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Test Coverage
package hierogolyph

import (

    hsmgcm "github.com/evalphobia/hierogolyph/hsm/aesgcm"


const (
    testHMACKey   = `nzgz8CX^aB9v:^{iOp[F}>|%h_116]^"m*=v&O4mpA?S_W)\BN]%]_o>hl$1Y^Sb`
    testGCMKey256 = `PD02lR@Wb^P/PFh$E79v5aWu{W,Ap\e;`

const (
    // error messages
    errInvalidCipher = "cipher: message authentication failed"
    errDecodeBase64  = "illegal base64 data at input byte 0"
    errEmptyKey      = "cipherText is too short: textsize=[0], noncesize=[12]"

var (
    // test data for Unlock/Encrypt/Decrypt
    testHierogolyph1 = Hierogolyph{
        Password:      "password",
        Salt:          "salt",
        EncryptionKey: "d3N9SCtk5BNUuntNuSAKLi8X8MCMlGWJGMFyMi7y5WhfZh2bjEskaIfFOD3T+pE3Mf157vhJ5iN2h30jwUAPtg==",
    testHierogolyph2 = Hierogolyph{
        Password:      "password",
        Salt:          "salt2",
        EncryptionKey: "d3N9SEzjdDohqDNG0rPd1jFIwA6KDHd7M/nYoNKF3/3B9H3QnhRrrK86LDCulUfYJ+VZEvvfmeg+8v6MPtdAlA==",
    testHierogolyph3 = Hierogolyph{
        Password:      "password2",
        Salt:          "salt",
        EncryptionKey: "d3N9SC48GxcrG8Q/6lm/UT3Vhzp63oAsDNqzdz0JuGs44fBmQP87mOEOM1hzd/LaaggK9TV3ChE0XmcnGP0RtQ==",

var testConfig = Config{
    Cipher:  aesgcm.Cipher{},
    HSM:     hsmgcm.NewMockHSM([]byte(testGCMKey256)),
    Hasher:  argon2.Argon2{},
    HMACKey: testHMACKey,

type testHierogolyphData struct {
    password   string
    secretText string

func TestHierogolyph(t *testing.T) {
    a := assert.New(t)

    tests := []testHierogolyphData{
        {"password", "secretText"},
        {"password", "secretText2"},
        {"", "secretText"},
        {"it's my secret", "secretText"},
        {"jsos data password", `{
            "error": "Expected a ',' or '}' at 15 [character 16 line 1]",
            "object_or_array": "object",
            "error_info": "This error came from the org.json reference parser.",
            "validate": false

    for _, tt := range tests {
        testHierogolyph(t, a, tt)

func TestHierogolyphBigData(t *testing.T) {
    if testing.Short() {

    a := assert.New(t)

    tests := []struct {
        password string
        dataSize int
        {"password 1KB", 1024 * 1},
        {"password 10KB", 1024 * 10},
        {"password 100KB", 1024 * 100},
        {"password 1MB", 1024 * 1024},
        {"password 10MB", 1024 * 1024 * 10},
        {"password 100MB", 1024 * 1024 * 100},

    for _, tt := range tests {
        target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)
        data, err := getRandomBytes(tt.dataSize)
        a.NoError(err, target)
        a.Len(data, tt.dataSize, target)

        testHierogolyph(t, a, testHierogolyphData{
            password:   tt.password,
            secretText: string(data),

func testHierogolyph(t *testing.T, a *assert.Assertions, tt testHierogolyphData) {
    target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)

    // create struct
    h, err := CreateHierogolyph(tt.password, testConfig)
    a.NoError(err, target)
    originalSalt := h.Salt
    var originalCipherText string

    // encryption and decryption
        // encryption
        cipherText, err := h.Encrypt(tt.secretText)
        originalCipherText = cipherText
        a.NoError(err, target)

        // decryption by new instance
        h2 := Hierogolyph{
            Config:   testConfig,
            Password: tt.password,
            Salt:     originalSalt,
        plainText, err := h2.Decrypt(cipherText)
        a.NoError(err, target)
        a.Equal(tt.secretText, plainText, target)

    // re-encryption by new instance
        // decryption by new instance
        h3 := Hierogolyph{
            Config:   testConfig,
            Password: tt.password,
            Salt:     originalSalt,
        plainText, err := h3.Decrypt(originalCipherText)
        a.NoError(err, target)
        a.Equal(tt.secretText, plainText, target)

