namespace Phan\LanguageServer;
use AdvancedJsonRpc;
use AssertionError;
use Closure;
use Exception;
use Phan\CLI;
use Phan\CodeBase;
use Phan\Config;
use Phan\Daemon\ExitException;
use Phan\Daemon\Request;
use Phan\Daemon\Transport\CapturerResponder;
use Phan\Daemon\Transport\StreamResponder;
use Phan\Issue;
use Phan\Language\Element\MarkupDescription;
use Phan\Language\FileRef;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\ClientCapabilities;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\CompletionContext;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\CompletionItem;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\CompletionOptions;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\Diagnostic;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\DiagnosticSeverity;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\Hover;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\InitializeResult;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\Location;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\Message;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\Position;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\Range;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\SaveOptions;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\ServerCapabilities;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\TextDocumentSyncKind;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Protocol\TextDocumentSyncOptions;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Server\TextDocument;
use Phan\Library\StringUtil;
use Phan\Phan;
use Sabre\Event\Loop;
use Sabre\Event\Promise;
use Throwable;
use function count;
use function get_class;
use function is_array;
use function is_string;
use function Sabre\Event\coroutine;
use function strlen;
use const EXIT_FAILURE;
use const SIGCHLD;
use const STDERR;
use const STDIN;
use const STDOUT;
* Based on
* and (for language server protocol implementation)
* This is similar to Phan daemon mode, but it's possible for it to receive concurrent events, or more than one type of event.
* (in addition to file notifications, etc.)
* What will do in the most common case (checking for errors in a file):
* 0. Phan completes the parse phase, on the initial version of the codebase
* 1. Phan starts a Sabre event loop and listens for requests and responses: see
* It registers addReadStream and addWriteStream (See ProtocolStreamReader and ProtocolStreamWriter)
* 2. Phan receives a notification that a file changed/was added/was removed
* 3. If the files are within the phan project (contains .phan directory),
* then phan removes the old parse state of removed/changed files, then adds the new parse state of changed/added files.
* 4. The main phan process (managing the event loop) fork, the fork shuts down the event loop without receiving any more events or touching the stream(will this work?)
* 5. The forked process runs the analysis.
* 6. The forked process reports the analysis result to the main process via IPC (similar to what \Phan\ForkPool does), along with the id of the request
* 7. Phan notifies the client of the new issues ("diagnostic" in the open Language Server Protocol)
* See
* TODO: support textDocument rename
class LanguageServer extends AdvancedJsonRpc\Dispatcher
* Handles workspace/* method calls
* @var Server\Workspace
* @suppress PhanWriteOnlyPublicProperty used by AdvancedJsonRpc\Dispatcher via reflection
public $workspace;
* @var ProtocolReader
* This reads and unserializes requests(or responses) and notifications from the language server client.
protected $protocolReader;
* @var ProtocolWriter
* This serializes and sends responses(or requests) and notifications to the language server client.
protected $protocolWriter;
* @var LanguageClient
* Used to interact with the remote language server client.
protected $client;
* Handles textDocument/* method calls
* (e.g. whenever a text document is opened, saved, or closed)
* @var TextDocument
public $textDocument;
* This contains the most recent daemon request to analyze a set of files (and optionally return information).
* Phan's support for the language server protocol is based on an earlier asynchronous mode called "Daemon mode"
* The most recent request is temporarily saved in this property so that Phan knows which forked process to communicate with.
* @var Request|null
protected $most_recent_request;
* @var CodeBase The code base within which we're operating
protected $code_base;
* Lister of files that Phan would parse - many of these won't change and won't require re-analysis
* @var Closure
protected $file_path_lister;
* This maps file URIs from the language client to/from absolute paths of files on disk.
* This is useful to send the language client the same URI that it sent us in requests back in our responses.
* @var FileMapping
protected $file_mapping;
* Is the language server still accepting new requests from clients?
* @var bool
private $is_accepting_new_requests = true;
* @var array<string,string> maps Paths to URIs, for URIs which have pending analysis requests.
* Requests are buffered because the language server may otherwise send requests faster than Phan can respond to them.
* (`$reader->on('readMessageGroup')` notifies Phan that a group of 1 or more messages was read)
protected $analyze_request_set = [];
* @var ?NodeInfoRequest
* Contains the promise for the most recent "Go to definition" request.
