use Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\Expression\CallExpression;
use Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\QualifiedName;
use Phan\AST\TolerantASTConverter\NodeUtils;
use Phan\CodeBase;
use Phan\IssueInstance;
use Phan\Library\FileCacheEntry;
use Phan\Plugin\Internal\IssueFixingPlugin\FileEdit;
use Phan\Plugin\Internal\IssueFixingPlugin\FileEditSet;
use Phan\Plugin\Internal\IssueFixingPlugin\IssueFixer;
* Implements --automatic-fix for NotFullyQualifiedUsagePlugin
* This is a prototype, there are various features it does not implement.
call_user_func(static function (): void {
* @param $code_base @unused-param
* @return ?FileEditSet a representation of the edit to make to replace a call to a function alias with a call to the original function
$fix = static function (CodeBase $code_base, FileCacheEntry $contents, IssueInstance $instance): ?FileEditSet {
$line = $instance->getLine();
$reason = (string)$instance->getTemplateParameters()[1];
if (!preg_match('/Deprecated because: DeprecateAliasPlugin marked this as an alias of (\w+)\(\)/', $reason, $match)) {
return null;
$new_name = (string)$match[1];
$function_repr = (string)$instance->getTemplateParameters()[0];
if (!preg_match('/\\\\(\w+)\(\)/', $function_repr, $match)) {
return null;
$expected_name = $match[1];
$edits = [];
foreach ($contents->getNodesAtLine($line) as $node) {
if (!$node instanceof QualifiedName) {
$is_actual_call = $node->parent instanceof CallExpression;
if (!$is_actual_call) {
$file_contents = $contents->getContents();
$actual_name = strtolower((new NodeUtils($file_contents))->phpParserNameToString($node));
if ($actual_name !== $expected_name) {
//fwrite(STDERR, "name is: " . get_class($node->parent) . "\n");
// They are case-sensitively identical.
// Generate a fix.
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeAbsentForCall
$start = $node->getStart();
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeAbsentForCall
$end = $node->getEndPosition();
$edits[] = new FileEdit($start, $end, (($file_contents[$start] ?? '') === '\\' ? '\\' : '') . $new_name);
if ($edits) {
return new FileEditSet($edits);
return null;