        // re-encryption
        err = h.SetEncryptionKey()
        a.NoError(err, target)
        _, err = h.Encrypt(tt.secretText)
        a.NoError(err, target)

    // try different HMAC Key
    h.Config.HMACKey = testHMACKey + "12345"
    _, err = h.Decrypt(originalCipherText)
    if a.Error(err, target) {
        a.Contains(err.Error(), "HMAC finger print error:", target)

    // try different HSM
    h.Config.HSM = hsmgcm.NewMockHSM([]byte("12345678901234567890123456789012"))
    _, err = h.Decrypt(originalCipherText)
    if a.Error(err, target) {
        a.Contains(err.Error(), "cipher: message authentication failed", target)

func TestHierogolyph_EncryptionKey(t *testing.T) {
    a := assert.New(t)
    tests := []struct {
        password string
        salt     string
        {"password", "12345678901234567890"},
        {"password", ""},
        {"password", "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"},
        {"", "12345678901234567890"},
        {"", ""},
        {"password", "salt"},

    t.Run("SetEncryptionKey", func(t *testing.T) {
        for _, tt := range tests {
            target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)

            h := Hierogolyph{
                Config:   testConfig,
                Password: tt.password,
                Salt:     tt.salt,
            a.Empty(h.EncryptionKey, target)

            err := h.SetEncryptionKey()
            a.NoError(err, target)
            a.NotEmpty(h.EncryptionKey, target)

            decoded, err := decodeBase64(h.EncryptionKey)
            a.NotEmpty(decoded, target)
            a.NoError(err, target)

    t.Run("createEncryptionKey", func(t *testing.T) {
        for _, tt := range tests {
            target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)

            h := Hierogolyph{
                Config:   testConfig,
                Password: tt.password,
                Salt:     tt.salt,
            a.Empty(h.EncryptionKey, target)

            ek, err := h.createEncryptionKey()
            a.NoError(err, target)
            a.NotEmpty(ek, target)
            a.Empty(h.EncryptionKey, target)

            decoded, err := decodeBase64(ek)
            a.NotEmpty(decoded, target)
            a.NoError(err, target)
            t.Logf("Password:[%s] Salt:[%s] EK:[%s]\n", tt.password, tt.salt, ek)

func TestHierogolyph_Unlock(t *testing.T) {
    a := assert.New(t)

    const (
        expectedCEK1 = "0092d011b191db7be716bf09ef7a26edde6b56525875842ead14b1dae561ff20"
        expectedCEK2 = "60090ff6161d66a61a84b1a0b6a8074dc61e08ebb27cbce164b69a2f627af330"
        expectedCEK3 = "08a2b950e712fdeeae72634a5b10fa1bd1293e37da1da1ae651180495385eb9a"
        emptyCEK     = ""
    h1 := testHierogolyph1
    h2 := testHierogolyph2
    h3 := testHierogolyph3

    tests := []struct {
        errMessage  string
        password    string
        salt        string
        ek          string
        expectedCEK string
        // success
        {"", h1.Password, h1.Salt, h1.EncryptionKey, expectedCEK1},
        {"", h2.Password, h2.Salt, h2.EncryptionKey, expectedCEK2},
        {"", h3.Password, h3.Salt, h3.EncryptionKey, expectedCEK3},

        // error
        {errInvalidCipher, "password", "bad salt", h1.EncryptionKey, emptyCEK},
        {errInvalidCipher, "bad password", "salt", h1.EncryptionKey, emptyCEK},
        {errInvalidCipher, "password", "salt", h2.EncryptionKey, emptyCEK},
        {errInvalidCipher, "password", "salt2", h1.EncryptionKey, emptyCEK},
        {errInvalidCipher, "password2", "salt", h1.EncryptionKey, emptyCEK},
        {errDecodeBase64, "password", "salt", "ek", emptyCEK},
        {errEmptyKey, "password", "salt", "", emptyCEK},

    for _, tt := range tests {
        target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)

        h := Hierogolyph{
            Config:        testConfig,
            Password:      tt.password,
            Salt:          tt.salt,
            EncryptionKey: tt.ek,

        cek, err := h.Unlock()
        if tt.errMessage != "" {
            a.EqualError(err, tt.errMessage, target)

        a.NoError(err, target)
        a.Equal(tt.expectedCEK, cek, target)

func TestHierogolyph_Encrypt(t *testing.T) {
    a := assert.New(t)
    h1 := testHierogolyph1
    h2 := testHierogolyph2

    tests := []struct {
        errMessage string
        password   string
        salt       string
        ek         string
        // success
        {"", h1.Password, h1.Salt, h1.EncryptionKey},
        {"", h2.Password, h2.Salt, h2.EncryptionKey},

