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1 wk
Test Coverage
##Modified version of for reading dumped registry
##Various conditions exist when reading dumped SAM reg
#-Added json output
#-Fixed some errors
#Original version at:

import struct,datetime, argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
from Registry import Registry #python-registry
import sys

#Used for the SAMPARSE function to decode binary data to SID's
def binary_to_sid(binary_data):
    if len(binary_data) < 12:
        return ''
    elif len(binary_data) == 12:
        rev = struct.unpack("<B", binary_data[0:1])[0]
        #dash = struct.unpack("<B", binary_data[1:1])[0]
        authid = str(binary_data[2:8].encode("hex")).replace("00000000000", '')
        sub = struct.unpack("<L", binary_data[8:12])[0]
        return "S-"+str(rev)+"-"+str(authid)+"-"+str(sub)
    elif len(binary_data) > 12:
        rev = struct.unpack("<B", binary_data[0:1])[0]
        authid = str(binary_data[2:8].encode("hex")).replace("00000000000", '')
        sub = struct.unpack("<LLLL", binary_data[8:24])
        sub = map(str,sub)
        rid = struct.unpack("<L", binary_data[24:30])[0]
        return "S-"+str(rev)+"-"+str(authid)+"-"+'-'.join(sub)+"-"+str(rid)

def sid_to_username(sid, software):
        key ="Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList\\"+sid)
        return None
    return key.value("ProfileImagePath").value().split("\\")[-1]

#Converts windows FILETIME (2 DWORDS) to datetime object formatted by strftime
def getTime(low, high):
    low = float(low)
    high = float(high)
    if (high == 0) and (low == 0):
        return "Never"
        low -=  0xd53e8000
        high -= 0x019db1de
        a = int(high*429.4967296 + low/1e7)
    if a < 0:
        return "Never"
    return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(a).strftime('%d %B %Y - %H:%M:%S')

#parses the hive and returns it as a dictionary.
def samparse(samhive):

    results = OrderedDict()
    results['users'] = OrderedDict()

    #Ok this one is a bit more diffuclt. the data in here is in Binary data which means we need to unpack all of it.
    #The SAM file is structed like this
    #F - Contains binary data
    #V - Contains binary data
    #F - Contains binary data
    #V - Contains binary data

    #The subkeys that start with 0000  Correlate with each user on the computer while the F and V contain different data.
    #The 0000 can be striped off then you get a hex value which can be decoded to the user's RID
    #F contains type of account, and various account settings
    #V contains username, fullname, comment, password hashes and more
    #We have to individually parse both the F and V for every user.
    f_values = {}     #Used to temp store F Data before we get V Value data

    #ACB Flags which tell us if the account is disabled/etc
    acb_flags = {0x0001 : "Account Disabled",
                 0x0002 : "Home directory required",
                 0x0004 : "Password not required",
                 0x0008 : "Temporary duplicate account",
                 0x0010 : "Normal user account",
                 0x0020 : "MNS logon user account",
                 0x0040 : "Interdomain trust account",
                 0x0080 : "Workstation trust account",
                 0x0100 : "Server trust account",
                 0x0200 : "Password does not expire",
                 0x0400 : "Account auto locked"}

    #Account Types
    types = {0xbc : "Default Admin User",
             0xd4 : "Custom Limited Acct",
             0xb0 : "Default Guest Acct"}

    sam = Registry.Registry(samhive) #open the hive using python-registry

    usersRoot ="SAM\\Domains\\Account\\Users")
    for x in usersRoot.subkeys():
        #We Use this to get the account name and timestamp
        if == "Names":
            for a in x.subkeys():
                    results['users'][]['Account Created Date'] = a.timestamp().strftime('%d %B %Y - %H:%M:%S')
                except Exception as e:
                    print("Error with key")
            for a in x.values():
                #F comes before V, and since we're using usernames, F will store in a temporary dict
                #F Comes in binary data aswell
                #For unpacking this is the formatting
                # x = padded null bytes (\00x)
                # L = Unsigned long (32bit) in little-endian
                # H = Unsigned short (16bit) in little-endian
                if == "F":
                    b = struct.unpack('<xxxxxxxxLLxxxxxxxxLLxxxxxxxxLLLxxxxHxxxxxxHHxxxxxxxxxxxx', a.value())
                    f_values[b[6]] = []                         #Create a List and sort by RID
                    f_values[b[6]].append(getTime(b[0],b[1]))     #Last Login Date
                    f_values[b[6]].append(getTime(b[2],b[3]))    #This is password reset date
                    f_values[b[6]].append(getTime(b[4],b[5]))    #PWD Fail Date maybe?
                    flags = []
                    for flag in acb_flags:                        #Compare the two hex values and check if one is contained in the other, if so save it
                        if bool(flag & b[7]):
                    f_values[b[6]].append(b[8])                    #Failed Login Count
                    f_values[b[6]].append(b[9])                    #Login Count

