namespace Phan;
use AssertionError;
use Closure;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Phan\AST\TolerantASTConverter\Shim;
use Phan\Daemon\Request;
use Phan\Language\Element\FunctionInterface;
use Phan\Language\Type;
use Phan\LanguageServer\LanguageServer;
use Phan\LanguageServer\Logger as LanguageServerLogger;
use Phan\Library\FileCache;
use Phan\Library\StringUtil;
use Phan\Output\BufferedPrinterInterface;
use Phan\Output\Collector\BufferingCollector;
use Phan\Output\IgnoredFilesFilterInterface;
use Phan\Output\IssueCollectorInterface;
use Phan\Output\IssuePrinterInterface;
use Phan\Plugin\ConfigPluginSet;
use phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\StandardTagFactory;
use ReflectionMethod;
use function array_combine;
use function array_filter;
use function array_flip;
use function array_merge;
use function array_values;
use function count;
use function file_exists;
use function file_put_contents;
use function fprintf;
use function fwrite;
use function gc_enable;
use function getmypid;
use function in_array;
use function is_array;
use function is_file;
use function is_string;
use function json_encode;
use function memory_get_peak_usage;
use function memory_get_usage;
use function preg_match;
use function realpath;
use function sort;
use function sprintf;
use function str_replace;
use function var_export;
use const EXIT_FAILURE;
use const EXIT_SUCCESS;
use const PHP_DEBUG;
use const PHP_VERSION_ID;
use const SORT_STRING;
use const STDERR;
* This executes the parse, method/function, then the analysis phases.
* This is the entry point of Phan's implementation.
* Implementations such as `./phan` or the code climate integration call into this.
* @see self::analyzeFileList()
class Phan implements IgnoredFilesFilterInterface
/** @var IssuePrinterInterface used to print formatted issues. */
public static $printer;
/** @var IssueCollectorInterface used to gather issues to be printed (or used) once analysis is finished */
private static $issue_collector;
* @return IssueCollectorInterface used to gather issues to be printed (or used) once analysis is finished
public static function getIssueCollector(): IssueCollectorInterface
return self::$issue_collector;
* Set the IssueCollectorInterface used to gather issues to be printed (or used) once analysis is finished
* @param IssueCollectorInterface $issue_collector
public static function setIssueCollector(
IssueCollectorInterface $issue_collector
): void {
self::$issue_collector = $issue_collector;
* Take an array of serialized issues, unserialize them and then add
* them to the issue collector.
* @param list<IssueInstance> $issues
private static function collectSerializedResults(array $issues): void
$collector = self::getIssueCollector();
foreach ($issues as $issue) {
* A list of classes to preload, before forking analysis workers with pcntl.
* This was based on Phan's self-analysis with Phan's own settings.
* Other projects may have a few more classes to preload.
* Note that interfaces and traits would require calling interface_exists() or trait_exists() instead.
private const DAEMON_PRELOAD_CLASSES = [
* Analyze the given set of files and emit any issues
* found to STDOUT.
* @param CodeBase $code_base
* A code base needs to be passed in because we require
* it to be initialized before any classes or files are
* loaded.
* @param Closure():(list<string>) $file_path_lister
* Returns a list of files to scan
* @return bool
* We emit messages to the configured printer and return
* true if issues were found.
* @see \Phan\CodeBase
* @throws Exception if analysis fails unrecoverably or in an unexpected way
* @suppress PhanPluginRemoveDebugAny
public static function analyzeFileList(
CodeBase $code_base,
Closure $file_path_lister
): bool {
if (Config::getValue('dump_parsed_file_list') === true) {
// If --dump-parsed-file-list is provided,
// print the files in the order they would be parsed.
$file_path_list = $file_path_lister();
echo \implode("\n", $file_path_list) . (count($file_path_list) > 0 ? "\n" : "");
if (Config::getValue('dump_parsed_file_list') === CLI::DUMP_ANALYZED) {
$file_path_list = array_filter($file_path_lister(), static function (string $file_path): bool {
return !self::isExcludedAnalysisFile($file_path);
echo \implode("\n", $file_path_list) . (count($file_path_list) > 0 ? "\n" : "");
if (CLI::isDaemonOrLanguageServer() &&
Config::getValue('language_server_use_pcntl_fallback')) {
// The PCNTL fallback generates cyclic references (to the CodeBase instance which references many other things) in createRestorePoint,
// so we need to garbage collect that.
