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2 hrs
Test Coverage
##Bridgey the Geek

import os
import re
import struct

import volatility.debug as debug
import volatility.obj as obj
import volatility.plugins.common as common
import volatility.scan as scan
import volatility.utils as utils
import volatility.win32.tasks as tasks

# Add some structures
_packet_types = {

    # Ethernet Header
    '_ETHERNET': [ 0xE, {
        'mac_dst': [ 0x00, ['array', 6, ['unsigned char']]],
        'mac_src': [ 0x06, ['array', 6, ['unsigned char']]],
        'eth_type': [0x0C, ['unsigned be short']]

    # IPv4 Header
    '_IPv4': [ 0x20, {
        'version': [ 0x00, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=4, end_bit=8, native_type='unsigned long')]],
        'ihl': [ 0x00, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=0, end_bit=4, native_type='unsigned long')]],
        'length': [ 0x02, ['unsigned be short']],
        'ttl': [ 0x08, ['unsigned char']],
        'proto': [ 0x09, ['unsigned char']],
        'src_ip': [0x0C, ['array', 4, ['unsigned char']]],
        'dst_ip': [0x10, ['array', 4, ['unsigned char']]]

    # IPv6 Header
    '_IPv6': [ 0x28, {
        'version': [ 0x00, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=4, end_bit=8, native_type='unsigned long')]],
        'pld_len': [ 0x04, ['unsigned be short']],
        'nxt_hdr': [ 0x06, ['unsigned char']],
        'src_ip': [0x08, ['array', 16, ['unsigned char']]],
        'dst_ip': [0x18, ['array', 16, ['unsigned char']]],

    # UDP Header
    '_UDP': [ 0x08, {
        'src_port': [ 0x00, ['unsigned be short']],
        'dst_port': [ 0x02, ['unsigned be short']],
        'length'  : [ 0x04, ['unsigned be short']],
        'checksum': [ 0x06, ['unsigned be short']]

    # TCP Header
    '_TCP': [ 0x14, {
        'src_port': [ 0x00, ['unsigned be short']],
        'dst_port': [ 0x02, ['unsigned be short']],
        'seq_num' : [ 0x04, ['unsigned long']],
        'ack_num' : [ 0x08, ['unsigned long']],
        'data_off': [ 0x0C, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=4, end_bit=8, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'reserved': [ 0x0C, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=1, end_bit=4, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'ns'      : [ 0x0C, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=0, end_bit=1, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'cwr'     : [ 0x0D, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=7, end_bit=8, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'ece'     : [ 0x0D, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=6, end_bit=7, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'urg'     : [ 0x0D, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=5, end_bit=6, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'ack'     : [ 0x0D, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=4, end_bit=5, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'psh'     : [ 0x0D, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=3, end_bit=4, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'rst'     : [ 0x0D, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=2, end_bit=3, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'syn'     : [ 0x0D, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=1, end_bit=2, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'fin'     : [ 0x0D, ['BitField', dict(start_bit=0, end_bit=1, native_type='unsigned char')]],
        'win_size': [ 0x0E, ['unsigned be short']],
        'checksum': [ 0x10, ['unsigned be short']],
        'urg_ptr' : [ 0x12, ['unsigned be short']]

class _ETHERNET(obj.CType):

    def make_mac(mac):
        """Get MAC address as formatted string"""

        return ':'.join(['{:02X}'.format(x) for x in mac])    

class _IPv4(obj.CType):
    def is_tcp(self):
        """Check if this IPv4 packet contains a TCP payload"""

        return self.proto == 6

    def is_udp(self):
        """Check if this IPv4 packet contains a TCP payload"""

        return self.proto == 17

    def get_proto(self):
        """Get the prototype value"""

        return self.proto

    def payload_offset(self):
        """Get the packet offset to the payload"""

        return self.v() + (self.ihl * 4)

    def make_ip(ip):
        """Get string representation of IPv4 address"""

        return '.'.join(['{}'.format(x) for x in ip])

class _IPv6(obj.CType):
    def is_tcp(self):
        """Check if this IPv6 packet contains a TCP payload"""

        return self.nxt_hdr == 6

    def is_udp(self):
        """Check if this IPv6 packet contains a UDP payload"""

        return self.nxt_hdr == 17

    def get_proto(self):
        """Get the prototype value"""

        return self.nxt_hdr

    def payload_offset(self):
        """Get the packet offset to the payload"""

        return self.v() + 40

    def make_ip(ip):
        """Get string representation of IPv6 address"""

