

1 mo
Test Coverage


namespace Phan\Language;

use Closure;
use Exception;
use Generator;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Phan\CodeBase;
use Phan\Config;
use Phan\Debug\Frame;
use Phan\Exception\CodeBaseException;
use Phan\Exception\IssueException;
use Phan\Exception\RecursionDepthException;
use Phan\Issue;
use Phan\Language\Element\Clazz;
use Phan\Language\Element\FunctionInterface;
use Phan\Language\Element\Method;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedClassName;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedFunctionName;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedMethodName;
use Phan\Language\Type\ArrayShapeType;
use Phan\Language\Type\ArrayType;
use Phan\Language\Type\AssociativeArrayType;
use Phan\Language\Type\BoolType;
use Phan\Language\Type\CallableStringType;
use Phan\Language\Type\CallableType;
use Phan\Language\Type\ClassStringType;
use Phan\Language\Type\FalseType;
use Phan\Language\Type\FloatType;
use Phan\Language\Type\GenericArrayInterface;
use Phan\Language\Type\GenericArrayType;
use Phan\Language\Type\IntType;
use Phan\Language\Type\IterableType;
use Phan\Language\Type\ListType;
use Phan\Language\Type\LiteralFloatType;
use Phan\Language\Type\LiteralIntType;
use Phan\Language\Type\LiteralStringType;
use Phan\Language\Type\LiteralTypeInterface;
use Phan\Language\Type\MixedType;
use Phan\Language\Type\MultiType;
use Phan\Language\Type\NonEmptyArrayInterface;
use Phan\Language\Type\NonEmptyListType;
use Phan\Language\Type\NonEmptyMixedType;
use Phan\Language\Type\NonEmptyStringType;
use Phan\Language\Type\NullType;
use Phan\Language\Type\ObjectType;
use Phan\Language\Type\ScalarType;
use Phan\Language\Type\SelfType;
use Phan\Language\Type\StaticType;
use Phan\Language\Type\StringType;
use Phan\Language\Type\TemplateType;
use Phan\Language\Type\TrueType;
use Phan\Language\Type\VoidType;
use Serializable;

use function is_int;
use function substr;

 * Phan's internal representation of union types, and methods for working with union types.
 * This representation is immutable.
 * Phan represents union types as a list of unique `Type`s
 * (This was the most efficient representation, since most union types have 0, 1, or 2 unique types in practice)
 * To add/remove a type to a UnionType, you replace it with a UnionType that had that type added.
 * @see AnnotatedUnionType for the way Phan represents extra information about types
 * @see
 * > Union types can be any native type such as int, string, bool, or array, any class such as DateTime,
 * > arrays of types such as string[], DateTime[],
 * > or a union of any other types such as string|int|null|DateTime|DateTime[],
 * > and many other types
 * @phan-file-suppress PhanPluginDescriptionlessCommentOnPublicMethod TODO: Document the public methods
 * @phan-pure types/union types are immutable, but technically not pure (some methods cause issues to be emitted with Issue::maybeEmit()).
 *            However, it's useful to treat them as if they were pure, to warn about not using return values.
class UnionType implements Serializable
     * @var string
     * A list of one or more types delimited by the '|'
     * character (e.g. 'int|DateTime|string[]')
    // phpcs:ignore Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName
    public const union_type_regex =
        . '(\s*[|&]\s*' . Type::type_regex . ')*';

     * @var string
     * A list of one or more types delimited by the '|'
     * character (e.g. 'int|DateTime|string[]' or 'null|$this')
     * This may be used for return types.
     * TODO: Equivalent variants with no capturing? (May not improve performance much)
    // phpcs:ignore Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName
    public const union_type_regex_or_this =
        . '(\s*[|&]\s*' . Type::type_regex_or_this . ')*';

     * @var list<Type> This is an immutable list of unique types.
    private $type_set;

     * @var list<Type> * This is an immutable list of unique types.
    private $real_type_set;

     * @param list<Type> $type_list
     * An optional list of types represented by this union
     * @param bool $is_unique - Whether or not this is already unique. Only set to true within UnionType code.
     * @param list<Type> $real_type_set
     * @see UnionType::of() for a more memory efficient equivalent.
     * @phan-pure
    public function __construct(array $type_list, bool $is_unique = false, array $real_type_set = [])
        $this->type_set = ($is_unique || \count($type_list) <= 1) ? $type_list : self::getUniqueTypes($type_list);
        $this->real_type_set = ($is_unique || \count($real_type_set) <= 1) ? $real_type_set : self::getUniqueTypes($real_type_set);

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @param Type[] $real_type_set
     * @phan-pure
    public static function of(array $type_list, array $real_type_set = []): UnionType
        $n = \count($type_list);
        if ($n === 0) {
            if ($real_type_set) {
                if (\count($real_type_set) === 1) {
                    // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
                    return \reset($real_type_set)->asRealUnionType();
                return new self($real_type_set, false, $real_type_set);
            return self::$empty_instance;
        if ($n === 1 && \count($real_type_set) <= 1) {
            if (!$real_type_set) {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
                return \reset($type_list)->asPHPDocUnionType();
            } elseif ($real_type_set === $type_list) {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
                return \reset($type_list)->asRealUnionType();
            return new self($type_list, true, $real_type_set);
        } else {
            return new self($type_list, false, $real_type_set);

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @param Type[] $real_type_set
     * @phan-pure
    private static function ofUnique(array $type_list, array $real_type_set = []): UnionType
        $n = \count($type_list);
        if ($n === 0) {
            if ($real_type_set) {
                if (\count($real_type_set) === 1) {
                    // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
                    return \reset($real_type_set)->asRealUnionType();
                return new self($real_type_set, true, $real_type_set);
            return self::$empty_instance;
        if ($n === 1 && \count($real_type_set) <= 1) {
            if (!$real_type_set) {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
                return \reset($type_list)->asPHPDocUnionType();
            } elseif ($real_type_set === $type_list) {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
                return \reset($type_list)->asRealUnionType();
        return new self($type_list, true, $real_type_set);

    /** @var EmptyUnionType an empty union type - Cached here for quick access. */
    private static $empty_instance;

     * @return EmptyUnionType (Real return type omitted for performance)
    public static function empty(): EmptyUnionType
        return self::$empty_instance;

     * @internal
    public static function init(): void
        if (\is_null(self::$empty_instance)) {
            self::$empty_instance = EmptyUnionType::instance();

     * @suppress PhanAccessReadOnlyProperty
    public function __clone()
        $this->with_erased_real_type_set = null;
        $this->as_normalized = null;

    // __clone of $this->type_set would be a no-op due to copy on write semantics.
    // And clone isn't necessary anymore now that type_set is immutable

     * @param string $fully_qualified_string
     * A '|' delimited string representing a type in the form
     * 'int|string|null|ClassName'.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException if any type name in the union type was invalid
     * @see self::fromFullyQualifiedRealString() if you are absolutely sure this is the real type of the expression.
     * @phan-pure
    public static function fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString(
        string $fully_qualified_string
    ): UnionType {
        if ($fully_qualified_string === '') {
            return self::$empty_instance;

        /** @var array<string,UnionType> annotation not read by phan */
        static $memoize_map = [];
        $union_type = $memoize_map[$fully_qualified_string] ?? null;

        if (\is_null($union_type)) {
            /** Convert the `|` separated types in the union type to a list of types */
            $types = \array_map(static function (string $type_name): Type {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeAbsentForCall FIXME: Standardize on InvalidArgumentException
                return Type::fromFullyQualifiedString($type_name);
            }, self::extractTypeParts($fully_qualified_string));

            $unique_types = self::getUniqueTypes(self::normalizeMultiTypes($types));
            if (\count($unique_types) === 1) {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
                $union_type = \reset($unique_types)->asPHPDocUnionType();
            } else {
                // TODO: Support template types within <> and test?
                $union_type = new UnionType(
            $memoize_map[$fully_qualified_string] = $union_type;

        return $union_type;

     * @return list<Type> the corresponding set of types for this string.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException if any type name in the union type was invalid
    public static function typeSetFromString(string $fully_qualified_string): array
        return self::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString($fully_qualified_string)->type_set;

     * Returns a type with the following phpdoc types and real types.
     * Use this if they are both non-empty but different.
     * The caller should pass in phpdoc types that are subtypes of the real types
     * (e.g. phpdoc='int|float' real='int')
     * @phan-pure
    public static function fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocAndRealString(
        string $fully_qualified_phpdoc_string,
        string $fully_qualified_real_string
    ): UnionType {
        if ($fully_qualified_real_string === $fully_qualified_phpdoc_string) {
            return self::fromFullyQualifiedRealString($fully_qualified_real_string);
        static $memoize_map = [];
        $key = "$fully_qualified_real_string@$fully_qualified_phpdoc_string";
        $union_type = $memoize_map[$key] ?? null;

        if (\is_null($union_type)) {
            $phpdoc = UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString($fully_qualified_phpdoc_string);
            $real = UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString($fully_qualified_real_string);
            $union_type = UnionType::ofUnique($phpdoc->getTypeSet(), $real->getTypeSet());
            $memoize_map[$key] = $union_type;
        return $union_type;

     * @param string $fully_qualified_string
     * A '|' delimited string representing a type in the form
     * 'int|string|null|ClassName'.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException if any type name in the union type was invalid
     * @phan-pure
    public static function fromFullyQualifiedRealString(
        string $fully_qualified_string
    ): UnionType {
        if ($fully_qualified_string === '') {
            return self::$empty_instance;

        /** @var array<string,UnionType> annotation not read by phan */
        static $memoize_map = [];
        $union_type = $memoize_map[$fully_qualified_string] ?? null;

        if (\is_null($union_type)) {
            /** Convert the `|` separated types in the union type to a list of types */
            $types = \array_map(static function (string $type_name): Type {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeAbsentForCall FIXME: Standardize on InvalidArgumentException
                return Type::fromFullyQualifiedString($type_name);
            }, self::extractTypeParts($fully_qualified_string));

            $unique_types = self::getUniqueTypes(self::normalizeMultiTypes($types));
            if (\count($unique_types) === 1) {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
                $union_type = \reset($unique_types)->asRealUnionType();
            } else {
                // TODO: Support template types within <> and test?
                $union_type = new UnionType(
            $memoize_map[$fully_qualified_string] = $union_type;

        return $union_type;

     * Returns a list of unique types in the provided type list.
     * @param list<Type> $type_list
     * @return list<Type>
     * @phan-pure
    public static function getUniqueTypes(array $type_list): array
        $new_type_list = [];
        if (\count($type_list) >= 8) {
            // This approach is faster, but only when there are 8 or more types (tested in php 7.3)
            // See
            foreach ($type_list as $type) {
                $new_type_list[\spl_object_id($type)] = $type;
            return \array_values($new_type_list);
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            if (!\in_array($type, $new_type_list, true)) {
                $new_type_list[] = $type;
        return $new_type_list;

     * @param list<Type> $type_list a list of unique types
     * @param list<Type> $other_type_list a list of unique types
     * @return list<Type> a list of the unique types from both lists
     * @phan-pure
    private static function mergeUniqueTypes(array $type_list, array $other_type_list): array
        if (\count($other_type_list) <= 4) {
            // NOTE: implementing it this way takes advantage of copy-on-write for small arrays.
            // If no new types were added, the original array $type_list will be reused.
            foreach ($other_type_list as $type) {
                if (!\in_array($type, $type_list, true)) {
                    $type_list[] = $type;
            return $type_list;
        $new_type_list = [];
        // Avoid worst-case quadratic runtime
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            $new_type_list[\spl_object_id($type)] = $type;
        foreach ($other_type_list as $type) {
            $new_type_list[\spl_object_id($type)] = $type;
        return \array_values($new_type_list);

     * @param string $type_string
     * A '|' delimited string representing a type in the form
     * 'int|string|null|ClassName'.
     * @param Context $context
     * The context in which the type string was
     * found
     * @param int $source one of the constants in Type::FROM_*
     * @param ?CodeBase $code_base
     * May be provided to resolve 'parent' in the context
     * (e.g. if parsing complex phpdoc).
     * Unnecessary in most use cases.
     * @phan-pure
    public static function fromStringInContext(
        string $type_string,
        Context $context,
        int $source,
        CodeBase $code_base = null
    ): UnionType {
        if ($type_string === '') {
            // NOTE: '0' is a valid LiteralIntType
            return self::$empty_instance;

        $types = [];
        foreach (self::extractTypePartsForStringInContext($type_string) as $type_name) {
            $types[] = Type::fromStringInContext(
        return UnionType::of(self::normalizeMultiTypes($types));

     * @return list<string>
    private static function extractTypePartsForStringInContext(string $type_string): array
        static $cache = [];
        $parts = $cache[$type_string] ?? null;
        if (\is_array($parts)) {
            return $parts;
        $parts = [];
        foreach (self::extractTypeParts($type_string) as $type_name) {
            // Exclude empty type names
            // Exclude namespaces without type names (e.g. `\`, `\NS\`)
            if ($type_name === '' || \preg_match('@\\\\[\[\]]*$@D', $type_name)) {
                $parts[] = $type_name;
            if (substr($type_name, -1) === ')') {
                if (substr($type_name, 0, 1) === '(') {
                    // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyFalseTypeArgument
                    foreach (self::extractTypePartsForStringInContext(substr($type_name, 1, -1)) as $inner_type_name) {
                        $parts[] = $inner_type_name;
                } elseif (substr($type_name, 0, 2) === '?(') {
                    // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyFalseTypeArgument
                    foreach (self::extractTypePartsForStringInContext(substr($type_name, 2, -1)) as $inner_type_name) {
                        if (substr($inner_type_name, 0, 1) === '?') {
                            $parts[] = $inner_type_name;
                        } else {
                            $parts[] = '?' . $inner_type_name;
            $parts[] = $type_name;
        $cache[$type_string] = $parts;
        return $parts;

     * @return list<string>
    private static function extractTypeParts(string $type_string): array
        $parts = [];
        foreach (\preg_split('@[|&]@', $type_string) as $part) {
            $parts[] = \trim($part);

        if (\count($parts) <= 1) {
            return $parts;
        if (!\preg_match('/[<({]/', $type_string)) {
            return $parts;
        return self::mergeTypeParts($parts);

     * Expands any GenericMultiArrayType and ScalarRawType instances in $types if necessary.
     * @param list<Type> $types
     * @return array<int,Type>
    public static function normalizeMultiTypes(array $types): array
        foreach ($types as $i => $type) {
            if ($type instanceof MultiType) {
                foreach ($type->asIndividualTypeInstances() as $new_type) {
                    $types[] = $new_type;
        return $types;

     * @param string[] $parts (already trimmed)
     * @return string[]
     * @see Type::extractTemplateParameterTypeNameList() (Similar method)
    private static function mergeTypeParts(array $parts): array
        $prev_parts = [];
        $delta = 0;
        $results = [];
        foreach ($parts as $part) {
            if (\count($prev_parts) > 0) {
                $prev_parts[] = $part;
                $delta += \substr_count($part, '<') + \substr_count($part, '(') + \substr_count($part, '{') - \substr_count($part, '>') - \substr_count($part, ')') - \substr_count($part, '}');
                if ($delta <= 0) {
                    if ($delta === 0) {
                        $results[] = \implode('|', $prev_parts);
                    }  // ignore unparsable data such as "<T,T2>>"
                    $prev_parts = [];
                    $delta = 0;
            $bracket_count = \substr_count($part, '<') + \substr_count($part, '(') + \substr_count($part, '{');
            if ($bracket_count === 0) {
                $results[] = $part;
            $delta = $bracket_count - \substr_count($part, '>') - \substr_count($part, ')') - \substr_count($part, '}');
            if ($delta === 0) {
                $results[] = $part;
            } elseif ($delta > 0) {
                $prev_parts[] = $part;
            }  // otherwise ignore unparsable data such as ">" (should be impossible)
        return $results;

     * @param ?\ReflectionType $reflection_type
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with 0 or more nullable/non-nullable Types
     * (limited to at most 1 in php 7, unlimited in php 8)
    public static function fromReflectionType(?\ReflectionType $reflection_type): UnionType
        if ($reflection_type !== null) {
            return self::fromStringInContext(
                new Context(),
        return self::$empty_instance;

     * @return array<string,string>
     * Get a map from property name to its type for the given
     * class name.
    public static function internalPropertyMapForClassName(
        string $class_name
    ): array {
        $map = self::internalPropertyMap();

        $canonical_class_name = \strtolower($class_name);

        return $map[$canonical_class_name] ?? [];

     * @return array<string,array<string,string>>
     * A map from builtin class properties to type information
     * @see \Phan\Language\Internal\PropertyMap
    public static function internalPropertyMap(): array
        static $map = [];

        if (!$map) {
            $map_raw = require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/PropertyMap.php');
            foreach ($map_raw as $key => $value) {
                $map[\strtolower($key)] = $value;

            // Merge in an empty type for dynamic properties on any
            // classes listed as supporting them.
            foreach (require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/DynamicPropertyMap.php') as $class_name) {
                $map[\strtolower($class_name)]['*'] = '';

        return $map;

