namespace Phan\Analysis;
use AssertionError;
use ast\Node;
use Phan\AST\Visitor\KindVisitorImplementation;
use Phan\Language\Context;
use Phan\Language\Element\Variable;
use Phan\Language\Scope;
use Phan\Language\Type;
use Phan\Language\Type\ArrayShapeType;
use Phan\Language\Type\NullType;
use Phan\Language\UnionType;
use Phan\Plugin\ConfigPluginSet;
* This will merge inferred variable types from multiple contexts in branched control structures
* (E.g. if/elseif/else, try/catch, loops, ternary operators, etc.
class ContextMergeVisitor extends KindVisitorImplementation
* @var Context
* The context in which the node we're going to be looking
* at exists.
private $context;
* @var list<Context>
* A list of the contexts returned after depth-first
* parsing of all first-level children of this node
private $child_context_list;
* @param Context $context
* The context of the parser at the node for which we'd
* like to determine a type
* @param list<Context> $child_context_list
* A list of the contexts returned after depth-first
* parsing of all first-level children of this node
public function __construct(
Context $context,
array $child_context_list
) {
$this->context = $context;
$this->child_context_list = $child_context_list;
* Default visitor for node kinds that do not have
* an overriding method
* @param Node $node @unused-param
* A node to parse
* @return Context
* A new or an unchanged context resulting from
* parsing the node
public function visit(Node $node): Context
// TODO: if ($this->context->isInGlobalScope()) {
// copy local to global
// }
return \end($this->child_context_list) ?: $this->context;
* Merges the only try block of a try/catch node into the parent context.
* This acts as though the entire block succeeds or throws on the first statement, which isn't necessarily the case.
* visitTry() was split out into multiple functions for the following reasons:
* 1. The try{} block affects the Context of catch blocks (and finally block), if any
* 2. The catch blocks affect the Context of the finally block, if any
* TODO: Look at ways to improve accuracy based on inferences of the exit status of the node?
public function mergeTryContext(Node $node): Context
if (\count($this->child_context_list) !== 1) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected one child context in " . __METHOD__);
// Get the list of scopes for each branch of the
// conditional
$context = $this->context;
$try_context = $this->child_context_list[0];
if (self::willRemainingStatementsBeAnalyzedAsIfTryMightFail($node)) {
return $this->combineScopeList([
return $try_context;
private static function willRemainingStatementsBeAnalyzedAsIfTryMightFail(Node $node): bool
if ($node->children['finally'] !== null) {
// We want to analyze finally as if the try block (and one or more of the catch blocks) was or wasn't executed.
// ... This isn't optimal.
// A better solution would be to analyze finally{} twice,
// 1. As if try could fail
// 2. As if try did not fail, using the latter to analyze statements after the finally{}.
return true;
// E.g. after analyzing the following code:
// try { $x = expr(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Caught"; return; } catch (OtherException $e) { continue; }
// Phan should infer that $x is guaranteed to be defined.
foreach ($node->children['catches']->children ?? [] as $catch_node) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable, PhanPossiblyUndeclaredProperty this is never null
if (BlockExitStatusChecker::willUnconditionallySkipRemainingStatements($catch_node->children['stmts'])) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns a context resulting from merging the possible variable types from the catch statements
* that will fall through.
public function mergeCatchContext(Node $node): Context
if (\count($this->child_context_list) < 2) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected at least two contexts in " . __METHOD__);
// Get the list of scopes for each branch of the
// conditional
$scope_list = \array_map(static function (Context $context): Scope {
return $context->getScope();
}, $this->child_context_list);
$catch_scope_list = [];
$catch_nodes = $node->children['catches']->children;
foreach ($catch_nodes as $i => $catch_node) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable, PhanPossiblyUndeclaredProperty this is never null
if (!BlockExitStatusChecker::willUnconditionallySkipRemainingStatements($catch_node->children['stmts'])) {
$catch_scope_list[] = $scope_list[$i + 1];
// TODO: Check if try node unconditionally returns.
// Merge in the types for any variables found in a catch.