        # TODO: There's gotta be a cleaner way, right?
        r = ''
        for i in xrange(0, ip.size(), 2):
            a = '{:x}'.format(ip[i])
            b = '{:x}'.format(ip[i+1])
            if a == '0' and b == '0':
                r += '0'
            elif a == '0':
                r += b
                r += a + '{:02x}'.format(ip[i+1])
            r += ':'
        r = r[0:-1]  # Strip the trailing ':'
        return r

class _UDP(obj.CType):

    def get_flags():
        """Get filler in place of TCP flags"""

        return '---'

class _TCP(obj.CType):

    def get_flags(self):
        """Get string representation of TCP flags"""

        flags = []
        if self.ns == 1: flags.append('NS')
        if self.cwr == 1: flags.append('CWR')
        if self.ece == 1: flags.append('ECE')
        if self.urg == 1: flags.append('URG')
        if self.ack == 1: flags.append('ACK')
        if self.psh == 1: flags.append('PSH')
        if self.rst == 1: flags.append('RST')
        if self.syn == 1: flags.append('SYN')
        if self.fin == 1: flags.append('FIN')
        return ','.join(flags)

class PacketVTypes(obj.ProfileModification):
    """Add the new vtypes"""

    def check(self, profile):
        m = profile.metadata
        return m.get('os', None) == 'windows'

    def modification(self, profile):

class PacketObjectClasses(obj.ProfileModification):
    """Add the new class definitions"""

    def modification(self, profile):
            '_ETHERNET': _ETHERNET,
            '_IPv4': _IPv4,
            '_IPv6': _IPv6,
            '_UDP': _UDP,
            '_TCP': _TCP

class PcapWriter:
    """Writes the packets found to a PCAP file"""

    # PCAP File Header
    pcap_header = struct.pack(
        0xa1b2c3d4,  # magic_number (Big-Endian)
        0x2,         # version_major
        0x4,         # version_minor
        0x0,         # thiszone
        0x0,         # sigfigs
        0x800,       # snaplen (2048)
        0x1          # network (1=eth)

    def __init__(self, target): = target
        self.packets = []

    def make_rec_header(p_len):
        """Create a record header for each packet record"""

        pcap_rec_header = struct.pack(
            0x0,   # ts_sec
            0x0,   # ts_usec
            p_len, # incl_len
            p_len  # orig_len
        return pcap_rec_header

    def write(self):
        """Write the packets to the PCAP file"""

        byte_count = len(self.pcap_header)
        with open(, 'wb') as f:
            for packet in self.packets:
                data = self.make_rec_header(len(packet)) + packet
                byte_count += len(data)
        return byte_count

class NDshScanner(scan.BaseScanner):
    """Scanner for the 'NDsh' marker"""

    # Is this a pool tag?
    # It's on the list, but seems very generic:
    # Seems to belong to ndis.sys (Network Driver Interface Specification)
    _MARKER = "NDsh\x01\x00\x00\x00"

    def __init__(self):
        needles = [ self._MARKER ]
        self.checks = [ ("MultiStringFinderCheck", {'needles':needles}) ]

    def scan(self, address_space, offset=0):
        for address in scan.BaseScanner.scan(self, address_space, offset=offset):
            yield address

class MacScanner(scan.BaseScanner):
    """Scanner for a MAC address followed by IPv4/IPv6 EtherType"""

    def __init__(self, mac):
        needles = [ mac + '\x08\x00', mac + '\x86\xdd']
        self.checks = [ ("MultiStringFinderCheck", {'needles':needles}) ]

    def scan(self, address_space, offset=0):
        for address in scan.BaseScanner.scan(self, address_space, offset=offset):
            yield address - 6  # We've hit on source MAC, but destination MAC is first

class NDISPktScan(common.AbstractWindowsCommand):
    """Extract the packets from memory"""

    #ip_proto = {
    #    0x00 : "IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option",
    #    0x01 : "ICMP",
    #    0x02 : "IGMP",
    #    0x06 : "TCP",
    #    0x11 : "UDP",
    #    0x3A : "ICMP for IPv6",

    #def lookup_ip_proto(self, proto):
    #    proto = int(proto)
    #    if proto in self.ip_proto.keys():
    #        return '{:#x} ({})'.format(proto, self.ip_proto[proto])
    #    else:
    #        return '{:#x} (Unknown)'.format(proto)

    def __init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs):
        common.AbstractWindowsCommand.__init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs)

