

5 days
Test Coverage


namespace Phan\Analysis;

use AssertionError;
use ast;
use ast\Node;
use Phan\AST\ArrowFunc;
use Phan\AST\ASTReverter;
use Phan\AST\ContextNode;
use Phan\AST\UnionTypeVisitor;
use Phan\BlockAnalysisVisitor;
use Phan\CodeBase;
use Phan\Config;
use Phan\Exception\CodeBaseException;
use Phan\Exception\RecursionDepthException;
use Phan\Exception\UnanalyzableException;
use Phan\Issue;
use Phan\IssueFixSuggester;
use Phan\Language\Context;
use Phan\Language\Element\Clazz;
use Phan\Language\Element\Func;
use Phan\Language\Element\FunctionInterface;
use Phan\Language\Element\Variable;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedClassName;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedFunctionName;
use Phan\Language\Scope\ClosureScope;
use Phan\Language\Type;
use Phan\Language\Type\ArrayShapeType;
use Phan\Language\Type\NullType;
use Phan\Language\Type\VoidType;
use Phan\Library\StringUtil;

 * PreOrderAnalysisVisitor is where we do the pre-order part of the analysis
 * during Phan's analysis phase.
 * This is called in pre-order by BlockAnalysisVisitor
 * (i.e. this is called before visiting all children of the current node)
class PreOrderAnalysisVisitor extends ScopeVisitor
     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The code base in which we're analyzing code
     * @param Context $context
     * The context of the parser at the node for which we'd
     * like to determine a type
    public function __construct(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        Context $context
    ) {
        parent::__construct($code_base, $context);

    /** @param Node $node implementation for unhandled nodes @unused-param */
    public function visit(Node $node): Context
        return $this->context;

     * Visit a node with kind `ast\AST_CLASS`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
     * @throws UnanalyzableException
     * if the class name is unexpectedly empty
     * @throws CodeBaseException
     * if the class could not be located
    public function visitClass(Node $node): Context
        if ($node->flags & ast\flags\CLASS_ANONYMOUS) {
            $class_name =
                (new ContextNode(
        } else {
            $class_name = (string)$node->children['name'];

        if (!StringUtil::isNonZeroLengthString($class_name)) {
            // Should only occur with --use-fallback-parser
            throw new UnanalyzableException($node, "Class name cannot be empty");

        $alternate_id = 0;

        // Hunt for the alternate of this class defined
        // in this file
        do {
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeMismatchForCall
            $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromStringInContext(

            if (!$this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
                throw new CodeBaseException(
                    "Can't find class {$class_fqsen} - aborting"

            $clazz = $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN(
        } while ($this->context->getProjectRelativePath()
                != $clazz->getFileRef()->getProjectRelativePath()
            || $node->children['__declId'] != $clazz->getDeclId()
            || $this->context->getLineNumberStart() != $clazz->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart()

        return $clazz->getContext()->withScope(

     * Visit a node with kind `ast\AST_METHOD`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
     * @throws CodeBaseException if the method could not be found
    public function visitMethod(Node $node): Context
        $method_name = (string)$node->children['name'];
        $code_base = $this->code_base;
        $context = $this->context;

        if (!$context->isInClassScope()) {
            throw new AssertionError("Must be in class context to see a method");

        $clazz = $this->getContextClass();

        if (!$clazz->hasMethodWithName(
        )) {
            throw new CodeBaseException(
                "Can't find method {$clazz->getFQSEN()}::$method_name() - aborting"

        $method = $clazz->getMethodByName(
        // Fix #2504 - add flags to ensure that DimOffset warnings aren't emitted inside closures

        // Parse the comment above the method to get
        // extra meta information about the method.
        $comment = $method->getComment();

        $context = $this->context->withScope(

        // For any @var references in the method declaration,
        // add them as variables to the method's scope
        if ($comment !== null) {
            foreach ($comment->getVariableList() as $parameter) {

        // Add $this to the scope of non-static methods
        if (!($node->flags & ast\flags\MODIFIER_STATIC)) {
            if (!$clazz->getInternalScope()->hasVariableWithName('this')) {
                throw new AssertionError("Classes must have a \$this variable.");


        // Add each method parameter to the scope. We clone it
        // so that changes to the variable don't alter the
        // parameter definition
        if ($method->getRecursionDepth() === 0) {
            // Add each method parameter to the scope. We clone it
            // so that changes to the variable don't alter the
            // parameter definition
            foreach ($method->getParameterList() as $parameter) {
        if ($method->getName() === '__construct' && Config::getValue('infer_default_properties_in_construct') && $clazz->isClass() && !$method->isAbstract()) {
            $this->addDefaultPropertiesOfThisToContext($clazz, $context);

