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# Contributing

We love pull requests from everyone. Check out our [open issues](, partically anything tagged as Bytesize, for things you can get to work on. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the project [code of conduct](

## Making Changes

We recommend forking the repository, and then cloning your new repo.

    git clone

Once you've made changes and committed them in your fork, preferably on a nicely named branch with descriptive commit messages, you can move on to [Creating a Pull Request](#creating-a-pull-request).

### Filing an Issue

Filing a new issue is a partially self-documenting process, as the [`.github/`]( file is automatically loaded to be filled out by the user.

[`File an Issue`](

### Creating a Pull Request

Similar to Filing an Issue, Creating a Pull Request is partially self-documenting as the [`.github/`]( file is automatically loaded into the system. First though, you will need to have [made the changes](#making-changes) in your fork.

[`Create a Pull Request`](

## Current State

### Cipher Sources

In [`nginx-config/directive/bubbly_rock-hard-ssl.conf`]( you will find a list of three cipher suite options at the bottom. It is imperative that these are kept as up to date as possible. All were up to date as of 2017-08-17.

#### [Cipher List](

Super-modern, probably not suitable for production, very secure.

- Grade A  (A+ with HSTS at >= 6 Months)
- 100 % Security
- Low Compatibility
- - No Android 2
- - No Java
- - No IE < 11
- Robust Forward Secrecy


#### [DEFAULT] [Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator]( using the setting "Nginx for Modern Browsers".

Modern, no XP, secure.

- Grade A (A+ with HSTS at >= 6 Months)
- 90 % Security
- Medium Compatibility
- - No Java 6 (No DH parameters > 1024 bits)
- - No IE on XP
- Robust Forward Secrecy


#### [Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator]( using the setting "Nginx for Intermediate Browsers"

Intermediate, no IE <= 6, less secure.

- Grade A-
- 90 % Security
- High Compatibility
- - No Java 6 (No DH parameters > 1024 bits)
- - No IE 6
- Some Forward Secrecy


### Headers

Various headers are delivered from various configuration files. This list should help source any undesired headers you see being sent. Some headers can be sent from multiple locations.

- [`nginx-config/directive/bubbly_security-headers.conf`](
- - `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`
- - `Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only` and `X-Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only` and `X-WebKit-CSP-Report-Only`
- - `Content-Security-Policy` and `X-Content-Security-Policy` and `X-WebKit-CSP`
- - `Content-Type-Options` and `X-Content-Type-Options`
- - `Expect-CT`
- - `Frame-Options` and `X-Frame-Options`
- - `Referrer-Policy`
- - `Server` 
- - `Strict-Transport-Security`
- - `XSS-Protection` and `X-XSS-Protection`
- [`nginx-config/location/h5bp_expires.conf`](
- - `Cache-Control`
- [`nginx-config/directive/h5bp_x-ua-compatible.conf`](
- - `UA-Compatible` and `X-UA-Compatible`
- [`nginx-config/directive/h5bp_no-transform.conf`](
- - `Cache-Control`
- [`nginx-config/location/bubbly_extensionless-php.conf`](
- - Suppresses `Powered-By` and `X-Powered-By`
- [`nginx-config/directive/bubbly_rock-hard-ssl.conf`](

## Contact Points

For any security concerns arising from the state of this repository, please contact [](