// if ($node->children['finally'] !== null) {
// If we have to analyze a finally statement later,
// then be conservative and assume the try statement may or may not have failed.
// E.g. the below example must have a inferred type of string|false
// $x = new stdClass(); try {...; $x = (string)fn(); } catch(Exception $e) { $x = false; }
// $try_scope = $this->context->getScope();
// } else {
// If we don't have to worry about analyzing the finally statement, then assume that the entire try statement succeeded or the a catch statement succeeded.
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
$try_scope = \reset($this->child_context_list)->getScope();
// }
if (!$catch_scope_list) {
// All of the catch statements will unconditionally rethrow or return.
// So, after the try and catch blocks (finally is analyzed separately),
// the context is the same as if the try block finished successfully.
return $this->context->withScope($try_scope);
if (\count($catch_scope_list) > 1) {
$catch_scope = $this->combineScopeList($catch_scope_list)->getScope();
} else {
$catch_scope = \reset($catch_scope_list);
// TODO: Use getVariableMapExcludingScope
foreach ($try_scope->getVariableMap() as $variable_name => $variable) {
$variable_name = (string)$variable_name; // e.g. ${42}
// Merge types if try and catch have a variable in common
$catch_variable = $catch_scope->getVariableByNameOrNull(
if ($catch_variable) {
// Look for variables that exist in catch, but not try
foreach ($catch_scope->getVariableMap() as $variable_name => $variable) {
$variable_name = (string)$variable_name;
if (!$try_scope->hasVariableWithName($variable_name)) {
$type = $variable->getUnionType();
if (!$type->containsNullableLabeled()) {
$type = $type->withType(NullType::instance(false));
// Note that it can be null
// TODO: This still infers the wrong type when there are multiple catch blocks.
// Combine all of the catch blocks into one context and merge with that instead?
// Add it to the try scope
// Set the new scope with only the variables and types
// that are common to all branches
return $this->context->withScope($try_scope);
* @param Node $node
* A node to parse
* @return Context
* A new or an unchanged context resulting from
* parsing the node
public function visitIf(Node $node): Context
// Get the list of scopes for each branch of the
// conditional
$scope_list = \array_map(static function (Context $context): Scope {
return $context->getScope();
}, $this->child_context_list);
$has_else = self::hasElse($node->children);
// If we're not guaranteed to hit at least one
// branch, mark the incoming scope as a possibility
if (!$has_else) {
$scope_list[] = $this->context->getScope();
// If there weren't multiple branches, continue on
// as if the conditional never happened
if (\count($scope_list) < 2) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyFalseTypeReturn child_context_list is not empty
return \reset($this->child_context_list);
return $this->combineScopeList($scope_list);
* Similar to visitIf, but only includes contexts up to (and including) the first context inferred to be unconditionally true.
public function mergePossiblySingularChildContextList(): Context
// Get the list of scopes for each branch of the
// conditional
$scope_list = \array_map(static function (Context $context): Scope {
return $context->getScope();
}, $this->child_context_list);
// If there weren't multiple branches, continue on
// as if the conditional never happened
if (\count($scope_list) < 2) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyFalseTypeReturn child_context_list is not empty
return \reset($this->child_context_list);
return $this->combineScopeList($scope_list);
* @param array<mixed,Node|mixed> $children children of a Node of kind AST_IF
private static function hasElse(array $children): bool
foreach ($children as $child_node) {
if ($child_node instanceof Node
&& \is_null($child_node->children['cond'])) {
return true;
return false;
* A generic helper method to merge multiple Contexts. (e.g. for use outside of BlockAnalysisVisitor)
* If you wish to include the base context, add it to $child_context_list in the constructor of ContextMergeVisitor.