* If more than one such request exists, the earlier requests will be discarded.
* TODO: Will need to Resolve(null) for the older requests.
protected $most_recent_node_info_request = null;
* @var ?CachedHoverResponse
* Contains the result of the previous hover response and information used to validate the cached information
protected $cached_hover_response = null;
* Constructs the only instance of the language server
public function __construct(ProtocolReader $reader, ProtocolWriter $writer, CodeBase $code_base, Closure $file_path_lister)
parent::__construct($this, '/');
$this->protocolReader = $reader;
$this->file_mapping = new FileMapping();
$reader->on('close', function (): void {
if (!$this->is_accepting_new_requests) {
// This is the forked process, which forced the ProtocolReader to close. Don't exit().
// Instead, carry on and analyze the input files.
$reader->on('message', function (Message $msg): void {
/** @suppress PhanUndeclaredProperty Request->body->id is a request with an id */
coroutine(function () use ($msg): \Generator {
$body = $msg->body;
if (!$body) {
// Ignore responses, this is the handler for requests and notifications
if (AdvancedJsonRpc\Response::isResponse($body)) {
Logger::logInfo('Received message in coroutine: ' . (string)$body);
$result = null;
$error = null;
try {
// Invoke the method handler to get a result
$result = yield $this->dispatch($body);
} catch (AdvancedJsonRpc\Error $e) {
Logger::logInfo('Saw error: ' . $e->getMessage());
// If a ResponseError is thrown, send it back in the Response
$error = $e;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
Logger::logInfo('Saw Throwable: ' . get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
// If an unexpected error occurred, send back an INTERNAL_ERROR error response
$error = new AdvancedJsonRpc\Error(
// Only send a Response for a Request
// Notifications do not send Responses
if (AdvancedJsonRpc\Request::isRequest($body)) {
if ($error !== null) {
$responseBody = new AdvancedJsonRpc\ErrorResponse($body->id, $error);
} else {
$responseBody = new AdvancedJsonRpc\SuccessResponse($body->id, $result);
$this->protocolWriter->write(new Message($responseBody));
$reader->on('readMessageGroup', function (): void {
$this->protocolWriter = $writer;
// We create a client to send diagnostics, etc. to the IDE
$this->client = new LanguageClient($reader, $writer);
// We create a workspace to receive change notifications.
$this->workspace = new Server\Workspace($this->client, $this, $this->file_mapping);
// Phan specific code
$this->code_base = $code_base;
$this->file_path_lister = $file_path_lister;
* This creates an analyzing daemon, to be used by IDEs.
* Format:
* - Read over TCP socket with JSONRPC 2
* - Respond over TCP socket with JSONRPC 2
* @param CodeBase $code_base (Must have undo tracker enabled)
* @param \Closure $file_path_lister
* Returns string[] - A list of files to scan. This may be different from the previous contents.
* @param array<string,mixed> $options (leave empty for stdout)
* @return Request|null - A writeable request, which has been fully read from.
* Callers should close after they are finished writing.
* @suppress PhanUndeclaredConstant, UnusedSuppression (pcntl unavailable on Windows)
public static function run(CodeBase $code_base, Closure $file_path_lister, array $options): ?Request
if (!$code_base->isUndoTrackingEnabled()) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected undo tracking to be enabled");
if (\function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
* @param ?(int|array) $status
static function (int $signo, $status = null, ?int $pid = null): void {
Request::childSignalHandler($signo, $status, $pid);
$make_language_server = static function (ProtocolStreamReader $in, ProtocolStreamWriter $out) use ($code_base, $file_path_lister): LanguageServer {
return new LanguageServer(
// example requests over TCP
// Assumes that clients send and close the their requests quickly, then wait for a response.
// {"method":"analyze","files":["/path/to/file1.php","/path/to/file2.php"]}
// FIXME add re-parsing files to actions taken during loop
$socket_server = self::createDaemonStreamSocketServer();
// TODO: Limit the maximum number of active processes to a small number(4?)
// TODO: accept SIGCHLD when child terminates, somehow?
try {
$gotSignal = false;
if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, function(...$args) use(&$gotSignal) {
$gotSignal = true;
while (true) {
$gotSignal = false; // reset this.
// We get an error from stream_socket_accept. After the RuntimeException is thrown, pcntl_signal is called.
