param int[]|string[] $dates Dates.
     * @return int[] Timestamps.
    public static function parseDates($format, array $dates) {
        $ret = [];
        switch($format) {
        case '#':
            $ret = $dates;
        case '@':
            foreach($dates as $date) {
                $ret[] = $date * 1000;
            foreach($dates as $date) {
                if(!$format) {
                    $ret[] = strtotime($date) * 1000;
                } else {
                    $dt = \DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date);
                    if($dt) {
                        $ret[] = $dt->getTimestamp() * 1000;

        return $ret;

     * Format a date in a consistent format.
     * @param int $tz Timestamp.
     * @return string Date string.
    public static function formatDate($tz) {
        $timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
        $ret = strftime('%G-%m-%d', $tz);
        return $ret;

     * Format a time in a consistent format.
     * @param int $tz Timestamp.
     * @return string Time string.
    public static function formatTime($tz) {
        $timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
        $ret = strftime('%T%z', $tz);
        return $ret;

     * Format a datetime in a consistent format.
     * @param int $tz Timestamp.
     * @return string DateTime string.
    public static function formatDateTime($tz) {
        $timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
        $ret = strftime('%G-%m-%d %T%z', $tz);
        return $ret;

     * Validate the timezone given. If invalid, default to UTC.
     * @param string Timezone string.
     * @return string Timezone string.
    public static function validateTimezone($timezone, $default='UTC') {
        return in_array($timezone, timezone_identifiers_list()) ? $timezone:$default;

     * Gets Timezone from User or DB backed config.
     * Defaults to 'UTC' if unset.
     * @return string Timezone string.
    public static function getTimezone() {
        $user = Auth::getUser();
        if($user !== null) {
            return $user->getTimezone();
        return self::getDefaultTimezone();

     * Get timezone from DB backed config.
     * Defaults to 'UTC' if unset.
     * @return string Timezone string.
    public static function getDefaultTimezone() {
        $config = new DBConfig;
        return self::validateTimezone($config['timezone']);