public function combineChildContextList(): Context
$child_context_list = $this->child_context_list;
if (\count($child_context_list) < 2) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected at least two child contexts in " . __METHOD__);
$scope_list = \array_map(static function (Context $context): Scope {
return $context->getScope();
}, $child_context_list);
return $this->combineScopeList($scope_list);
* Returns a new scope which combines the parent scope with a list of 2 or more child scopes
* (one of those scopes is permitted to be the parent scope)
* @param list<Scope> $scope_list
* @suppress PhanAccessPropertyInternal Repeatedly using ConfigPluginSet::$mergeVariableInfoClosure
public function combineScopeList(array $scope_list): Context
if (\count($scope_list) < 2) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected at least two child contexts in " . __METHOD__);
// Get a list of all variables in all scopes
$variable_map = Scope::getDifferingVariables($scope_list);
if (!$variable_map) {
return $this->context->withClonedScope();
// A function that determines if a variable is defined on
// every branch
$is_defined_on_all_branches =
function (string $variable_name) use ($scope_list): bool {
foreach ($scope_list as $scope) {
$variable = $scope->getVariableByNameOrNull($variable_name);
if (\is_object($variable)) {
if (!$variable->getUnionType()->isPossiblyUndefined()) {
// fall through and check if this is a superglobal or global
// When there are conditions on superglobals or hardcoded globals,
// then one scope will have a copy of the variable but not the other.
if (Variable::isHardcodedVariableInScopeWithName($variable_name, $this->context->isInGlobalScope())) {
$scope->addVariable(new Variable(
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable
return true;
return false;
return true;
// Get the intersection of all types for all versions of
// the variable from every side of the branch
$union_type =
static function (string $variable_name) use ($scope_list): UnionType {
$previous_type = null;
$type_list = [];
// Get a list of all variables with the given name from
// each scope
foreach ($scope_list as $scope) {
$variable = $scope->getVariableByNameOrNull($variable_name);
if (\is_null($variable)) {
$type = $variable->getUnionType();
// Frequently, a branch won't even modify a variable's type.
// The immutable UnionType might have the exact same instance
if ($type !== $previous_type) {
$type_list[] = $type;
$previous_type = $type;
if (\count($type_list) < 2) {
return $type_list[0] ?? UnionType::empty();
} else {
// compute the un-normalized types
$result = UnionType::merge($type_list, $variable_name !== Context::VAR_NAME_THIS_PROPERTIES);
$result_count = $result->typeCount();
foreach ($type_list as $type) {
if ($type->typeCount() < $result_count) {
// normalize it if any of the types varied
// (i.e. one of the types lacks types in the type union)
// This is useful to avoid ending up with "bool|?false|true" (Will convert to "?bool")
return $result->asNormalizedTypes();
// Otherwise, don't normalize it - The different contexts didn't differ in the union types
return $result;
// Clone the incoming scope so we can modify it
// with the outgoing merged scope
$scope = clone($this->context->getScope());
foreach ($variable_map as $name => $variable) {
$name = (string)$name;
// Skip variables that are only partially defined
if (!$is_defined_on_all_branches($name)) {
if ($name === Context::VAR_NAME_THIS_PROPERTIES) {
$type = $union_type($name)->asNormalizedTypes()->asMappedUnionType(static function (Type $type): Type {
if (!$type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
return $type;
$new_field_types = [];
foreach ($type->getFieldTypes() as $field_name => $value) {
$new_field_types[$field_name] = $value->isDefinitelyUndefined() ? $value : $value->withIsPossiblyUndefined(true);
return ArrayShapeType::fromFieldTypes($new_field_types, $type->isNullable());
$variable = clone($variable);
// there are no overrides for $this on at least one branch.
// TODO: Could try to combine local overrides with the defaults.
$variable = clone($variable);
if (ConfigPluginSet::$mergeVariableInfoClosure) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidCallable
(ConfigPluginSet::$mergeVariableInfoClosure)($variable, $scope_list, false);
// Limit the type of the variable to the subset
// of types that are common to all branches
$variable = clone($variable);
if (ConfigPluginSet::$mergeVariableInfoClosure) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidCallable
(ConfigPluginSet::$mergeVariableInfoClosure)($variable, $scope_list, true);
// Add the variable to the outgoing scope
// Set the new scope with only the variables and types
// that are common to all branches
return $this->context->withScope($scope);