$previousErrorHandler = set_error_handler(function ($severity, $message, $file, $line) use (&$previousErrorHandler) {
self::debugf("In new error handler '$message'");
if (!preg_match('/stream_socket_accept/i', $message)) {
return $previousErrorHandler($severity, $message, $file, $line);
throw new \RuntimeException("Got signal");
$conn = false;
try {
$conn = stream_socket_accept($socket_server, -1);
} catch(\RuntimeException $e) {
self::debugf("Got signal");
self::debugf("done processing signals");
if ($gotSignal) {
continue; // Ignore notices from stream_socket_accept if it's due to being interrupted by a child process terminating.
} finally {
if (!\is_resource($conn)) {
// If we didn't get a connection, and it wasn't due to a signal from a child process, then stop the daemon.
$request = Request::accept($code_base, $file_path_lister, $conn);
if ($request instanceof Request) {
return $request; // We forked off a worker process successfully, and this is the worker process
error_log("Stopped accepting connections");
} finally {
return null;
if (isset($options['tcp'])) {
// Connect to a TCP server
$address = $options['tcp'];
$socket = \stream_socket_client('tcp://' . $address, $errno, $errstr);
if ($socket === false) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall
\fwrite(STDERR, "Could not connect to language client. Error $errno\n$errstr");
\stream_set_blocking($socket, false);
$ls = $make_language_server(new ProtocolStreamReader($socket), new ProtocolStreamWriter($socket));
Logger::logInfo("Connected to $address to receive requests");
Logger::logInfo("Finished connecting to $address to receive requests");
$most_recent_request = $ls->most_recent_request;
$ls->most_recent_request = null;
return $most_recent_request;
} elseif (isset($options['tcp-server'])) {
// Run a TCP Server
$address = $options['tcp-server'];
$tcpServer = \stream_socket_server('tcp://' . $address, $errno, $errstr);
if ($tcpServer === false) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall
\fwrite(STDERR, "Could not listen on $address. Error $errno\n$errstr");
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall stdout is deliberate
\fwrite(STDOUT, "Server listening on $address\n");
if (!\extension_loaded('pcntl')) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall
\fwrite(STDERR, "PCNTL is not available. Only a single connection will be accepted\n");
while ($socket = \stream_socket_accept($tcpServer, -1)) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall stdout is deliberate
\fwrite(STDOUT, "Connection accepted\n");
\stream_set_blocking($socket, false);
/**if (false && extension_loaded('pcntl')) { // FIXME re-enable, this was disabled to simplify testing
// TODO: This will work, but does it make sense?
// If PCNTL is available, fork a child process for the connection
// An exit notification will only terminate the child process
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid === -1) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Could not fork\n");
} else if ($pid === 0) {
// Child process
$reader = new ProtocolStreamReader($socket);
$writer = new ProtocolStreamWriter($socket);
$reader->on('close', function () {
fwrite(STDOUT, "Connection closed\n");
$ls = $make_language_server($reader, $writer);
Logger::logInfo("Worker started accepting requests on $address");
Logger::logInfo("Worker finished accepting requests on $address");
$most_recent_request = $ls->most_recent_request;
$ls->most_recent_request = null;
return $most_recent_request;;
} else {*/
// To avoid edge cases, we only accept one connection.
// If PCNTL is not available, we only accept one connection.
// An exit notification will terminate the server
$ls = $make_language_server(
new ProtocolStreamReader($socket),
new ProtocolStreamWriter($socket)
Logger::logInfo("Started listening on tcp");
Logger::logInfo("Finished listening on tcp");
$most_recent_request = $ls->most_recent_request;
$ls->most_recent_request = null;
return $most_recent_request;
/* } */
return null;
} else {
if ($options['stdin'] !== true) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected either 'stdin', 'tcp-server', or 'tcp' as the language server communication option");
// Use STDIO
\stream_set_blocking(STDIN, false);
$ls = $make_language_server(
new ProtocolStreamReader(STDIN),
new ProtocolStreamWriter(STDOUT)
Logger::logInfo("Started listening on stdin");
Logger::logInfo("Finished listening on stdin");
$most_recent_request = $ls->most_recent_request;
$ls->most_recent_request = null;
return $most_recent_request;
* Asynchronously analyze the given URI.
public function analyzeURIAsync(string $uri): void
$path_to_analyze = Utils::uriToPath($uri);
Logger::logInfo("Called analyzeURIAsync, uri=$uri, path=$path_to_analyze");
$this->analyze_request_set[$path_to_analyze] = $uri;
// Clear the cached hover response - a file was probably opened, modified, or saved/closed.