// This is probably the only part of the code which generates cyclic references
// 1. Phan clones the old codebase to restore it, and cyclic references exist as a side effect.
// This causes memory usage to increase while typing.
// Memory inspection/profiling would help with creating a better fix.
// 2. It's possible that some plugins may benefit from garbage collection.
// This fix works in PHP 7.3, which has an improved garbage collector.
// It might not work as well in earlier PHP versions on large codebases.
$is_daemon_request = Config::getValue('daemonize_socket') || Config::getValue('daemonize_tcp');
$language_server_config = Config::getValue('language_server_config');
$is_undoable_request = is_array($language_server_config) || $is_daemon_request;
if ($is_daemon_request) {
if ($is_undoable_request) {
$file_path_list = $file_path_lister();
$file_count = count($file_path_list);
if ($file_count === 0) {
fprintf(STDERR, "Phan did not parse any files in the project %s - This may be an issue with the Phan config or CLI options.\n", StringUtil::jsonEncode(Config::getProjectRootDirectory()));
// We'll construct a set of files that we'll
// want to run an analysis on
$analyze_file_path_list = [];
if (Config::getValue('consistent_hashing_file_order')) {
// Parse the files in lexicographic order.
// If there are duplicate class/function definitions,
// this ensures they are added to the maps in the same order.
sort($file_path_list, SORT_STRING);
// This first pass parses code and populates the
// global state we'll need for doing a second
// analysis after.
CLI::progress('parse', 0.0, null, 0, $file_count);
foreach ($file_path_list as $i => $file_path) {
$file_path = (string)$file_path;
CLI::progress('parse', ($i + 1) / $file_count, $file_path, $i + 1, $file_count);
// Kick out anything we read from the former version
// of this file
// If the file is gone, no need to continue
$real = realpath($file_path);
if ($real === false || !file_exists($real)) {
CLI::printWarningToStderr("Could not find file '$file_path'\n");
try {
// Parse the file
Analysis::parseFile($code_base, $file_path);
// Save this to the set of files to analyze
$analyze_file_path_list[] = $file_path;
} catch (\AssertionError $assertion_error) {
CLI::printErrorToStderr("While parsing $file_path...\n");
fwrite(STDERR, "$assertion_error\n");
} catch (\Throwable $throwable) {
// Catch miscellaneous errors such as $throwable and print their stack traces.
CLI::printWarningToStderr("While parsing $file_path, caught: " . $throwable . "\n");
if ($is_undoable_request) {
// Don't continue on to analysis if the user has
// chosen to just dump the AST
if (Config::getValue('dump_ast')) {
if (is_string(Config::getValue('dump_signatures_file'))) {
exit(self::dumpSignaturesToFile($code_base, Config::getValue('dump_signatures_file')));
$temporary_file_mapping = [];
$request = null;
if ($is_undoable_request) {
if (!$code_base->isUndoTrackingEnabled()) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected undo tracking to be enabled");
if ($is_daemon_request) {
// Preload classes before forking daemon or language server worker processes with pcntl.
// Technically, this is only useful if pcntl is installed,
// but always doing this is easier to reason about.
if (is_array($language_server_config)) {
throw new AssertionError('cannot use language server config for daemon mode');
// Garbage collecting cycles doesn't help or hurt much here. Thought it would change something..
// TODO: check for conflicts with other config options -
// incompatible with dump_ast, dump_signatures_file, output-file, etc.
// incompatible with dead_code_detection
// This will fork and fall through every time a request to re-analyze the file set comes in.
// TODO: The daemon should be periodically restarted?
$request = Daemon::run($code_base, $file_path_lister);
if (!$request) {
// TODO: Add a way to cleanly shut down.
fwrite(STDERR, "Finished serving requests, exiting\n");
} else {
if (!is_array($language_server_config)) {
throw new AssertionError("Language server config must be an array");
LanguageServerLogger::logInfo(sprintf("Starting accepting connections on the language server (pid=%s)", getmypid() ?: 'unknown'));
$request = LanguageServer::run($code_base, $file_path_lister, $language_server_config);
if (!$request) {
// TODO: Add a way to cleanly shut down.
fwrite(STDERR, "Finished serving requests, exiting\n");
LanguageServerLogger::logInfo(sprintf("language server (pid=%s) accepted connection", getmypid() ?: 'unknown'));
// This is the list of all of the parsed files
// (Also includes files which don't declare classes/functions/constants)
$analyze_file_path_list = $request->filterFilesToAnalyze($code_base->getParsedFilePathList());
if (count($analyze_file_path_list) === 0) {
$request->respondWithNoFilesToAnalyze(); // respond and exit.
exit(0); // This is normal (E.g. .txt files, files outside of analysis list, etc)
// Do this before we stop tracking undo operations.
