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# Europeana::FeedbackButton

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Rails engine providing feedback functionality for various Europeana websites.

## Usage

### Include gem

* ``gem 'europeana-feedback-button', require: 'europeana/feedback_button'``
* Run ``bundle install``

### Generate an initializer

* Run ``bundle exec rails g europeana:feedback_button:install``
* Edit config/initializers/europeana_feedback_button.rb to configure the engine

### Mount the engine

* In config/routes.rb add: ``mount Europeana::FeedbackButton::Engine, at: '/'``

### Add FeedbackableView to your views

* Add ``include Europeana::FeedbackButton::FeedbackableView`` to any view you want to have a feedback button. Add it to app/views/application_view.rb for feedback buttons on all pages.

## License

Licensed under the EUPL v1.2.

For full details, see [](