$this->cached_hover_response = null;
// Don't call file_path_lister immediately -
// That has to walk the directories in .phan/config.php to see if the requested path is included and not excluded.
* Asynchronously generates the definition for a given URL and position.
* @return Promise <Location|Location[]|null>
public function awaitDefinition(
string $uri,
Position $position,
bool $is_type_definition_request
): Promise {
// TODO: Add a way to "go to definition" (etc.) without emitting analysis results as a side effect
$path_to_analyze = Utils::uriToPath($uri);
$logType = $is_type_definition_request ? 'awaitTypeDefinition' : 'awaitDefinition';
Logger::logInfo("Called LanguageServer->$logType, uri=$uri, position=" . StringUtil::jsonEncode($position));
$type = $is_type_definition_request ? GoToDefinitionRequest::REQUEST_TYPE_DEFINITION : GoToDefinitionRequest::REQUEST_DEFINITION;
$request = new GoToDefinitionRequest($uri, $position, $type);
$this->most_recent_node_info_request = $request;
// We analyze this url so that Phan is aware enough of the types and namespace maps to trigger "Go to definition"
// E.g. going to the definition of `Bar` in `use Foo as Bar; Bar::method();` requires parsing other statements in this file, not just the name in question.
// NOTE: This also ensures that we will run analysis, because of the check for analyze_request_set being non-empty
$this->analyze_request_set[$path_to_analyze] = $uri;
return $request->getPromise();
* Asynchronously generates the hover text for a given URL and position.
* @return Promise <Hover|null>
public function awaitHover(
string $uri,
Position $position
): Promise {
// TODO: Add a way to "go to definition" without emitting analysis results as a side effect
$path_to_analyze = Utils::uriToPath($uri);
Logger::logInfo("Called LanguageServer->awaitHover, uri=$uri, position=" . StringUtil::jsonEncode($position));
$request = new GoToDefinitionRequest($uri, $position, GoToDefinitionRequest::REQUEST_HOVER);
$this->most_recent_node_info_request = $request;
$early_response = $this->generateQuickHoverResponse($request);
if ($early_response) {
return $early_response;
$this->cached_hover_response = null;
// We analyze this url so that Phan is aware enough of the types and namespace maps to trigger "Go to definition"
// E.g. going to the definition of `Bar` in `use Foo as Bar; Bar::method();` requires parsing other statements in this file, not just the name in question.
// NOTE: This also ensures that we will run analysis, because of the check for analyze_request_set being non-empty
$this->analyze_request_set[$path_to_analyze] = $uri;
return $request->getPromise();
* Immediately generates the hover text for a given URL and position.
* @return ?Promise <?Hover>
private function generateQuickHoverResponse(GoToDefinitionRequest $request): ?Promise
$description = "uri={$request->getUrl()}, position=" . StringUtil::jsonEncode($request->getPosition());
Logger::logInfo("Looking for quick hover response for $description");
if (!$this->cached_hover_response) {
return null;
if (!$this->cached_hover_response->isSameRequest($request->getUrl(), $request->getPosition(), $this->file_mapping)) {
return null;
$promise = new Promise();
$cached_response = $this->cached_hover_response->getHoverResponse();
Logger::logInfo("Returning cached hover response for $description");
return $promise;
* Asynchronously generates the definition for a given URL
* @return Promise <Location|Location[]|null>
public function awaitCompletion(
string $uri,
Position $position,
CompletionContext $completion_context = null
): Promise {
// TODO: Add a way to "go to definition" without emitting analysis results as a side effect
$path_to_analyze = Utils::uriToPath($uri);
Logger::logInfo("Called LanguageServer->awaitCompletion, uri=$uri, position=" . StringUtil::jsonEncode($position));
$request = new CompletionRequest($uri, $position, $completion_context);
$this->most_recent_node_info_request = $request;
// We analyze this url so that Phan is aware enough of the types and namespace maps to trigger "Go to definition"
// E.g. going to the definition of `Bar` in `use Foo as Bar; Bar::method();` requires parsing other statements in this file, not just the name in question.
