namespace Phan\AST\TolerantASTConverter;
use Microsoft\PhpParser\Diagnostic;
use Microsoft\PhpParser\Node\SourceFileNode;
* This is a plain ast\Node generator that adds caching of the PhpParser\Nodes.
final class CachingTolerantASTConverter extends TolerantASTConverter
const MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 10;
* @var array<string,PhpParserNodeEntry> - an LRU cache of nodes used to generate php-ast nodes.
* The same PhpParser\Node can be used to create ast\Node instances in multiple ways (e.g. should_add_placeholders changes what gets generated)
private static $php_parser_node_cache = [];
* @param Diagnostic[] &$errors @phan-output-reference (TODO: param-out)
* @override
public static function phpParserParse(string $file_contents, array &$errors = []): SourceFileNode
$entry = self::$php_parser_node_cache[$file_contents] ?? null;
if ($entry) {
// This was recently used, move the entry to the end of the associative array.
self::$php_parser_node_cache[$file_contents] = $entry;
$errors = $entry->errors;
// \fwrite(\STDERR, "Found a cached entry for " . \md5($file_contents) . ' #errors=' . \count($errors) . "\n");
return $entry->node;
$new_errors = [];
$node = parent::phpParserParse($file_contents, $new_errors);
if (\count(self::$php_parser_node_cache) >= self::MAX_CACHE_SIZE) {
// The cache is full, evict the element at the beginning of the associative array.
$entry = new PhpParserNodeEntry($node, $new_errors);
self::$php_parser_node_cache[$file_contents] = $entry;
$errors = $new_errors;
// \fwrite(\STDERR, "Creating entry for " . \md5($file_contents) . ' #errors=' . \count($errors) . "\n");
return $node;