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package sns

import (

    SDK "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sns"


// Application types
const (
    AppTypeAPNS        = "APNS"
    AppTypeAPNSSandbox = "APNS_SANDBOX"
    AppTypeGCM         = "GCM"

    ProtocolApplication = "application"

const (
    topicMaxDeviceNumber = 10000
    messageBodyLimit     = 2000

// SNS is AWS SNS client and has platform application and topic list.
type SNS struct {
    client *SDK.SNS

    logger       log.Logger
    prefix       string
    isProduction bool
    appsMu       sync.RWMutex
    apps         map[string]*PlatformApplication

    platforms Platforms

// New returns initialized *SNS.
// use ARNs in given Platforms.
func New(conf config.Config, pf Platforms) (*SNS, error) {
    sess, err := conf.Session()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    svc := NewFromSession(sess)
    svc.prefix = conf.DefaultPrefix
    svc.platforms = pf
    return svc, nil

// NewFromSession returns initialized *SNS from aws.Session.
func NewFromSession(sess *session.Session) *SNS {
    return &SNS{
        client: SDK.New(sess),
        logger: log.DefaultLogger,
        apps:   make(map[string]*PlatformApplication),

// GetClient gets aws client.
func (svc *SNS) GetClient() *SDK.SNS {
    return svc.client

// SetLogger sets logger.
func (svc *SNS) SetLogger(logger log.Logger) {
    svc.logger = logger

// SetPrefix sets prefix.
func (svc *SNS) SetPrefix(prefix string) {
    svc.prefix = prefix

// SetPlatforms sets platforms.
func (svc *SNS) SetPlatforms(pf Platforms) {
    svc.platforms = pf

// SetAsProduction sets productiom mode flag.
func (svc *SNS) SetAsProduction() {
    svc.platforms.Production = true

// ================================
// PlatformApplication Operations
// ================================

// GetPlatformApplicationApple returns *PlatformApplication for iOS APNS.
func (svc *SNS) GetPlatformApplicationApple() *PlatformApplication {
    return svc.getPlatformApplicationByType(AppTypeAPNS)

// GetPlatformApplicationGoogle returns *PlatformApplication for Android GCM.
func (svc *SNS) GetPlatformApplicationGoogle() *PlatformApplication {
    return svc.getPlatformApplicationByType(AppTypeGCM)

// getPlatformApplicationByType returns *PlatformApplication.
func (svc *SNS) getPlatformApplicationByType(typ string) *PlatformApplication {
    typ = strings.ToUpper(typ)

    // use apns sandbox when it's not in production env
    if typ == AppTypeAPNS && !svc.isProduction {
        typ = AppTypeAPNSSandbox

    // get the app from cache
    app, ok := svc.apps[typ]
    if ok {
        return app

    app = svc.newPlatformApplication(svc.platforms.GetARNByType(typ), typ)
    svc.apps[typ] = app
    return app

func (svc *SNS) newPlatformApplication(arn, pf string) *PlatformApplication {
    return &PlatformApplication{
        svc:      svc,
        arn:      arn,
        platform: pf,

// ================================
// Topic Operations
// ================================

// CreateTopic creates Topic.
func (svc *SNS) CreateTopic(name string) (*Topic, error) {
    arn, err := svc.createTopic(name)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    topic := NewTopic(svc, arn, name)
    return topic, nil

// createTopic operates CreateTopic and return `TopicARN`.
func (svc *SNS) createTopic(name string) (topicARN string, err error) {
    topicName := svc.prefix + name
    in := &SDK.CreateTopicInput{
        Name: pointers.String(topicName),
    resp, err := svc.client.CreateTopic(in)
    if err != nil {
        svc.Errorf("error on `CreateTopic` operation; name=%s; error=%s;", name, err.Error())
        return "", err
    return *resp.TopicArn, nil

// Publish sends mobile notifications to the ARN (topic or endpoint).
func (svc *SNS) Publish(arn string, msg string, options map[string]interface{}) error {
    // trim message size
    msg = truncateMessage(msg)

    m := make(map[string]string)
    m["default"] = msg

    // GCM
    var err error
    m[AppTypeGCM], err = composeMessageGCM(msg, options)
    if err != nil {
        svc.Errorf("error on composeMessageGCM; msg=%s; error=%s;", msg, err.Error())
        return err

    // APNS
    switch {
    case svc.platforms.Production:
        m[AppTypeAPNS], err = composeMessageAPNS(msg, options)
        m[AppTypeAPNSSandbox], err = composeMessageAPNS(msg, options)
    if err != nil {
        svc.Errorf("error on composeMessageAPNS; msg=%s; error=%s;", msg, err.Error())
        return err

    jsonByte, err := json.Marshal(m)
    if err != nil {
        svc.Errorf("error on json.Marshal; arn=%s; error=%s;", arn, err.Error())
        return err

    _, err = svc.client.Publish(&SDK.PublishInput{
        TargetArn:        pointers.String(arn),
        Message:          pointers.String(string(jsonByte)),
        MessageStructure: pointers.String("json"),
    if err != nil {
        svc.Errorf("error on `Publish` operation; arn=%s; error=%s;", arn, err.Error())
    return err