     * A list of types for parameters associated with the
     * given builtin function with the given name
     * @param FullyQualifiedMethodName|FullyQualifiedFunctionName $function_fqsen
     * @return list<array{return_type:?UnionType,parameter_name_type_map:array<string,UnionType>}>
     * @see internal_varargs_check
     * Formerly `function internal_varargs_check`
    public static function internalFunctionSignatureMapForFQSEN(
    ): array {
        $map = self::internalFunctionSignatureMap(Config::get_closest_target_php_version_id());

        if ($function_fqsen instanceof FullyQualifiedMethodName) {
            $class_fqsen =
            $class_name = $class_fqsen->getNamespacedName();
            $function_name =
                $class_name . '::' . $function_fqsen->getName();
        } else {
            $function_name = $function_fqsen->getNamespacedName();

        $function_name = \strtolower($function_name);

        $function_name_original = $function_name;
        $alternate_id = 0;

         * @param string|null $type_name
         * @return UnionType|null
        $get_for_global_context = static function (?string $type_name): ?UnionType {
            if (!\is_string($type_name) || $type_name === '') {
                return null;

            static $internal_fn_cache = [];

            $result = $internal_fn_cache[$type_name] ?? null;
            if ($result === null) {
                $context = new Context();
                $result = UnionType::fromStringInContext($type_name, $context, Type::FROM_PHPDOC);
                $internal_fn_cache[$type_name] = $result;
            return $result;

        $configurations = [];
        while (isset($map[$function_name])) {
            // Get some static data about the function
            $type_name_struct = $map[$function_name];

            // Figure out the return type
            $return_type_name = $type_name_struct[0];
            $return_type = $get_for_global_context($return_type_name);

            $parameter_name_type_map = [];

            foreach ($type_name_struct as $name => $type_name) {
                if (\is_int($name)) {
                    // Integer key names are reserved for metadata in the future.
                $parameter_name_type_map[$name] = $get_for_global_context($type_name) ?? self::$empty_instance;

            $configurations[] = [
                'return_type' => $return_type,
                'parameter_name_type_map' => $parameter_name_type_map,

            $function_name =
                $function_name_original . '\'' . (++$alternate_id);

        return $configurations;

     * @return list<Type>
     * The list of simple types associated with this
     * union type. Keys are consecutive.
    public function getTypeSet(): array
        return $this->type_set;

     * @return bool true if this has a non-empty real type set.
    public function hasRealTypeSet(): bool
        return (bool)$this->real_type_set;

     * @return list<Type>
     * The list of real simple types associated with this
     * union type. Keys are consecutive.
     * If this is empty, the real union type is unknown
    public function getRealTypeSet(): array
        return $this->real_type_set;

     * Add a type name to the list of types
     * @phan-pure
    public function withType(Type $type): UnionType
        // TODO: Figure out a better way to specify if involved types are real
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return $type->withErasedUnionTypes()->asPHPDocUnionType();
        if (\in_array($type, $type_set, true)) {
            return $this->eraseRealTypeSetRecursively();
        // 2 or more types in type_set
        $type_set[] = $type;
        return new UnionType($type_set, true, []);

     * Returns a new union type
     * which removes this type from the list of types,
     * keeping the keys in a consecutive order.
     * Each type in $this->type_set occurs exactly once.
     * @phan-pure
    public function withoutType(Type $type): UnionType
        // Copy the array $this->type_set
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        foreach ($type_set as $key => $other_type) {
            if ($type === $other_type) {
                // Remove the only instance of $type from the copy.
                // TODO: Make this work for removing from the real type set
                return UnionType::ofUnique(\array_values($type_set), []);
        // We did not find $type in type_set. The resulting union type is unchanged.
        return $this->eraseRealTypeSetRecursively();

     * @return bool
     * True if this union type contains the given named
     * type.
    public function hasType(Type $type): bool
        return \in_array($type, $this->type_set, true);

     * Returns a union type with an empty real type set
     * @phan-pure
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function eraseRealTypeSet(): UnionType
        if ($this->real_type_set) {
            if (\count($this->type_set) === 1) {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
                return \reset($this->type_set)->asPHPDocUnionType();
            return new UnionType($this->type_set, true, []);
        return $this;

     * @var ?UnionType|?true this union type, with the real type set erased.
     * True if this union type already has all real types erased, to make it possible to garbage collect this with cycle detection disabled.
    private $with_erased_real_type_set = null;

     * Returns a union type with an empty real type set (including in elements of generic arrays, etc.)
     * @suppress PhanAccessReadOnlyProperty
    public function eraseRealTypeSetRecursively(): UnionType
        $with_erased_real_type_set = $this->with_erased_real_type_set;
        if (\is_null($with_erased_real_type_set)) {
            $this->with_erased_real_type_set = $with_erased_real_type_set = $this->computeEraseRealTypeSetRecursively();
        if (\is_object($with_erased_real_type_set)) {
            return $with_erased_real_type_set;
        return $this;

    /** @return UnionType|true */
    private function computeEraseRealTypeSetRecursively()
        $new_type_set = [];
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            $new_type_set[] = $type->withErasedUnionTypes();
        if (!$this->real_type_set && $new_type_set === $this->type_set) {
            return $this;
        return UnionType::of($new_type_set);

     * Returns a union type which adds the given types to this type
     * @phan-pure
    public function withUnionType(UnionType $union_type): UnionType
        // Precondition: Both UnionTypes have lists of unique types.
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return $union_type->eraseRealTypeSetRecursively();
        $other_type_set = $union_type->type_set;

        if (\count($other_type_set) === 0) {
            return $this->eraseRealTypeSetRecursively();
        return UnionType::ofUnique(
            self::mergeUniqueTypes($type_set, $other_type_set),
            ($this->real_type_set && $union_type->real_type_set) ? self::mergeUniqueTypes($this->real_type_set, $union_type->real_type_set) : []

     * @return bool
     * True if this type has a type referencing the
     * class context in which it exists such as 'self'
     * or '$this'
    public function hasSelfType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isSelfType()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool
     * True if this union type has any types that are bool/false/true types
    public function hasTypeInBoolFamily(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isInBoolFamily();

     * Returns the types for which is_bool($x) would be true.
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known bool types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod this is referenced dynamically in RedundantConditionCallPlugin
    public function getTypesInBoolFamily(): UnionType
        return $this->makeFromFilter(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isInBoolFamily();

     * Returns this union type after asserting is_bool($x)
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod this is referenced dynamically in ConditionVisitor
    public function boolTypes(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function filterTypesInBoolFamily(array $type_list): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            if ($type->isInBoolFamily()) {
                $result[] = $type->withIsNullable(false);
            } elseif ($type instanceof MixedType) {
                if ($type instanceof NonEmptyMixedType) {
                    $result[] = TrueType::instance(false);
                } else {
                    return [BoolType::instance(false)];
        return $result ?: [BoolType::instance(false)];

     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The code base to look up classes against
     * TODO: Defer resolving the template parameters until parse ends. Low priority.
     * @return array<string,UnionType>
     * A map from template type identifiers to the UnionType
     * to replace it with
    public function getTemplateParameterTypeMap(
        CodeBase $code_base
    ): array {
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return [];

        return \array_reduce(
             * @param array<string,UnionType> $map
             * @return array<string,UnionType>
            static function (array $map, Type $type) use ($code_base): array {
                return \array_merge(

     * @param array<string,UnionType> $template_parameter_type_map
     * A map from template type identifiers to concrete types
     * @return UnionType
     * This UnionType with any template types contained herein
     * mapped to concrete types defined in the given map.
    public function withTemplateParameterTypeMap(
        array $template_parameter_type_map
    ): UnionType {
        $has_template = false;
        $concrete_type_list = [];
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            $new_union_type = $type->withTemplateParameterTypeMap($template_parameter_type_map);
            if ($new_union_type->isType($type)) {
                $concrete_type_list[] = $type;
            } else {
                $has_template = true;
                foreach ($new_union_type->getTypeSet() as $new_type) {
                    $concrete_type_list[] = $new_type;

        return $has_template ? UnionType::of($concrete_type_list, $this->real_type_set) : $this;

     * @return bool
     * True if this union type has any types that are template types
     * (e.g. true for the template type T, false for MyClass<T>)
    public function hasTemplateType(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return ($type instanceof TemplateType);

     * @return bool
     * True if this union type has any types that are template types
     * (e.g. true for the template type T, true for MyClass<T>, true for T[], false for \MyClass<\stdClass>)
    public function hasTemplateTypeRecursive(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->hasTemplateTypeRecursive();

     * @return UnionType
     * Removes template types from this union type, e.g. converts T|\stdClass to \stdClass.
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function withoutTemplateTypeRecursive(): UnionType
        return $this->makeFromFilter(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return !$type->hasTemplateTypeRecursive();

     * Convert `\MyClass<T>` and `\MyClass<\OtherClass>` to just `\MyClass`.
    public function eraseTemplatesRecursive(): UnionType
        return $this->asMappedUnionType(static function (Type $type): Type {
            return $type->eraseTemplatesRecursive();

     * @return bool
     * True if this union type has any types that have generic
     * types
    public function hasTemplateParameterTypes(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->hasTemplateParameterTypes();

     * @return bool
     * True if this type has a type referencing the
     * class context 'static' at the top level.
    public function hasStaticType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof StaticType) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return UnionType
     * A new UnionType with any references to 'static' resolved
     * in the given context.
    public function withStaticResolvedInContext(
        Context $context
    ): UnionType {

        // If the context isn't in a class scope,
        // there's nothing we can do
        if (!$context->isInClassScope()) {
            return $this;
        return $this->asMappedUnionType(static function (Type $type) use ($context): Type {
            return $type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context);

     * @return UnionType
     * A new UnionType with any references to 'static' resolved
     * in the given function or method's context.
    public function withStaticResolvedInFunctionLike(
        FunctionInterface $function
    ): UnionType {
        $context = $function->getContext();
        if ($function instanceof Method) {
            // Gets the context of the method *after* inheritance
            $context = $context->withScope(new class ($function->getClassFQSEN()) extends Scope {
                /** @var FullyQualifiedClassName the name being resolved */
                private $class_fqsen;
                public function __construct(FullyQualifiedClassName $fqsen)
                    $this->class_fqsen = $fqsen;

                 * @override
                public function isInClassScope(): bool
                    return true;

                 * @override
                public function getClassFQSEN(): FullyQualifiedClassName
                    return $this->class_fqsen;
        return $this->withStaticResolvedInContext($context);

     * @return UnionType
     * A new UnionType with any references to 'self' (but not 'static') resolved
     * in the given context.
    public function withSelfResolvedInContext(
        Context $context
    ): UnionType {
        // If the context isn't in a class scope, or if it doesn't have 'self',
        // there's nothing we can do
        if (!$context->isInClassScope() || !$this->hasSelfType()) {
            return $this;

        return $this->asMappedUnionType(static function (Type $type) use ($context): Type {
            if ($type instanceof SelfType) {
                return $type->withSelfResolvedInContext($context);
            return $type;

     * @return UnionType
     * A new UnionType *plus* any references to 'self' (but not 'static') resolved
     * in the given context.
    public function withAddedClassForResolvedSelf(
        Context $context
    ): UnionType {
        // If the context isn't in a class scope, or if it doesn't have 'self',
        // there's nothing we can do
        if (!$context->isInClassScope() || !$this->hasSelfType()) {
            return $this;

        $is_nullable = $this->containsNullable();
        $resolved_type = $context->getClassFQSEN()->asType()->withIsNullable($is_nullable);
        return UnionType::of(
            \array_merge($this->type_set, [$resolved_type]),

     * @return bool
     * True if and only if this UnionType contains
     * the given type and no others.
    public function isType(Type $type): bool
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) !== 1) {
            return false;

        return \reset($type_set) === $type;

     * @return bool
     * True if this UnionType is exclusively native
     * types
    public function isNativeType(): bool
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        return $this->allTypesMatchCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isNativeType();

     * @return bool
     * True iff this union contains the exact set of types
     * represented in the given union type.
     * This does not check real types.
    public function isEqualTo(UnionType $union_type): bool
        if ($this === $union_type) {
            // true about half the time.
            return true;
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        $other_type_set = $union_type->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) !== \count($other_type_set)) {
            return false;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if (!\in_array($type, $other_type_set, true)) {
                return false;
        return !$union_type->isPossiblyUndefined();

     * @return bool
     * True iff this union contains the exact set of types
     * represented in the given union type.
     * This checks real types.
    public function isIdenticalTo(UnionType $union_type): bool
        if ($this === $union_type) {
            // true about half the time.
            return true;
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        $other_type_set = $union_type->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) !== \count($other_type_set)) {
            return false;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if (!\in_array($type, $other_type_set, true)) {
                return false;
        $real_type_set = $this->real_type_set;
        $other_real_type_set = $union_type->real_type_set;
        if (\count($real_type_set) !== \count($other_real_type_set)) {
            return false;
        foreach ($real_type_set as $type) {
            if (!\in_array($type, $other_real_type_set, true)) {
                return false;
        return !$union_type->isPossiblyUndefined();

     * @return bool
     * True iff this union contains a type that's also in
     * the other union type.
     * This does not check real types.
    public function hasCommonType(UnionType $union_type): bool
        $other_type_set = $union_type->type_set;
        if (\count($other_type_set) > 4 && \count($this->type_set) > 4) {
            return $this->hasCommonTypeSetCheck($other_type_set);
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (\in_array($type, $other_type_set, true)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Check if $this->type_set and $other_type_list have any types in common.
     * For two union types with 10 types, this takes at most 20 operations instead of 100 operations.
     * @param list<Type> $other_type_list
    private function hasCommonTypeSetCheck(array $other_type_list): bool
        $type_set = [];
        // Avoid worst-case quadratic runtime
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            $type_set[\spl_object_id($type)] = true;
        foreach ($other_type_list as $type) {
            if (\array_key_exists(\spl_object_id($type), $type_set)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return UnionType this union type without the subclasses/sub-types of $object_type
    public function withoutSubclassesOf(CodeBase $code_base, Type $object_type): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(
            self::typesWithoutSubclassesOf($code_base, $this->type_set, $object_type),
            self::typesWithoutSubclassesOf($code_base, $this->real_type_set, $object_type)

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<Type> the subset of types in $type_set excluding the subclasses/sub-types of $object_type
    public static function typesWithoutSubclassesOf(CodeBase $code_base, array $type_set, Type $object_type): array
        $is_nullable = false;
        $new_type_set = [];

        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullableLabeled()) {
                $is_nullable = true;
            if ($type->withIsNullable(false)->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->hasType($object_type)) {
            $new_type_set[] = $type;
        if (!$is_nullable) {
            return $new_type_set;
        if (!$new_type_set) {
            // There was a null somewhere in the old union type.
            return [NullType::instance(false)];
        foreach ($new_type_set as $i => $type) {
            $new_type_set[$i] = $type->withIsNullable(true);
        return $new_type_set;

     * @return bool - True if not empty and at least one type is NullType or nullable.
    public function containsNullable(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullable()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool - True if not empty and at least one type is NullType or VoidType or marked with `?`
     * (same as containsNullable but excludes mixed)
    public function containsNullableLabeled(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullableLabeled()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool - True if not empty and at least one type is NullType or nullable.
     * To reduce false positives for unknown array element types (etc.),
     * this distinguishes between the phpdoc types ?mixed and mixed,
     * even though both can contain false.
    public function containsNonMixedNullable(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullableLabeled()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool - True if empty or at least one type is NullType or nullable.
     * e.g. true for `?int`, `int|null`, or ``
    public function containsNullableOrIsEmpty(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullable()) {
                return true;
        return \count($this->type_set) === 0;

     * @return bool - True if not empty and at least one type is NullType or mixed.
     * TODO deprecate and remove
    public function containsNullableOrMixed(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullable()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool - True if not empty, not possibly undefined, and at least one type is NullType or nullable.
    public function containsNullableOrUndefined(): bool
        return $this->containsNullable();

     * Returns true if is_null(expr) is unconditionally true for this type
    public function isNull(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!($type instanceof NullType) && !($type instanceof VoidType)) {
                return false;
        return \count($this->type_set) !== 0;

     * Returns true if !isset(expr) is unconditionally true for the real types
    public function isRealTypeNullOrUndefined(): bool
        foreach ($this->real_type_set as $type) {
            if (!($type instanceof NullType) && !($type instanceof VoidType)) {
                return false;
        return \count($this->type_set) !== 0;

     * @return UnionType a clone of this that does not include null,
     *                   and has the non-null equivalents of any nullable types in this UnionType
    public function nonNullableClone(): UnionType
        return self::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @return list<Type> a list of non-nullable types that may contain duplicates.
    private static function toNonNullableTypeList(array $type_list): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            if (!$type->isNullable()) {
                $result[] = $type;
            if ($type instanceof NullType || $type instanceof VoidType) {

            $result[] = $type->withIsNullable(false);
        return $result ?: UnionType::typeSetFromString('non-null-mixed');

     * @return UnionType a clone of this that has the nullable equivalents of any types in this UnionType
     * (e.g. returns '?T|?false' for 'T|false')
    public function nullableClone(): UnionType
        return self::of(

