use ast\Node;
use Phan\Config;
use Phan\PluginV3;
use Phan\PluginV3\PluginAwarePostAnalysisVisitor;
use Phan\PluginV3\PostAnalyzeNodeCapability;
* This warns if references to global functions or global constants are not fully qualified.
* This Plugin hooks into one event:
* - getPostAnalyzeNodeVisitorClassName
* This method returns a class that is called on every AST node from every
* file being analyzed
class NotFullyQualifiedUsagePlugin extends PluginV3 implements PostAnalyzeNodeCapability
* @return string - The name of the visitor that will be called (formerly analyzeNode)
* @override
public static function getPostAnalyzeNodeVisitorClassName(): string
return NotFullyQualifiedUsageVisitor::class;
* When __invoke on this class is called with a node, a method
* will be dispatched based on the `kind` of the given node.
* Visitors such as this are useful for defining lots of different
* checks on a node based on its kind.
class NotFullyQualifiedUsageVisitor extends PluginAwarePostAnalysisVisitor
// Subclasses should declare protected $parent_node_list as an instance property if they need to know the list.
// @var list<Node> - Set after the constructor is called if an instance property with this name is declared
// protected $parent_node_list;
// A plugin's visitors should NOT implement visit(), unless they need to.
// phpcs:disable Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName.ClassConstantNotUpperCase
public const NotFullyQualifiedFunctionCall = 'PhanPluginNotFullyQualifiedFunctionCall';
public const NotFullyQualifiedOptimizableFunctionCall = 'PhanPluginNotFullyQualifiedOptimizableFunctionCall';
public const NotFullyQualifiedGlobalConstant = 'PhanPluginNotFullyQualifiedGlobalConstant';
// phpcs:enable Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName.ClassConstantNotUpperCase
* Source of functions: `zend_try_compile_special_func` from https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/Zend/zend_compile.c
'array_key_exists' => true,
'array_slice' => true,
'boolval' => true,
'call_user_func' => true,
'call_user_func_array' => true,
'chr' => true,
'count' => true,
'defined' => true,
'doubleval' => true,
'floatval' => true,
'func_get_args' => true,
'func_num_args' => true,
'get_called_class' => true,
'get_class' => true,
'gettype' => true,
'in_array' => true,
'intval' => true,
'is_array' => true,
'is_bool' => true,
'is_double' => true,
'is_float' => true,
'is_int' => true,
'is_integer' => true,
'is_long' => true,
'is_null' => true,
'is_object' => true,
'is_real' => true,
'is_resource' => true,
'is_string' => true,
'ord' => true,
'strlen' => true,
'strval' => true,
* @param Node $node
* A node to analyze of type ast\AST_CALL (call to a global function)
* @override
public function visitCall(Node $node): void
$expression = $node->children['expr'];
if (!($expression instanceof Node) || $expression->kind !== ast\AST_NAME) {
if (($expression->flags & ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ) !== ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ) {
// This is namespace\foo() or \NS\foo()
if ($this->context->getNamespace() === '\\') {
// This is in the global namespace and is always fully qualified
$function_name = $expression->children['name'];
if (!is_string($function_name)) {
// Possibly redundant.
// TODO: Probably wrong for ast\parse_code - should check namespace map of USE_NORMAL for 'ast' there.
// Same for ContextNode->getFunction()
if ($this->context->hasNamespaceMapFor(\ast\flags\USE_FUNCTION, $function_name)) {
$this->warnNotFullyQualifiedFunctionCall($function_name, $expression);
private function warnNotFullyQualifiedFunctionCall(string $function_name, Node $expression): void
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($function_name), self::OPTIMIZABLE_FUNCTIONS)) {
$issue_type = self::NotFullyQualifiedOptimizableFunctionCall;
$issue_msg = 'Expected function call to {FUNCTION}() to be fully qualified or have a use statement but none were found in namespace {NAMESPACE}'
. ' (opcache can optimize fully qualified calls to this function in recent php versions)';
} else {
$issue_type = self::NotFullyQualifiedFunctionCall;
$issue_msg = 'Expected function call to {FUNCTION}() to be fully qualified or have a use statement but none were found in namespace {NAMESPACE}';
[$function_name, $this->context->getNamespace()]
* @param Node $node
* A node to analyze of type ast\AST_CONST (reference to a constant)
* @override
public function visitConst(Node $node): void
$expression = $node->children['name'];
if (!($expression instanceof Node) || $expression->kind !== ast\AST_NAME) {
if (($expression->flags & ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ) !== ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ) {
// This is namespace\SOME_CONST or \NS\SOME_CONST
if ($this->context->getNamespace() === '\\') {
// This is in the global namespace and is always fully qualified
$constant_name = $expression->children['name'];
if (!is_string($constant_name)) {
// Possibly redundant.
$constant_name_lower = strtolower($constant_name);
if ($constant_name_lower === 'true' || $constant_name_lower === 'false' || $constant_name_lower === 'null') {
// These are keywords and are the same in any namespace
// TODO: Probably wrong for ast\AST_NAME - should check namespace map of USE_NORMAL for 'ast' there.
// Same for ContextNode->getConst()
if ($this->context->hasNamespaceMapFor(\ast\flags\USE_CONST, $constant_name)) {
$this->warnNotFullyQualifiedConstantUsage($constant_name, $expression);
private function warnNotFullyQualifiedConstantUsage(string $constant_name, Node $expression): void
'Expected usage of {CONST} to be fully qualified or have a use statement but none were found in namespace {NAMESPACE}',
[$constant_name, $this->context->getNamespace()]
if (Config::isIssueFixingPluginEnabled()) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/NotFullyQualifiedUsagePlugin/fixers.php';
// Every plugin needs to return an instance of itself at the
// end of the file in which it's defined.
return new NotFullyQualifiedUsagePlugin();