// truncateMessage limits message size to the allowed payload size.
func truncateMessage(msg string) string {
    if len(msg) <= messageBodyLimit {
        return msg

    runes := []rune(msg[:messageBodyLimit])
    valid := len(runes)
    // traverse runes from last string and detect invalid string
    for i := valid; ; {
        if runes[i] != utf8.RuneError {
        valid = i
    return string(runes[0:valid])

// PublishAPNSByToken sends push message for iOS device by device token
func (svc *SNS) PublishAPNSByToken(token string, msg string, badge int) error {
    return svc.PublishByToken(AppTypeAPNS, token, msg, badge)

// PublishGCMByToken sends push message for Android device by device token
func (svc *SNS) PublishGCMByToken(token string, msg string, badge int) error {
    return svc.PublishByToken(AppTypeGCM, token, msg, badge)

// PublishByToken sends push message by device token
func (svc *SNS) PublishByToken(device, token string, msg string, badge int) error {
    ep, err := svc.RegisterEndpoint(device, token)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return ep.Publish(msg, badge)

// BulkPublishByDevice sends mobile notification to many endpoints.
// (supports single device only)
func (svc *SNS) BulkPublishByDevice(device string, tokens []string, msg string) error {
    name := fmt.Sprintf("%d", time.Now().UnixNano()) + "_" + device
    topic, err := svc.CreateTopic(name)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for _, token := range tokens {
        go func(t string) {
            e, err := svc.RegisterEndpoint(device, t)
            if err != nil {
            topic.Subscribe(e.arn, e.protocol)
    return nil

// BulkPublish sends mobile notification for many endpoints.
// tokens is map of string slices, each key stands for device, like "android"/"ios"
// ex) tokens := map[string][]string{ "android": []string{"token1", "token2"}, "ios": []string{"token3", "token4"}}
func (svc *SNS) BulkPublish(tokens map[string][]string, msg string) error {
    for device, t := range tokens {
        l := len(t)
        max := (l-1)/topicMaxDeviceNumber + 1
        for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
            from := i * topicMaxDeviceNumber
            to := (i + 1) * topicMaxDeviceNumber
            if l < to {
                to = l
            svc.BulkPublishByDevice(device, t[from:to], msg)
    return nil

// RegisterEndpoint creates endpoint(device) to platform application.
func (svc *SNS) RegisterEndpoint(device, token string) (*PlatformEndpoint, error) {
    app, err := svc.getApp(device)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return app.CreateEndpoint(token)

// RegisterEndpointWithUserData creates endpoint(device) and CustomUserData to platform application.
func (svc *SNS) RegisterEndpointWithUserData(device, token, userData string) (*PlatformEndpoint, error) {
    app, err := svc.getApp(device)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return app.CreateEndpointWithUserData(token, userData)

func (svc *SNS) getApp(device string) (*PlatformApplication, error) {
    device = strings.ToUpper(device)

    switch device {
    case AppTypeAPNS, "IOS", "APPLE":
        return svc.GetPlatformApplicationApple(), nil
    case AppTypeGCM, "ANDROID", "GOOGLE":
        return svc.GetPlatformApplicationGoogle(), nil

    err := fmt.Errorf("unsupported device")
    svc.Errorf("error getApp; device=%s; error=%s;", device, err.Error())
    return nil, err

// GetEndpoint gets *PlatformEndpoint by ARN.
func (svc *SNS) GetEndpoint(arn string) (*PlatformEndpoint, error) {
    in := &SDK.GetEndpointAttributesInput{
        EndpointArn: pointers.String(arn),
    resp, err := svc.client.GetEndpointAttributes(in)
    if err != nil {
        svc.Errorf("error on `GetEndpointAttributes` operation; arn=%s; error=%s;", arn, err.Error())
        return nil, err

    attr := resp.Attributes
    ep := svc.newApplicationEndpoint(arn)
    ep.token = *attr["Token"]
    ep.enable, err = strconv.ParseBool(*attr["Enabled"])
    if err != nil {
        svc.Errorf("error ParseBool(endpoint.Enabled); arn=%s; Enabled=%s; error=%s;", arn, *attr["Enabled"], err.Error())
    return ep, err

// GetPlatformApplicationAttributes executes `GetPlatformApplicationAttributes`.
func (svc *SNS) GetPlatformApplicationAttributes(arn string) (PlatformAttributes, error) {
    resp, err := svc.client.GetPlatformApplicationAttributes(&SDK.GetPlatformApplicationAttributesInput{
        PlatformApplicationArn: pointers.String(arn),
    if err != nil {
        svc.Errorf("error on `GetPlatformApplicationAttributes` operation; arn=%s; error=%s;", arn, err.Error())
        return PlatformAttributes{}, err

    return NewPlatformAttributesFromMap(resp.Attributes), nil

func (svc *SNS) newApplicationEndpoint(arn string) *PlatformEndpoint {
    return &PlatformEndpoint{
        svc:      svc,
        arn:      arn,
        protocol: ProtocolApplication,

// Infof logging information.
func (svc *SNS) Infof(format string, v ...interface{}) {
    svc.logger.Infof("SNS", format, v...)

// Errorf logging error information.
func (svc *SNS) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
    svc.logger.Errorf("SNS", format, v...)