        # Config options
        config.add_option('PCAP', short_option = 'p', default = None,
                          help = 'Save to PCAP file', action = 'store')

        config.add_option('DSTS', short_option = 'D', default = None,
                          help = 'Save the destination IPs to a text file')
        config.add_option('SLACK', short_option = 's', default = False,
                          help = 'Look for slack only', action = 'store_true')

        config.add_option('MAC', short_option = 'm', default = None,
                          help = 'Source MAC address to find')

    def trans_netbios(nb_name):
        Translates a NetBIOS name into a sensible one

        lookup = {
            'EB': 'A',
            'EC': 'B',
            'ED': 'C',
            'EE': 'D',
            'EF': 'E',
            'EG': 'F',
            'EH': 'G',
            'EI': 'H',
            'EJ': 'I',
            'EK': 'J',
            'EL': 'K',
            'EM': 'L',
            'EN': 'M',
            'EO': 'N',
            'EP': 'O',
            'FA': 'P',
            'FB': 'Q',
            'FC': 'R',
            'FD': 'S',
            'FE': 'T',
            'FF': 'U',
            'FG': 'V',
            'FH': 'W',
            'FI': 'X',
            'FJ': 'Y',
            'FK': 'Z',
            'DA': '0',
            'DB': '1',
            'DC': '2',
            'DD': '3',
            'DE': '4',
            'DF': '5',
            'DG': '6',
            'DH': '7',
            'DI': '8',
            'DJ': '9',
            'CA': ' ',
            'CB': '!',
            'CC': '"',
            'CD': '#',
            'CE': '$',
            'CF': '%',
            'CG': '&',
            'CH': "'",
            'CI': '(',
            'CJ': ')',
            'CK': '*',
            'CL': '+',
            'CM': ',',
            'CN': '-',
            'CO': '.',
            'DN': '=',
            'DK': ':',
            'DL': ';',
            'EA': '@',
            'FO': '^',
            'FP': '_',
            'HL': '{',
            'HN': '}',
            'HO': '~',
            'AA': ''  # \x00
        nb_chars = [nb_name[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(nb_name), 2)]
        return ''.join([lookup[x] for x in nb_chars])

    def is_netbios_name(rx, maybe):
        """Check if string is valid NetBIOS name"""

        return rx.match(maybe)
    def validate_mac(mac):
        """Validate the MAC address option"""
        mac = mac.replace(':', '')
        if not re.match('^[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$', mac):
            return None
        return mac.decode('hex')
    def tidy_slack(slack):
        """Make the slack data human-friendly"""
        r = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9_-]', '.', slack)
        return r.strip('.')
    def gen_session_spaces(addr_space):
        sessions = []
        for proc in tasks.pslist(addr_space):
            sid = proc.SessionId
            if sid == None or sid in sessions:

            session_space = proc.get_process_address_space()
            if session_space == None:

            yield session_space
    def macfind_ndsh(addr_space, start):
        macs = set()
        scanner = NDshScanner()
        for ss in NDISPktScan.gen_session_spaces(addr_space):
            for a in scanner.scan(ss, start):
                e = obj.Object('_ETHERNET', vm=ss, offset=a+8)
                if e.eth_type == 0x0800 or e.eth_type == 0x86dd:
                    str_mac = e.make_mac(e.mac_src)
                    valid_mac = NDISPktScan.validate_mac(str_mac)
                    if valid_mac:
        return None if len(macs) < 1 else macs

    def calculate(self):

        if self._config.SLACK and (self._config.DSTS or self._config.PCAP):
            debug.error('SLACK can\'t be used with PCAP or DSTS')
        # Make sure the MAC address is valid
        if self._config.MAC:
            hex_mac = self.validate_mac(self._config.MAC)
            if not hex_mac:
                debug.error('Invalid MAC address')
        # Ensure PCAP file won't overwrite an existing file
        if self._config.PCAP and os.path.exists(self._config.PCAP):
            debug.error('\'{}\' already exists.  Cowardly refusing to overwrite it...'.format(

        # Ensure DSTS file won't overwrite an existing file
        if self._config.DSTS and os.path.exists(self._config.DSTS):
            debug.error('\'{}\' already exists.  Cowardly refusing to overwrite it...'.format(

        if self._config.SLACK:
            # Compiled RegEx = (tiny) increase in efficiency
            # NetBIOS code chars
            self.rx_nbchars = re.compile('^([ACDEFH][A-P])+$')

        # Get the start of kernel space
        addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config)
        kdbg = tasks.get_kdbg(addr_space)
        start = kdbg.MmSystemRangeStart.dereference_as("Pointer")