                #Parsing the "V" Value
                #the first 4 bytes of each entry refer to the location of the entry relative to offset
                #the second 4 bytes refer to the entry length, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4
                #for example the 4 bytes from 0x0c -> 0x10 contains the offset+0xcc(4) where the username is
                if == "V":
                    data = a.value()

                    #Unpacking The values, refrence here
                    #Get the account type, username, fullname, comment, driveletter, logon script, profile path, workstation's allowed, and LM and NT password hashes
                    account_type = struct.unpack("<L", data[4:8])[0]
                    username_ofst = struct.unpack("<L", data[12:16])[0]
                    username_lngth = struct.unpack("<L", data[16:20])[0]
                    fullname_ofst = struct.unpack("<L", data[24:28])[0]
                    fullname_lngth = struct.unpack("<L", data[28:32])[0]
                    comment_ofst = struct.unpack("<L", data[36:40])[0]
                    comment_lngth = struct.unpack("<L", data[40:44])[0]
                    driveletter_ofst = struct.unpack("<L", data[84:88])[0]
                    driveletter_lngth = struct.unpack("<L", data[88:92])[0]
                    logonscript_ofst = struct.unpack("<L", data[96:100])[0]
                    logonscript_lngth = struct.unpack("<L", data[100:104])[0]
                    profilepath_ofst = struct.unpack("<L", data[108:112])[0]
                    profilepath_lngth = struct.unpack("<L", data[112:116])[0]
                    workstations_ofst = struct.unpack("<L", data[120:124])[0]
                    workstations_lngth = struct.unpack("<L", data[124:128])[0]
                    # lmpwhash_ofset = struct.unpack("<L", data[156:160])[0]    Can enable this, contains the NT and LM hashes
                    # lmpwhash_lngth = struct.unpack("<L", data[160:164])[0]
                    # ntpwhash_ofset = struct.unpack("<L", data[168:172])[0]
                    # ntpwhash_lngth = struct.unpack("<L", data[172:176])[0]

                    username = data[(username_ofst+0xCC):(username_ofst+0xCC + username_lngth)].replace('\x00','')

                    results['users'][username] = OrderedDict()

                    results['users'][username]['Full Name'] = data[(fullname_ofst+0xCC):(fullname_ofst+0xCC + fullname_lngth)]
                    results['users'][username]['Comment'] = data[(comment_ofst+0xCC):(comment_ofst+0xCC + comment_lngth)]
                    for acctype in types:
                        if account_type == int(acctype):
                            results['users'][username]['Account Type'] = types[acctype]
                    results['users'][username]['RID'] = str(int("0000"), 16)) #Since im converting hex to int, you need to tell python it's in base 16
                    results['users'][username]['Drive Letter'] = data[(driveletter_ofst+0xCC):(driveletter_ofst+0xCC + driveletter_lngth)]
                    results['users'][username]['Profile Path'] = data[(profilepath_ofst+0xCC):(profilepath_ofst+0xCC + profilepath_lngth)]
                    results['users'][username]['Logon Script'] = data[(logonscript_ofst+0xCC):(logonscript_ofst+0xCC + logonscript_lngth)]
                    results['users'][username]['Workstations'] = data[(workstations_ofst+0xCC):(workstations_ofst+0xCC + workstations_lngth)]
                    # results['users'][username]['LM Password Hash'] = data[(lmpwhash_ofset+0xCC):(lmpwhash_ofset+0xCC + lmpwhash_lngth)]
                    # results['users'][username]['NT Password Hash'] = data[(ntpwhash_ofset+0xCC):(ntpwhash_ofset+0xCC + ntpwhash_lngth)]

