namespace Phan;
use Phan\PluginV3\IssueEmitter;
* Plugins can be defined in the config and will have
* their hooks called at appropriate times during analysis
* of each file, class, method and function.
* Plugins must extend this class
* (And at least one of the interfaces corresponding to plugin capabilities)
* and return an instance of themselves.
* @link has additional resources for users writing a plugin.
* List of capabilities which a plugin may implement:
* 1. public function analyzeClass(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $class)
* Analyze (and modify) a class definition, after parsing and before analyzing.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\AnalyzeClassCapability)
* 2. public function analyzeFunction(CodeBase $code_base, Func $function)
* Analyze (and modify) a function definition, after parsing and before analyzing.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\AnalyzeFunctionCapability)
* 3. public function analyzeMethod(CodeBase $code_base, Method $method)
* Analyze (and modify) a method definition, after parsing and before analyzing.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\AnalyzeMethodCapability)
* 4. public static function getPostAnalyzeNodeVisitorClassName() : string
* Returns the name of a class extending PluginAwarePostAnalysisVisitor, which will be used to analyze nodes in the analysis phase.
* If the PluginAwarePostAnalysisVisitor subclass has an instance property called parent_node_list,
* Phan will automatically set that property to the list of parent nodes (The nodes deepest in the AST are at the end of the list)
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\PostAnalyzeNodeCapability)
* 5. public static function getPreAnalyzeNodeVisitorClassName() : string
* Returns the name of a class extending PluginAwarePreAnalysisVisitor, which will be used to pre-analyze nodes in the analysis phase.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\PreAnalyzeNodeCapability)
* 6. public function analyzeProperty(CodeBase $code_base, Property $property)
* Analyze (and modify) a property definition, after parsing and before analyzing.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\AnalyzePropertyCapability)
* 7. public function finalize(CodeBase $code_base)
* Called after the analysis phase is complete.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\FinalizeProcessCapability)
* 8. public function getAnalyzeFunctionCallClosures(CodeBase $code_base) : array<string, Closure(CodeBase,Context,Func|Method,array,?Node):void>
* Maps FQSEN of function or method to a closure used to analyze the function in question.
* 'MyClass::myMethod' can be used as the FQSEN of a static or instance method.
* See .phan/plugins/PregRegexCheckerPlugin.php as an example.
* Closure Type: function(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, Func|Method $function, array $args) : void {...}
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\AnalyzeFunctionCallCapability)
* 9. public function getReturnTypeOverrides(CodeBase $code_base) : array<string,Closure(CodeBase,Context,Func|Method,array):UnionType>
* Maps FQSEN of function or method to a closure used to override the returned UnionType.
* See \Phan\Plugin\Internal\ArrayReturnTypeOverridePlugin as an example (That is automatically loaded by phan)
* Closure type: function(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, Func|Method $function, array $args) : UnionType {...}
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\ReturnTypeOverrideCapability)
* 10. public function shouldSuppress(CodeBase $code_base, IssueInstance $instance, string $file_contents) : bool
* Called in every phase when Phan is emitting an issue(parse, method, analysis, etc)
* public function getIssueSuppressionList(CodeBase $code_base, string $file_path) : array<string,associative-array<int,int>>
* Called by UnusedSuppressionPlugin to check if the plugin's suppressions are no longer needed.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\SuppressionCapability)
* 11. public function beforeAnalyze(CodeBase $code_base) : void
* Called before analyzing a project (e.g. to run checks before analysis)
* beforeAnalyze is invoked immediately before analyzing methods and before forking analysis workers and before starting the analysis phase.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\BeforeAnalyzeCapability)
* Most plugins should use BeforeAnalyzePhaseCapability instead.
* 12. public function beforeAnalyzeFile(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, string $file_contents, Node $node);
* Called before analyzing a file (with the absolute path Config::projectPath($context->getFile())).
* NOTE: This does not run on empty files.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\BeforeAnalyzeFileCapability)
* 13. public function afterAnalyzeFile(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, string $file_contents, Node $node);
* This method is called after Phan analyzes a file.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\AfterAnalyzeFileCapability)
* 14. public function handleLazyLoadInternalFunction(CodeBase $code_base, Func $function)
* This method is called after Phan lazily loads a global internal function.
* This is useful to handle functions getAnalyzeFunctionCallClosures did not pick up
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\HandleLazyLoadInternalFunctionCapability)
* 15. getAutomaticFixers() : array<string,Closure(CodeBase,FileCacheEntry,IssueInstance):(?FileEditSet)>
* This method is called to fetch the issue names the plugin can sometimes automatically fix.
* Returns a map from issue name to the closure to generate a fix for instances of that issue.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\AutomaticFixCapability)
* 16. public function beforeAnalyzePhase(CodeBase $code_base) : void
* Called before analyzing a project (e.g. to run checks before analysis)
* beforeAnalyze is invoked immediately after analyzing methods and before forking analysis workers and before starting the analysis phase.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\BeforeAnalyzePhaseCapability)
* 17. public function onEmitIssue(IssueInstance $issue_instance): bool
* This method is called before Phan emits an (unsuppressed) issue.
* Returns true if the issue should be suppressed.
* Most plugins should use SuppressionCapability instead,
* so that more generic issues can be used to suppress specific issues,
* and to avoid interfering with baselines.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\SubscribeEmitIssueCapability)
* 18. public function analyzeStringLiteralStatement(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, string $statement): bool
* This method is called when phan finds a string literal statement.
* Returns true if the statement was consumed (e.g. to infer types, or emit debug info).
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\AnalyzeLiteralStatementCapability)
* 19. public static function getBeforeLoopBodyAnalysisVisitorClassName() : string
* Returns the name of a class extending BeforeLoopBodyAnalysisVisitor, which will be used to analyze loop conditions
* before analyzing the body.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\BeforeLoopBodyAnalysisCapability)
* 20. public function getMergeVariableInfoClosure(): Closure
* Returns a closure used in ContextMergeVisitor to merge data about a variable from different branches.
* (implement \Phan\PluginV3\MergeVariableInfoCapability)
abstract class PluginV3
use IssueEmitter {
emitPluginIssue as emitIssue;
* The above declares this function signature:
* public function emitIssue(
* CodeBase $code_base,
* Context $context,
* string $issue_type,
* string $issue_message_fmt,
* array $issue_message_args = [],
* int $severity = Issue::SEVERITY_NORMAL,
* int $remediation_difficulty = Issue::REMEDIATION_B,
* int $issue_type_id = Issue::TYPE_ID_UNKNOWN
* )