Showing 4,939 of 4,939 total issues
The method analyzeComposition() has an NPath complexity of 3078. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200. Open
public static function analyzeComposition(
CodeBase $code_base,
Clazz $class
): void {
// Get the list of all inherited classes.
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Since: 0.1
The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.
class Foo {
function bar() {
// lots of complicated code
The method initTypeModifyingClosuresForVisitCall() has 173 lines of code. Current threshold is set to 100. Avoid really long methods. Open
private static function initTypeModifyingClosuresForVisitCall(): array
$make_direct_assertion_callback = static function (string $union_type_string): Closure {
$asserted_union_type = UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedRealString(
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The class ParameterTypesAnalyzer has 1323 lines of code. Current threshold is 1000. Avoid really long classes. Open
class ParameterTypesAnalyzer
* Check function, closure, and method parameters to make sure they're valid
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The method __construct() has 111 lines of code. Current threshold is set to 100. Avoid really long methods. Open
public function __construct(
array $process_task_data_iterator,
Closure $startup_closure,
Closure $task_closure,
Closure $shutdown_closure
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The method suggestSimilarProperty() has an NPath complexity of 432. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200. Open
public static function suggestSimilarProperty(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, Clazz $class, string $wanted_property_name, bool $is_static): ?Suggestion
if (Config::getValue('disable_suggestions')) {
return null;
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Since: 0.1
The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.
class Foo {
function bar() {
// lots of complicated code
The method nodeToString() has an NPath complexity of 768. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200. Open
public static function nodeToString(
$name = null,
int $indent = 0
): string {
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Since: 0.1
The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.
class Foo {
function bar() {
// lots of complicated code
The class AssignmentVisitor has 1924 lines of code. Current threshold is 1000. Avoid really long classes. Open
class AssignmentVisitor extends AnalysisVisitor
* @var UnionType
* The type of the element on the right side of the assignment
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The method assertAnalysisWorkersExitedNormally() contains an exit expression. Open
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Since: 0.2
An exit-expression within regular code is untestable and therefore it should be avoided. Consider to move the exit-expression into some kind of startup script where an error/exception code is returned to the calling environment.
class Foo {
public function bar($param) {
if ($param === 42) {
The method visitVar() has an NPath complexity of 5472. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200. Open
public function visitVar(Node $node): Context
try {
$variable_name = (new ContextNode(
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Since: 0.1
The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.
class Foo {
function bar() {
// lots of complicated code
The class Issue has 5671 lines of code. Current threshold is 1000. Avoid really long classes. Open
class Issue
// phpcs:disable Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName.ClassConstantNotUpperCase
// this is deliberate for issue names
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The method analyzeComposition() has 123 lines of code. Current threshold is set to 100. Avoid really long methods. Open
public static function analyzeComposition(
CodeBase $code_base,
Clazz $class
): void {
// Get the list of all inherited classes.
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The method build() has an NPath complexity of 252. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200. Open
public function build(): Comment
foreach ($this->lines as $i => $line) {
if (\strpos($line, '@') === false) {
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Since: 0.1
The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.
class Foo {
function bar() {
// lots of complicated code
The method parseCommentLine() has 112 lines of code. Current threshold is set to 100. Avoid really long methods. Open
private function parseCommentLine(int $i, string $line): void
// (?i) makes this case-sensitive, (?-1) makes it case-insensitive
// phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded
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The method analyzeGenericArrayAssignment() has an NPath complexity of 363. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200. Open
private function analyzeGenericArrayAssignment(Node $node): void
// Figure out the type of elements in the list
$right_type = $this->right_type;
if ($right_type->isEmpty()) {
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Since: 0.1
The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.
class Foo {
function bar() {
// lots of complicated code
The method typeCheckDimAssignment() has an NPath complexity of 420. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200. Open
public function typeCheckDimAssignment(UnionType $assign_type, Node $node): UnionType
static $int_or_string_type = null;
static $string_array_type = null;
static $simple_xml_element_type = null;
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Since: 0.1
The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.
class Foo {
function bar() {
// lots of complicated code
The method checkComplexIsset() has an NPath complexity of 2640. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200. Open
private function checkComplexIsset(Node $node): Context
// Loop to support getting the var name in is_array($x['field'][0])
$has_prop_access = false;
$context = $this->context;
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Since: 0.1
The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.
class Foo {
function bar() {
// lots of complicated code
The method analyzeClassAssertion() has an NPath complexity of 288. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200. Open
public function analyzeClassAssertion($object_node, $expr_node): ?Context
if (!($object_node instanceof Node)) {
return null;
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Since: 0.1
The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.
class Foo {
function bar() {
// lots of complicated code
Avoid using empty try-catch blocks in determineUnionType. Open
} catch (Exception $_) {
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Since: 2.7.0
Usually empty try-catch is a bad idea because you are silently swallowing an error condition and then continuing execution. Occasionally this may be the right thing to do, but often it's a sign that a developer saw an exception, didn't know what to do about it, and so used an empty catch to silence the problem.
class Foo {
public function bar()
try {
// ...
} catch (Exception $e) {} // empty catch block
The method createNegationCallbackMap() has 159 lines of code. Current threshold is set to 100. Avoid really long methods. Open
private static function createNegationCallbackMap(): array
/** @param list<Node|mixed> $unused_args */
$remove_null_cb = static function (CodeBase $unused_code_base, Context $unused_context, Variable $variable, array $unused_args): void {
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The method generateIssueMap() has 4448 lines of code. Current threshold is set to 100. Avoid really long methods. Open
private static function generateIssueMap(): array
// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
* @var list<Issue>
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