use ast\Node;
use Phan\AST\ASTReverter;
use Phan\AST\UnionTypeVisitor;
use Phan\CodeBase;
use Phan\Issue;
use Phan\Language\Context;
use Phan\Language\FileRef;
use Phan\Language\UnionType;
use Phan\PluginV3;
use Phan\PluginV3\FinalizeProcessCapability;
use Phan\PluginV3\PluginAwarePostAnalysisVisitor;
use Phan\PluginV3\PostAnalyzeNodeCapability;
* This plugin checks for accesses to unknown class elements that can't be type checked.
* - E.g. `$unknown->someMethod(null)`
* This file demonstrates plugins for Phan. Plugins hook into various events.
* UnknownClassElementAccessPlugin hooks into two events:
* - getPostAnalyzeNodeVisitorClassName
* This method returns a visitor that is called on every AST node from every
* file being analyzed in post-order
* - finalizeProcess
* This is called after the other forms of analysis are finished running.
* A plugin file must
* - Contain a class that inherits from \Phan\PluginV3
* - End by returning an instance of that class.
* It is assumed without being checked that plugins aren't
* mangling state within the passed code base or context.
* Note: When adding new plugins,
* add them to the corresponding section of README.md
class UnknownClassElementAccessPlugin extends PluginV3 implements
public const UnknownObjectMethodCall = 'PhanPluginUnknownObjectMethodCall';
* @var array<string,list<array{0:Context,1:string, 2:UnionType}>>
* Map from file name+line+node hash to the union type to a closure to emit the issue
private static $deferred_unknown_method_issues = [];
* @var array<string,true>
* Set of file name+line+node hashes where the union type is known.
private static $known_method_set = [];
* @return class-string - name of PluginAwarePostAnalysisVisitor subclass
public static function getPostAnalyzeNodeVisitorClassName(): string
return UnknownClassElementAccessVisitor::class;
private static function generateKey(FileRef $context, int $lineno, string $node_string): string
// Sadly, the node can either be from the parse phase or any analysis phase, so we can't use spl_object_id.
return $context->getFile() . ':' . $lineno . ':' . sha1($node_string);
* Emit an issue if the object of the method call isn't found later/earlier
public static function deferEmittingMethodIssue(Context $context, Node $node, UnionType $union_type): void
$node_string = ASTReverter::toShortString($node);
$key = self::generateKey($context, $node->lineno, $node_string);
if (isset(self::$known_method_set[$key])) {
self::$deferred_unknown_method_issues[$key][] = [(clone $context)->withLineNumberStart($node->lineno), $node_string, $union_type];
* Prevent this plugin from warning about $node_string at this file and line
public static function blacklistMethodIssue(Context $context, Node $node): void
$node_string = ASTReverter::toShortString($node);
$key = self::generateKey($context, $node->lineno, $node_string);
self::$known_method_set[$key] = true;
public function finalizeProcess(CodeBase $code_base): void
foreach (self::$deferred_unknown_method_issues as $issues) {
foreach ($issues as [$context, $node_string, $union_type]) {
'Phan could not infer any class/interface types for the object of the method call {CODE} - inferred a type of {TYPE}',
$union_type->isEmpty() ? '(empty union type)' : $union_type
* This visitor analyzes node kinds that can be the root of expressions
* containing duplicate expressions, and is called on nodes in post-order.
class UnknownClassElementAccessVisitor extends PluginAwarePostAnalysisVisitor
* @param Node $node a node of kind ast\AST_NULLSAFE_METHOD_CALL, representing a call to an instance method
public function visitNullsafeMethodCall(Node $node): void
* @param Node $node a node of kind ast\AST_METHOD_CALL, representing a call to an instance method
public function visitMethodCall(Node $node): void
try {
// Fetch the list of valid classes, and warn about any undefined classes.
// (We have more specific issue types such as PhanNonClassMethodCall below, don't emit PhanTypeExpected*)
$union_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['expr']);
} catch (Exception $_) {
// Phan should already throw for this
foreach ($union_type->getTypeSet() as $type) {
if ($type->isObjectWithKnownFQSEN()) {
UnknownClassElementAccessPlugin::blacklistMethodIssue($this->context, $node);
if (Issue::shouldSuppressIssue($this->code_base, $this->context, UnknownClassElementAccessPlugin::UnknownObjectMethodCall, $node->lineno, [])) {
UnknownClassElementAccessPlugin::deferEmittingMethodIssue($this->context, $node, $union_type);
// Every plugin needs to return an instance of itself at the
// end of the file in which it's defined.
return new UnknownClassElementAccessPlugin();