        # 64-bit to 48-bit adjustment
        # TODO: Is there a more Volatility-esque way of doing this?
        if start > 0xffff000000000000:
            start = start & 0x0000ffffffffffff

        macs = set()  # Store the MAC addresses we find
        if self._config.MAC:
        else:  # No MAC provided, so we'd better try and find one
            # Attemp 1: NDsh
            new_macs = self.macfind_ndsh(addr_space, start)
            if new_macs:
                for new_mac in new_macs:
        if len(macs) < 1:
            debug.error('No MAC addresses found.')
        hits = []
        _MAX_SLACK_LENGTH = 128
        for session_space in self.gen_session_spaces(addr_space):
            for mac in macs:
                scanner = MacScanner(mac)
                for address in scanner.scan(session_space, offset=start):
                    if address in hits:
                    eth = obj.Object('_ETHERNET', vm=session_space, offset=address)
                    if eth.eth_type == 0x0800 or eth.eth_type == 0x86dd:
                        raw = session_space.zread(address, 2048)
                        # Parse ethernet's payload
                        if eth.eth_type == 0x0800: # IPv4:
                            eth_payload = obj.Object('_IPv4', vm=session_space,
                                offset = eth.v() + 0x0E)
                            end = 14 + eth_payload.length
                            if self._config.SLACK:
                                yield address, raw[end:end+_MAX_SLACK_LENGTH]
                            raw = raw[:end]
                        elif eth.eth_type == 0x86dd: # IPv6
                            eth_payload = obj.Object('_IPv6', vm=session_space,
                                offset = eth.v() + 0x0E)
                            end = 14 + 40 + eth_payload.pld_len
                            if self._config.SLACK:
                                yield address, raw[end:end+_MAX_SLACK_LENGTH]
                            raw = raw[:end]
                        else:  # This shouldn't happen, but just in case
                        # Parse ethernet's payload's payload
                        if eth_payload.is_tcp():
                            payload = obj.Object('_TCP', vm=session_space,
                        elif eth_payload.is_udp():
                            payload = obj.Object('_UDP', vm=session_space,
                            yield raw, eth, eth_payload, None
                        yield raw, eth, eth_payload, payload

    def render_text(self, outfd, data):

        if self._config.SLACK:
            # Output the table header
            self.table_header(outfd, [
                    ("Offset (V)", "[addrpad]"),
                    ("Slack Data", "")
            count = 0
            for offset, slack in data:
                better_slack = self.tidy_slack(slack)
                if self.is_netbios_name(self.rx_nbchars, better_slack):
                    better_slack = '{} ({})'.format(
                        self.trans_netbios(better_slack).rstrip(' ')
                if len(better_slack) > 1:
                    count += 1
            outfd.write('Found {:,} "sensible" slack items.\n'.format(count))
            # Output the table header
            self.table_header(outfd, [
                    ("Offset (V)", "[addrpad]"),
                    ("Source MAC", "17"),
                    ("Destination MAC", "17"),
                    ("Prot", "3"),
                    ("Source IP", "39"),
                    ("Destination IP", "39"),
                    ("SPort", "5"),
                    ("DPort", "5"),
                    ("Flags", "")

            # If save to PCAP, create the writer object
            if self._config.PCAP:
                pcap_writer = PcapWriter(self._config.PCAP)

            dsts = set()      # Store the unique destination IPs
            src_macs = set()  # Store the unique source MACs
            count = 0
            for raw, eth, epl, pl in data:
                count += 1
                if self._config.PCAP:  # Only if save to PCAP

                dst_ip = epl.make_ip(epl.dst_ip)
                src_mac = eth.make_mac(eth.mac_src)

                    pl.src_port if pl else 'Proto',
                    pl.dst_port if pl else 'NotKn',
                    pl.get_flags() if pl else 'own'

            outfd.write('Found {:,} packets from {:,} MACs.\n'.format(count, len(src_macs)))

            # Only write the files if we found something
            if count > 0:

                # If save to PCAP, write and report
                if self._config.PCAP:
                    written = pcap_writer.write()
                    outfd.write('Written {:,} records ({:,} bytes) to \'{}\'.\n'.format(
                        len(pcap_writer.packets), written,

                # If save to DSTS, write and report
                if self._config.DSTS:
                    with open(self._config.DSTS, 'w') as dsts_file:
                        for dst in dsts:
                            dsts_file.write(dst + '\n')
                    outfd.write('Written {:,} destination IPs to \'{}\'.\n'.format(
                        len(dsts), self._config.DSTS))