// NOTE: This also ensures that we will run analysis, because of the check for analyze_request_set being non-empty
$this->analyze_request_set[$path_to_analyze] = $uri;
return $request->getPromise();
private function discardPreviousNodeInfoRequest(): void
$prev_node_info_request = $this->most_recent_node_info_request;
if ($prev_node_info_request) {
// Discard the previous request silently
$this->most_recent_node_info_request = null;
* Gets URIs (and corresponding paths) which the language server client needs Phan to re-analyze.
* This excludes any files that aren't in files and directories of .phan/config.php
* @return array{0:array<string,string>,1:list<string>}
* First element maps relative path to the file URI.
* Second element is the result of file_path_lister (unless there's nothing to analyze)
private function getFilteredURIsToAnalyze(): array
$uris_to_analyze = $this->analyze_request_set;
if (\count($uris_to_analyze) === 0) {
return [[], []];
$this->analyze_request_set = [];
// Always recompute the file list from the directory list : see src/phan.php
// The caller will reuse the cached file list.
$file_path_list = ($this->file_path_lister)(true);
$filtered_uris_to_analyze = [];
foreach ($uris_to_analyze as $path_to_analyze => $uri) {
if (!is_string($uri)) {
Logger::logInfo("Uri for path '$path_to_analyze' is not a string, should not happen");
$relative_path_to_analyze = FileRef::getProjectRelativePathForPath($path_to_analyze);
if (!\in_array($uri, $file_path_list, true) && !\in_array($relative_path_to_analyze, $file_path_list, true)) {
// fwrite(STDERR, "Checking if should parse missing $relative_path_to_analyze for $uri\n");
if (CLI::shouldParse($relative_path_to_analyze)) {
$file_path_list[] = $relative_path_to_analyze;
Logger::logInfo("Path '$relative_path_to_analyze' (URI '$uri') was not in list - adding it");
} else {
Logger::logInfo("Path '$relative_path_to_analyze' (URI '$uri') not in parse list, skipping");
$filtered_uris_to_analyze[$relative_path_to_analyze] = $uri;
return [$filtered_uris_to_analyze, $file_path_list];
private function finalizeAnalyzingURIs(): void
[$uris_to_analyze, $file_path_list] = $this->getFilteredURIsToAnalyze();
// TODO: Add a better abstraction of
if (\count($uris_to_analyze) === 0) {
// Discard any node info requests, we haven't created a request yet.
// Add anything that's open in the IDE to the URIs to analyze.
// In the future, this behavior may be configurable.
foreach ($this->file_mapping->getOverrides() as $path => $_) {
if (!isset($uris_to_analyze[$path])) {
$uris_to_analyze[$path] = $this->file_mapping->getURIForPath($path);
if (Config::getValue('language_server_use_pcntl_fallback')) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanThrowTypeAbsentForCall
// TODO: check if $path_to_analyze can be analyzed first.
$sockets = \stream_socket_pair(\STREAM_PF_UNIX, \STREAM_SOCK_STREAM, \STREAM_IPPROTO_IP);
if (!$sockets) {
\error_log("unable to create stream socket pair");
$this->most_recent_request = null;
// Give our signal handler time to collect the status of any zombie processes
// so that they don't accumulate.
// Fork a new process to handle the analysis request
$pid = \pcntl_fork();
if ($pid < 0) {
// FIXME: make this async as well, and rate limit it.
if ($pid > 0) {
// This is the parent - The worker process that was forked has pid $pid
$read_stream = self::streamForParent($sockets);
$concatenated = '';
while (!\feof($read_stream)) {
$buffer = \fread($read_stream, 8096);
if ($buffer === false) {
Logger::logError("fread from language client failed");
if (strlen($buffer) > 0) {
$concatenated .= $buffer;
} else {
$json_contents = \json_decode($concatenated, true);
if (!\is_array($json_contents)) {
Logger::logInfo("Fetched non-json: " . $concatenated);
$this->handleJSONResponseFromWorker($uris_to_analyze, $json_contents);
// This is the worker process.