     * This can be used to handle the fact that the real types might be nullable to avoid false positives in redundant condition detection (e.g. accessing an array offset)
    public function withNullableRealTypes(): UnionType
        if (!$this->real_type_set) {
            return $this;
        $real_type_set = self::toNullableTypeList($this->real_type_set);
        if ($real_type_set === $this->real_type_set) {
            return $this;
        return self::of($this->type_set, $real_type_set);

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @return list<Type> a list of nullable types that may contain duplicates.
    private static function toNullableTypeList(array $type_list): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullableLabeled()) {
                $result[] = $type;
            } else {
                $result[] = $type->withIsNullable(true);
        return $result;

     * Analogous to Type->withIsNullable()
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
     * @see self::nullableClone()
     * @see self::nonNullableClone()
    public function withIsNullable(bool $is_nullable): UnionType
        return $is_nullable ? $this->nullableClone() : $this->nonNullableClone();

     * @return bool - True if type set is not empty and at least one type is NullType or nullable or FalseType or BoolType.
     * (I.e. the type is always falsey, or both sometimes falsey with a non-falsey type it can be narrowed down to)
    public function containsFalsey(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isPossiblyFalsey()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return UnionType a clone of this with any falsey types (null, false, falsey int/string literals, etc.) removed.
    public function nonFalseyClone(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<Type> which may contain duplicates
    private static function toNonFalseyTypeSet(array $type_set): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if (!$type->isPossiblyFalsey()) {
                $result[] = $type;
            if ($type->isAlwaysFalsey()) {
                // don't add null/false to the resulting type

            // add non-nullable equivalents, and replace BoolType with non-nullable TrueType
            $result[] = $type->asNonFalseyType();
        // TODO: Preserve real types
        if ($result) {
            return $result;
        static $non_empty_mixed = null;
        return $non_empty_mixed ?? ($non_empty_mixed = UnionType::typeSetFromString('non-empty-mixed'));

     * @return bool - True if type set is not empty and at least one type is possibly truthy.
    public function containsTruthy(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isPossiblyTruthy()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if this contains at least one IntType or LiteralIntType
    public function hasIntType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof IntType) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if this contains at least one non-null IntType or LiteralIntType
    public function hasNonNullIntType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof IntType && !$type->isNullable()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if this type's real type set is exclusively non-null float types and is non-empty
    public function isExclusivelyRealFloatTypes(): bool
        foreach ($this->real_type_set as $type) {
            if (!($type instanceof FloatType) || $type->isNullable()) {
                return false;
        return \count($this->real_type_set) > 0;

     * Returns true if this is exclusively non-null IntType or LiteralIntType
    public function isNonNullIntType(): bool
        if (\count($this->type_set) === 0) {
            return false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!($type instanceof IntType) || $type->isNullable()) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Returns true if this is exclusively IntType or LiteralIntType or NullType
    public function isIntTypeOrNull(): bool
        if (\count($this->type_set) === 0) {
            return false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!($type instanceof IntType) && !($type instanceof NullType)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Returns true if this is exclusively non-null IntType or LiteralIntType or FloatType or LiteralFloatType
    public function isNonNullIntOrFloatType(): bool
        if (\count($this->type_set) === 0) {
            return false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!($type instanceof IntType || $type instanceof FloatType) || $type->isNullable()) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Returns true if this is exclusively non-null IntType or FloatType or subclasses
    public function isNonNullNumberType(): bool
        // TODO: This duplicates isNonNullIntOrFloatType
        if (\count($this->type_set) === 0) {
            return false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!($type instanceof IntType || $type instanceof FloatType) || $type->isNullable()) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Returns true if this contains at least one StringType or LiteralStringType
    public function hasStringType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof StringType) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if this contains at least one non-null StringType or LiteralStringType
    public function hasNonNullStringType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof StringType && !$type->isNullable()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if this is exclusively non-null StringType or LiteralStringType
    public function isNonNullStringType(): bool
        if (\count($this->type_set) === 0) {
            return false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!($type instanceof StringType) || $type->isNullable()) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * @return bool if this contains at least one literal int/float/string type (e.g. `'myString'|false`)
    public function hasLiterals(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof LiteralTypeInterface) {
                $value = $type->getValue();
                if (!\is_null($value) && !\is_bool($value)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * @return UnionType result of converting literal int/string types to the non-literal equivalents
     * (e.g. converts `'myString'|false` to `string|false`)
    public function asNonLiteralType(): UnionType
        if (!$this->hasLiterals()) {
            return $this;
        // Could use asMappedUnionType but this may be frequently called
        $new_types = [];
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            $new_types[] = $type->asNonLiteralType();
        $new_real_types = [];
        foreach ($this->real_type_set as $type) {
            $new_real_types[] = $type->asNonLiteralType();
        return UnionType::of($new_types, $new_real_types);

     * @return UnionType result of removing truthy types from this value
     * (e.g. converts `0|1|bool|\stdClass` to `0|false`)
     * (e.g. converts `?\stdClass` to `null`)
    public function nonTruthyClone(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function toNonTruthyTypeSet(array $type_set): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if (!$type->isPossiblyTruthy()) {
                $result[] = $type;
            if ($type->isAlwaysTruthy()) {
                // don't add null/false to the resulting type

            // add non-nullable equivalents, and replace BoolType with non-nullable TrueType
            $result[] = $type->asNonTruthyType();
        return $result;

     * @return bool - True if type set is not empty and at least one type is BoolType or FalseType
    public function containsFalse(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isPossiblyFalse()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool - True if type set is not empty and at least one type is BoolType or TrueType
    public function containsTrue(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isPossiblyTrue()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return UnionType result of removing false from this value
     * (e.g. converts `0|1|bool|\stdClass` to `0|1|true|\stdClass`)
    public function nonFalseClone(): UnionType
        $builder = new UnionTypeBuilder();
        $did_change = false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!$type->isPossiblyFalse()) {
            $did_change = true;
            if ($type->isAlwaysFalse()) {
                // don't add null/false to the resulting type

            // add non-nullable equivalents, and replace BoolType with non-nullable TrueType
        return $did_change ? $builder->getPHPDocUnionType() : $this;

     * @return UnionType result of removing true from this value
     * (e.g. converts `0|1|bool|\stdClass` to `0|1|false|\stdClass`)
    public function nonTrueClone(): UnionType
        $builder = new UnionTypeBuilder();
        $did_change = false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!$type->isPossiblyTrue()) {
            $did_change = true;
            if ($type->isAlwaysTrue()) {
                // don't add null/false to the resulting type

            // add non-nullable equivalents, and replace BoolType with non-nullable TrueType
        return $did_change ? $builder->getPHPDocUnionType() : $this;

     * @param UnionType $union_type
     * A union type to compare against
     * @param Context $context
     * The context in which this type exists.
     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The code base in which both this and the given union
     * types exist.
     * @return bool
     * True if each type within this union type can cast
     * to the given union type.
    // Currently unused and buggy, commenting this out.
    public function isExclusivelyNarrowedFormOrEquivalentTo(
        UnionType $union_type,
        Context $context,
        CodeBase $code_base
    ) : bool {

        // Special rule: anything can cast to nothing
        // and nothing can cast to anything
        if ($union_type->isEmpty() || $this->isEmpty()) {
            return true;

        // Check to see if the types are equivalent
        if ($this->isEqualTo($union_type)) {
            return true;
        // TODO: Allow casting MyClass<TemplateType> to MyClass (Without the template?)

        // Resolve 'static' for the given context to
        // determine what's actually being referred
        // to in concrete terms.
        $other_resolved_type =
        $other_resolved_type_set = $other_resolved_type->type_set;

        // Convert this type to a set of resolved types to iterate over.
        $this_resolved_type_set =

        // Convert this type to an array of resolved
        // types.
        $type_set =
        // TODO: Need to resolve expanded union types (parents, interfaces) of classes *before* this is called.

        // Test to see if every single type in this union
        // type can cast to the given union type.
        foreach ($this_resolved_type_set as $type) {
            // First check if this contains the type as an optimization.
            if ($other_resolved_type_set->contains($type)) {
            $expanded_types = $type->asExpandedTypes($code_base);
            if ($other_resolved_type->canCastToUnionType(
            )) {
        return true;

    // TODO: Callers should call withStaticResolvedInContext?
    public function isExclusivelyNarrowedFormOf(CodeBase $code_base, UnionType $other): bool
        if ($other->isEmpty()) {
            return true;
        if ($this->isEmpty() || $this->hasMixedType()) {
            return false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!$type->asPHPDocUnionType()->canStrictCastToUnionType($code_base, $other)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * A list of types
     * @return bool
     * True if this union type contains any of the given
     * named types
    public function hasAnyType(array $type_list): bool
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return false;
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            if (\in_array($type, $type_set, true)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool
     * True if this type has any subtype of the `iterable` type (e.g. `Traversable`, `Array`).
    public function hasIterable(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isIterable();

     * Returns this union type after asserting is_iterable($x).
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known iterable types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function iterableTypesStrictCast(CodeBase $code_base): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(
            self::castToIterableTypesStrict($code_base, $this->type_set, false),
            self::castToIterableTypesStrict($code_base, $this->real_type_set, false)

     * Similar to iterableTypesStrictCast, but also
     * casts callable-object and object to Traversable.
     * TODO: Could check if classes are final.
    public function iterableTypesStrictCastAssumeTraversable(CodeBase $code_base): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(
            self::castToIterableTypesStrict($code_base, $this->type_set, true),
            self::castToIterableTypesStrict($code_base, $this->real_type_set, true)

     * Casts the type list to non-null iterables and sub-types of iterable.
     * Preserve classes implementing Traversable.
     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function castToIterableTypesStrict(CodeBase $code_base, array $type_list, bool $object_to_traversable): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            $new_type = $type->asIterable($code_base);
            if ($new_type) {
                $result[] = $new_type;
            } elseif ($object_to_traversable && $type->isPossiblyObject()) {
                $result[] = Type::traversableInstance();
        return $result ?: [IterableType::instance(false)];

     * @return int
     * The number of types in this union type
    public function typeCount(): int
        return \count($this->type_set);

     * @return bool
     * True if this Union has no types
    public function isEmpty(): bool
        return \count($this->type_set) === 0;

     * @return bool
     * True if this Union has no types or is the mixed type
    public function isEmptyOrMixed(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!$type instanceof MixedType) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * @param UnionType $target
     * The type we'd like to see if this type can cast
     * to
     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The code base used to expand types
     * @return bool
     * Test to see if this type can be cast to the
     * given type after expanding both union types
     * to include all ancestor types
     * TODO: ensure that this is only called after the parse phase is over.
    public function canCastToExpandedUnionType(
        UnionType $target,
        CodeBase $code_base
    ): bool {

        $this_expanded =

        $target_expanded =


     * Check if a class with templates can be cast to another class with templates
     * At least one of the source or target is expected to have templates when this is called.
     * This allows casting Some<\MyClass> to cast to Option<\MyClass>, but not Option<\UnrelatedClass>
    public function canCastToUnionTypeHandlingTemplates(
        UnionType $target,
        CodeBase $code_base
    ): bool {
        // Fast-track most common cases first
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        // If either type is unknown, we can't call it
        // a success
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return true;
        $target_type_set = $target->type_set;
        if (\count($target_type_set) === 0) {
            return true;
        $target = $target->asNormalizedTypes();

        // T overlaps with T, a future call to Type->canCastToType will pass.
        if ($this->hasCommonType($target)) {
            return true;
        static $float_type;
        static $int_type;
        static $mixed_type;
        static $null_type;
        if ($null_type === null) {
            $int_type   = IntType::instance(false);
            $float_type = FloatType::instance(false);
            $mixed_type = MixedType::instance(false);
            $null_type  = NullType::instance(false);

        if (Config::get_null_casts_as_any_type()) {
            // null <-> null
            if ($this->isType($null_type)
                || $target->isType($null_type)
            ) {
                return true;
        } else {
            // If null_casts_as_any_type isn't set, then try the other two fallbacks.
            if (Config::get_null_casts_as_array() && $this->isType($null_type) && $target->hasArrayLike()) {
                return true;
            } elseif (Config::get_array_casts_as_null() && $target->isType($null_type) && $this->hasArrayLike()) {
                return true;

        // mixed <-> mixed
        if (\in_array($mixed_type, $type_set, true)
            || \in_array($mixed_type, $target_type_set, true)
        ) {
            return true;

        // int -> float
        if (\in_array($int_type, $type_set, true)
            && \in_array($float_type, $target_type_set, true)
        ) {
            return true;

        // Check conversion on the cross product of all
        // type combinations and see if any can cast to
        // any.
        foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
            if ($source_type->canCastToAnyTypeInSetHandlingTemplates($target_type_set, $code_base)) {
                return true;

        // Allow casting ?T to T|null for any type T. Check if null is part of this type first.
        if (\in_array($null_type, $target_type_set, true)) {
            foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
                // Only redo this check for the nullable types, we already failed the checks for non-nullable types.
                if ($source_type->isNullable()) {
                    // TODO: Add unit tests of nullable templates
                    return $source_type->withIsNullable(false)->canCastToAnyTypeInSetHandlingTemplates($target_type_set, $code_base);

        // Only if no source types can be cast to any target
        // types do we say that we cannot perform the cast
        return false;

     * @param UnionType $target
     * A type to check to see if this can cast to it
     * @return bool
     * True if this type is allowed to cast to the given type
     * i.e. int->float is allowed  while float->int is not.
    public function canCastToUnionType(
        UnionType $target
    ): bool {
        // Fast-track most common cases first
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        // If either type is unknown, we can't call it
        // a success
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return true;
        $target_type_set = $target->type_set;
        if (\count($target_type_set) === 0) {
            return true;

        // T overlaps with T, a future call to Type->canCastToType will pass.
        $target = $target->asNormalizedTypes();
        if ($this->hasCommonType($target)) {
            return true;

        static $float_type;
        static $int_type;
        static $mixed_type;
        static $null_type;
        if ($null_type === null) {
            $int_type   = IntType::instance(false);
            $float_type = FloatType::instance(false);
            $mixed_type = MixedType::instance(false);
            $null_type  = NullType::instance(false);

        if (Config::get_null_casts_as_any_type()) {
            // null <-> null
            // (this fork has weaker type casting rules than phan/phan, using hasType instead of isType)
            if ($this->hasType(NullType::instance(false))
                || $target->isType(NullType::instance(false))
            ) {
                return true;
        } elseif (Config::get_null_casts_as_array() && $this->hasType(NullType::instance(false)) && $target->hasArrayLike()) {
            // null->array
            return true;
        } elseif (Config::get_array_casts_as_null() && $target->isType(NullType::instance(false)) && $this->hasArrayLike()) {
            // array -> null
            return true;

        // mixed <-> mixed
        if (\in_array($mixed_type, $type_set, true)
            || \in_array($mixed_type, $target_type_set, true)
        ) {
            return true;

        // int -> float
        if (\in_array($int_type, $type_set, true)
            && \in_array($float_type, $target_type_set, true)
        ) {
            return true;

        // Check conversion on the cross product of all
        // type combinations and see if any can cast to
        // any.
        foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
            if ($source_type->canCastToAnyTypeInSet($target_type_set)) {
                return true;

        // Allow casting ?T to T|null for any type T. Check if null is part of this type first.
        if (\in_array($null_type, $target_type_set, true)) {
            foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
                // Only redo this check for the nullable types, we already failed the checks for non-nullable types.
                if ($source_type->isNullable()) {
                    return $source_type->withIsNullable(false)->canCastToAnyTypeInSet($target_type_set);

        // Only if no source types can be cast to any target
        // types do we say that we cannot perform the cast
        return false;

     * @param UnionType $target
     * A type to check to see if this can cast to it
     * @return bool
     * True if this type is allowed to cast to the given type
     * (intended to ignore any permissive config settings, such as null_casts_as_any_type)
     * i.e. int->float is allowed  while float->int is not.
    public function canCastToUnionTypeWithoutConfig(
        UnionType $target
    ): bool {
        // Fast-track most common cases first
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        // If either type is unknown, we can't call it
        // a success
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return true;
        $target_type_set = $target->type_set;
        if (\count($target_type_set) === 0) {
            return true;

        // T overlaps with T, a future call to Type->canCastToType will pass.
        $target = $target->asNormalizedTypes();
        if ($this->hasCommonType($target)) {
            return true;

        static $float_type;
        static $int_type;
        static $mixed_type;
        static $null_type;
        if ($null_type === null) {
            $int_type   = IntType::instance(false);
            $float_type = FloatType::instance(false);
            $mixed_type = MixedType::instance(false);
            $null_type  = NullType::instance(false);

        // mixed <-> mixed
        if (\in_array($mixed_type, $type_set, true)
            || \in_array($mixed_type, $target_type_set, true)
        ) {
            return true;

        // int -> float
        if (\in_array($int_type, $type_set, true)
            && \in_array($float_type, $target_type_set, true)
        ) {
            return true;