        // TODO: Why is the check for yield in PreOrderAnalysisVisitor?
        if ($method->hasYield()) {
            $this->setReturnTypeOfGenerator($method, $node);

        return $context;

     * Modifies the context of $class in place, adding types of default values for all declared properties
    private function addDefaultPropertiesOfThisToContext(Clazz $class, Context $context): void
        $property_types = [];
        foreach ($class->getPropertyMap($this->code_base) as $property) {
            if ($property->isDynamicOrFromPHPDoc()) {
            if ($property->isStatic()) {
            $default_type = $property->getDefaultType();
            if (!$default_type) {
            if ($property->getFQSEN() !== $property->getRealDefiningFQSEN()) {
                // Here, we don't analyze the properties of parent classes to avoid false positives.
                // Phan doesn't infer that the scope is cleared by parent::__construct().
                // TODO: It should be possible to inherit property types from parent::__construct() for simple constructors?
                // TODO: Check if there's actually any calls to parent::__construct, infer types aggressively if there are no calls.
                // TODO: Phan does not yet infer or apply implications of setPropName(), etc.
            $property_types[$property->getName()] = $default_type;
        if (!$property_types) {
        $override_type = ArrayShapeType::fromFieldTypes($property_types, false);
        $variable = new Variable(

     * Visit a node with kind `ast\AST_FUNC_DECL`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
     * @throws CodeBaseException
     * if this function declaration could not be found
    public function visitFuncDecl(Node $node): Context
        $function_name = (string)$node->children['name'];
        $code_base = $this->code_base;
        $original_context = $this->context;

        // This really ought not to throw given that
        // we already successfully parsed the code
        // base (the AST names should be valid)
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeMismatchForCall
        $canonical_function = (new ContextNode(
        ))->getFunction($function_name, true);

        // Hunt for the alternate associated with the file we're
        // looking at currently in this context.
        $function = null;
        foreach ($canonical_function->alternateGenerator($code_base) as $alternate_function) {
            if ($alternate_function->getFileRef()->getProjectRelativePath()
                === $original_context->getProjectRelativePath()
            ) {
                $function = $alternate_function;

        if (!($function instanceof Func)) {
            // No alternate was found
            throw new CodeBaseException(
                "Can't find function {$function_name} in context {$this->context} - aborting"

        // Fix #2504 - add flags to ensure that DimOffset warnings aren't emitted inside closures

        $context = $original_context->withScope(

        // Parse the comment above the function to get
        // extra meta information about the function.
        // TODO: Investigate caching information from Comment::fromStringInContext?
        $comment = $function->getComment();

        // For any @var references in the function declaration,
        // add them as variables to the function's scope
        if ($comment !== null) {
            foreach ($comment->getVariableList() as $parameter) {

        if ($function->getRecursionDepth() === 0) {
            // Add each method parameter to the scope. We clone it
            // so that changes to the variable don't alter the
            // parameter definition
            foreach ($function->getParameterList() as $parameter) {

        if ($function->hasYield()) {
            $this->setReturnTypeOfGenerator($function, $node);
        if (!$function->hasReturn() && $function->getUnionType()->isEmpty()) {
            // TODO: This is a global function - also guarantee that it's a real type elsewhere if phpdoc matches the implementation.

        return $context;

    private static function getOverrideClassFQSEN(CodeBase $code_base, Func $func): ?FullyQualifiedClassName
        $closure_scope = $func->getInternalScope();
        if ($closure_scope instanceof ClosureScope) {
            $class_fqsen = $closure_scope->getOverrideClassFQSEN();
            if (!$class_fqsen) {
                return null;

            // Postponed the check for undeclared closure scopes to the analysis phase,
            // because classes are still being parsed in the parse phase.
            if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
                $func_context = $func->getContext();
                // Avoid an uncaught CodeBaseException due to missing class for @phan-closure-scope
                // Just pretend it's the containing class instead of the missing class.
                return null;
            return $class_fqsen;
        return null;

     * If a Closure overrides the scope(class) it will be executed in (via doc comment)
     * then return a context with the new scope instead.
    private static function addThisVariableToInternalScope(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        Context $context,
        Func $func
    ): void {
        // skip adding $this to internal scope if the closure is a static one
        if ($func->getFlags() === ast\flags\MODIFIER_STATIC) {

