namespace Phan\Plugin\Internal;
use Phan\CLI;
use Phan\IssueInstance;
use Phan\Library\Paths;
use Phan\PluginV3;
use Phan\PluginV3\SubscribeEmitIssueCapability;
* Suppresses issues based on the contents of a baseline file.
* NOTE: This is automatically loaded by phan. Do not include it in a config.
final class BaselineLoadingPlugin extends PluginV3 implements
* @var array<string,list<string>>
* Maps relative file paths to a list of issue kinds that are suppressed everywhere in the file by the baseline.
private $file_suppressions = [];
* @var array<string,list<string>>
* Maps relative directory paths to a list of issue kinds that are suppressed everywhere in the file by the baseline.
private $directory_suppressions = [];
public function __construct(string $baseline_path)
// Evaluate the php file with the baseline contents.
// Other file formats or a safe evaluation may be implemented later.
$baseline = require($baseline_path);
if (!\is_array($baseline)) {
CLI::printWarningToStderr("Phan read an invalid baseline from '$baseline_path' : Expected it to return an array, got " . \gettype($baseline_path) . "\n");
if (!\array_key_exists('file_suppressions', $baseline) && !\array_key_exists('directory_suppressions', $baseline)) {
CLI::printWarningToStderr("Phan read an invalid baseline from '$baseline_path' : Expected the returned array to contain the key 'file_suppressions' or 'directory_suppressions' (new baselines can be generated with --save-baseline)\n");
// file_suppressions and directory suppressions are currently the only way to suppress issues in a baseline. Other ways may be added later.
$this->file_suppressions = $baseline['file_suppressions'] ?? [];
$this->directory_suppressions = self::normalizeDirectorySuppressions($baseline['directory_suppressions'] ?? []);
* This will be called if both of these conditions hold:
* 1. Phan's file and element-based suppressions did not suppress the issue
* 2. Earlier plugins didn't suppress the issue.
* @param IssueInstance $issue_instance the issue that would be emitted
* @return bool true if the issue should be suppressed for the baseline.
* @override
public function onEmitIssue(IssueInstance $issue_instance): bool
return $this->shouldSuppressIssueTypeInFile(
* Check if the given issue type should be suppressed in the given file path.
* @internal - used for testing
public function shouldSuppressIssueTypeInFile(string $issue_type, string $file): bool
$suppressed_by_file = \in_array($issue_type, $this->file_suppressions[$file] ?? [], true);
if ($suppressed_by_file) {
return true;
// Support suppressing '.' in a baseline (may be useful when plugins affecting type inference get enabled)
$normalized_file = self::normalizeDirectoryPathString($file);
if (\in_array($issue_type, $this->directory_suppressions[''] ?? [], true)) {
if (!Paths::isAbsolutePath($issue_type) && \substr($normalized_file, 0, 3) !== '../') {
return true;
// Not suppressed by file, check for suppression by directory
$parts = self::normalizeDirectoryPathString($file);
$parts = \explode('/', $parts);
\array_pop($parts); // Remove file name
$dirPath = '';
// Check from least specific path to most specific path if any should be suppressed
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ($part === '') {
$dirPath .= $part;
if (\in_array($issue_type, $this->directory_suppressions[$dirPath] ?? [], true)) {
return true;
$dirPath .= '/';
return false;
* Normalize directory path entries in directory_suppressions from baseline.
* @param array<string,list<string>> $dir_suppressions
* @return array<string,list<string>>
private static function normalizeDirectorySuppressions(array $dir_suppressions): array
foreach ($dir_suppressions as $file_path => $rules) {
$new_file_path = self::normalizeDirectoryPathString($file_path);
if ($new_file_path !== $file_path) {
$old_suppressions = $dir_suppressions[$new_file_path] ?? null;
if ($old_suppressions) {
$dir_suppressions[$new_file_path] = \array_merge($old_suppressions, $rules);
} else {
$dir_suppressions[$new_file_path] = $rules;
return $dir_suppressions;
* Normalize path string.
* @param string $path
private static function normalizeDirectoryPathString(string $path): string
$path = \str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
$path = \rtrim($path, '/');
$path = \preg_replace('@^(\./)+@', '', $path);
if ($path === '.') {
return '';
return $path;