$child_stream = self::streamForChild($sockets);
$paths_to_analyze = \array_keys($uris_to_analyze);
$this->most_recent_request = Request::makeLanguageServerAnalysisRequest(
new StreamResponder($child_stream, false),
/** @return list<string> */
static function (bool $unused_recompute_file_list = false) use ($file_path_list): array {
return $file_path_list;
true // We are the fork. Call exit() instead of throwing ExitException
// FIXME update the parsed file lists before and after (e.g. add to analyzeURI). See Daemon\Request::accept()
// TODO: refactor accept() to make it easier to work with.
// TODO: add unit tests
$this->is_accepting_new_requests = false;
Loop\stop(); // abort the loop (without closing streams?)
* Calls stream_select to avoid a busy loop to read from the worker when pcntl is used to fork a worker analysis process.
* @param resource $read_stream
private static function waitForDataOnReadSocket($read_stream): void
$read = [$read_stream];
$write = [];
$except = [];
// > Remember that the timeout value is the maximum time that will elapse;
// > stream_select() will return as soon as the requested streams are ready for use.
\stream_select($read, $write, $except, 1);
* @param array<string,string> $uris_to_analyze
* @throws Exception if analysis throws an exception
* @suppress PhanAccessMethodInternal
private function finishAnalyzingURIsWithoutPcntl(array $uris_to_analyze): void
$paths_to_analyze = \array_keys($uris_to_analyze);
Logger::logInfo('in ' . __METHOD__ . ' paths: ' . StringUtil::jsonEncode($paths_to_analyze));
// When there is no pcntl:
// Create a fake request object.
// Instead of stopping the loop, keep going with the loop and keep accepting the requests
$responder = new CapturerResponder([]);
$code_base = $this->code_base;
$analysis_request = Request::makeLanguageServerAnalysisRequest(
false // We aren't forking. Throw ExitException instead of calling exit()
$analyze_file_path_list = $analysis_request->filterFilesToAnalyze($this->code_base->getParsedFilePathList());
if (count($analyze_file_path_list) === 0) {
// Nothing to do, don't start analysis
// Do this before we stop tracking undo operations.
$temporary_file_mapping = $analysis_request->getTemporaryFileMapping();
$restore_point = $code_base->createRestorePoint();
// Stop tracking undo operations, now that the parse phase is done.
// This is re-enabled in restoreFromRestorePoint
try {
Phan::finishAnalyzingRemainingStatements($this->code_base, $analysis_request, $analyze_file_path_list, $temporary_file_mapping);
} catch (ExitException $_) {
// This is normal, do nothing
$response_data = $responder->getResponseData();
if (!$response_data) {
// Something is probably broken if we don't get response data
// But just in case we can recover, restore this.
throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to get a response from a worker");
// Send a response with diagnostics to the language server client.
// It should be slightly faster to send a response
// if the language server sends data before restoring the state of the codebase.
// (Transforming the JSON response does not depend on the $code_base object)
$this->handleJSONResponseFromWorker($uris_to_analyze, $response_data);
Logger::logInfo("Response from non-pcntl server: " . StringUtil::jsonEncode($response_data));
* @param array<string,string> $uris_to_analyze
* @param array{issues:array[],definitions?:?Location|?(Location[]),completions?:?(CompletionItem[]),hover_response?:Hover} $response_data
* @see Request::respondWithIssues() for where $response_data is serialized
private function handleJSONResponseFromWorker(array $uris_to_analyze, array $response_data): void
$most_recent_node_info_request = $this->most_recent_node_info_request;
if ($most_recent_node_info_request) {
if ($most_recent_node_info_request instanceof GoToDefinitionRequest) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPartialTypeMismatchArgument, PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable
$most_recent_node_info_request->recordDefinitionLocationList($response_data['definitions'] ?? null);
if ($most_recent_node_info_request->isHoverRequest()) {
$normalized_hover = $most_recent_node_info_request->setHoverResponse($response_data['hover_response'] ?? null);
// \fwrite(\STDERR, "Creating cached_hover_response\n");
$this->cached_hover_response = new CachedHoverResponse(
} elseif ($most_recent_node_info_request instanceof CompletionRequest) {
$most_recent_node_info_request->recordCompletionList($response_data['completions'] ?? null);
$this->most_recent_node_info_request = null;
if (!\array_key_exists('issues', $response_data)) {
Logger::logInfo("Failed to fetch 'issues' from JSON: " . StringUtil::jsonEncode($response_data));
$diagnostics = [];
// Normalize the uri so that it will be the same as URIs phan would send for diagnostics.