        $override_this_fqsen = self::getOverrideClassFQSEN($code_base, $func);
        if ($override_this_fqsen !== null) {
            if ($context->getScope()->hasVariableWithName('this') || !$context->isInClassScope()) {
                // Handle @phan-closure-scope - Should set $this to the overridden class, as well as handling self:: and parent::
                    new Variable(
        // If we have a 'this' variable in our current scope,
        // pass it down into the closure
        if ($context->getScope()->hasVariableWithName('this')) {
            // Normal case: Closures inherit $this from parent scope.
            $this_var_from_scope = $context->getScope()->getVariableByName('this');

     * Visit a node with kind `ast\AST_CLOSURE`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitClosure(Node $node): Context
        $code_base = $this->code_base;
        $context = $this->context->withoutLoops();
        $closure_fqsen = FullyQualifiedFunctionName::fromClosureInContext(
        $func = $code_base->getFunctionByFQSEN($closure_fqsen);
        // Fix #2504 - add flags to ensure that DimOffset warnings aren't emitted inside closures

        // If we have a 'this' variable in our current scope,
        // pass it down into the closure
        self::addThisVariableToInternalScope($code_base, $context, $func);

        // Make the closure reachable by FQSEN from anywhere

        if (($node->children['uses']->kind ?? null) === ast\AST_CLOSURE_USES) {
            foreach ($node->children['uses']->children ?? [] as $use) {
                if (!($use instanceof Node) || $use->kind !== ast\AST_CLOSURE_VAR) {

                $variable_name = (new ContextNode(

                // TODO: Distinguish between the empty string and the lack of a name
                if ($variable_name === '') {

                // Check to see if the variable exists in this scope
                if (!$context->getScope()->hasVariableWithName(
                )) {
                    // If this is not pass-by-reference variable we
                    // have a problem
                    if (!($use->flags & ast\flags\CLOSURE_USE_REF)) {
                            IssueFixSuggester::suggestVariableTypoFix($this->code_base, $context, $variable_name)
                        $variable = new Variable($context, $variable_name, NullType::instance(false)->asPHPDocUnionType(), 0);
                    } else {
                        // If the variable doesn't exist, but it's
                        // a pass-by-reference variable, we can
                        // just create it
                        $variable = Variable::fromNodeInContext(
                    // And add it to the scope of the parent (For
                } else {
                    $variable = $context->getScope()->getVariableByName(

                    // If this isn't a pass-by-reference variable, we
                    // clone the variable so state within this scope
                    // doesn't update the outer scope
                    if (!($use->flags & ast\flags\CLOSURE_USE_REF)) {
                        $variable = clone($variable);
                    } else {
                        $union_type = $variable->getUnionType();
                        if ($union_type->hasRealTypeSet()) {

                // Pass the variable into a new scope
        if (!$func->hasReturn() && $func->getUnionType()->isEmpty()) {

        // Add parameters to the context.
        $context = $context->withScope(clone($func->getInternalScope()));

        $comment = $func->getComment();

        // For any @var references in the method declaration,
        // add them as variables to the method's scope
        if ($comment !== null) {
            foreach ($comment->getVariableList() as $parameter) {
        if ($func->getRecursionDepth() === 0) {
            // Add each closure parameter to the scope. We clone it
            // so that changes to the variable don't alter the
            // parameter definition
            foreach ($func->getParameterList() as $parameter) {

        if ($func->hasYield()) {
            $this->setReturnTypeOfGenerator($func, $node);

        return $context;

     * Visit a node with kind `ast\AST_ARROW_FUNC`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
     * @override
    public function visitArrowFunc(Node $node): Context
        $code_base = $this->code_base;
        $context = $this->context->withoutLoops();
        $closure_fqsen = FullyQualifiedFunctionName::fromClosureInContext(
        $func = $code_base->getFunctionByFQSEN($closure_fqsen);
        // Fix #2504 - add flags to ensure that DimOffset warnings aren't emitted inside closures

        // If we have a 'this' variable in our current scope,
        // pass it down into the closure
        self::addThisVariableToInternalScope($code_base, $context, $func);

        // Make the closure reachable by FQSEN from anywhere

        foreach (ArrowFunc::getUses($node) as $variable_name => $use) {
            $variable_name = (string)$variable_name;
            // Check to see if the variable exists in this scope
            // (If it doesn't, then don't add it - Phan will check later if it properly declares the variable in the scope.)
            if ($context->getScope()->hasVariableWithName($variable_name)) {
                ArrowFunc::recordVariableExistsInOuterScope($node, $variable_name);
                $variable = $context->getScope()->getVariableByName(

