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# byteify
An npm module that serializes or deserializes your native types to an array of bytes.

## Install

To install byteify, run:

$ npm install byteify

## Usage

## Serialize

const byteify = require('byteify');

// The value will be: [1]
const serializedBool = byteify.serializeBool(true);

// The value will be: [10]
const serializedUint8 = byteify.serializeUint8(10); 
// The value will be: [1, 0]
const serializedUint16 = byteify.serializeUint16(256, { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN }); 
// The value will be: [0, 15, 66, 64]
const serializedUint32 = byteify.serializeUint32(1000000, { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });
// The value will be: [0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 245, 225, 0]
const serializedUint64 = byteify.serializeUint64(100000000n, { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN }); 

// The value will be: [255]
const serializedInt8 = byteify.serializeInt8(-1);
// The value will be: [252, 24]
const serializedInt16 = byteify.serializeInt16(-1000, { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });
// The value will be: [255, 254, 121, 96]
const serializedInt32 = byteify.serializeInt32(-100000, { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });
// The value will be: [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255]
const serializedInt64 = byteify.serializeInt64(-1n, { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });

// The value will be: [10, 215, 185, 65]  
const serializedFloat32 = byteify.serializeFloat32(23.23, { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.LITTLE_ENDIAN });
// The value will be: [123, 20, 174, 71, 225, 58, 55, 64]
const serializedFloat64 = byteify.serializeFloat64(23.23, { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.LITTLE_ENDIAN });

## Deserialize

const byteify = require('byteify');
const ByteifyEndianess = byteify.ByteifyEndianess;

// The value will be: true
const deserializedBool = byteify.deserializeBool([1]);

// The value will be: 10
const deserializedUint8 = byteify.deserializeUint8([10]);
// The value will be: 1
const deserializedUint16 = byteify.deserializeUint16([1, 0], { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });
// The value will be: 0
const deserializedUint32 = byteify.deserializeUint32([0, 15, 66, 64], { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });
// The value will be: 100000000nn
const deserializedUint64 = byteify.deserializeUint64([5, 245, 225, 0, 5, 245, 225, 0], { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });

// The value will be: -1
const deserializedInt8 = byteify.deserializeInt8([255]);
// The value will be: -1000
const deserializedInt16 = byteify.deserializeInt16([252, 24], { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });
// The value will be: -100000
const deserializedInt32 = byteify.deserializeInt32([255, 254, 121, 96], { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });
// The value will be: -1n
const deserializedInt64 = byteify.deserializeInt64([255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255], { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });

// The value will be: 23.23
const deserializedFloat32 = byteify.deserializeFloat32([10, 215, 185, 65], { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.LITTLE_ENDIAN });
// The value will be: 23.23
const deserializedFloat64 = byteify.deserializeFloat64([123, 20, 174, 71, 225, 58,  55, 64], { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.LITTLE_ENDIAN });

## Endianess

By default, Little Endian is used. If you want to use Big Endian, you can pass it as an option

const byteify = require('byteify');
const ByteifyEndianess = byteify.ByteifyEndianess;

// The value will be: 1000000
const deserializedUint64 = byteify.deserializeUint64([64, 66, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
const deserializedUint64 = byteify.deserializeUint64([64, 66, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.LITTLE_ENDIAN });
const deserializedUint64 = byteify.deserializeUint64([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 66, 64], { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });

// The value will be [64, 66, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
const serializedUint64 = byteify.serializeUint64(1000000, { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.LITTLE_ENDIAN });
// The value will be [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 66, 64]
const serializedUint64 = byteify.serializeUint64(1000000, { endianess: ByteifyEndianess.BIG_ENDIAN });

## Limits

const { limits } = require('byteify');

    bool: 1,
    uint8: 255,
    uint16: 65_535,
    uint32: 4_294_967_295,
    uint64: 18_446_744_073_709_551_616n,
    int8: 127,
    int16: 32_767,
    int32: 2_147_483_647,
    int64: 9_223_372_036_854_775_807n,
    float32: Number.MAX_VALUE,
    float64: Number.MAX_VALUE

    bool: 0,
    uint8: 0,
    uint16: 0,
    uint32: 0,
    uint64: 0n,
    int8: -128,
    int16: -32_768,
    int32: -2_147_483_648,
    int64: -9_223_372_036_854_775_808n,
    float32: -Number.MAX_VALUE,
    float64: -Number.MAX_VALUE

    bool: 1,
    uint8: 1,
    uint16: 2,
    uint32: 4,
    uint64: 8,
    int8: 1,
    int16: 2,
    int32: 4,
    int64: 8,
    float32: 4,
    float64: 8
## API

The documentation site is: [byteify documentation](

The documentation for development site is: [byteify dev documentation](

## Development

To build the module make sure you have the dev dependencies installed.

The project is written in `Typescript`, bundled with `esbuild`, linted with `ESLint` and tested with `Jest`.

### Lint

In order to lint the code:

$ npm run lint

In order to lint and fix the code:

$ npm run lint:fix

There are also the `:source` and `:test` suffix after `lint` in order to lint only the source code or the test code.

### Transpile

To transpile both the source and the test code:

$ npm run transpile

The `source` and the `test` folders will be transpiled in the `dist` folder. Also the `type declarations` will be generated.

To transpile only the source code:

$ npm run transpile:source

The `source` folder will be transpiled in the `dist` folder. Also the `type declarations` will be generated.

### Test

After having transpiled the code, run:

$ npm test

in order to run the tests with `jest`.

If a coverage report is to be generated, run:

$ npm run cover:generate

### Bundle

$ npm run bundle

The `source` folder will be compiled in the `bundled` folder. It will contain the bundled `index.js` and `index.d.ts` files.

### Notes

* For simplicity, the limits for the floating point numbers are always `Number.MAX_VALUE` and `-Number.MAX_VALUE`. For `float32` this means that the result is not guaranteed for too precise inputs.
* For `uint64` and `int64`, the `BigInt` type is used.