// E.g. "file:///path/path%.php" will be normalized to "file:///path/path%25.php"
foreach ($uris_to_analyze as $uri) {
$normalized_requested_uri = Utils::pathToUri(Utils::uriToPath($uri));
$diagnostics[$normalized_requested_uri] = []; // send an empty diagnostic list on failure.
$issues = $response_data['issues'] ?? [];
if (!is_array($issues)) {
Logger::logInfo("Failed to fetch 'issues' from JSON: " . StringUtil::jsonEncode($response_data));
foreach ($issues as $issue) {
[$issue_uri, $diagnostic] = self::generateDiagnostic($issue);
if ($diagnostic instanceof Diagnostic) {
$diagnostics[$issue_uri][] = $diagnostic;
* @param array<string,list<Diagnostic>> $diagnostics
private function publishDiagnosticsListsForURIs(array $diagnostics): void
if (count($diagnostics) === 0) {
foreach ($diagnostics as $diagnostics_uri => $diagnostics_list) {
$this->client->textDocument->publishDiagnostics($diagnostics_uri, $diagnostics_list);
* @var float the timestamp when the last group of calls to publishDiagnostics occurred.
* This is used for working around issues with language clients that have race conditions processing diagnostics.
private static $last_publish_timestamp = 0;
private static function delayBeforePublishDiagnostics(): void
$delay = Config::getMinDiagnosticsDelayMs();
if ($delay > 0) {
$elapsed_ms = 1000 * (\microtime(true) - self::$last_publish_timestamp);
$remaining_ms = ($delay - $elapsed_ms);
if ($remaining_ms > 0) {
\usleep((int)($remaining_ms * 1000));
self::$last_publish_timestamp = \microtime(true);
private static function delayAfterPublishDiagnostics(): void
$delay = Config::getMinDiagnosticsDelayMs();
if ($delay > 0) {
// Sleep for half of the interval so that when analysis starts,
// it's acting on a newer version of the file's contents.
\usleep((int)($delay * 1000 / 2));
* @param array{type:string,description:string,suggestion?:string,severity:int,location:array{path:string,lines:array{begin:int,begin_column?:int,end:int}}} $issue
* @return null[]|string[]|Diagnostic[] - On success, returns [string $uri, Diagnostic $diagnostic]
private static function generateDiagnostic(array $issue): array
if ($issue['type'] !== 'issue') {
return [null, null];
//$check_name = $issue['check_name'];
$description = $issue['description'];
if (Config::getValue('language_server_hide_category_of_issues')) {
// See JSONPrinter.php for how $description is built
$description = \explode(' ', $description, 2)[1];
if (isset($issue['suggestion'])) {
$description .= ' (' . $issue['suggestion'] . ')';
$severity = $issue['severity'];
$path = Config::projectPath($issue['location']['path']);
$issue_uri = Utils::pathToUri($path);
$start_line = $issue['location']['lines']['begin'];
$column = $issue['location']['lines']['begin_column'] ?? 0;
$start_line = (int)\max($start_line, 1);
// If we ever supported end_line:
// $end_line = $issue['location']['lines']['end'] ?? $start_line;
// $end_line = max($end_line, 1);
// Language server has 0 based lines and columns, phan has 1-based lines and columns.
$range = new Range(new Position($start_line - 1, \max($column - 1, 0)), new Position($start_line, 0));
$diagnostic_severity = self::diagnosticSeverityFromPhanSeverity($severity);
// TODO: copy issue code in 'json' format
return [$issue_uri, new Diagnostic($description, $range, null, $diagnostic_severity, 'Phan')];
* @param int $severity
* @return int
* A DiagnosticSeverity constant used by the language server protocol.
public static function diagnosticSeverityFromPhanSeverity(int $severity): int
switch ($severity) {
case Issue::SEVERITY_LOW:
return DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION;
return DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING;
return DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR;
* Prepare the socket pair to be used in a parent process and
* return the stream the parent will use to read results.
* @param resource[] $sockets the socket pair for IPC
* @return resource
private static function streamForParent(array $sockets)
[$for_read, $for_write] = $sockets;
// The parent will not use the write channel, so it
// must be closed to prevent deadlock.