                // If this isn't a pass-by-reference variable, we
                // clone the variable so state within this scope
                // doesn't update the outer scope
                if (!($use->flags & ast\flags\CLOSURE_USE_REF)) {
                    $variable = clone($variable);
                // Pass the variable into a new scope
        if (!$func->hasReturn() && $func->getUnionType()->isEmpty()) {

        // Add parameters to the context.
        $context = $context->withScope(clone($func->getInternalScope()));

        $comment = $func->getComment();

        // For any @var references in the method declaration,
        // add them as variables to the method's scope
        if ($comment !== null) {
            foreach ($comment->getVariableList() as $parameter) {
        if ($func->getRecursionDepth() === 0) {
            // Add each closure parameter to the scope. We clone it
            // so that changes to the variable don't alter the
            // parameter definition
            foreach ($func->getParameterList() as $parameter) {

        if ($func->hasYield()) {
            $this->setReturnTypeOfGenerator($func, $node);

        return $context;

     * The return type of the given FunctionInterface to a Generator.
     * Emit an Issue if the documented return type is incompatible with that.
    private function setReturnTypeOfGenerator(FunctionInterface $func, Node $node): void
        // Currently, there is no way to describe the types passed to
        // a Generator in phpdoc.
        // So, nothing bothers recording the types beyond \Generator.
        $func->setHasReturn(true);  // Returns \Generator, technically
        if ($func->getUnionType()->isEmpty()) {
            $func->setUnionType($func->getUnionType()->withType(Type::fromNamespaceAndName('\\', 'Generator', false)));
        if (!$func->isReturnTypeUndefined()) {
            $func_return_type = $func->getUnionType();
            try {
                $func_return_type_can_cast = $func_return_type->canCastToExpandedUnionType(
                    Type::fromNamespaceAndName('\\', 'Generator', false)->asPHPDocUnionType(),
            } catch (RecursionDepthException $_) {
            if (!$func_return_type_can_cast) {
                // At least one of the documented return types must
                // be Generator, Iterable, or Traversable.
                // Check for the issue here instead of in visitReturn/visitYield so that
                // the check is done exactly once.
                    '(a Generator due to existence of yield statements)',

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * An unchanged context resulting from parsing the node
    public function visitAssign(Node $node): Context
        if (Config::get_closest_minimum_target_php_version_id() < 70100) {
            $var_node = $node->children['var'];
            if ($var_node instanceof Node && $var_node->kind === ast\AST_ARRAY) {
                BlockAnalysisVisitor::analyzeArrayAssignBackwardsCompatibility($this->code_base, $this->context, $var_node);
        return $this->context;

     * No-op - all work is done in BlockAnalysisVisitor
     * @param Node $node @unused-param
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitForeach(Node $node): Context
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitCatch(Node $node): Context
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeAbsentForCall
        $union_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromClassNode(
        if (!isset($node->children['var'])) {

        try {
            $class_list = \iterator_to_array($union_type->asClassList($this->code_base, $this->context));

            if (Config::get_closest_minimum_target_php_version_id() < 70100 && \count($class_list) > 1) {

            foreach ($class_list as $class) {
        } catch (CodeBaseException $exception) {
                IssueFixSuggester::suggestSimilarClassForGenericFQSEN($this->code_base, $this->context, $exception->getFQSEN())

        $throwable_type = Type::throwableInstance();
        if ($union_type->isEmpty() || !$union_type->asExpandedTypes($this->code_base)->hasType($throwable_type)) {
            $union_type = $union_type->withType($throwable_type);
        $var_node = $node->children['var'];
        if (!$var_node instanceof Node) {
            // Impossible
            return $this->context;

        $variable_name = (new ContextNode(

        if ($variable_name !== '') {
            $variable = Variable::fromNodeInContext(

            if (!$union_type->isEmpty()) {


        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitIfElem(Node $node): Context
        $cond = $node->children['cond'] ?? null;
        if (!($cond instanceof Node)) {
            return $this->context;

        // Look to see if any proofs we do within the condition
        // can say anything about types within the statement
        // list.
        return (new ConditionVisitor(

    // visitWhile is unnecessary, this has special logic in BlockAnalysisVisitor to handle conditions assigning variables to the loop

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitFor(Node $node): Context
        $cond = $node->children['cond'];
        if (!($cond instanceof Node)) {
            return $this->context;

        // Look to see if any proofs we do within the condition of the while
        // can say anything about types within the statement
        // list.
        return (new ConditionVisitor(

     * @param Node $node @unused-param
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitCall(Node $node): Context
        return $this->context;

     * @return Clazz
     * Get the class on this scope or fail real hard
    private function getContextClass(): Clazz
        return $this->context->getClassInScope($this->code_base);