$temporary_file_mapping = $request->getTemporaryFileMapping();
// Stop tracking undo operations, now that the parse phase is done.
return self::finishAnalyzingRemainingStatements($code_base, $request, $analyze_file_path_list, $temporary_file_mapping);
* @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassConstant, PhanUndeclaredClassReference
private static function checkLanguageServerDependencies(): void
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70200) {
if (!\method_exists(StandardTagFactory::class, 'addService')) {
$method = new ReflectionMethod(StandardTagFactory::class, 'addService');
$first_param = $method->getParameters()[0] ?? null;
if (!$first_param) {
if (\strpos((string)$first_param, 'object') !== false) {
throw new AssertionError('Cannot run the Phan language server with phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock 5.0+ and php 7.1. ' .
'Downgrade to phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock=^ or run Phan with a newer php version.');
private static function preloadBeforeForkingAnalysisWorkers(CodeBase $code_base): void
if (Config::getValue('language_server_use_pcntl_fallback')) {
// Preloading classes takes around 8 milliseconds
foreach (self::DAEMON_PRELOAD_CLASSES as $preload_class) {
if (!\class_exists($preload_class)) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to preload $preload_class before starting daemon mode");
// ensureScopeInitialized takes around 40 milliseconds for Phan self-analysis
$preload_function_state = static function (FunctionInterface $function_or_method) use (
): void {
if ($function_or_method->isPHPInternal()) {
// Phan always has to call this, to add default values to types of parameters.
// This is slow, which is why this is done before calling pcntl_fork(), not after.
// If pcntl was unavailable, ensureScopeInitialized would not be undone
// See
$function_map = $code_base->getFunctionMap();
foreach ($function_map as $function) { // iterate, ignoring $fqsen
$method_set = $code_base->getMethodSet();
foreach ($method_set as $method) { // iterate, ignoring $fqsen
// Calling getMethodsMapGroupedByDefiningFQSEN takes around 11 milliseconds for Phan self-analysis
// Preload this - it's high latency to generate the map in a forked analysis worker process.
private static function checkForOptionsConflictingWithServerModes(): void
if (Config::isIssueFixingPluginEnabled()) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall
fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot use --automatic-fix in daemon mode or with the language server\n");
* Finish analyzing any files that need to be analyzed.
* (for full analysis, or a limited number of files for daemon mode, etc.)
* @param CodeBase $code_base
* A code base needs to be passed in because we require
* it to be initialized before any classes or files are
* loaded.
* @param ?Request $request
* @param list<string> $analyze_file_path_list
* @param array<string,string> $temporary_file_mapping
* @throws Exception if analysis failed catastrophically
public static function finishAnalyzingRemainingStatements(
CodeBase $code_base,
?Request $request,
array $analyze_file_path_list,
array $temporary_file_mapping
): bool {
try {
// With parsing complete, we need to tell the code base to
// start hydrating any requested elements on their way out.
// Hydration expands class types, imports parent methods,
// properties, etc., and does stuff like that.
// This is an optimization that saves us a significant
// amount of time on very large code bases. Instead of
// hydrating all classes, we only hydrate the things we
// actually need. When running as multiple processes this
// lets us only need to do hydrate a subset of classes.
// This is only needed when `pcntl` *isn't* used.
// This object (if non-null) removes the temporary plugins added to implement "Go To Definition", etc.