        // Check conversion on the cross product of all
        // type combinations and see if any can cast to
        // any.
        foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
            if ($source_type->canCastToAnyTypeInSetWithoutConfig($target_type_set)) {
                return true;

        // Allow casting ?T to T|null for any type T. Check if null is part of this type first.
        if (\in_array($null_type, $target_type_set, true)) {
            foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
                // Only redo this check for the nullable types, we already failed the checks for non-nullable types.
                if ($source_type->isNullable()) {
                    return $source_type->withIsNullable(false)->canCastToAnyTypeInSetWithoutConfig($target_type_set);

        // Only if no source types can be cast to any target
        // types do we say that we cannot perform the cast
        return false;

     * Precondition: $this->canCastToUnionType() is false.
     * This tells us if it would have succeeded if the source type was not nullable.
     * @internal
    public function canCastToUnionTypeIfNonNull(UnionType $target): bool
        $non_null = $this->nonNullableClone();
        if ($non_null === $this) {
            // This wasn't nullable in the first place
            return false;
        if ($non_null->isEmpty()) {
            // This was exclusively null - It should be a full TypeMismatch
            return false;
        return $non_null->canCastToUnionType($target);

     * Checks if any type in this union type can strictly cast to the other type
     * E.g. allows ?T|Other -> T, null|Other -> ?T, ?T -> ?Other
     * Does not allow ?T -> Other, etc.
     * @param bool $allow_casting
     * If true, allow non-identical types to cast to other types if that would be permitted by casting rules for param/return types
     * (e.g. int -> float)
    public function canAnyTypeStrictCastToUnionType(CodeBase $code_base, UnionType $target, bool $allow_casting = true): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof IntType && !$allow_casting) {
                if (!$target->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
                    return $type instanceof IntType || $type instanceof MixedType;
                ) {
            if ($type->asPHPDocUnionType()->canStrictCastToUnionType($code_base, $target)) {
                return true;
        return \count($this->type_set) === 0 || ($this->containsNullable() && $target->containsNullable());

     * @param UnionType $target
     * A type to check to see if this has subtypes of.
     * @return bool
     * True if this type contains subtypes of the other type
     * i.e. array -> iterable is allowed, but iterable -> array is not
     * i.e. MyClass -> mixed is allowed, but mixed -> MyClass is not
    public function hasSubtypeOf(
        UnionType $target
    ): bool {
        // Fast-track most common cases first
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        // If either type is unknown, we can't call it
        // a success
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return true;
        $target_type_set = $target->type_set;
        if (\count($target_type_set) === 0) {
            return true;

        // T overlaps with T, a future call to Type->canCastToType will pass.
        $target = $target->asNormalizedTypes();
        if ($this->hasCommonType($target)) {
            return true;

        static $float_type;
        static $int_type;
        static $mixed_type;
        static $null_type;
        if ($null_type === null) {
            $int_type   = IntType::instance(false);
            $float_type = FloatType::instance(false);
            $mixed_type = MixedType::instance(false);
            $null_type  = NullType::instance(false);

        // any -> mixed
        if (\in_array($mixed_type, $target_type_set, true)) {
            return true;

        // int -> float
        if (\in_array($int_type, $type_set, true)
            && \in_array($float_type, $target_type_set, true)
        ) {
            return true;

        // Check conversion on the cross product of all
        // type combinations and see if any can cast to
        // any.
        foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
            if ($source_type->isSubtypeOfAnyTypeInSet($target_type_set)) {
                return true;

        // Allow casting ?T to T|null for any type T. Check if null is part of this type first.
        if (\in_array($null_type, $target_type_set, true)) {
            foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
                // Only redo this check for the nullable types, we already failed the checks for non-nullable types.
                if ($source_type->isNullable()) {
                    if ($source_type->withIsNullable(false)->isSubtypeOfAnyTypeInSet($target_type_set)) {
                        return true;

        // Only if no source types can be cast to any target
        // types do we say that we cannot perform the cast
        return false;

     * Checks if any type in this union type weakly overlaps with other types
     * E.g. allows `1 <= 2`, `null == false`, ?T -> ?Other, etc.
     * Does not allow ?T -> Other, etc.
     * NOTE: callers should check that
    protected function canAnyTypeWeakOverlapUnionType(UnionType $target): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            foreach ($target->type_set as $other_type) {
                if ($type->weaklyOverlaps($other_type)) {
                    return true;
        return \count($this->type_set) === 0 || ($this->containsNullable() && $target->containsNullable());

     * @param UnionType $target
     * A type to check to see if this can cast to it.
     * Every single type in this type must be able to cast to a type in $target (Empty types can cast to empty)
     * @return bool
     * True if every type in this union type is allowed to cast to the given union type.
     * i.e. int->float is allowed while int|object->float is not.
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod may be used elsewhere in the future
    public function canStrictCastToUnionType(CodeBase $code_base, UnionType $target): bool
        // Fast-track most common cases first
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        // If either type is unknown, we can't call it
        // a success
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return true;
        $target_type_set = $target->type_set;
        if (\count($target_type_set) === 0) {
            return true;

        // every single type in T overlaps with T, a future call to Type->canCastToType will pass.
        $matches = true;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if (!\in_array($type, $target_type_set, true)) {
                $matches = false;
        if ($matches) {
            return true;
        static $null_type;
        if ($null_type === null) {
            $null_type  = NullType::instance(false);

        // Check conversion on the cross product of all
        // type combinations and see if any can cast to
        // any.
        $matches = true;
        foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
            if (!$source_type->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->canCastToUnionTypeWithoutConfig($target)) {
                $matches = false;
        if ($matches) {
            return true;

        // Allow casting ?T to T|null for any type T. Check if null is part of this type first.
        if (\in_array($null_type, $target_type_set, true)) {
            foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
                // Only redo this check for the nullable types, we already failed the checks for non-nullable types.
                if (!$source_type->withIsNullable(false)->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->canCastToUnionTypeWithoutConfig($target)) {
                    return false;
            return true;

        // Only if no source types can be cast to any target
        // types do we say that we cannot perform the cast
        return false;

     * @param UnionType $target
     * A type to check to see if this is a strict subtype of this.
     * Every single type in this type must be a strict subtype of a type in $target (Empty types can cast to empty)
     * @return bool
     * True if every single type in this type is a strict subtype of a type in $target (Empty types can cast to empty)
     * i.e. int->float is allowed  while float->int is not.
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod may be used elsewhere in the future
    public function isStrictSubtypeOf(CodeBase $code_base, UnionType $target): bool
        // Fast-track most common cases first
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        // If either type is unknown, we can't call it
        // a success
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return true;
        $target_type_set = $target->type_set;
        if (\count($target_type_set) === 0) {
            return true;

        // every single type in this overlaps with the target, so the strict cast will succeed.
        $matches = true;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if (!\in_array($type, $target_type_set, true)) {
                $matches = false;
        if ($matches) {
            return true;
        static $null_type;
        if ($null_type === null) {
            $null_type  = NullType::instance(false);

        // Check conversion on the cross product of all
        // type combinations and see if any can cast to
        // any.
        $matches = true;
        foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
            if (!$source_type->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->hasSubtypeOf($target)) {
                $matches = false;
        if ($matches) {
            return true;

        // Allow casting ?T to T|null for any type T. Check if null is part of this type first.
        if (\in_array($null_type, $target_type_set, true)) {
            foreach ($type_set as $source_type) {
                // Only redo this check for the nullable types, we already failed the checks for non-nullable types.
                if (!$source_type->withIsNullable(false)->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->hasSubtypeOf($target)) {
                    return false;
            return true;

        // Only if no source types can be cast to any target
        // types do we say that we cannot perform the cast
        return false;

     * Check if these types have any possible types in common.
     * (e.g. mixed <-> string, etc.)
     * TODO: Make this work for callable <-> string, etc.
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function hasAnyTypeOverlap(CodeBase $code_base, UnionType $other): bool
        return $this->canAnyTypeStrictCastToUnionType($code_base, $other, false) ||
            $other->canAnyTypeStrictCastToUnionType($code_base, $this, false);

     * Check if these types have any possible similar types for weak type comparisons.
     * (e.g. allows false == null checks)
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function hasAnyWeakTypeOverlap(UnionType $other): bool
        return $this->canAnyTypeWeakOverlapUnionType($other) || $other->canAnyTypeWeakOverlapUnionType($this);

     * Used for deciding whether to emit PhanTypeMismatchReturnReal.
     * Precondition: The source and target types are non-empty.
     * - Doesn't allow null or void to cast to $other even if with null casting allowed in config,
     *   because that would always throw at runtime
     * - The strictness (e.g. allowing casts from string to bool) depends on the strict_types setting of the Context from which the source type was found.
    public function canCastToDeclaredType(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, UnionType $other): bool
        if ($this->isNull()) {
            return $other->containsNullableOrMixed();
        $other_type_set = $other->getTypeSet();
        if (!$other_type_set) {
            return true;
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (!$type_set) {
            return true;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            $type = $type->withIsNullable(false);
            foreach ($other_type_set as $other) {
                if ($type->canCastToDeclaredType($code_base, $context, $other)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool
     * True if all types in this union are definitely scalars
     * @see scalarTypes
     * @see scalarTypesStrict
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function isScalar(): bool
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        return $this->allTypesMatchCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isScalar();

     * @return bool
     * True if any types in this union are a printable scalar, or this is the empty union type
    public function hasPrintableScalar(): bool
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return true;

        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isPrintableScalar();

     * @return bool
     * True if any types in this union are a valid operand for a bitwise operator ('|', '&', or '^').
    public function hasValidBitwiseOperand(): bool
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return true;

        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isValidBitwiseOperand();

     * @return bool
     * True if this union has array-like types (is of type array, is
     * a generic array, or implements ArrayAccess).
    public function hasArrayLike(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isArrayLike();

     * @return bool
     * True if this union has array-like types (is of type array,
     * or is a generic array)
    public function hasArray(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type instanceof ArrayType;

     * @return bool
     * True if this union has array-like types (is of type array, is
     * a generic array, is an array shape, or implements ArrayAccess).
    public function hasGenericArray(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type instanceof GenericArrayInterface;

     * @return bool
     * True if this union contains the ArrayAccess type.
     * (Call asExpandedTypes() first to check for subclasses of ArrayAccess)
    public function hasArrayAccess(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isArrayAccess();

     * Returns the types of this union type that are arrays or are types implementing ArrayAccess.
     * This is useful for code inferring the types of dimensions of a union type.
    public function asArrayOrArrayAccessSubTypes(CodeBase $code_base): UnionType
        $result = UnionType::empty();
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isArrayOrArrayAccessSubType($code_base)) {
                $result = $result->withType($type);
        return $result;

     * @return bool
     * True if this union contains the Traversable type.
     * (Call asExpandedTypes() first to check for subclasses of Traversable)
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod not used right now.
    public function hasTraversable(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isTraversable();

     * @return bool
     * True if this union type represents types that are
     * array-like, and nothing else (e.g. can't be null).
     * If any of the array-like types are nullable, this returns false.
    public function isExclusivelyArrayLike(): bool
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        return $this->allTypesMatchCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isArrayLike() && !$type->isNullable();

     * @return bool
     * True if this union type represents types that are arrays
     * or generic arrays, but nothing else.
    public function isExclusivelyArray(): bool
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        return $this->allTypesMatchCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type instanceof ArrayType && !$type->isNullable();

     * @return UnionType
     * Get the subset of types which are not native
    public function nonNativeTypes(): UnionType
        return $this->makeFromFilter(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return !$type->isNativeType();

     * A memory efficient way to create a UnionType from a filter operation.
     * If this the filter preserves everything, returns $this instead
    public function makeFromFilter(Closure $cb): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(
            \array_filter($this->type_set, $cb),
            \array_filter($this->real_type_set, $cb)

     * Returns a list of class FQSENs representing the non-native types
     * associated with this UnionType.
     * @param Context $context
     * The context in which we're resolving this union
     * type.
     * @return Generator
     * @phan-return Generator<FullyQualifiedClassName>
     * @throws CodeBaseException
     * An exception is thrown if a non-native type does not have
     * an associated class
     * @throws IssueException
     * An exception is thrown if static is used as a type outside of an object
     * context
     * TODO: Add a method to ContextNode to directly get FQSEN instead?
    public function asClassFQSENList(
        Context $context
    ): Generator {
        // Iterate over each viable class type to see if any
        // have the constant we're looking for
        foreach ($this->type_set as $class_type) {
            if ($class_type->isNativeType()) {
            // Get the class FQSEN
            $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromType($class_type);

            if ($class_type->isStaticType()) {
                if (!$context->isInClassScope()) {
                    throw new IssueException(
                yield $class_fqsen;
            } else {
                yield $class_fqsen;

     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The code base in which to find classes
     * @param Context $context
     * The context in which we're resolving this union
     * type.
     * @return Generator<Clazz>
     * A list of classes representing the non-native types
     * associated with this UnionType
     * @throws CodeBaseException
     * An exception is thrown if a non-native type does not have
     * an associated class
     * @throws IssueException
     * An exception is thrown if static is used as a type outside of an object
     * context
    public function asClassList(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        Context $context
    ): Generator {
        // Iterate over each viable class type to see if any
        // have the constant we're looking for
        foreach ($this->type_set as $class_type) {
            if ($class_type->isNativeType()) {
            if ($class_type->isStaticType()) {
                if (!$context->isInClassScope()) {
                    throw new IssueException(
                yield $context->getClassInScope($code_base);

            if ($class_type->isSelfType()) {
                if (!$context->isInClassScope()) {
                    throw new IssueException(
                yield $context->getClassInScope($code_base);
            // Get the class FQSEN
            $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromType($class_type);
            // See if the class exists
            if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
                throw new CodeBaseException(
                    "Cannot find class $class_fqsen"
            $class = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);
            if (!$class->isPHPInternal() && $code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen->withAlternateId(1))) {
                self::emitRedefinedClassReferenceWarning($code_base, $context, $class_fqsen);

            yield $class;

     * Warn about both "$class_fqsen" and the first alternate existing.
     * TODO: Make callers such as ContextNode->asClassList() check if the reference is 'self' and don't emit this if it is?
    public static function emitRedefinedClassReferenceWarning(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        Context $context,
        FullyQualifiedClassName $class_fqsen
    ): void {
        $class = $code_base->getClassByFQSENWithoutHydrating($class_fqsen);
        if ($class->isPHPInternal() || $class->hasSuppressIssue(Issue::RedefinedClassReference)) {
            // already checked if $class was internal.

        $other_fqsen = $class_fqsen->withAlternateId($class_fqsen->getAlternateId() ? 0 : 1);
        if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($other_fqsen)) {
        $other_class = $code_base->getClassByFQSENWithoutHydrating($other_fqsen);

        if ($other_class->isPHPInternal() || $other_class->hasSuppressIssue(Issue::RedefinedClassReference)) {
            // already checked if $class was internal.