    #Now we combine the two!
    for RID in f_values:
        for user in results['users']:
            if results['users'][user]['RID'] == str(RID):
                results['users'][user]['Last Login Date'] = f_values[RID][0]
                results['users'][user]['Password Reset Date'] = f_values[RID][1]
                results['users'][user]['Password Fail Date'] = f_values[RID][2]
                results['users'][user]['Account Flags'] = ""
        for user in results:
            if 'RID' in results[user]:
                if results[user]['RID'] == str(RID):
                    results[user]['Last Login Date'] = f_values[RID][0]
                    results[user]['Password Reset Date'] = f_values[RID][1]
                    results[user]['Password Fail Date'] = f_values[RID][2]
                    results[user]['Account Flags'] = ""
                    for flag in f_values[RID][3]:
                        results['users'][user]['Account Flags'] += (flag + " | ")
                    results['users'][user]['Failed Login Count'] = f_values[RID][4]
                    results['users'][user]['Login Count'] = f_values[RID][5]

    results['groups'] = OrderedDict()
    #Now to parse the groups!
    groupsRoot ="SAM\\Domains\\Builtin\\Aliases")
    for x in groupsRoot.subkeys():
        if[:5] == "00000":            #We dont actually need the Names/Members keys here beacuse everything is in the "C" value
            #this is going to be the same as the V value, we have to unpack offsets/points to get the data we need
            #In the C key all offsets are started from 0x34 (this means we do offset+0x34)
            data = x.value("C").value()
            name_offst = struct.unpack("<L", data[16:20])[0]
            name_length = struct.unpack("<L", data[20:24])[0]
            comment_offst = struct.unpack("<L", data[28:32])[0]
            comment_lngth = struct.unpack("<L", data[32:36])[0]
            users_offset = struct.unpack("<L", data[40:44])[0]

            user_count = struct.unpack("<L", data[48:52])[0]

            groupname = data[(name_offst+52):(name_offst+52+name_length)]
            results['groups'][groupname] = OrderedDict()
            results['groups'][groupname]['Group Description'] = data[(comment_offst+52):(comment_offst+52+comment_lngth)]
            results['groups'][groupname]['Last Write'] = x.timestamp()
            results['groups'][groupname]['User Count'] = user_count
            results['groups'][groupname]['Members'] = ''

                newOffset = 0
                for i in range(11, 0,-1):
                    offset = int(users_offset + 52 + newOffset)
                    tmp = struct.unpack("<L", data[offset:offset+4])[0]
                    if tmp == 257:
                        if struct.unpack("<B", data[offset:offset+1])[0] == 0:
                            offset = offset+1
                        results['groups'][groupname]['Members'] += binary_to_sid(data[offset:offset+12])
                        #username = sid_to_username(binary_to_sid(data[offset:offset+12]))
                        username = None
                        if username != None:
                            results['groups'][groupname]['Members'] += " -> " + username + "</br>"
                            results['groups'][groupname]['Members'] += "\t\n"
                        newOffset += 12
                    elif tmp == 1281:
                        results['groups'][groupname]['Members'] += binary_to_sid(data[offset:offset+28])
                        #username = sid_to_username(binary_to_sid(data[offset:offset+28]))
                        username = None
                        if username != None:
                            results['groups'][groupname]['Members'] += " -> " + username + "</br>"
                            results['groups'][groupname]['Members'] += "\n"
                        newOffset += 28

                if len(results['groups'][groupname]['Members']) == 0:
                    results['groups'][groupname]['Members'] = 'No users in this group'

    return results

def main(file,output):
#    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#    parser.add_argument("SAM", help="SAM Windows registry hive to parse")

#    parser.add_argument("-o", '--out', nargs='?', help="Output")

#    args = parser.parse_args()

#    results = samparse(args.SAM)
    results = samparse(file)

    if output:
        format = output

    juser_results = []
    juser = {}

    jgroup_results = []
    jgroup = {}

    for user in results['users']:
        #print "----- %s -----" % user
        juser['user'] = unicode(user)

        for key, value in results['users'][user].iteritems():
            if value != '':
                #print str(key)  + " : " + str(value)
                juser[key] = unicode(value)

        #print "\n"

    for group in results['groups']:
        #print "----- %s -----" % group
        jgroup['group'] = unicode(group)
        for key, value in results['groups'][group].iteritems():
            if value != '':
                #print str(key)  + " : " + str(value)
                jgroup[key] = unicode(value)
        #print "\n"

    if format != "json":
        for user in juser_results:
            for x in user:
                print x+":",user[x]
        for group in jgroup_results:
            for x in group:
                print x+":",group[x]
    import json
    if format == "json":
        return juser_results

if __name__ == "__main__":
    result = main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])