        // error
        {errInvalidCipher, h1.Password, h1.Salt, h2.EncryptionKey},
        {errDecodeBase64, h1.Password, h1.Salt, "ek"},
        {errEmptyKey, h1.Password, h1.Salt, ""},

    for _, tt := range tests {
        target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)

        h := Hierogolyph{
            Config:        testConfig,
            Password:      tt.password,
            Salt:          tt.salt,
            EncryptionKey: tt.ek,
        platinText := "plain text"

        cipherText, err := h.Encrypt(platinText)
        if tt.errMessage != "" {
            a.EqualError(err, tt.errMessage, target)

        a.NoError(err, target)
        a.NotEmpty(cipherText, target)

        // try empty hsm key
        h.Config.HSM = hsmgcm.NewMockHSM(nil)
        _, err = h.Encrypt(platinText)
        a.EqualError(err, "crypto/aes: invalid key size 0", target)

func TestHierogolyph_Decrypt(t *testing.T) {
    a := assert.New(t)
    h1 := testHierogolyph1
    h2 := testHierogolyph2

    cipherText1 := "ZDNOOVNDdGs1Qk5VdW50TnVTQUtMaThYOE1DTWxHV0pHTUZ5TWk3eTVXaGZaaDJiakVza2FJZkZPRDNUK3BFM01mMTU3dmhKNWlOMmgzMGp3VUFQdGc9PQ==.AsBEVSwjdTlK38BJR72naWQe5Y0IgP4QmYXbreRcd9HmZMCxt6+yCQvMSLc1rgkLD2NYUMT68aUO02vcq4oZpBbERjn0liKe8Wsmmjqnvu+XGiPwFLnQHzw86KSlKM+m5V4u4KYruiCfD7vBy5Ls0koPxRHAoUsiZ4/f79IQJjQpZLzAIA=="

    tests := []struct {
        errMessage string
        cipherText string
        password   string
        salt       string
        ek         string
        // success
        {"", cipherText1, h1.Password, h1.Salt, h1.EncryptionKey},

        // error
        {errInvalidCipher, cipherText1, h2.Password, h2.Salt, h2.EncryptionKey},
        {errDecodeBase64, "a.b", h1.Password, h1.Salt, h1.EncryptionKey},
        {errEmptyKey, ".", h1.Password, h1.Salt, h1.EncryptionKey},
        {"cipherText=[] must have one dot `.`", "", h1.Password, h1.Salt, h1.EncryptionKey},
        {"cipherText=[abcde] must have one dot `.`", "abcde", h1.Password, h1.Salt, h1.EncryptionKey},

    for _, tt := range tests {
        target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)

        h := Hierogolyph{
            Config:        testConfig,
            Password:      tt.password,
            Salt:          tt.salt,
            EncryptionKey: tt.ek,

        plainText, err := h.Decrypt(tt.cipherText)
        if tt.errMessage != "" {
            a.EqualError(err, tt.errMessage, target)

        a.NoError(err, target)
        a.Equal("plain text", plainText, target)

        // try empty hsm key
        h.Config.HSM = hsmgcm.NewMockHSM(nil)
        _, err = h.Decrypt(tt.cipherText)
        a.EqualError(err, "crypto/aes: invalid key size 0", target)

func TestCreateDigests(t *testing.T) {
    a := assert.New(t)