     * Takes `a|b[]|c|d[]|e` and returns `a|c|e`
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with generic array types filtered out
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function nonGenericArrayTypes(): UnionType
        return $this->makeFromFilter(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return !($type instanceof GenericArrayInterface);

     * Takes `a|b[]|c|d[]|e` and returns `b[]|d[]`
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with generic array types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
    public function genericArrayTypes(): UnionType
        return $this->makeFromFilter(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type instanceof GenericArrayInterface;

     * Takes `MyClass|int|array|?object` and returns `MyClass|?object`
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known object types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see objectTypesStrict
    public function objectTypes(): UnionType
        return $this->makeFromFilter(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isObject();

     * Takes `MyClass|int|array|?object` and returns `MyClass|object`
     * Takes `` and returns `object`
     * Takes `callable|iterable` and returns `callable-object|Traversable`
    public function objectTypesStrict(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(
            self::castToObjectTypesStrict($this->type_set) ?: [ObjectType::instance(false)],
            self::castToObjectTypesStrict($this->real_type_set) ?: [ObjectType::instance(false)]

     * Takes `MyClass|int|array|?object` and returns `MyClass|object`
     * Takes `` and returns ``
     * Takes `callable|iterable` and returns `callable-object|Traversable`
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod called dynamically
    public function objectTypesStrictAllowEmpty(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @return list<Type> $type_list
    private static function castToObjectTypesStrict(array $type_list): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            $type = $type->asObjectType();
            if ($type) {
                $result[] = $type;
        return $result;

     * Takes `MyClass|int|array|?object` and returns `MyClass`
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known object types with known FQSENs kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
    public function objectTypesWithKnownFQSENs(): UnionType
        return $this->makeFromFilter(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isObjectWithKnownFQSEN();

     * Returns true if objectTypes would be non-empty.
    public function hasObjectTypes(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback((static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isObject();

     * Returns true if at least one type could possibly be an object.
     * E.g. returns true for iterator.
     * NOTE: this returns false for `mixed`
    public function hasPossiblyObjectTypes(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback((static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isPossiblyObject();

     * Returns true if this union type is empty, or if it's possible for any type (or sub-type) of this union type to be able to cast to $class_type
    public function canPossiblyCastToClass(CodeBase $code_base, Type $class_type): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->withIsNullable(false)->canPossiblyCastToClass($code_base, $class_type)) {
                return true;
        return \count($this->type_set) === 0;

     * Returns true if this union type is non-empty and all types inherit this class/trait/interface.
    public function isExclusivelySubclassesOf(CodeBase $code_base, Type $class_type): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullable() || !$type->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->hasType($class_type)) {
                return false;
        return \count($this->type_set) > 0;
     * Returns the types for which is_scalar($x) would be true.
     * This means null/nullable is removed.
     * Takes `MyClass|int|?bool|array|?object` and returns `int|bool`
     * Takes `?MyClass` and returns an empty union type.
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known scalar types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
    public function scalarTypes(): UnionType
        return $this->nonNullableClone()->makeFromFilter(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isScalar();

     * A union type after asserting is_scalar($x)
    public function scalarTypesStrict(bool $allow_empty = false): UnionType
        // NOTE: this is referenced dynamically in ConditionVisitor
        if ($allow_empty) {
            return UnionType::of(
        } else {
            static $default;
            if ($default === null) {
                $default = [StringType::instance(false), IntType::instance(false), FloatType::instance(false), BoolType::instance(false)];
            return UnionType::of(
                self::typeSetToScalarTypesStrict($this->type_set) ?: $default,
                self::typeSetToScalarTypesStrict($this->real_type_set) ?: $default

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function typeSetToScalarTypesStrict(array $type_list): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            $type = $type->asScalarType();
            if ($type) {
                $result[] = $type;
        return $result;

     * Returns the types for which is_callable($x) would be true.
     * TODO: Check for __invoke()?
     * Takes `Closure|false` and returns `Closure`
     * Takes `?MyClass` and returns an empty union type.
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known callable types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function callableTypes(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @return list<Type> possibly containing duplicates
    private static function castTypeListToCallable(array $type_list): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            $type = $type->asCallableType();
            if ($type) {
                $result[] = $type;
        return $result;

     * Returns the types for which is_countable($x) would be true.
     * Takes `ArrayObject|false` and returns `ArrayObject`
     * Takes `?(int[])` and returns `int[]`
     * Takes `string` and returns an empty union type.
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known countable types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function countableTypesStrictCast(CodeBase $code_base): UnionType
        static $default_types;
        if (\is_null($default_types)) {
            $default_types = [ArrayType::instance(false), Type::countableInstance()];
        return UnionType::of(
            self::castTypeListToCountable($code_base, $this->type_set, false) ?: $default_types,
            self::castTypeListToCountable($code_base, $this->real_type_set, false) ?: $default_types

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @return list<Type> a list of countable subclasses and array types, possibly containing duplicates
     * @internal
    public static function castTypeListToCountable(CodeBase $code_base, array $type_list, bool $assume_subclass_implements_countable): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof IterableType) {
                $result[] = $type->asArrayType();
                if ($assume_subclass_implements_countable && $type->isPossiblyObject()) {
                    $result[] = Type::countableInstance();
            } elseif ($type->isObjectWithKnownFQSEN()) {
                $type = $type->withIsNullable(false);
                $expanded_type = $type->asExpandedTypes($code_base);
                foreach ($expanded_type->getTypeSet() as $part_type) {
                    if ($part_type->getName() === 'Countable' && $part_type->getNamespace() === '\\') {
                        $result[] = $type;
                        continue 2;
                if ($assume_subclass_implements_countable) {
                    try {
                        $fqsen = $type->asFQSEN();
                        if (!($fqsen instanceof FullyQualifiedClassName)) {
                            // This is a closure
                        if ($code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
                            if ($code_base->getClassByFQSEN($fqsen)->isFinal()) {
                                // This is a final class and can't implement Countable
                    } catch (Exception $_) {
                        // ignore it
                    $result[] = Type::countableInstance();
            } else {
                if ($type->isPossiblyObject()) {
                    // e.g. object/mixed/callable-object can also be Countable
                    $result[] = Type::countableInstance();
                if ($type instanceof MixedType) {
                    $result[] = ArrayType::instance(false);
        return $result;

     * Returns the types for which is_int($x) would be true.
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known int types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function intTypes(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function castTypeListToInt(array $type_set): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof IntType) {
                $result[] = $type->withIsNullable(false);
            } elseif ($type instanceof MixedType) {
                $result[] = IntType::instance(false);
        return $result;

     * Returns the types for which is_float($x) would be true.
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known float types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function floatTypes(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function castTypeListToFloat(array $type_set): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof FloatType) {
                $result[] = $type->withIsNullable(false);
            } elseif ($type instanceof MixedType) {
                $result[] = FloatType::instance(false);
        return $result;

     * Returns the types for which is_string($x) would be true.
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known string types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function stringTypes(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * Returns true if this is non-empty and all types in this type set are strings.
    public function isExclusivelyStringTypes(): bool
        return $this->allTypesMatchCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type instanceof StringType;

     * @param Type[] $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function castTypeListToString(array $type_set): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof StringType) {
                $result[] = $type->withIsNullable(false);
            } elseif ($type instanceof CallableType) {
                $result[] = CallableStringType::instance(false);
            } elseif ($type instanceof MixedType) {
                $result[] = $type instanceof NonEmptyMixedType ? NonEmptyStringType::instance(false) : StringType::instance(false);
        return $result;

     * Returns the types for which class_exists($x) would be true.
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known class string types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function classStringTypes(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function castTypeListToClassString(array $type_set): array
        $result = [];
        $is_possibly_string = false;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof LiteralStringType) {
                if (!\preg_match(FullyQualifiedClassName::VALID_CLASS_REGEX, $type->getValue()) && !\preg_match('/^\\\\?oci-(lob|collection)$/iD', $type->getValue())) {
                $result[] = $type->withIsNullable(false);
            if ($type instanceof StringType || $type instanceof MixedType) {
                $is_possibly_string = true;
        if ($is_possibly_string) {
            $result[] = ClassStringType::instance(false);
        return $result;

     * Returns the types for which method_exists($x, ...) could be true.
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known class string types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function classStringOrObjectTypes(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function castTypeListToClassStringOrObject(array $type_set): array
        return \array_merge(self::castTypeListToClassString($type_set), self::castToObjectTypesStrict($type_set));

     * Returns the types for which is_numeric($x) is possibly true.
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with known numeric types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function numericTypes(): UnionType
        // TODO: Replace mixed with int|string|float in ConditionVisitor
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<Type> the types that can be numeric
    private static function toNumericTypes(array $type_set): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isPossiblyNumeric()) {
                if ($type instanceof MixedType) {
                    return UnionType::typeSetFromString('int|string|float');
                $result[] = $type->withIsNullable(false);
        return $result;

     * Returns true if this has one or more callable types
     * TODO: Check for __invoke()?
     * Takes `Closure|false` and returns true
     * Takes `?MyClass` and returns false
     * @return bool
     * A UnionType with known callable types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see self::callableTypes()
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function hasCallableType(): bool
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isCallable();

     * Returns true if every type in this type is callable.
     * TODO: Check for __invoke()?
     * Takes `callable` and returns true
     * Takes `callable|false` and returns false
     * @return bool
     * A UnionType with known callable types kept, other types filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod not used right now.
    public function isExclusivelyCallable(): bool
        return $this->allTypesMatchCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->isCallable();

     * @return bool is each of the types in this type bool, false, or true?
     * This also returns false if any type is nullable.
    public function isExclusivelyBoolTypes(): bool
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!$type->isInBoolFamily() || $type->isNullable()) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Takes `a|b[]|c|d[]|e|array|ArrayAccess` and returns `a|c|e|ArrayAccess`
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with generic types(as well as the non-generic type `array`)
     * filtered out.
     * @see nonGenericArrayTypes
    public function nonArrayTypes(): UnionType
        return $this->makeFromFilter(
            static function (Type $type): bool {
                return !($type instanceof ArrayType);

     * Takes `a|b[]|c|d[]|e|f[]|ArrayAccess` and returns `b[]|f[]`
     * @return UnionType
     * A UnionType with non-array types filtered out
     * @see self::nonArrayTypes()
    public function arrayTypes(): UnionType
        return $this->makeFromFilter(
            static function (Type $type): bool {
                return $type instanceof ArrayType;

     * This is the union type Phan infers from assert(is_array($x))
     * Converts iterable<key,value> to array<key, value>
     * Takes `A[]|ArrayAccess` and returns `A[]`
     * Takes `callable` and returns `callable-array`
     * Takes `` and returns `array`
    public function arrayTypesStrictCast(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(
            self::castToArrayTypesStrict($this->type_set) ?: [ArrayType::instance(false)],
            self::castToArrayTypesStrict($this->real_type_set) ?: [ArrayType::instance(false)]

     * This is the union type Phan infers from `assert(is_array($x))`
     * Converts `iterable<key,value>` to `array<key, value>`
     * Takes `A[]|ArrayAccess` and returns `A[]`
     * Takes `callable` and returns `callable-array`
     * Takes `` and returns ``
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod called dynamically
    public function arrayTypesStrictCastAllowEmpty(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_list
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function castToArrayTypesStrict(array $type_list): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_list as $type) {
            $type = $type->asArrayType();
            if ($type) {
                $result[] = $type;
        return $result;

     * @return bool
     * True if this is exclusively generic types
    public function isGenericArray(): bool
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        return $this->allTypesMatchCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type instanceof GenericArrayInterface;

     * @return bool
     * True if any of the types in this UnionType made $matcher_callback return true
    public function hasTypeMatchingCallback(Closure $matcher_callback): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($matcher_callback($type)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool
     * True if any of the types in the real type set of this UnionType made $matcher_callback return true.
     * Callers should check hasRealTypeSet. This returns false if there are no real types.
    public function hasRealTypeMatchingCallback(Closure $matcher_callback): bool
        foreach ($this->real_type_set as $type) {
            if ($matcher_callback($type)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Equivalent to hasTypeMatchingCallback || hasRealTypeMatchingCallback
    public function hasPhpdocOrRealTypeMatchingCallback(Closure $matcher_callback): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($matcher_callback($type)) {
                return true;
        foreach ($this->real_type_set as $type) {
            if ($matcher_callback($type)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool
     * True if each of the types in this UnionType made $matcher_callback return true
    public function allTypesMatchCallback(Closure $matcher_callback): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!$matcher_callback($type)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * @return Type|false
     * Returns the first type in this UnionType made $matcher_callback return true
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function findTypeMatchingCallback(Closure $matcher_callback)
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($matcher_callback($type)) {
                return $type;
        return false;

     * Takes `a|b[]|c|d[]|e|Traversable<f,g>` and returns `int|string|f`
     * Takes `array{field:int,other:stdClass}` and returns `string`
     * @param CodeBase $code_base (for detecting the iterable value types of `class MyIterator extends Iterator`)
    public function iterableKeyUnionType(CodeBase $code_base): UnionType
        // This is frequently called, and has been optimized
        $new_type_builder = new UnionTypeBuilder();
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            $key_union_type = $type->iterableKeyUnionType($code_base);
            if ($key_union_type === null) {
                // Does not have iterable values
        $new_real_type_builder = new UnionTypeBuilder();
        foreach ($this->real_type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof ScalarType) {
                // skip false, null, etc.
            $key_union_type = $type->iterableKeyUnionType($code_base);
            if ($key_union_type === null) {
                // Not certain of the real type. It could be a subclass of Traversable with unknown keys.
            // TODO: Instead of coercing string to int here, update the real type when the array is assigned to,
            // if the string is a non-literal.
            // Note that array shapes with 0 elements do not have types. (tests/files/src/0461_array_key_exists.php)
            if ($type instanceof ArrayType && $type->isPossiblyTruthy()) {
                if ($key_union_type->isEmpty()) {
                    $key_union_type = UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString('int|string');
                } else {
                    foreach ($key_union_type->getTypeSet() as $key_type) {
                        if ($key_type instanceof StringType && $key_type->isPossiblyNumeric()) {
                            // Numeric literals such as `'0'` cast to 0 when inserted as array keys.
        $type_set = $new_type_builder->getTypeSet();
        $real_type_set = $new_real_type_builder->getTypeSet();
        if (!$type_set && $real_type_set) {
            $type_set = UnionType::typeSetFromString('mixed');

        $result = UnionType::of($type_set, $real_type_set);
        return $result;

     * Takes `a|b[]|c|d[]|e|Traversable<f,g>` and returns `b|d|g`
     * Takes `array{field:int,other:string}` and returns `int|string`
     * @param CodeBase $code_base (for detecting the iterable value types of `class MyIterator extends Iterator`)
    public function iterableValueUnionType(CodeBase $code_base): UnionType
        // This is frequently called, and has been optimized
        // TODO: Support real types if the type set is exclusively real iterable types
        $builder = new UnionTypeBuilder();
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            $element_type = $type->iterableValueUnionType($code_base);
            if ($element_type === null) {
                // Does not have iterable values
        $real_builder = new UnionTypeBuilder();
        foreach ($this->real_type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof ScalarType) {
                // skip false, null, etc.
            $element_type = $type->iterableValueUnionType($code_base);
            if ($element_type === null) {
                // Not certain of the real type. It could be a subclass of Traversable with unknown values.

        static $array_type_nonnull = null;
        static $array_type_nullable = null;
        static $mixed_type = null;
        static $null_type = null;
        if ($array_type_nonnull === null) {
            $array_type_nonnull = ArrayType::instance(false);
            $array_type_nullable = ArrayType::instance(true);
            $mixed_type = MixedType::instance(false);
            $null_type = NullType::instance(false);

        // If array is in there, then it can be any type
        if (\in_array($array_type_nonnull, $type_set, true)) {
        } elseif (\in_array($mixed_type, $type_set, true)
            || \in_array($array_type_nullable, $type_set, true)
        ) {
            // Same for mixed

        return UnionType::of($builder->getTypeSet(), $real_builder->getTypeSet());

     * Takes `a|b[]|c|d[]|e` and returns `b|d`
     * Takes `array{field:int,other:string}` and returns `int|string`
     * @param bool $add_real_types if true, this adds the real types that would be possible for `$x[$offset]`
    public function genericArrayElementTypes(bool $add_real_types = false): UnionType
        // This is frequently called, and has been optimized
        $result = [];
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof GenericArrayInterface) {
                if ($type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
                    $result[] = $type->genericArrayElementType();
                } else {
                    foreach ($type->genericArrayElementUnionType()->getTypeSet() as $inner_type) {
                        $result[] = $inner_type;

        static $array_type_nonnull = null;
        static $array_type_nullable = null;
        static $mixed_type = null;
        static $null_type = null;
        if ($array_type_nonnull === null) {
            $array_type_nonnull = ArrayType::instance(false);
            $array_type_nullable = ArrayType::instance(true);
            $mixed_type = MixedType::instance(false);
            $null_type = NullType::instance(false);

        if (\in_array($array_type_nullable, $type_set, true)) {
            // TODO: More consistency in what causes this check to infer null
            $result[] = $mixed_type;
            $result[] = $null_type;
        } elseif (\in_array($array_type_nonnull, $type_set, true) ||
            // If array is in there, then it can be any type
            \in_array($mixed_type, $type_set, true)
        ) {
            $result[] = $mixed_type;
        if ($add_real_types && $result && $this->real_type_set) {
            return UnionType::of($result, self::computeRealElementTypesForDimAccess($this->real_type_set));

        return UnionType::of($result);

     * Returns the real types seen for an array dim access expression such as `$x = expr[offset]`
     * @param non-empty-list<Type> $real_type_set the set of types of expr
     * @return list<Type> possibly empty, possibly with duplicates. These types are nullable to indicate that array accesses can fail.
     * @internal
    public static function computeRealElementTypesForDimAccess(array $real_type_set): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($real_type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof StringType) {
                // Note that 'var'[9] will still be a string (the empty string) if the offset is invalid.
                // So will 'var'['not an int']
                $result[] = StringType::instance(false);
            if ($type->isPossiblyObject()) {
                // e.g. Mixed, \MyClass, iterable, etc.
                // We don't know some of the real types, so return the empty list as the set of real types.
                return [];
            if (!$type->isArrayLike()) {
            if (!$type instanceof ArrayType) {
                return [];
            $new_types = $type->genericArrayElementUnionType()->getTypeSet();
            if (!$new_types) {
                return [];
            foreach ($new_types as $element_type) {
                if ($element_type instanceof MixedType) {
                    return [];
                $result[] = $element_type->withIsNullable(true);
        return $result;

     * Returns the real types seen for an array destructuring expression such as `[$x] = expr`
     * @param non-empty-list<Type> $real_type_set the set of types of expr
     * @return list<Type> possibly empty, possibly with duplicates. These types are nullable to indicate that array accesses can fail.
     * @internal
    public static function computeRealElementTypesForDestructuringAccess(array $real_type_set): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($real_type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof StringType) {
                // Note that 'var'[9] will still be a string (the empty string) if the offset is invalid.
                // So will 'var'['not an int']
                $result[] = NullType::instance(false);
            if ($type->isPossiblyObject()) {
                // e.g. Mixed, \MyClass, iterable, etc.
                // We don't know some of the real types, so return the empty list as the set of real types.
                return [];
            if (!$type->isArrayLike()) {
            if (!$type instanceof ArrayType) {
                return [];
            $new_types = $type->genericArrayElementUnionType()->getTypeSet();
            if (!$new_types) {
                return [];
            foreach ($new_types as $element_type) {
                if ($element_type instanceof MixedType) {
                    return [];
                $result[] = $element_type->withIsNullable(true);
        return $result;

