namespace Phan\Language;
use Phan\Config;
* An object representing the context in which any
* structural element (such as a class or method) lives.
class FileRef implements \Serializable
* @var string
* The path to the file in which this element is defined
protected $file = 'internal';
* @var int
* The starting line number of the element within the $file
protected $line_number_start = 0;
* @var int
* The ending line number of the element within the $file
protected $line_number_end = 0;
* @param string $file
* The path to the file in which this element is defined
* @return static
* This context with the given file is returned
public function withFile(string $file)
$context = clone($this);
$context->file = $file;
return $context;
* @return string
* The path to the file in which the element is defined
public function getFile(): string
return $this->file;
* @return string
* The path of this FileRef's file relative to the project
* root directory
public function getProjectRelativePath(): string
return self::getProjectRelativePathForPath($this->file);
* @param string $cwd_relative_path (relative or absolute path)
* @return string
* The path of the file relative to the project root directory for the provided path
* @see Config::getProjectRootDirectory() for converting paths to absolute paths
public static function getProjectRelativePathForPath(string $cwd_relative_path): string
if ($cwd_relative_path === '') {
return '';
// Get a path relative to the project root
// e.g. if the path is /my-project, then strip the beginning of "/my-project/src/a.php" to "src/a.php" but should not change /my-project-unrelated-src/a.php
// And don't strip subdirectories of the same name, e.g. should convert "/my-project/subdir/my-project/file.php" to "subdir/my-project/file.php"
// And convert "/my-project/.//src/a.php" to "src/a.php"
$path = \realpath($cwd_relative_path) ?: $cwd_relative_path;
$root_directory = Config::getProjectRootDirectory();
$n = \strlen($root_directory);
if (\strncmp($path, $root_directory, $n) === 0) {
if (\in_array($path[$n] ?? '', [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/'], true)) {
$path = (string)\substr($path, $n + 1);
// Strip any extra beginning directory separators
$path = \ltrim($path, '/' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
return $path;
// Deal with a wide variety of cases
// E.g. the project in question is a symlink,
// or uses directory separators that were converted to Windows directory by the call to realpath.
// (On Windows, 'c:/Project/Xyz/./other' gets normalized to 'C:\Project\Xyz\other' (uppercase drive letter))
$root_directory_realpath = (string)\realpath($root_directory);
if ($root_directory_realpath !== '' && $root_directory_realpath !== $root_directory) {
$n = \strlen($root_directory_realpath);
if (\strncmp($path, $root_directory_realpath, $n) === 0) {
if (\in_array($path[$n] ?? '', [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/'], true)) {
$path = (string)\substr($path, $n + 1);
// Strip any extra beginning directory separators
$path = \ltrim($path, '/' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
return $path;
return $path;
* @return bool
* True if this object is internal to PHP
public function isPHPInternal(): bool
return 'internal' === $this->file;
* @return bool
* True if this object refers to the same file and line number.
public function equals(FileRef $other): bool
return $this->line_number_start === $other->line_number_start && $this->file === $other->file;
* @param int $line_number
* The starting line number of the element within the file
* @return static
* This context with the given line number is returned
public function withLineNumberStart(int $line_number)
$this->line_number_start = $line_number;
return $this;
* @param int $line_number
* The starting line number of the element within the file
* @return void
* Both this and withLineNumberStart modify the original context.
public function setLineNumberStart(int $line_number): void
$this->line_number_start = $line_number;
* @return int
* The starting line number of the element within the file
public function getLineNumberStart(): int
return $this->line_number_start;
* @param int $line_number
* The ending line number of the element within the $file
* @return static
* This context with the given end line number is returned
public function withLineNumberEnd(int $line_number)
$this->line_number_end = $line_number;
return $this;
* Get a string representation of the context
* @return string
public function __toString(): string
return $this->file . ':' . $this->line_number_start;
public function serialize(): string
return $this->__toString();
* @param string $serialized
* @suppress PhanParamSignatureRealMismatchHasNoParamTypeInternal, PhanUnusedSuppression parameter type widening was allowed in php 7.2, signature changed in php 8
public function unserialize($serialized): void
$map = \explode(':', $serialized);
$this->file = $map[0];
$this->line_number_start = (int)$map[1];
$this->line_number_end = (int)($map[2] ?? 0);
* @param FileRef $other - An instance of FileRef or a subclass such as Context
* @return FileRef - A plain file ref, with no other information
public static function copyFileRef(FileRef $other): FileRef
$file_ref = new FileRef();
$file_ref->file = $other->file;
$file_ref->line_number_start = $other->line_number_start;
$file_ref->line_number_end = $other->line_number_end;
return $file_ref;