namespace Phan\PluginV3;
* For plugins that want to analyze loop conditions before the body.
* Public APIs for use by plugins:
* - visitForeach(...), visitFor(...), visitWhile(...) (Override these methods)
* - emitPluginIssue(CodeBase $code_base, Config $config, ...) (Call these methods)
* - emit(...)
* - Public methods from Phan\AST\AnalysisVisitor
* TODO Parent interface is too broad
* @phan-file-suppress PhanUnusedPublicFinalMethodParameter
abstract class BeforeLoopBodyAnalysisVisitor extends PluginAwareBaseAnalysisVisitor
// Subclasses should declare protected $parent_node_list as an instance property if they need to know the list.
// @var list<Node> - Set after the constructor is called if an instance property with this name is declared
// protected $parent_node_list;
// Implementations should omit the constructor or call parent::__construct(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context)