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# HtmlSurgeon

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Make specific changes in a HTML string, optionally adding html attributes with the audit trail of the changes. Uses [Nokogiri](

## Basic Usage

First, you create a HtmlSurgeon service instance for the given html fragment

    <div id="1" class="lol to-be-changed">1</div>
    <div id="2" class="another to-be-changed">

surgeon = HtmlSurgeon.for(GIVEN_HTML) 

if you want to add audit attributes in the HTML tags changed, pass the option in the surgeon service creation

surgeon = HtmlSurgeon.for(GIVEN_HTML, audit: true)

with the surgeon service, you can prepare several change sets. A change set is defined by a node set and a list of changes to be applied on each selected node.

change_set = surgeon.css('') # => will return a change_set

change_set.node_set # => will return a Nokogiri's Node Set with the selected nodes (right now it'll get us div ID 1 and div ID 2.

# to prepare a change replace the tag name 'div' for 'article'
# to prepare another change to add a css class in the selected nodes

# we can add a second one


The changes are not made yet. In order to do it, we call `run` on the change set


surgeon.html # => html with the changes applied
# =>
# <div>
#     <h1>Something</h1>
#     <article id="1" class="lol to-be-changed added-class another-added-class">1</div>
#     <span>Other</span>
#     <article id="2" class="another to-be-changed added-class another-added-class">
#         <ul>
#             <li>1</li>
#             <li>2</li>
#         </ul>
#     </div>
# </div>

# original html still in
surgeon.given_html == GIVEN_HTML # => true

# you can review what was changed in the change set
# =>
# [
#   "replace tag name with article",
#   "add css class added-class",
#   "add css class another-added-class",
# ]

You can also review what nodes were changed, or the count of them

change_set.changed_nodes # => array with nodes changed (without the skipped nodes)
change_set.changed_nodes_size # => same as change_set.changed_nodes.size

We can also chain call the changes in a changeset

surgeon = HtmlService.for(GIVEN_HTML)
surgeon.html # =>
# <div>
#     <h1>Something</h1>
#     <span id="1" class="lol to-be-changed hey">1</span>
#     <span>Other</span>
#     <div id="2" class="another to-be-changed">
#         <ul>
#             <li>1</li>
#             <li>2</li>
#         </ul>
#     </div>
# </div>

If we have enabled audit, we'll get the changes applied to an element in an data attribute.
It will store, in JSON, an array with all the changes.

surgeon = HtmlService.for(GIVEN_HTML, audit: true)
surgeon.html # =>
# <div>
#     <h1>Something</h1>
#     <span id="1" class="lol to-be-changed hey" data-surgeon-audit='[{"change_set":"830e96dc-fa07-40ce-8968-ea5c55ec4b84","changed_at":"2015-07-02T12:52:43.874Z","type":"replace_tag_name","old":"div","new":"span"},{"change_set":"830e96dc-fa07-40ce-8968-ea5c55ec4b84","changed_at":"2015-07-02T12:52:43.874Z","type":"add_css_class","class":"hey"}]'>1</span>
#     <span>Other</span>
#     <div id="2" class="another to-be-changed">
#         <ul>
#             <li>1</li>
#             <li>2</li>
#         </ul>
#     </div>
# </div>

the attribute's value (formatted) is:


it has a `change_set` with the ID of the change set, `changed_at` with the moment it was applied, and the rest define the change.

## Selecting the Node Set

we use Nokogiri's selections.

### using css

change_set = surgeon.css('')

### using xpath

change_set = surgeon.xpath("span") # note that we use Nokogiri's HTML Fragment and the use of self is special.

### Refining the selection

we can skip some nodes based on callbacks added to the Change Set using `select` and `reject` methods.

change_set = surgeon.css('.to-be-changed')
change_set.reject { |node| == 'div' }.select { |node| node.get_attribute('class').to_s.split(' ').include? 'yeah-do-it' } # => nodes skipped if reject callback return truthy or if select callback return falsey 

## Available Changes

### Replace Tag Name


### Add CSS Class


### Remove Attribute


## Rollback

the surgeon can be used to revert any audited rollback. We can select what changes to rollback based on:

- `change_set`: The change_set UUID
- `changed_at`: The change timestamp
- `changed_from`: All changes which timestamp is more recent than the given time

We can also revert all audited changes.

surgeon = HtmlSurgeon.for(GIVEN_HTML) 

surgeon.rollback # => Integer with number of changes reverted
surgeon.html # => returns the html with all events reverted 

surgeon.rollback(change_set: uuid) # => Integer with number of changes reverted
surgeon.html # => returns the html with only the given change set reverted

surgeon.rollback(changed_at: changed_at) # => Integer with number of changes reverted
surgeon.html  # => returns the html with only the change set with timestamp reverted

surgeon.rollback(changed_from: changed_from) # => Integer with number of changes reverted
surgeon.html # => returns the html with any change sets with a timestamp more recent than `changed_from` reverted 

## Clear Audit trail

we can clear all audit from the given html with the `clear_audit` method. 

surgeon = HtmlSurgeon.for(GIVEN_HTML)
surgeon.clear_audit # => returns an Integer with the number of changes
surgeon.html # => returns the html with all audit html attributes removed

## Helper Methods

### `HtmlSurgeon.node_has_css_class?(nokogiri_node, css_class)`

it will return true if the given nokogiri node has that css_class

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'html_surgeon'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install html_surgeon

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake rspec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [](

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


### v0.7.0

- added `remove_attribute` change.
- changes will be skipped if not needed on that node (will not do anything, nor be added to the audit).

### v0.6.0

- *WARNING: BREAKING API CHANGE*: now `rollback` and `clear_audit` return the number of changes performed

### v0.5.2

- added `changed_nodes` and `changed_nodes_size` to Change Set

### v0.5.1

- works with `nil` html, performs a `to_s` to the given html on initialization.

### v0.5.0

- added `node_has_css_class?` helper method to `HtmlSurgeon`
- added `clear_audit` to surgeon 

### v0.4.0

- added `select` and `reject` callbacks to Change Set, based on blocks with `node` as single argument

### v0.3.0

- added fluid ChangeSet ID setter
- added change_set xpath support

### v0.2.0
- added rollback support