     * Takes `b|d[]` and returns `b[]|d[][]`
     * @param int $key_type
     * Corresponds to the type of the array keys. Set this to a GenericArrayType::KEY_* constant.
     * @return UnionType
     * The subset of types in this
     * TODO: Add a variant that will convert mixed to array<int,mixed> instead of array?
    public function elementTypesToGenericArray(int $key_type): UnionType
        $parts = \array_map(static function (Type $type) use ($key_type): ArrayType {
            if ($type instanceof MixedType) {
                return ArrayType::instance(false);
            return GenericArrayType::fromElementType($type, false, $key_type);
        }, $this->type_set);
        if (\count($parts) <= 1) {
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
            return \count($parts) === 1 ? \reset($parts)->asPHPDocUnionType() : self::$empty_instance;
        return new UnionType($parts, false, []);

     * @param Closure(Type):Type $closure
     * A closure mapping `Type` to `Type`
     * @return UnionType
     * A new UnionType with each type mapped through the
     * given closure
    public function asMappedUnionType(Closure $closure): UnionType
        $new_type_set = \array_map($closure, $this->type_set);
        $new_real_type_set = \array_map($closure, $this->real_type_set);
        if ($new_type_set === $this->type_set && $new_real_type_set === $this->real_type_set) {
            return $this;
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Closure(Type):(list<Type>) $closure
     * A closure mapping `Type` to a list of types for that type
     * @return UnionType
     * A new UnionType with each type mapped to a list of types
     * through the given closure.
    public function asMappedListUnionType(Closure $closure): UnionType
        // In php 7.3, this could be replaced with
        $new_type_set = [];
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            foreach ($closure($type) as $new_type) {
                $new_type_set[] = $new_type;
        $new_real_type_set = [];
        foreach ($this->real_type_set as $type) {
            foreach ($closure($type) as $new_type) {
                $new_real_type_set[] = $new_type;
        if ($new_type_set === $this->type_set && $new_real_type_set === $this->real_type_set) {
            return $this;
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Closure(UnionType):UnionType $closure
    public function withMappedElementTypes(Closure $closure): UnionType
        return $this->asMappedUnionType(static function (Type $type) use ($closure): Type {
            if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                $field_types = \array_map($closure, $type->getFieldTypes());
                $result = ArrayShapeType::fromFieldTypes($field_types, $type->isNullable());
                return $result;
            } elseif ($type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
                $element_types = $closure($type->genericArrayElementType()->asPHPDocUnionType());
                if ($element_types->typeCount() !== 1) {
                    $element_type = MixedType::instance(false);
                } else {
                    $element_type = $element_types->getTypeSet()[0];
                return GenericArrayType::fromElementType($element_type, $type->isNullable(), $type->getKeyType());
            return ArrayType::instance(false);

     * @param int $key_type
     * Corresponds to the type of the array keys. Set this to a GenericArrayType::KEY_* constant.
     * @return UnionType
     * Get a new type for each type in this union which is
     * the generic array version of this type. For instance,
     * 'int|float' will produce 'int[]|float[]'.
     * If $this is an empty UnionType, this method will produce an empty UnionType
    public function asGenericArrayTypes(int $key_type): UnionType
        return $this->asMappedUnionType(
            static function (Type $type) use ($key_type): Type {
                return $type->asGenericArrayType($key_type);

     * Get a new type for each type in this union which is
     * the generic array version of this type. For instance,
     * 'int|float' will produce 'list<int>|list<float>'.
     * If $this is an empty UnionType, this method will produce an empty UnionType
    public function asListTypes(): UnionType
        return $this->asMappedUnionType(
            // TODO: Fix and change return type to GenericArrayType
            static function (Type $type): Type {
                return ListType::fromElementType($type, false);

     * @return UnionType
     * Get a new type for each type in this union which is
     * the generic array version of this type. For instance,
     * 'int|float' will produce 'int[]|float[]'.
     * If $this is an empty UnionType, this method will produce 'array'
    public function asNonEmptyGenericArrayTypes(int $key_type): UnionType
        static $cache = [];
        $type = ($cache[$key_type] ?? ($cache[$key_type] = MixedType::instance(false)->asGenericArrayType($key_type)));
        if (\count($this->type_set) === 0) {
            return $type->asRealUnionType();
        $result = $this->asMappedUnionType(
            static function (Type $type) use ($key_type): Type {
                return $type->asGenericArrayType($key_type);
        if (!$result->hasRealTypeSet()) {
            return $result->withRealType($type);
        return $result;

     * @return UnionType
     * Get a new type for each type in this union which is
     * the associative array version of this type. For instance,
     * 'int|float' will produce 'associative-array<int>|associative-array<float>'.
     * If $this is an empty UnionType, this method will produce 'associative-array<mixed>'
    public function asNonEmptyAssociativeArrayTypes(int $key_type): UnionType
        static $cache = [];
        $type = ($cache[$key_type] ?? ($cache[$key_type] = AssociativeArrayType::fromElementType(MixedType::instance(false), false, $key_type)));
        if (\count($this->type_set) === 0) {
            return $type->asRealUnionType();
        $result = $this->asMappedUnionType(
            static function (Type $type) use ($key_type): Type {
                return AssociativeArrayType::fromElementType($type, false, $key_type);
        if (!$result->hasRealTypeSet()) {
            return $result->withRealType($type);
        return $result;

     * @return UnionType
     * Get a new type for each type in this union which is
     * the generic array version of this type. For instance,
     * 'int|float' will produce 'list<int>|list<float>'.
     * If $this is an empty UnionType, this method will produce 'list<mixed>'
    public function asNonEmptyListTypes(): UnionType
        static $type = null;
        if ($type === null) {
            $type = ListType::fromElementType(MixedType::instance(false), false);
        if (\count($this->type_set) === 0) {
            return $type->asRealUnionType();
        $result = $this->asMappedUnionType(
            static function (Type $type): Type {
                return ListType::fromElementType($type, false);
        if (!$result->hasRealTypeSet()) {
            return $result->withRealType($type);
        return $result;

     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The code base to use in order to find super classes, etc.
     * @param $recursion_depth
     * This thing has a tendency to run-away on me. This tracks
     * how bad I messed up by seeing how far the expanded types
     * go
     * @return UnionType
     * Expands all class types to all inherited classes returning
     * a superset of this type.
    public function asExpandedTypes(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        int $recursion_depth = 0
    ): UnionType {
        // TODO: Preserve the original real types without expanding them?
        if ($recursion_depth >= 12) {
            throw new RecursionDepthException("Recursion has gotten out of hand: " . Frame::getExpandedTypesDetails());

        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return self::$empty_instance;
        } elseif (\count($type_set) === 1) {
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
            return \reset($type_set)->asExpandedTypes(
                $recursion_depth + 1
        // 2 or more union types to merge

        $builder = new UnionTypeBuilder();
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
                    $recursion_depth + 1
        return UnionType::of($builder->getTypeSet(), $this->real_type_set);

     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The code base to use in order to find super classes, etc.
     * @param $recursion_depth
     * This thing has a tendency to run-away on me. This tracks
     * how bad I messed up by seeing how far the expanded types
     * go
     * @return UnionType
     * Expands all class types to all inherited classes returning
     * a superset of this type, not removing template types
    public function asExpandedTypesPreservingTemplate(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        int $recursion_depth = 0
    ): UnionType {
        if ($recursion_depth >= 12) {
            throw new RecursionDepthException("Recursion has gotten out of hand: " . Frame::getExpandedTypesDetails());

        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            return self::$empty_instance;
        } elseif (\count($type_set) === 1) {
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
            return \reset($type_set)->asExpandedTypesPreservingTemplate(
                $recursion_depth + 1
        // 2 or more union types to merge

        $builder = new UnionTypeBuilder();
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
                    $recursion_depth + 1
        return UnionType::of($builder->getTypeSet(), $this->real_type_set);

     * Remove all types with the same FQSENs as $template_union_type with the types.
     * Then, return this with $template_union_type added.
    public function replaceWithTemplateTypes(UnionType $template_union_type): UnionType
        if ($template_union_type->isEmpty()) {
            return $this;
        $new_type_set = $this->type_set;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $i => $type) {
            // TODO: Handle recursion
            if ($template_union_type->hasTypeWithFQSEN($type)) {
                if ($type->isNullable()) {
                    // Preserve nullable
                    $template_union_type = $template_union_type->nullableClone();
        $new_type_set = \array_merge($new_type_set, $template_union_type->getTypeSet());
        return UnionType::of($new_type_set, $this->real_type_set);

     * Check if at least one type in this union type has the same FQSEN as $other
     * Returns false if $other is not an object type.
    public function hasTypeWithFQSEN(Type $other): bool
        if (!$other->isObjectWithKnownFQSEN()) {
            return false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->hasSameNamespaceAndName($other) && $type->isObjectWithKnownFQSEN()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Filters the types with the same FQSEN as $other
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function getTypesWithFQSEN(Type $other): UnionType
        if (!$other->isObjectWithKnownFQSEN()) {
            return UnionType::empty();
        $result = $this;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->hasSameNamespaceAndName($other) && $type->isObjectWithKnownFQSEN()) {
                $result = $result->withoutType($type);
        return $result;

     * As per the Serializable interface
     * @return string
     * A serialized representation of this type
     * @see \Serializable
    public function serialize(): string
        if ($this->real_type_set) {
            return (string)$this . "\x00" . \implode('|', $this->real_type_set);
        return (string)$this;

     * As per the Serializable interface
     * @param string $serialized
     * A serialized UnionType
     * @see \Serializable
     * @suppress PhanAccessReadOnlyProperty this unserializes
     * @suppress PhanParamSignatureRealMismatchHasNoParamTypeInternal, PhanUnusedSuppression parameter type widening was allowed in php 7.2, signature changed in php 8
    public function unserialize($serialized): void
        $i = \strpos($serialized, "\x00");
        if ($i !== false) {
            $result = UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocAndRealString(
                substr($serialized, 0, $i),
                (string)substr($serialized, $i + 1)
            $this->type_set = $result->getTypeSet();
            $this->real_type_set = $result->getRealTypeSet();
        $this->type_set = UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString($serialized)->getTypeSet();

     * @return string
     * A human-readable string representation of this union
     * type
    public function __toString(): string
        // Create a new array containing the string
        // representations of each type
        $types = $this->type_set;
        $type_name_list =
            \array_map(static function (Type $type): string {
                return (string)$type;
            }, $types);

        // Sort the types so that we get a stable
        // representation

        // Join them with a pipe
        return \implode('|', $type_name_list);

     * @return array<string,array<int|string,string>>
     * A map from builtin function name to type information
     * @see \Phan\Language\Internal\FunctionSignatureMap
    public static function internalFunctionSignatureMap(int $target_php_version): array
        static $php73_map = [];

        if (!$php73_map) {
            $php73_map = self::computeLatestFunctionSignatureMap();
        if ($target_php_version >= 70400) {
            static $php74_map = [];
            if (!$php74_map) {
                $php74_map = self::computePHP74FunctionSignatureMap($php73_map);
            if ($target_php_version >= 80000) {
                static $php80_map = [];
                if (!$php80_map) {
                    $php80_map = self::computePHP80FunctionSignatureMap($php74_map);
                return $php80_map;
            return $php74_map;
        if ($target_php_version >= 70300) {
            return $php73_map;
        static $php72_map = [];
        if (!$php72_map) {
            $php72_map = self::computePHP72FunctionSignatureMap($php73_map);
        if ($target_php_version >= 70200) {
            return $php72_map;
        static $php71_map = [];
        if (!$php71_map) {
            $php71_map = self::computePHP71FunctionSignatureMap($php72_map);
        if ($target_php_version >= 70100) {
            return $php71_map;
        static $php70_map = [];
        if (!$php70_map) {
            $php70_map = self::computePHP70FunctionSignatureMap($php71_map);
        if ($target_php_version >= 70000) {
            return $php70_map;

        static $php56_map = [];
        if (!$php56_map) {
            $php56_map = self::computePHP56FunctionSignatureMap($php70_map);
        return $php56_map;

     * @return array<string,string[]>
    private static function computeLatestFunctionSignatureMap(): array
        $map = [];
        $map_raw = require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/FunctionSignatureMap.php');
        foreach ($map_raw as $key => $value) {
            $map[\strtolower($key)] = $value;
        return $map;

     * @return array<string,string> maps the lowercase function name to the return type
     * @internal the data format will change
    public static function getLatestRealFunctionSignatureMap(int $target_php_version): array
        if ($target_php_version >= 80000) {
            static $map_80;
            return $map_80 ?? ($map_80 = self::computeLatestRealFunctionSignatureMap(true));
        static $map_73;
        return $map_73 ?? ($map_73 = self::computeLatestRealFunctionSignatureMap(false));

     * @return array<string,string>
    private static function computeLatestRealFunctionSignatureMap(bool $is_php8): array
        $map = [];
        if ($is_php8) {
            $map_raw = require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/FunctionSignatureMapReal.php');
        } else {
            $map_raw = require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/FunctionSignatureMapReal_php73.php');
        foreach ($map_raw as $key => $value) {
            $map[\strtolower($key)] = $value;
        return $map;

     * @param array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>> $php74_map
     * @return array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>
    private static function computePHP80FunctionSignatureMap(array $php74_map): array
        $delta_raw = require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/FunctionSignatureMap_php80_delta.php');
        return self::applyDeltaToGetNewerSignatures($php74_map, $delta_raw);

     * @param array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>> $php73_map
     * @return array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>
    private static function computePHP74FunctionSignatureMap(array $php73_map): array
        $delta_raw = require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/FunctionSignatureMap_php74_delta.php');
        return self::applyDeltaToGetNewerSignatures($php73_map, $delta_raw);

     * @param array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>> $php73_map
     * @return array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>
    private static function computePHP72FunctionSignatureMap(array $php73_map): array
        $delta_raw = require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/FunctionSignatureMap_php73_delta.php');
        return self::applyDeltaToGetOlderSignatures($php73_map, $delta_raw);

     * @param array<string,array<int|string,string>> $php72_map
     * @return array<string,array<int|string,string>>
    private static function computePHP71FunctionSignatureMap(array $php72_map): array
        $delta_raw = require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/FunctionSignatureMap_php72_delta.php');
        return self::applyDeltaToGetOlderSignatures($php72_map, $delta_raw);

     * @param array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>> $php71_map
     * @return array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>
    private static function computePHP70FunctionSignatureMap(array $php71_map): array
        $delta_raw = require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/FunctionSignatureMap_php71_delta.php');
        return self::applyDeltaToGetOlderSignatures($php71_map, $delta_raw);

     * @param array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>> $php70_map
     * @return array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>
    private static function computePHP56FunctionSignatureMap(array $php70_map): array
        $delta_raw = require(__DIR__ . '/Internal/FunctionSignatureMap_php70_delta.php');
        return self::applyDeltaToGetOlderSignatures($php70_map, $delta_raw);

     * @param array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>> $older_map
     * @param array{new:array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>,old:array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>} $delta
     * @return array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>
     * @see applyDeltaToGetOlderSignatures - This is doing the exact same thing in reverse.
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPrivateMethod this will be used again when Phan supports the next PHP minor release
    private static function applyDeltaToGetNewerSignatures(array $older_map, array $delta): array
        return self::applyDeltaToGetOlderSignatures($older_map, [
            'old' => $delta['new'],
            'new' => $delta['old'],

     * @param array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>> $newer_map
     * @param array{new:array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>,old:array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>} $delta
     * @return array<string,associative-array<int|string,string>>
    private static function applyDeltaToGetOlderSignatures(array $newer_map, array $delta): array
        foreach ($delta['new'] as $key => $unused_signature) {
            // Would also unset alternates, but that step isn't necessary yet.
        foreach ($delta['old'] as $key => $signature) {
            // Would also unset alternates, but that step isn't necessary yet.
            $newer_map[\strtolower($key)] = $signature;

        // Return the newer map after modifying it to become the older map.
        return $newer_map;

     * @var ?UnionType|?bool this type as the normalized version
    private $as_normalized = null;

     * @return UnionType - A normalized version of this union type (May or may not be the same object, if no modifications were made)
     * The following normalization rules apply
     * 1. If one of the types is null or nullable, convert all types to nullable and remove "null" from the union type
     * 2. If both "true" and "false" (possibly nullable) coexist, or either coexists with "bool" (possibly nullable),
     *    then remove "true" and "false"
     *    @suppress PhanAccessReadOnlyProperty
    public function asNormalizedTypes(): UnionType
        if (\count($this->type_set) <= 1 && \count($this->real_type_set) <= 1) {
            // Optimization: can't simplify if there's only one type
            return $this;
        $normalized = $this->as_normalized;
        if (\is_null($normalized)) {
            $this->as_normalized = $normalized = $this->asNormalizedTypesInner();
        return \is_object($normalized) ? $normalized : $this;

    private function asNormalizedTypesInner(): UnionType
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        $real_type_set = $this->real_type_set;
        $new_type_set = self::asNormalizedTypeSetInner($type_set);
        $new_real_type_set = self::asNormalizedTypeSetInner($real_type_set);
        if ($type_set === $new_type_set && $real_type_set === $new_real_type_set) {
            return $this;
        return UnionType::of($new_type_set, $new_real_type_set);

