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require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use eustasy\Authenticatron;

include __DIR__ . '/assets/header.php';

$issuer = 'Documentation Example';
if (!empty($_GET['secret'])) {
    $secret = $_GET['secret'];
} else {
    $secret = Authenticatron::makeSecret();

if (!$secret) {
    $secret = 'AUTHENTICATRON23';
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        <img alt="Google Help Lifeboat Ring Icon" src="assets/google_help-128.png">
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        <h3 class="color-flatui-pomegranate">Warning: No cryptographically secure random available.</h3>
        <p>Try upgrading PHP or installing OpenSSL.</p>
        <p>Proceeding with <code>AUTHENTICATRON23</code>.</p>

    <div class="break clear"></div>
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} else {
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    <p>Create a new Secret and get the QR Code all in one.</p>
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    <p><code>Authenticatron::new(string $accountName, string $issuer): array</code></p>
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    <p><code>$accountName</code> is a string containing the data your member will identify with.</p>
    <p><code>$issuer</code> is a string containing the name of your app or site.</p>
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    <p>Outputs an array, where <code>Secret</code> is the Secret for the member, <code>URL</code> is an OTPAuth URL, and <code>QR</code> is the Data64 URI for the QR code.</p>
            $new = Authenticatron::new('Member Name', $issuer);
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    <p>This returns a simple boolean value to prevent data-leakage and zero-equivalent values from codes or keys.</p>
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    <p><code>Authenticatron::checkCode(string $code, string $secret, int $variance = 2): bool</code></p>
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    <p><code>$code</code> is what the user enters to authenticate. A 6 digit string, usually numeric, but not necessarily an integer.</p>
    <p><code>$secret</code> is the first result from <code>new</code>, that you securely stored for later.</p>
    <p><code>$variance</code> is an integer indicating the adjustment of codes with a 30 second value. Defaults to 2 either side, or 1 minute.</p>
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    <p>Outputs a boolean value, true or false.</p>
            $code = Authenticatron::getCode($secret);
            $check = Authenticatron::checkCode($code, $secret);

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    <img alt="Google Help Lifeboat Ring Icon" src="assets/google_help-128.png">
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    <h3 class="color-flatui-pomegranate">Warning: The functions below are for advanced users only.</h3>
    <p>You should only need the two functions above this point to implement two-factor authentication.</p>
    <p>Functions listed below this point should not need to be used in most production-ready environments.</p>