    tests := []struct {
        password string
        salt     string
        expected string
        {"", "", "5128a67536615d0bbd8558960b91db999cabb39f04d76a777beb868efba204ab"},
        {"aaa", "", "3b9c3959d45fc8f4741eea27638a8298dde57e415cb67f19cb62f5fea6e11e86"},
        {"", "aaa", "5ef4072c18a4a914d1b7ce9815a8114b68a7de6d2ae28c6b8e8ee5af46107cfd"},
        {"a", "aa", "1d00ecf79ff848eeee3ab8ce8c5933f021bf5b15406da89cbf01ecdda906fb53"},
        {"aa", "a", "c0ea934aa76c5030439ebb02b9ccb5e625ba105efcca26544fed3894746e9368"},
        {"a", "aaa", "d4bae9a824aa9417cb079b39001b208e52926aa12baca57f6526c471db8f6cae"},
        {"aaa", "a", "292f69eccd0d061d5e0b93483d1eefcb55420d34e7d13ecc92ed0cb43921d8c5"},
        {"1234", "5678", "9272cd4ccd4f23f9d069bbd7b2d78f27cfedd7b4c49d5f4927ca10cb62ffe04c"},

    hasher := argon2.Argon2{}
    for _, tt := range tests {
        target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)
        z1, z2 := createDigests(tt.password, tt.salt, hasher)
        a.Len(z1, 32, target)
        a.Len(z2, 32, target)
        a.Equal(tt.expected, z1+z2, target)

func Test_createEncryptionKey(t *testing.T) {
    a := assert.New(t)

    tests := []struct {
        a string
        b string
        {"", ""},
        {"aaa", ""},
        {"", "aaa"},
        {"a", "aa"},
        {"aa", "a"},
        {"a", "aaa"},
        {"aaa", "a"},
        {"1234", "5678"},

    gcm := hsmgcm.NewMockHSM([]byte(testGCMKey256))
    for _, tt := range tests {
        target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)
        result1, err := createEncryptionKey(tt.a, tt.b, gcm)
        a.NoError(err, target)
        a.True(len(result1) > 0, target)

        // confirm every outputs are different
        result2, err := createEncryptionKey(tt.a, tt.b, gcm)
        a.NoError(err, target)
        a.True(len(result2) > 0, target)
        a.NotEqual(result1, result2, target)

func TestCreateCEK(t *testing.T) {
    a := assert.New(t)

    tests := []struct {
        a        string
        b        string
        expected string
        {"", "", "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"},
        {"aaa", "", "9834876dcfb05cb167a5c24953eba58c4ac89b1adf57f28f2f9d09af107ee8f0"},
        {"", "aaa", "9834876dcfb05cb167a5c24953eba58c4ac89b1adf57f28f2f9d09af107ee8f0"},
        {"a", "aa", "9834876dcfb05cb167a5c24953eba58c4ac89b1adf57f28f2f9d09af107ee8f0"},
        {"aa", "a", "9834876dcfb05cb167a5c24953eba58c4ac89b1adf57f28f2f9d09af107ee8f0"},
        {"a", "aaa", "61be55a8e2f6b4e172338bddf184d6dbee29c98853e0a0485ecee7f27b9af0b4"},
        {"aaa", "a", "61be55a8e2f6b4e172338bddf184d6dbee29c98853e0a0485ecee7f27b9af0b4"},
        {"1234", "5678", "ef797c8118f02dfb649607dd5d3f8c7623048c9c063d532cc95c5ed7a898a64f"},

    for _, tt := range tests {
        target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)
        cek := createCEK(tt.a, tt.b)
        a.Equal(tt.expected, cek, target)

func TestXOR(t *testing.T) {
    a := assert.New(t)

    tests := []struct {
        a        string
        b        string
        expected []byte
        {"", "", []byte("")},
        {"aaa", "", []byte("QQQ")},
        {"", "aaa", []byte("")},
        {"a", "aa", []byte("\x00")},
        {"aa", "a", []byte("Q\x00")},
        {"a", "aaa", []byte("\x00")},
        {"aaa", "a", []byte("QQ\x00")},
        {"1234", "1234", []byte("\x00\x00\x00\x00")},
        {"5678", "5678", []byte("\x00\x00\x00\x00")},
        {"1234", "5678", []byte("\x04\x04\x04\f")},
        {"5678", "1234", []byte("\x04\x04\x04\f")},
        {"1234", "56789", []byte("\x04\x04\x04\f")},
        {"12345", "5678", []byte("\x01\a\x05\x03\r")},

    for _, tt := range tests {
        target := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt)
        result := xor(tt.a, tt.b)
        a.Equal(string(tt.expected), string(result), target)