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function asNormalizedTypeSetInner(array $type_set): array
        if (\count($type_set) <= 1) {
            return $type_set;
        $flags = 0;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            $flags |= $type->getNormalizationFlags();
        if ($flags === 0) {
            // Optimization: nothing to do if no types are null/nullable or booleans
            return $type_set;
        $nullable = ($flags & Type::_bit_nullable) !== 0;
        if ($nullable) {
            $new_types = [];
            foreach ($type_set as $type) {
                if ($type instanceof NullType || $type instanceof VoidType) {
                if ($type->isNullable()) {
                    $new_types[] = $type;
                } else {
                    $new_types[] = $type->withIsNullable(true);
            $builder = new UnionTypeBuilder(self::getUniqueTypes($new_types));
        } else {
            $builder = new UnionTypeBuilder($type_set);

        // If this contains both true and false types, filter out both and add "bool" (or "?bool" for nullable)
        if (($flags & Type::_bit_bool_combination) === Type::_bit_bool_combination) {
            if ($nullable) {
            } else {
        $result_type_set = $builder->getTypeSet();
        if ($result_type_set === $type_set) {
            // Reuse the first array if possible, to keep memory usage down.
            return $type_set;
        return $result_type_set;

     * @param UnionType[] $union_types
     * @return UnionType union of these UnionTypes
    public static function merge(array $union_types, bool $normalize_array_shapes = true): UnionType
        $n = \count($union_types);
        if ($n < 2) {
            return \reset($union_types) ?: UnionType::$empty_instance;
        $new_type_set = [];
        $array_shape_types = [];
        foreach ($union_types as $union_type) {
            $type_set = $union_type->type_set;
            if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
            if (\count($new_type_set) === 0) {
                // Take advantage of copy-on-write when possible (this avoids creating a new array if nothing else gets added)
                $new_type_set = $type_set;
                foreach ($type_set as $type) {
                    if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType && $normalize_array_shapes) {
                        $array_shape_types[] = $type;
            foreach ($type_set as $type) {
                $new_type_set[] = $type;
                if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType && $normalize_array_shapes) {
                    $array_shape_types[] = $type;
        if (\count($new_type_set) > 1) {
            $new_type_set = self::getUniqueTypes($new_type_set);
            $array_shape_types = self::getUniqueTypes($array_shape_types);
        if ($array_shape_types) {
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPartialTypeMismatchArgument phan can't infer new_type_set/union_types are non-empty
            $new_type_set = self::normalizeArrayShapes($new_type_set, $array_shape_types, $union_types, false);
        $new_real_type_set = [];
        $array_shape_types = [];
        foreach ($union_types as $union_type) {
            $type_set = $union_type->real_type_set;
            if (\count($type_set) === 0) {
                $new_real_type_set = [];
                $array_shape_types = [];
            if (\count($new_real_type_set) === 0) {
                $new_real_type_set = $type_set;
                foreach ($type_set as $type) {
                    if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType && $normalize_array_shapes) {
                        $array_shape_types[] = $type;
            foreach ($type_set as $type) {
                $new_real_type_set[] = $type;
                if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType && $normalize_array_shapes) {
                    $array_shape_types[] = $type;
        if (\count($new_real_type_set) > 1) {
            $new_real_type_set = self::getUniqueTypes($new_real_type_set);
            $array_shape_types = self::getUniqueTypes($array_shape_types);
        if ($array_shape_types) {
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPartialTypeMismatchArgument Phan can't count.
            $new_real_type_set = self::normalizeArrayShapes($new_real_type_set, $array_shape_types, $union_types, true);
        // \Phan\Debug::debugLog("Before: " . \implode(' or ', \array_map(function (UnionType $type) : string { return $type->getDebugRepresentation(); }, $union_types)) . " array_shape_types=" . \implode(' or ', $array_shape_types) . "\n");
        return UnionType::of($new_type_set, $new_real_type_set);
        // \Phan\Debug::debugLog("After: " . $result->getDebugRepresentation() . "\n");
        // return $result;

     * @param non-empty-list<Type> $type_set the elements of the type_set (both array shapes and non array shapes)
     * @param non-empty-list<ArrayShapeType> $array_shape_types the elements of the type_set that were ArrayShapeType instances
     * @param non-empty-list<UnionType> $union_types a list of two or more union types, at least one of which has array shapes
     * @param bool $from_real_type_set
     * @return non-empty-list<Type> $type_set a type set with all array shape types normalized
    private static function normalizeArrayShapes(array $type_set, array $array_shape_types, array $union_types, bool $from_real_type_set): array
        // If one of the union types had no array shape types, merge the array shape types of other types with the empty type
        $add_mixed = false;
        foreach ($union_types as $union_type) {
            foreach ($from_real_type_set ? $union_type->real_type_set : $union_type->type_set as $type) {
                if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                    continue 2;
            $add_mixed = true;
        if (!$add_mixed && \count($array_shape_types) === 1) {
            return $type_set;
        // Replace the prior array shape types with the new array shape types.
        $array_shape_type = self::combineArrayShapeTypes($array_shape_types, $add_mixed);
        $new_type_set = [$array_shape_type];
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if (!$type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                $new_type_set[] = $type;
        return $new_type_set;

     * @param non-empty-list<ArrayShapeType> $types
    private static function combineArrayShapeTypes(array $types, bool $add_mixed): ArrayShapeType
        $is_nullable = false;
        $field_types_list = [];
        $common_field_types = [];
        foreach ($types as $type) {
            $is_nullable = $is_nullable || $type->isNullable();
            $field_types = $type->getFieldTypes();
            $common_field_types += $field_types;
            $field_types_list[] = $field_types;
        foreach ($common_field_types as $key => $_) {
            $is_possibly_undefined = false;
            $new_element_union_types = [];
            foreach ($field_types_list as $field_types) {
                $element_union_type = $field_types[$key] ?? null;
                if (!$element_union_type) {
                    $is_possibly_undefined = true;
                if ($add_mixed) {
                    $element_union_type = $element_union_type->eraseRealTypeSetRecursively();
                $new_element_union_types[] = $element_union_type;
                $is_possibly_undefined = $is_possibly_undefined || $element_union_type->isPossiblyUndefined();
            $new_element_union_type = UnionType::merge($new_element_union_types);
            if ($is_possibly_undefined) {
                $new_element_union_type = $new_element_union_type->withIsPossiblyUndefined(true);
            $common_field_types[$key] = $new_element_union_type;
        return ArrayShapeType::fromFieldTypes($common_field_types, $is_nullable);

     * Must be called after converting nullable to non-nullable.
     * Removes false|true types and adds bool
     * @param UnionTypeBuilder $builder (Containing only non-nullable values)
    private static function convertToTypeSetWithNormalizedNonNullableBools(UnionTypeBuilder $builder): void
        static $true_type = null;
        static $false_type = null;
        static $bool_type = null;
        if ($bool_type === null) {
            $true_type = TrueType::instance(false);
            $false_type = FalseType::instance(false);
            $bool_type = BoolType::instance(false);
        if (!$builder->isEmpty()) {


     * Must be called after converting all types to null.
     * Removes ?false|?true types and adds ?bool
     * @param UnionTypeBuilder $builder (Containing only non-nullable values)
    private static function convertToTypeSetWithNormalizedNullableBools(UnionTypeBuilder $builder): void
        static $true_type = null;
        static $false_type = null;
        static $bool_type = null;
        if ($bool_type === null) {
            $true_type = TrueType::instance(true);
            $false_type = FalseType::instance(true);
            $bool_type = BoolType::instance(true);
        if (!$builder->isEmpty()) {


     * Generates a variable length string identifier that uniquely identifies the Type instances in this UnionType. (both phpdoc and real)
     * `int|string` will generate the same id as `string|int`.
    public function generateUniqueId(): string
        /** @var list<int> $ids */
        // Real types are given negative ids, and phpdoc types are given non-negative ids.
        $ids = [];
        foreach ($this->real_type_set as $type) {
            $ids[] = ~\spl_object_id($type);
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            $ids[] = \spl_object_id($type);
        // Sort the unique identifiers of Type instances so that int|string generates the same id as string|int
        return \implode(',', $ids);

     * Returns true if at least one of the types in this type set is a generic array shape
     * E.g. returns true for `array{}|false`, but not for `iterable<int,array{}>|false`
    public function hasTopLevelArrayShapeTypeInstances(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if at least one of the types in this type set is not a generic array shape
     * E.g. returns true for `array{}|false`, and false for `array{}`
    public function hasTopLevelNonArrayShapeTypeInstances(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!($type instanceof ArrayShapeType)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if at least one of the types in this type set contains an array shape.
     * TODO: Implement for all types that can contain other types.
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function hasArrayShapeTypeInstances(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->hasArrayShapeTypeInstances()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if at least one of the types in this type set contains an array shape or a literal type.
     * TODO: Implement for all types that can contain other types.
     * e.g. returns true for `array<string,2>`, `2`, `array{key:int}`, etc.
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function hasArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->hasArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return bool true if at least one of the types in this type set is `mixed` or `?mixed`
    public function hasMixedType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof MixedType) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Flatten literals in keys and values of top-level array shapes into non-literal types (but not standalone literals)
     * E.g. convert array{2:array{key:'value'}} to array<int,array{key:'value'}>
    public function withFlattenedTopLevelArrayShapeTypeInstances(): UnionType
        if (!$this->hasArrayShapeTypeInstances()) {
            return $this;
        return UnionType::of(

     * Convert non-empty-array, etc. to array.
     * This reflects a change that removes elements from an array.
     * @see withFlattenedTopLevelArrayShapeTypeInstances
    public function withPossiblyEmptyArrays(): UnionType
         return $this->asMappedUnionType(static function (Type $type): Type {
            if ($type instanceof NonEmptyArrayInterface) {
                return $type->asPossiblyEmptyArrayType();
             return $type;

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function withFlattenedTopLevelArrayShapeTypeInstancesForSet(array $type_set): array
        $result = [];
        $has_other_array_type = false;
        $empty_array_shape_type = null;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                if (\count($type->getFieldTypes()) === 0) {
                    $empty_array_shape_type = $type;
                $has_other_array_type = true;
                foreach ($type->withFlattenedTopLevelArrayShapeTypeInstances() as $type_part) {
                    $result[] = $type_part;
            } else {
                $result[] = $type;
                if ($type instanceof ArrayType) {
                    $has_other_array_type = true;
        if ($empty_array_shape_type) {
            $is_nullable = $empty_array_shape_type->isNullable();
            if (!$has_other_array_type) {
                $result[] = ArrayType::instance($is_nullable);
            } else {
                foreach ($result as $i => $type) {
                    if ($type instanceof NonEmptyListType) {
                        $type = $type->asPossiblyEmptyArrayType();
                        $result[$i] = $type;
                    if ($is_nullable) {
                        $result[$i] = $type->withIsNullable(true);
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPartialTypeMismatchReturn phan cannot infer that the assignments do not make the result associative-array.
        return $result;

     * Flatten literals in keys and values into non-literal types (but not standalone literals)
     * E.g. convert array{2:3} to array<int,string>
    public function withFlattenedArrayShapeTypeInstances(): UnionType
        if (!$this->hasArrayShapeTypeInstances()) {
            return $this;
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function withFlattenedArrayShapeTypeInstancesForSet(array $type_set): array
        $result = [];
        $has_other_array_type = false;
        $empty_array_shape_type = null;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->hasArrayShapeTypeInstances()) {
                if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                    if (\count($type->getFieldTypes()) === 0) {
                        $empty_array_shape_type = $type;
                $has_other_array_type = true;
                foreach ($type->withFlattenedArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances() as $type_part) {
                    $result[] = $type_part;
            } else {
                $result[] = $type;
                if ($type instanceof ArrayType) {
                    $has_other_array_type = true;
        if ($empty_array_shape_type && !$has_other_array_type) {
            $result[] = ArrayType::instance($empty_array_shape_type->isNullable());
        return $result;

     * Flatten literals in keys and values into non-literal types (as well as standalone literals)
     * E.g. convert array{2:3} to array<int,string>, 'somestring' to string, etc.
    public function withFlattenedArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances(): UnionType
        if (!$this->hasArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances()) {
            return $this;

        return UnionType::of(

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function withFlattenedArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstancesForSet(array $type_set): array
        $result = [];
        $has_other_array_type = false;
        $empty_array_shape_type = null;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->hasArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances()) {
                if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                    if (\count($type->getFieldTypes()) === 0) {
                        $empty_array_shape_type = $type;
                foreach ($type->withFlattenedArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances() as $type_part) {
                    $result[] = $type_part;
            } else {
                $result[] = $type;
            if ($type instanceof ArrayType) {
                $has_other_array_type = true;
        if ($empty_array_shape_type && !$has_other_array_type) {
            $result[] = ArrayType::instance($empty_array_shape_type->isNullable());
        return $result;

     * Returns this union type after an operation that converts arrays to associative arrays is applied.
    public function withAssociativeArrays(bool $can_reduce_size): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(
            self::withAssociativeArraysForSet($this->type_set, $can_reduce_size),
            self::withAssociativeArraysForSet($this->real_type_set, $can_reduce_size)

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<Type> with all array types as associative arrays or array shapes
    private static function withAssociativeArraysForSet(array $type_set, bool $can_reduce_size): array
        foreach ($type_set as $i => $type) {
            if (!$type instanceof ArrayType) {
            if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
            $type_set[$i] = $type->asAssociativeArrayType($can_reduce_size);
        return $type_set;

     * Returns this union type after an operation that converts arrays with integer keys to lists is applied.
     * (e.g. array_unshift, array_merge)
    public function withIntegerKeyArraysAsLists(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<Type> with all array types as lists, or as arrays with mixed or string keys
    private static function withIntegerKeyArraysAsListsForSet(array $type_set): array
        foreach ($type_set as $i => $type) {
            if (!$type instanceof ArrayType) {
            $type_set[$i] = $type->convertIntegerKeyArrayToList();
        return $type_set;

     * Used to check if any type in this param type should be replaced
     * by more specific types of arguments, in non-quick mode
    public function shouldBeReplacedBySpecificTypes(): bool
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            // We don't know anything about this type, this should be replaced by more specific argument types.
            return true;
        return $this->hasTypeMatchingCallback(static function (Type $type): bool {
            return $type->shouldBeReplacedBySpecificTypes();

     * Removes $field_key from the fields of top-level array shapes of this union type.
     * @param int|string|float|bool $field_key
    public function withoutArrayShapeField($field_key): UnionType
        return $this->asMappedUnionType(static function (Type $type) use ($field_key): Type {
            if ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) {
                return $type->withoutField($field_key);
            return $type;

     * Mark this union type as being possibly undefined.
     * This is used for union types of variables and for values of array shapes.
     * @suppress PhanAccessReadOnlyProperty this is the only way to set is_possibly_undefined
    public function withIsPossiblyUndefined(bool $is_possibly_undefined): UnionType
        if (!$is_possibly_undefined) {
            return $this;
        // TODO: Would using [NullType] make more sense here?
        $result = new AnnotatedUnionType($this->type_set, true, $this->real_type_set);
        $result->is_possibly_undefined = $is_possibly_undefined;
        return $result;

     * Mark this union type as being possibly definitely undefined.
     * This is used for properties (of $this) and is planned for local variables.
     * Base implementation. Overridden by AnnotatedUnionType.
     * @suppress PhanAccessReadOnlyProperty this is the only way to set is_possibly_undefined
    public function withIsDefinitelyUndefined(): UnionType
        $result = new AnnotatedUnionType($this->type_set, true, $this->real_type_set);
        $result->is_possibly_undefined = AnnotatedUnionType::DEFINITELY_UNDEFINED;
        return $result;

     * Base implementation. Overridden by AnnotatedUnionType.
     * Used for fields of array shapes.
     * This is distinct from null - The array shape offset potentially doesn't exist at all, which is different from existing and being null.
    public function isPossiblyUndefined(): bool
        return false;

     * Base implementation. Overridden by AnnotatedUnionType.
     * Used for properties(tracking unset of $this) and planned for variables.
    public function isDefinitelyUndefined(): bool
        return false;

     * Returns true if at least one of the types in this union type is a class-like defining the method __toString()
     * Callers should convert union types to the expanded union types first.
     * TODO: is that necessary?
    public function hasClassWithToStringMethod(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context): bool
        try {
            foreach ($this->asClassList($code_base, $context) as $clazz) {
                // NOTE: It's possible for an internal class to cast to string without implementing __toString.
                // (PHP 8 implements that in more places)
                // The $is_direct to hasMethodWithName currently doesn't matter one way or another for that.
                if ($clazz->hasMethodWithName($code_base, "__toString", false)) {
                    return true;
        } catch (CodeBaseException $_) {
            // Swallow "Cannot find class", go on to emit issue
        return false;