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    <p>Generates a 16-digit secret, never to be shared with anyone except via internal non-cachable QR code.</p>
    <p>Generated using RandomBytes if it is available, falling back to OpenSSL if it is secure.</p>
    $RandomBytes = false;
    $OpenSSL = false;
    if (function_exists('random_bytes')) {
        $RandomBytes = true;
        echo '
                    <p class="color-flatui-nephritis">RandomBytes is available.</p>';
    } else {
        echo '
                    <p class="color-flatui-pomegranate">RandomBytes is not available.</p>';
    if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
        $Random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(1, $Strong);
        if ($Strong) {
            $OpenSSL = true;
            echo '
                        <p class="color-flatui-nephritis">OpenSSL is installed, and secure.</p>';
        } else {
            echo '
                        <p class="color-flatui-pomegranate">OpenSSL is installed, but not secure.</p>';
    } else {
        echo '
                    <p class="color-flatui-pomegranate">OpenSSL is not installed.</p>';
    if ($RandomBytes) {
        echo '
                    <p class="color-flatui-nephritis"><strong>Your installation will use RandomBytes.</strong></p>';
    } elseif ($OpenSSL) {
        echo '
                    <p class="color-flatui-nephritis"><strong>Your installation will use OpenSSL.</strong></p>';
    } else {
        echo '
                    <p class="color-flatui-pomegranate"><strong>Your installation will not work.</strong></p>';
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    <p><code>Authenticatron::makeSecret(int $length = 16): ?string</code></p>
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    <p><code>$length</code> should be an integer, longer than 16. Usually left to default.</p>
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    <p>Returns a <code>$length</code> long string with 32bit only Characters, or <code>null</code> on failure (usually due to a lack of security).</p>
    <p><strong>Click the link to keep the secret the same when you refresh the page.</strong></p>
            echo '<p><a href="?secret=' . $secret . '">' . $secret . '</a></p>';
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    <p>Generates the URL for launching and adding the Secret we made earlier.</p>
    <p>This link won't do anything unless you have a Authentication program on your computer.</p>
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    <p><code>Authenticatron::getUrl(string $accountName, string $secret, string $issuer): string</code></p>
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    <p>All parameters should be strings.</p>
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    <p>Outputs an OTPAuth URL that gives people their Secret along with a passed Member Name and an optional Issuer.</p>
            $url = Authenticatron::getUrl('Member Name', $secret, $issuer);
            echo '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a>';
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    <p>Outputs a QR Code in Data64 for direct embedding from a given URL.</p>
    if (
        extension_loaded('gd') &&
    ) {
        echo '
                    <p class="color-flatui-nephritis">The GD functions are loaded.</p>';
    } else {
        echo '
                    <p class="color-flatui-pomegranate">The GD functions are not loaded.</p>
                    <p>Try installing <code>php[version]-gd</code> in Ubuntu.</p>';
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    <p><code>generateQrCode(string $URL, int $Size = 4, int $Margin = 2): ?string</code></p>
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    <p><code>$URL</code> is a valid OTPAuth URL in string form.</p>
    <p><code>$Size</code> is a non-zero integer, defaults to 4.</p>
    <p><code>$Margin</code> is an integer, defaults to 2.</p>
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<div class="left">
    <img alt="Google Camera Icon" src="assets/google_images-128.png">
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    <p>Outputs a QR Code image in 64bit data-URI form.</p>
    if (
        extension_loaded('gd') &&
        function_exists('gd_info') &&
    ) {
        echo '<!-- PHPQRCode -->';
        $URL = Authenticatron::getUrl('Member Name', $secret, $issuer);
        $QR_Base64 = Authenticatron::generateQrCode($URL);
        echo '<p><img alt="QR Code for 2nd factor authentication" src="' . $QR_Base64 . '"></p>';
    } else {
        echo '<!-- Google Chart -->';
        if (!extension_loaded('gd') || !function_exists('gd_info')) {
            echo '<p>The required image functions don\'t seem to exist, so we\'re falling back to Google Charts.</p>';
            echo '<p>This isn\'t secure, and you should install <code>php[version]-gd</code> to fix it.</p>';
        if (isset($_GET['googlechart'])) {
            echo '<p>You asked for a Google Chart instead. This isn\'t secure, but here you go.</p>';
        echo '<p><img alt="QR Code for 2nd factor authentication" src="|0&cht=qr&chl=' . urlencode($URL) . '"></p>';
    <p><strong>Try scanning this QR code with your phone.</strong></p>
    <p>This should open an app like <a href="">Google Authenticator</a>.</p>
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    <p>This is the current authentication code.</p>
    <p>Check the Acceptable list to see the two either side.</p>
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    <p><code>getCode(string $secret, int $timestamp = null, int $codeLength = 6): string</code></p>
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    <p><code>$secret</code> is a valid Base32 Secret in string form.</p>
    <p><code>$timestamp</code> is a unix timestamp, defaults to false to use the current timestamp.</p>
    <p><code>$codeLength</code> is a non-zero integer, the desired length of the generated code. Defaults to 6.</p>
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    <p>Outputs the calculated code for the current or provided timestamp.</p>
            $code = Authenticatron::getCode($secret);
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    <p>This is the array <code>checkCode</code> uses to check for valid codes.</p>
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    <p><code>Authenticatron::getCodesInRange(string $secret, int $variance = 2): array</code></p>
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<div class="left">
<div class="right">
    <p><code>$secret</code> is a valid Base32 Secret in string form.</p>
    <p><code>$variance</code> is an integer indicating the adjustment of codes with a 30 second value. Defaults to 2, or 1 minute.</p>
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    <img alt="Google Authenticator Icon" src="assets/google_authenticator_v3_480s.png">
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    <p>Outputs the calculated code for the current or provided timestamp.</p>
    <p>Note the indexes, which can be used to determine the time difference, and perhaps warn users on the outer bounds.</p>
    <p>Code generation is expensive, so avoid generating any you don't want to check against later.</p>
            $codes = Authenticatron::getCodesInRange($secret);
    <p><strong>Your phone should produce one of these from the QR code above.</strong></p>
    <p>These are only valid for 30 seconds, so click the Secret link to get a new list.</p>

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<div class="left" id="glossary">
    <img alt="Google Help Lifeboat Ring Icon" src="assets/google_help-128.png">
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    <p><strong>Base32</strong> is an encoding, effectively an alphabet, that computers use made up of 32 characters.</p>
    <p><strong>Base32 Characters</strong> are A to Z (upper-case only), and 2 to 7.</p>
    <p><strong>HOTP</strong> is HMAC-based one-time password algorithm. HOTP Algorithms generate passwords from a given secret that do not expose the secret over time.</p>
    <p><strong>OATH</strong> is the short name for the <a href="">Initiative for Open Authentication</a>, an organisation dedicated to keeping secure authentication free.</p>
    <p><strong>OTP Auth</strong> stands for one-time password authentication.</p>
    <p><strong>QR Code</strong> (Quick Response Code) is a type of 2D matrix barcodes with built in redundancy, commonly used to scan links into mobile phones through cameras.</p>
    <p><strong>TOTP</strong> abbreviates Time-based One-time Password Algorithm. TOTP Algorithms generate passwords from a given secret that are only valid over a very specific time period.</p>


include __DIR__ . '/assets/footer.php';