// stream_select will be used to read multiple streams, so these
// must be set to non-blocking mode.
if (!\stream_set_blocking($for_read, false)) {
\error_log('unable to set read stream to non-blocking');
return $for_read;
* Prepare the socket pair to be used in a child process and return
* the stream the child will use to write results.
* @param resource[] $sockets the socket pair for IPC.
* @return resource
private static function streamForChild(array $sockets)
[$for_read, $for_write] = $sockets;
// The while will not use the read channel, so it must
// be closed to prevent deadlock.
return $for_write;
* The initialize request is sent as the first request from the client to the server.
* @param ClientCapabilities $capabilities The capabilities provided by the client (editor) @phan-unused-param
* @param string|null $rootPath The rootPath of the workspace. Is null if no folder is open. @phan-unused-param
* @param int|null $processId The process Id of the parent process that started the server. @phan-unused-param
* This is null if the process has not been started by another process.
* If the parent process is not alive,
* then the server should exit (see exit notification) its process.
* NOTE: For most use cases, we'll know about the disconnection because the connection hits the end of file or an error.
* @return Promise <InitializeResult>
public function initialize(ClientCapabilities $capabilities, string $rootPath = null, int $processId = null): Promise
return coroutine(function (): \Generator {
// Eventually, this might block on something. Leave it as a generator.
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanImpossibleCondition deliberately unreachable yield
if (false) {
// There would be an asynchronous indexing step, but the startup already did the indexing.
if ($this->textDocument === null) {
$this->textDocument = new TextDocument(
$server_capabilities = new ServerCapabilities();
// FULL: Ask the client to return always return full documents (because we need to rebuild the AST from scratch)
// NONE: Don't sync until the user explicitly saves a document.
$server_capabilities->textDocumentSync = self::makeTextDocumentSyncOptions();
// TODO: Support "Find all symbols"?
//$server_capabilities->documentSymbolProvider = true;
// TODO: Support "Find all symbols in workspace"?
//$server_capabilities->workspaceSymbolProvider = true;
// XXX do this next?
$supports_go_to_definition = (bool)Config::getValue('language_server_enable_go_to_definition');
$server_capabilities->definitionProvider = $supports_go_to_definition;
$server_capabilities->typeDefinitionProvider = $supports_go_to_definition;
$server_capabilities->hoverProvider = (bool)Config::getValue('language_server_enable_hover');
if (Config::getValue('language_server_enable_completion')) {
// TODO: What about `:`?
$completion_provider = new CompletionOptions();
$completion_provider->resolveProvider = false;
$completion_provider->triggerCharacters = ['$', '>'];
$server_capabilities->completionProvider = $completion_provider;
// TODO: (probably impractical, slow) Support "Find all references"? (We don't track this, except when checking for dead code elimination possibilities.
// $server_capabilities->referencesProvider = false;
// Can't support "Hover" without phpdoc for internal functions, such as those from PHPStorm
// Can't support global references at the moment, I think.
//$server_capabilities->xworkspaceReferencesProvider = true;
//$server_capabilities->xdefinitionProvider = true;
//$server_capabilities->xdependenciesProvider = true;
return new InitializeResult($server_capabilities);
private static function makeTextDocumentSyncOptions(): TextDocumentSyncOptions
$textDocumentSyncOptions = new TextDocumentSyncOptions();
$textDocumentSyncOptions->openClose = true;
$textDocumentSyncOptions->change = TextDocumentSyncKind::FULL;
$saveOptions = new SaveOptions();
$saveOptions->includeText = true;
$textDocumentSyncOptions->save = $saveOptions;
return $textDocumentSyncOptions;
* Currently a no-op.
* The initialized notification is sent from the client to the server after the client received the result of the initialize request
* but before the client is sending any other request or notification to the server.
* @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod
public function initialized(): void
Logger::logInfo("Called initialized on language server, currently a no-op");
* The shutdown request is sent from the client to the server. It asks the server to shut down, but to not exit
* (otherwise the response might not be delivered correctly to the client). There is a separate exit notification that
* asks the server to exit.
public function shutdown(): void
// TODO: Does phan need to do anything else except respond?
Logger::logInfo("Called shutdown on language server");
* A notification to ask the server to exit its process.
public function exit(): void
// This is handled by the main process. No forks are active.
Logger::logInfo("Called exit on language server");