     * Returns true if the union type is exclusively generators
    public function isExclusivelyGenerators(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!$type->isGenerator()) {
                return false;
        return \count($this->type_set) > 0;

     * Gets the type of this converted to a generator.
     * E.g. converts the type of an iterable/array/Generator `$x`
     * to the type of a generator with the implementation `yield from $x`
    public function asGeneratorTemplateType(): Type
        $fallback_values = UnionType::empty();
        $fallback_keys = UnionType::empty();

        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isGenerator()) {
                if ($type->hasTemplateParameterTypes()) {
                    return $type;
            // TODO: support Iterator<T> or Traversable<T> or iterable<T>
            if ($type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
                $fallback_values = $fallback_values->withType($type->genericArrayElementType());
                $key_type = $type->getKeyType();
                if ($key_type === GenericArrayType::KEY_INT) {
                    $fallback_keys = $fallback_keys->withType(IntType::instance(false));
                } elseif ($key_type === GenericArrayType::KEY_STRING) {
                    $fallback_keys = $fallback_keys->withType(StringType::instance(false));
            } elseif ($type instanceof ArrayShapeType && $type->isNotEmptyArrayShape()) {
                $fallback_values = $fallback_values->withUnionType($type->genericArrayElementUnionType());
                $fallback_keys = $fallback_keys->withUnionType(GenericArrayType::unionTypeForKeyType($type->getKeyType()));

        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeAbsentForCall
        $result = Type::fromFullyQualifiedString('\Generator');
        if ($fallback_keys->typeCount() > 0 || $fallback_values->typeCount() > 0) {
            $template_types = $fallback_keys->typeCount() > 0 ? [$fallback_keys, $fallback_values] : [$fallback_values];
            $result = $result->fromType($result, $template_types);
        return $result;

     * @return Generator<Type,Type> ($outer_type => $inner_type)
     * This includes classes, StaticType (and "self"), and TemplateType.
     * This includes duplicate definitions
     * TODO: Warn about Closure Declarations with invalid parameters...
     * TODO: Use different helper for GoToDefinitionRequest
    public function getReferencedClasses(): Generator
        foreach ($this->withFlattenedArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances()->getTypeSet() as $outer_type) {
            foreach ($outer_type->getReferencedClasses() as $type) {
                yield $outer_type => $type;

     * @return UnionType the union type of applying the minus operator to an expression with this union type
    public function applyUnaryMinusOperator(): UnionType
        /** @param int|float $value */
        return $this->applyNumericOperation(static function ($value): ScalarType {
            $result = -$value;
            if (\is_int($result)) {
                return LiteralIntType::instanceForValue($result, false);
            // -INT_MIN is a float.
            return LiteralFloatType::instanceForValue($result, false);

     * @return UnionType the union type of applying the unary bitwise not operator to an expression with this union type
    public function applyUnaryBitwiseNotOperator(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(
            self::applyUnaryBitwiseNotOperatorToList($this->type_set, false),
            self::applyUnaryBitwiseNotOperatorToList($this->real_type_set, true)

     * @param list<Type> $type_set
     * @return list<IntType|StringType>
    private static function applyUnaryBitwiseNotOperatorToList(array $type_set, bool $is_real): array
        if (!$type_set) {
            // Can be int|string
            return UnionType::typeSetFromString($is_real ? 'int|string' : 'int');
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            // ~null is an error, don't check isNullable()
            if ($type instanceof LiteralTypeInterface) {
                try {
                    // throws error for bool/null
                    $value = ~$type->getValue();
                } catch (\Error $_) {

                if (is_int($value)) {
                    $result[] = LiteralIntType::instanceForValue($value, false);
                } else {
                    $result[] = LiteralStringType::instanceForValue($value, false);
            if ($type instanceof IntType || $type instanceof FloatType) {
                $result[] = IntType::instance(false);
            } elseif ($type instanceof StringType || $type instanceof CallableType) {
                $result[] = StringType::instance(false);
            } elseif ($type instanceof MixedType) {
                $result[] = StringType::instance(false);
                $result[] = IntType::instance(false);
            // Not going to bother with objects for now
        return $result ?: self::intOrStringTypeSet();

     * Returns the boolean negation of this type.
    public function applyUnaryNotOperator(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function applyUnaryNotOperatorToList(array $type_set): array
        $contains_falsey = false;
        $contains_truthy = false;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isPossiblyFalsey()) {
                $contains_falsey = true;
            if ($type->isPossiblyTruthy()) {
                $contains_truthy = true;
            if ($contains_falsey && $contains_truthy) {
                return UnionType::typeSetFromString('bool');
        if ($contains_truthy) {
            return UnionType::typeSetFromString('false');
        } elseif ($contains_falsey) {
            return UnionType::typeSetFromString('true');
        return UnionType::typeSetFromString('bool');

     * Returns the boolean cast of this type
    public function applyBoolCast(): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(

     * @param Type[] $type_set
     * @return list<Type>
    private static function applyBoolCastToList(array $type_set): array
        $contains_falsey = false;
        $contains_truthy = false;
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isPossiblyFalsey()) {
                $contains_falsey = true;
            if ($type->isPossiblyTruthy()) {
                $contains_truthy = true;
            if ($contains_falsey && $contains_truthy) {
                return UnionType::typeSetFromString('bool');
        if ($contains_truthy) {
            return UnionType::typeSetFromString('true');
        } elseif ($contains_falsey) {
            return UnionType::typeSetFromString('false');
        return UnionType::typeSetFromString('bool');

     * @return list<IntType|StringType>
     * @suppress PhanPartialTypeMismatchReturn not able to infer subclass from typeSetFromString
    private static function intOrStringTypeSet(): array
        static $types;
        return $types ?? ($types = UnionType::typeSetFromString('int|string'));

     * @return UnionType the union type of applying the unary plus operator to an expression with this union type
    public function applyUnaryPlusOperator(): UnionType
        /** @param int|float $value */
        return $this->applyNumericOperation(static function ($value): ScalarType {
            $result = +$value;
            if (\is_int($result)) {
                return LiteralIntType::instanceForValue($result, false);
            return LiteralFloatType::instanceForValue($result, false);

     * @param Closure(int|float): ScalarType $operation
    private function applyNumericOperation(Closure $operation): UnionType
        return UnionType::of(
            self::applyNumericOperationToList($this->type_set, $operation),
            self::applyNumericOperationToList($this->real_type_set, $operation)

     * @param List<Type> $type_set
     * @param Closure(int|float): ScalarType $operation
     * @return list<ScalarType>
    private static function applyNumericOperationToList(array $type_set, Closure $operation): array
        $added_fallbacks = false;
        $result = [];
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullable()) {
                $result[] = LiteralIntType::instanceForValue(0, false);
            if ($type instanceof LiteralIntType || $type instanceof LiteralFloatType) {
                $result[] = $operation($type->getValue());
            } else {
                if ($type instanceof LiteralStringType) {
                    if (\is_numeric($type->getValue())) {
                        $result[] = $operation(+$type->getValue());
                    } else {
                        // TODO: Could warn about non-numeric operand instead
                        $result[] = LiteralIntType::instanceForValue(0, false);
                if ($added_fallbacks) {
                if (!($type instanceof IntType)) {
                    $result[] = FloatType::instance(false);
                    if (!($type instanceof FloatType)) {
                        $result[] = IntType::instance(false);
                    $added_fallbacks = true;
                } else {
                    $result[] = IntType::instance(false);
                    // Keep added_fallbacks false in case this needs to add FloatType
        if (!$result) {
            return UnionType::typeSetFromString('int|float');
        return $result;

     * @return ?string|?float|?int|bool|null
     * If this union type can be represented by a single scalar value,
     * then this returns that scalar value.
     * Otherwise, this returns null.
    public function asSingleScalarValueOrNull()
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) !== 1) {
            return null;
        $type = \reset($type_set);
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyFalseTypeArgumentInternal TODO: Infer non-empty-array from count
        switch (\get_class($type)) {
            case LiteralIntType::class:
                return $type->isNullable() ? null : $type->getValue();
            case LiteralFloatType::class:
                return $type->isNullable() ? null : $type->getValue();
            case LiteralStringType::class:
                return $type->isNullable() ? null : $type->getValue();
            case FalseType::class:
                return false;
            case TrueType::class:
                return true;
            // case NullType::class:
            // case VoidType::class:
                return null;

     * @return ?string|?float|?int|bool|null|?UnionType
     * If this union type can be represented by a single scalar value or null,
     * then this returns that scalar value.
     * Otherwise, this returns $this.
    public function asSingleScalarValueOrNullOrSelf()
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) !== 1) {
            return $this;
        $type = \reset($type_set);
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
        if ($type->isNullable()) {
            return ($type instanceof NullType || $type instanceof VoidType) ? null : $this;
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyFalseTypeArgumentInternal
        switch (\get_class($type)) {
            case LiteralIntType::class:
            case LiteralStringType::class:
                return $type->getValue();
            case FalseType::class:
                return false;
            case TrueType::class:
                return true;
                return $this;

     * @return ?array|?string|?float|?int|bool|null|?UnionType
     * If this union type can be represented by a PHP value or null,
     * then this returns that PHP value.
     * Otherwise, this returns $this.
    public function asValueOrNullOrSelf()
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) !== 1) {
            return $this;
        $type = \reset($type_set);
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
        if ($type->isNullable()) {
            return ($type instanceof NullType || $type instanceof VoidType) ? null : $this;
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyFalseTypeArgumentInternal
        switch (\get_class($type)) {
            case ArrayShapeType::class:
                return $type->asArrayLiteralOrNull() ?? $this;
            case LiteralIntType::class:
                return $type->getValue();
            case LiteralStringType::class:
                return $type->getValue();
            case FalseType::class:
                return false;
            case TrueType::class:
                return true;
            case NullType::class:
                return null;
                return $this;

     * @return list<string>
     * Returns a list of known strings for LiteralStringType instances in this union type.
     * E.g. for `?'foo'|?'bar'|?false|?T`, returns `['foo', 'bar']`
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod provided for plugins
    public function asStringScalarValues(): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof LiteralStringType) {
                $result[] = $type->getValue();
        return $result;

     * @return list<int>
     * Returns a list of known integers for LiteralIntType instances in this union type.
     * E.g. for `?11|?2|?false|?T`, returns `[11, 2]`
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod provided for plugins
    public function asIntScalarValues(): array
        $result = [];
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof LiteralIntType) {
                $result[] = $type->getValue();
        return $result;

     * @return ?list<?int|?bool|?string|?float>
     * Returns a list of known scalars that this union type could be.
     * E.g. for `?11|?2|?false|?'str'|?T`, returns `[11, 2, false, 'str', null]`
     * If $strict is true, this will return null if there are non-scalar types.
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod provided for plugins
    public function asScalarValues(bool $strict = false): ?array
        $result = [];
        $has_null = false;
        $has_false = false;
        $has_true = false;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullable()) {
                $has_null = true;
            switch (\get_class($type)) {
                case LiteralIntType::class:
                case LiteralFloatType::class:
                case LiteralStringType::class:
                    $result[] = $type->getValue();
                case FalseType::class:
                    $has_false = true;
                case TrueType::class:
                    $has_true = true;
                case BoolType::class:
                    $has_true = true;
                    $has_false = true;
                case NullType::class:
                case VoidType::class:
                    // already set $has_null = true;
                    if ($strict) {
                        return null;
        if ($has_null) {
            $result[] = null;
        if ($has_false) {
            $result[] = false;
        if ($has_true) {
            $result[] = true;
        return $result;

     * Returns true if this contains a type that is definitely nullable or a non-object.
     * e.g. returns true for ?T, T|false, T|array
     *      returns false for T|callable, object, T|iterable, etc.
    public function containsDefiniteNonObjectType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullableLabeled() || $type->isDefiniteNonObjectType()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if this contains a type that is definitely nullable or a non-object/non-string.
     * e.g. returns true for ?T, T|false, T|array
     *      returns false for T|callable, object, T|iterable, etc.
    public function containsDefiniteNonObjectAndNonClassType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullableLabeled() || ($type->isDefiniteNonObjectType() && !$type instanceof StringType)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if at least one type in this union type definitely can't be cast to `callable`
    public function containsDefiniteNonCallableType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type->isNullableLabeled() || $type->isDefiniteNonCallableType()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns true if either (1) this is the empty type, or (2) at least one type in this union type can't be ruled out as being callable.
    public function hasPossiblyCallableType(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!$type->isDefiniteNonCallableType()) {
                return true;
        return \count($this->type_set) === 0;

     * Returns the union type resulting from applying the `++`/`--` operator to an expression with union type.
     * TODO: Compute the real type set
    public function getTypeAfterIncOrDec(): UnionType
        $result = UnionType::empty();
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            $result = $result->withUnionType($type->getTypeAfterIncOrDec());
        return $result;

     * @param TemplateType $template_type the template type that this union type is being searched for
     * @return ?Closure(UnionType, Context):UnionType a closure to map types to the template type wherever it was in the original union type
    public function getTemplateTypeExtractorClosure(CodeBase $code_base, TemplateType $template_type): ?Closure
        $closure = null;
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            $closure = TemplateType::combineParameterClosures(
                $type->getTemplateTypeExtractorClosure($code_base, $template_type)
        return $closure;

     * Returns true if this references $template_type in any way
    public function usesTemplateType(TemplateType $template_type): bool
        $new_union_type = $this->withTemplateParameterTypeMap([
            $template_type->getName() => UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString('mixed'),
        return !$this->isEqualTo($new_union_type);

     * @return bool
     * True if this is the void type
    public function isVoidType(): bool
        $type_set = $this->type_set;
        if (\count($type_set) !== 1) {
            return false;
        return \reset($type_set) instanceof VoidType;

     * Shorter version of `UnionType::of($this->getTypeSet(), [$type])`
     * @suppress PhanAccessReadOnlyProperty
    public function withRealType(Type $type): UnionType
        $real_type_set = [$type];
        if ($this->real_type_set === $real_type_set) {
            return $this;
        if (!$this->type_set) {
            return $type->asRealUnionType();
        $new_type = clone($this);
        $new_type->real_type_set = $real_type_set;
        return $new_type;

     * Shorter version of `UnionType::of($this->type_set, $real_type_set)`
     * @param ?list<Type> $real_type_set
     * @suppress PhanAccessReadOnlyProperty
    public function withRealTypeSet(?array $real_type_set): UnionType
        if ($this->real_type_set === $real_type_set) {
            return $this;
        if (!$real_type_set) {
            return $this->eraseRealTypeSetRecursively();
        if (!$this->type_set) {
            return UnionType::of($real_type_set, $real_type_set);
        $new_type = clone($this);
        $new_type->real_type_set = $real_type_set;
        return $new_type;

     * Converts the real part of the union type to a standalone union type
    public function getRealUnionType(): UnionType
        $real_type_set = $this->real_type_set;
        if ($this->type_set === $real_type_set) {
            return $this;
        if (!$real_type_set) {
            return UnionType::empty();
        } elseif (\count($real_type_set) === 1) {
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyNonClassMethodCall
            return \reset($real_type_set)->asRealUnionType();
        return new UnionType($real_type_set, true, $real_type_set);

     * Converts a phpdoc type into the real union type equivalent.
    public function asRealUnionType(): UnionType
        return UnionType::ofUnique($this->type_set, $this->type_set);

     * Check if this is exclusively real types.
     * TODO: Could check if real types are in a different order
    public function isExclusivelyRealTypes(): bool
        return \count($this->real_type_set) > 0 && $this->type_set === $this->real_type_set;

     * Returns a detailed representation of this union type that can be used to debug issues when developing.
     * The representation may change - this should not be used for issue messages, etc.
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
    public function getDebugRepresentation(): string
        $representation = $this->__toString();
        if ($this->real_type_set) {
            $representation .= "(real=" . $this->getRealUnionType()->__toString() . ")";
        if ($representation === '') {
            return '(empty union type)';
        return $representation;

     * Returns true if this type has types for which `+expr` isn't an integer.
    public function hasTypesCoercingToNonInt(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof FloatType || $type instanceof StringType) {
                // TODO Could check for LiteralStringType
                return true;
        return \count($this->type_set) === 0;

     * Returns true if this is the empty array shape (or the nullable version of it)
    public function isEmptyArrayShape(): bool
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            if (!($type instanceof ArrayShapeType) || $type->isNotEmptyArrayShape()) {
                return false;
        return \count($this->type_set) !== 0;

     * Overridden in AnnotatedUnionType, which can be possibly nullable
     * @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod possibly useful for future code.
    public function convertUndefinedToNullable(): UnionType
        return $this;

     * Returns a generator that yields all types and subtypes in the phpdoc type set.
     * For example, for the union type `MyClass[]|false`, 3 types will be generated: `MyClass[]`, `MyClass`, and `false`.
     * This does not deduplicate types.
     * @return Generator<Type>
    public function getTypesRecursively(): Generator
        foreach ($this->type_set as $type) {
            yield from $type->getTypesRecursively();