$raii = ConfigPluginSet::instance()->addTemporaryAnalysisPlugin($code_base, $request);
// TODO: consider filtering if Config::getValue('include_analysis_file_list') is set
// most of what needs considering is that Analysis::analyzeClasses() and Analysis:analyzeFunctions() have side effects
// these side effects don't matter in daemon mode, but they do matter with this other form of incremental analysis
// other parts of these analysis steps could be skipped, which would reduce the overall execution time
$path_filter = isset($request) ? array_flip($analyze_file_path_list) : null;
// Tie class aliases together with the source class
if (Config::getValue('enable_class_alias_support')) {
// Take a pass over all classes verifying
// various states now that we have the whole
// state in memory
Analysis::analyzeClasses($code_base, $path_filter);
// Take a pass over all functions verifying
// various states now that we have the whole
// state in memory
Analysis::analyzeFunctions($code_base, $path_filter);
if (Config::getValue('dump_matching_functions')) {
// Filter out any files that are to be excluded from
// analysis
$analyze_file_path_list = array_values(array_filter(
static function (string $file_path): bool {
return !self::isExcludedAnalysisFile($file_path);
if ($request instanceof Request && count($analyze_file_path_list) === 0) {
// Get the count of all files we're going to analyze
$file_count = count($analyze_file_path_list);
// Prevent an ugly failure if we have no files to
// analyze.
if (0 === $file_count) {
return false;
// Get a map from process_id to the set of files that
// the given process should analyze in a stable order
$process_file_list_map =
(new Ordering($code_base))->orderForProcessCount(
* This worker takes a file and analyzes it
$analysis_worker = static function (int $i, string $file_path, int $file_count) use ($code_base, $temporary_file_mapping, $request): void {
CLI::progress('analyze', ($i + 1) / $file_count, $file_path, $i + 1, $file_count);
Analysis::analyzeFile($code_base, $file_path, $request, $temporary_file_mapping[$file_path] ?? null);
// Determine how many processes we're running on. This may be
// less than the provided number if the files are bunched up
// excessively.
$process_count = count($process_file_list_map);
if (!($process_count > 0 && $process_count <= Config::getValue('processes'))) {
throw new AssertionError(
"The process count must be between 1 and the given number of processes. After mapping files to cores, $process_count process were set to be used."
$did_fork_pool_have_error = false;
CLI::progress('analyze', 0.0, null, 0, $file_count);
$analyze_twice = Config::getValue('__analyze_twice');
// Check to see if we're running as multiple processes
// or not
if ($process_count > 1) {
if ($analyze_twice) {
CLI::printWarningToStderr("cannot run analysis phase twice when using --processes N\n");
// Run analysis one file at a time, splitting the set of
// files up among a given number of child processes.
$pool = new ForkPool(
static function (): void {
// Remove any issues that were collected prior to forking
// to prevent duplicate issues in the output.
* @return list<IssueInstance> the list of collected issues from calls to collectIssue()
static function () use ($code_base): array {
// This closure is run once, after running analysis_worker on each input.
// If there are any plugins defining finalizeProcess(), run those.
// Return the collected issues to be serialized.
return self::getIssueCollector()->getCollectedIssues();
// Wait for all tasks to complete and collect the results.
$did_fork_pool_have_error = $pool->didHaveError();
} else {
// Get the task data from the 0th processor
$analyze_file_path_list = array_values($process_file_list_map)[0];
// If we're not running as multiple processes, just iterate
// over the file list and analyze them
foreach ($analyze_file_path_list as $i => $file_path) {
$analysis_worker($i, $file_path, $file_count);
if ($analyze_twice) {
CLI::progress('analyze', 0.0, null, 0, $file_count);
foreach ($analyze_file_path_list as $i => $file_path) {
$analysis_worker($i, $file_path, $file_count);
// Scan through all globally accessible elements
// in the code base and emit errors for dead
// code.
// If there are any plugins defining finalizeProcess(), run those.
// Get a count of the number of issues that were found
$issue_count = count((self::$issue_collector)->getCollectedIssues());
$is_issue_found =
0 !== $issue_count;
// Indicate that --progress-bar or --debug has finished, if needed.
// Collect all issues, blocking
if (Config::getValue('print_memory_usage_summary')) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($request instanceof Request) {
// Give people using the language server client/daemon a somewhat useful response.
"status" => Request::STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN,
"issue_count" => 1,
"issues" => 'Failed to analyze files: Uncaught exception: ' . (string)$e,
throw $e;
if ($request instanceof Request) {
if ($did_fork_pool_have_error) {
// Make fork pool errors (e.g. due to memory limits) easy to detect when running CI jobs.
return true;
return $is_issue_found;
* @param CodeBase $code_base
* A code base needs to be passed in because we require
* it to be initialized before any classes or files are
* loaded.
* @param string[] $file_path_list
* A set of files to expand with the set of dependencies
* on those files.
