namespace Phan\Plugin\Internal;
use ast\Node;
use Closure;
use Phan\Language\Context;
use Phan\PluginV3;
use Phan\PluginV3\PluginAwarePostAnalysisVisitor;
use Phan\PluginV3\PostAnalyzeNodeCapability;
* This plugin checks for the definition of a region selected by a user.
class NodeSelectionPlugin extends PluginV3 implements PostAnalyzeNodeCapability
* @param ?Closure(Context,Node,list<Node>):void $closure
* @return void
* TODO: Fix false positive TypeMismatchDeclaredParam with Closure $closure = null in this method
public function setNodeSelectorClosure(?Closure $closure): void
NodeSelectionVisitor::$closure = $closure;
* @return string - name of PluginAwarePostAnalysisVisitor subclass
public static function getPostAnalyzeNodeVisitorClassName(): string
return NodeSelectionVisitor::class;
* When __invoke on this class is called with a node, a method
* will be dispatched based on the `kind` of the given node.
* Visitors such as this are useful for defining lots of different
* checks on a node based on its kind.
class NodeSelectionVisitor extends PluginAwarePostAnalysisVisitor
* A closure that this visitor dispatches to when the desired node (marked with isSelected) is found
* @var ?Closure(Context,Node,Node[]):void $closure
public static $closure = null;
// A plugin's visitors should not override visit() unless they need to.
* This is the catch-all for Nodes with kinds that don't have specialized methods
* @param Node $node
* A node to check
* @param list<Node> $parent_node_list
* @see ConfigPluginSet::prepareNodeSelectionPlugin() for how this is called
public function visitCommonImplementation(Node $node, array $parent_node_list): void
if (!\property_exists($node, 'isSelected')) {
$closure = NodeSelectionVisitor::$closure;
if (!$closure) {
// This should not be possible.
// fwrite(STDERR, "Calling NodeSelectionVisitor without a closure\n");
$closure($this->context, $node, $parent_node_list);
// Every plugin needs to return an instance of itself at the
// end of the file in which it's defined.
return new NodeSelectionPlugin();