

1 day
Test Coverage


namespace Phan\Language\Element;

use ast;
use Phan\Config;
use Phan\Language\Context;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedClassName;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedFunctionName;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedMethodName;
use Phan\Language\Type;
use Phan\Language\Type\NullType;
use Phan\Language\UnionType;

 * This returns internal function declarations for a given function/method FQSEN,
 * using Reflection and/or Phan's internal function signature map.
class FunctionFactory
     * @return list<Func>
     * One or more (alternate) functions begotten from
     * reflection info and internal functions data
    public static function functionListFromReflectionFunction(
        FullyQualifiedFunctionName $fqsen,
        \ReflectionFunction $reflection_function
    ): array {

        $context = new Context();

        $namespaced_name = $fqsen->getNamespacedName();

        $function = new Func(


            - $reflection_function->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()
        $real_return_type = UnionType::fromReflectionType($reflection_function->getReturnType());
        if (Config::getValue('assume_real_types_for_internal_functions')) {
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanAccessMethodInternal
            $real_type_string = UnionType::getLatestRealFunctionSignatureMap(Config::get_closest_target_php_version_id())[$namespaced_name] ?? null;
            if (\is_string($real_type_string)) {
                // Override it with Phan's information, useful for list<string> overriding array
                // TODO: Validate that Phan's signatures are compatible (e.g. nullability)
                $real_return_type = UnionType::fromStringInContext($real_type_string, new Context(), Type::FROM_TYPE);

        return self::functionListFromFunction($function);

     * @param string[] $signature
     * @return list<Func>
     * One or more (alternate) methods begotten from
     * reflection info and internal method data
    public static function functionListFromSignature(
        FullyQualifiedFunctionName $fqsen,
        array $signature
    ): array {

        // TODO: Look into adding helper method in UnionType caching this to speed up loading.
        $context = new Context();

        $return_type = UnionType::fromStringInContext(

        $func = new Func(
            []  // will be filled in by functionListFromFunction

        return self::functionListFromFunction($func);

     * @return list<Method> a list of 1 or more method signatures from a ReflectionMethod
     * and Phan's alternate signatures for that method's FQSEN in FunctionSignatureMap.
    public static function methodListFromReflectionClassAndMethod(
        Context $context,
        \ReflectionClass $class,
        \ReflectionMethod $reflection_method
    ): array {
        $class_name = $class->getName();
        $method_fqsen = FullyQualifiedMethodName::make(
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeAbsentForCall

        // Deliberately don't use getModifiers - flags we don't know about might cause unexpected effects,
        // and there's no guarantee MODIFIER_PUBLIC would continue to equal ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC
        if ($reflection_method->isPublic()) {
            $modifiers = ast\flags\MODIFIER_PUBLIC;
        } elseif ($reflection_method->isProtected()) {
            $modifiers = ast\flags\MODIFIER_PROTECTED;
        } else {
            $modifiers = ast\flags\MODIFIER_PRIVATE;
        if ($reflection_method->isStatic()) {
            $modifiers |= ast\flags\MODIFIER_STATIC;
        if ($reflection_method->isFinal()) {
            $modifiers |= ast\flags\MODIFIER_FINAL;
        if ($reflection_method->isAbstract()) {
            $modifiers |= ast\flags\MODIFIER_ABSTRACT;

        $method = new Method(
        // Knowing the defining class of the method is useful for warning about unused calls to inherited methods such as Exception->getCode()
        $defining_class_name = $reflection_method->class;
        if ($defining_class_name !== $class_name) {
                    // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeAbsentForCall


            - $reflection_method->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()

        if ($method->isMagicCall() || $method->isMagicCallStatic()) {
        // - Reflection for that class's parameters causes php to throw/hang
        if ($class_name !== 'ServerResponse') {

        return self::functionListFromFunction($method);

     * @param FunctionInterface $function
     * Get a list of methods hydrated with type information
     * for the given partial method
     * @return list<FunctionInterface>
     * A list of typed functions/methods based on the given method
    public static function functionListFromFunction(
        FunctionInterface $function
    ): array {
        // See if we have any type information for this
        // internal function
        $map_list = UnionType::internalFunctionSignatureMapForFQSEN(

        if (!$map_list) {
            if (!$function->getParameterList()) {
            return [$function];

        $alternate_id = 0;
         * @param array<string,mixed> $map
         * @suppress PhanPossiblyFalseTypeArgumentInternal, PhanPossiblyFalseTypeArgument
        return \array_map(static function (array $map) use (
        ): FunctionInterface {
            $alternate_function = clone($function);


            // Set the return type if one is defined
            $return_type = $map['return_type'] ?? null;
            if ($return_type instanceof UnionType) {
                $real_return_type = $function->getRealReturnType();
                if (!$real_return_type->isEmpty()) {
                    $return_type = UnionType::of($return_type->getTypeSet(), $real_return_type->getTypeSet());

            // Load parameter types if defined
            foreach ($map['parameter_name_type_map'] ?? [] as $parameter_name => $parameter_type) {
                $flags = 0;
                $phan_flags = 0;
                $is_optional = false;

                // Check to see if it's a pass-by-reference parameter
                if (($parameter_name[0] ?? '') === '&') {
                    $flags |= \ast\flags\PARAM_REF;
                    $parameter_name = \substr($parameter_name, 1);
                    if (\strncmp($parameter_name, 'rw_', 3) === 0) {
                        $phan_flags |= Flags::IS_READ_REFERENCE | Flags::IS_WRITE_REFERENCE;
                        $parameter_name = \substr($parameter_name, 3);
                    } elseif (\strncmp($parameter_name, 'w_', 2) === 0) {
                        $phan_flags |= Flags::IS_WRITE_REFERENCE;
                        $parameter_name = \substr($parameter_name, 2);
                    } elseif (\strncmp($parameter_name, 'r_', 2) === 0) {
                        $phan_flags |= Flags::IS_READ_REFERENCE;
                        $parameter_name = \substr($parameter_name, 2);

                // Check to see if it's variadic
                if (\strpos($parameter_name, '...') !== false) {
                    $flags |= \ast\flags\PARAM_VARIADIC;
                    $parameter_name = \str_replace('...', '', $parameter_name);

                // Check to see if it's an optional parameter
                if (\strpos($parameter_name, '=') !== false) {
                    $is_optional = true;
                    $parameter_name = \str_replace('=', '', $parameter_name);

                $parameter = Parameter::create(
                if ($is_optional) {
                    if (!$parameter->hasDefaultValue()) {
                        // Placeholder value. PHP 8.0+ is better at actually providing real parameter defaults.

                // Add the parameter

            // TODO: Store the "real" number of required parameters,
            // if this is out of sync with the extension's ReflectionMethod->getParameterList()?
            // (e.g. third party extensions may add more required parameters?)
                    static function (int $carry, Parameter $parameter): int {
                        return ($carry + (
                            $parameter->isOptional() ? 0 : 1

                \count($alternate_function->getParameterList()) -

            if ($alternate_function instanceof Method) {
                if ($alternate_function->isMagicCall() || $alternate_function->isMagicCallStatic()) {

            return $alternate_function;
        }, $map_list);