* @return list<string>
* Get an expanded list of files and dependencies for
* the given file list
* TODO: This is no longer referenced, was removed while sqlite3 was temporarily removed.
* It would help in daemon mode if this was re-enabled
* @suppress PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod potentially useful but currently unused
public static function expandedFileList(
CodeBase $code_base,
array $file_path_list
): array {
$file_count = count($file_path_list);
// We'll construct a set of files that we'll
// want to run an analysis on
$dependency_file_path_list = [];
CLI::progress('dependencies', 0.0, null); // trigger UI update of 0%
foreach ($file_path_list as $i => $file_path) {
CLI::progress('dependencies', ($i + 1) / $file_count, $file_path);
// Add the file itself to the list
$dependency_file_path_list[] = $file_path;
// Add any files that depend on this file
$dependency_file_path_list = array_merge(
return array_values(array_combine($dependency_file_path_list, $dependency_file_path_list));
* @return bool
* True if this file is a member of a third party directory as
* configured via the CLI flag '-3 [paths]'.
public static function isExcludedAnalysisFile(
string $file_path
): bool {
$include_analysis_file_list = Config::getValue('include_analysis_file_list');
if ($include_analysis_file_list) {
return !in_array($file_path, $include_analysis_file_list, true);
$file_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $file_path);
$exclude_analysis_regex = Config::getValue('__exclude_analysis_regex');
if ($exclude_analysis_regex) {
if (preg_match($exclude_analysis_regex, $file_path)) {
return true;
return false;
* Emit all collected issues
private static function display(): void
$collector = self::$issue_collector;
$printer = self::$printer;
foreach ($collector->getCollectedIssues() as $issue) {
if ($collector instanceof BufferingCollector) {
if ($printer instanceof BufferedPrinterInterface) {
* Save json encoded function&method signature to a map.
* @return int - Exit code for process
private static function dumpSignaturesToFile(CodeBase $code_base, string $filename): int
$encoded_signatures = json_encode($code_base->exportFunctionAndMethodSet(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
if (!file_put_contents($filename, $encoded_signatures)) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall
fprintf(STDERR, "Could not save contents to path '%s'\n", $filename);
private static function printMemoryUsageSummary(): void
$memory = memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024;
$peak = memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024;
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall
fwrite(STDERR, sprintf("Memory usage after analysis completed: %.02dMB/%.02dMB\n", $memory, $peak));
* Set the printer to use for emitting issues.
public static function setPrinter(
IssuePrinterInterface $printer
): void {
self::$printer = $printer;
* @param string $filename
* @return bool True if filename is ignored during analysis
public function isFilenameIgnored(string $filename): bool
return self::isExcludedAnalysisFile($filename);
* Logs slow php options to stdout
private static function checkForSlowPHPOptions(): void
static $did_check = false;
if ($did_check) {
// Only perform this check once (e.g. in unit tests
$did_check = true;
if (Config::getValue('skip_slow_php_options_warning')) {
$warned = false;
// Unless debugging Phan itself, these two configurations are unnecessarily adding slowness.
if (PHP_DEBUG) {
CLI::printHelpSection("WARNING: Phan is around twice as slow when php is compiled with --enable-debug (That option is only needed when debugging Phan itself).\n", false, true);
$warned = true;
// We warn about Xdebug in src/codebase.php, so skip that check here.
if ($warned) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall
fwrite(STDERR, "(The above warning(s) about slow PHP settings can be disabled by setting 'skip_slow_php_options_warning' to true in .phan/config.php)\n");
* Loads configured stubs for internal PHP extensions.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if the stubs or stub config is invalid
private static function loadConfiguredPHPExtensionStubs(CodeBase $code_base): void
$stubs = Config::getValue('autoload_internal_extension_signatures');
foreach ($stubs ?: [] as $extension_name => $path_to_extension) {
$extension_name = (string)$extension_name;
// Prefer using reflection info from the running extension over what's in the stub files.
// (The originals were already added to the CodeBase)
if (\extension_loaded($extension_name)) {
if (!is_string($path_to_extension)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid autoload_internal_extension_signatures: path for $extension_name is not a string: value: " . var_export($path_to_extension, true));
$path_to_extension = Config::projectPath($path_to_extension);
if (!is_file($path_to_extension)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid autoload_internal_extension_signatures: path for $extension_name is not a file: value: " . var_export($path_to_extension, true));
Analysis::parseFile($code_base, $path_to_extension, false, null, true);