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# marketo-client

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This package provides an interface for interacting with the Marketo REST API.

## Installation

$ composer require eventfarm/marketo-client

Or add the following lines to your ``composer.json`` file:

    "require": {
        "eventfarm/marketo-client": "dev-master"

$ composer install

## Project Defaults

In order to get you up and running as easily as possible, we provide default implementations of a REST client and Marketo provider to use in combination with this package. 
* We've chosen to use [Guzzle](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle) for sending HTTP requests
* We've chosen to use [The PHP League's Oauth Client](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-client) and my [Marketo provider](https://github.com/kristenlk/oauth2-marketo) for Marketo authentication and token refresh.

### Guzzle REST Client

Our REST client implements the PSR-7 HTTP message interface.

You can either use the provided [GuzzleRestClient](./src/RestClient/GuzzleRestClient.php) or have your own that implements our [RestClientInterface](./src/RestClient/RestClientInterface.php).

### KristenlkMarketoProvider

Our default Marketo provider is my [Marketo Provider](https://github.com/kristenlk/oauth2-marketo) library.

You can either use the provided [KristenlkMarketoProvider](./src/Oauth/KristenlkMarketoProvider.php) or use your own that implements our [MarketoProviderInterface](./src/Oauth/MarketoProviderInterface.php).

## Example Client Implementation

namespace App;

use EventFarm\Marketo\Oauth\AccessToken;
use EventFarm\Marketo\MarketoClient;
use EventFarm\Marketo\TokenRefreshInterface;

class DemoMarketoClient implements TokenRefreshInterface
    public function getMarketoClient():MarketoClient
        if (empty($this->marketo)) {
            $this->marketo = MarketoClient::withDefaults(
                'TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN', // when the current access token expires (in seconds)
                'TOKEN_LAST_REFRESH', // when the current access token was last refreshed (as a UNIX timestamp)
                $this // TokenRefreshInterface
        return $this->marketo;

    public function tokenRefreshCallback(AccessToken $token)

## Usage

### Campaigns

#### Get Campaigns
Returns a list of campaign records. Refer to the docs for the full list of options.

`public function getCampaigns(array $options = array())`

$demoMarketoClient = new DemoMarketoClient()->getMarketoClient();

$options = [
  "programName" => "My Marketo Program",
  "batchSize" => 10

$campaigns = $demoMarketoClient->campaigns()->getCampaigns($options);
// getCampaigns() can also be called without options.
// $campaigns = { ... }

#### Trigger Campaign
Passes a set of leads to a trigger campaign to run through the campaign's flow. Refer to the docs for the full list of options.

* A `campaignId` and an array of options that includes an `input` key (mapped to an array that contains arrays of lead data) must be passed to `triggerCampaign()`.

`public function triggerCampaign(int $campaignId, array $options)`

$demoMarketoClient = new DemoMarketoClient()->getMarketoClient();

$campaignId = 1029;
$options = [
    "input" => [
        "leads" => [
                "id" => 1234
    ]//, additional options

$campaign = $demoMarketoClient->campaigns()->triggerCampaign($campaignId, $options);
// $campaign = { ... }

### Lead Fields

#### Get Lead Fields
Returns metadata about lead objects in the target instance, including a list of all fields available for interaction via the APIs.

`public function getLeadFields(array $options = array())`

$demoMarketoClient = new DemoMarketoClient()->getMarketoClient();
$leadFields = $demoMarketoClient->leadFields()->getLeadFields();
// $leadFields = { ... }

### Leads

#### Create or Update Leads
Syncs a list of leads to the target instance. Refer to the docs for the full list of options.

* An array of options that includes an `input` key (mapped to an array that contains arrays of lead data) must be passed to `createOrUpdateLeads()`.

`public function createOrUpdateLeads(array $options)`

By default, Marketo sets the type of sync operation (`action`) to `createOrUpdate` and the `lookupField` to `email`. If using those defaults:
- Email is not required; if an email is not included in a lead array, Marketo will create a lead without an email.
- When an email is included, Marketo will search for existing leads with that email. If one is found, Marketo will update the found lead with the data sent; if one is not found, Marketo will create a new lead with the data sent.

$demoMarketoClient = new DemoMarketoClient()->getMarketoClient();

$options = [
    "input" => [
            "email" => "email1@example.com",
            "firstName" => "Example1First",
            "lastName" => "Example1Last"
            "email" => "email2@example.com",
            "firstName" => "Example2First",
            "lastName" => "Example2Last"
    ]//, additional options

$leads = $demoMarketoClient->leads()->createOrUpdateLeads($options);
// $leads = { ... }

#### Update Leads' Program Status
Changes the program status of a list of leads in a target program. Refer to the docs for the full list of options.

* A `programId` and an array of options that includes an `input` key (mapped to an array that contains arrays of lead data) and a `status` key (mapped to a program status) must be passed to `updateLeadsProgramStatus()`.

`public function updateLeadsProgramStatus(int $programId, array $options)`

$demoMarketoClient = new DemoMarketoClient()->getMarketoClient();

$programId = 1234;
$options = [
    "input" => [
            "id" => 1111
    "status" => "Registered"

$leads = $demoMarketoClient->leads()->updateLeadsProgramStatus($programId, $options);
// $leads = { ... }

#### Get Leads by Program
Retrieves a list of leads that are members of the designated program. Refer to the docs for the full list of options.

* A `programId` must be passed to `getLeadsByProgram()`.

`public function getLeadsByProgram(int $programId, array $options = array())`

$demoMarketoClient = new DemoMarketoClient()->getMarketoClient();

$programId = 1234;
$options = [
    "fields" => 'firstName,lastName,email,middleName,mktoIsPartner';

$leads = $demoMarketoClient->leads()->getLeadsByProgram($programId, $options);
// getLeadsByProgram() can also be called without options.
// $leads = { ... }

### Lead Partitions
#### Get Lead Partitions
Returns a list of available partitions in the target instance. Refer to the docs for the full list of options.

`public function getPartitions(array $options = array())`

$demoMarketoClient = new DemoMarketoClient()->getMarketoClient();

$partitions = $demoMarketoClient->partitions()->getPartitions();
// $partitions = { ... }

### Programs
#### Get Programs
Retrieves the list of accessible programs from the target instance. Refer to the docs for the full list of options.

`public function getPrograms(array $options = array())`

$demoMarketoClient = new DemoMarketoClient()->getMarketoClient();

$programs = $demoMarketoClient->programs()->getPrograms();
// $programs = { ... }

### Statuses
#### Get Statuses
Retrieves channels based on the provided name. Refer to the docs for the full list of options.

* A `programChannel` must be passed to `getStatuses()`.

`public function getStatuses(string $programChannel, array $options = array())`

$demoMarketoClient = new DemoMarketoClient()->getMarketoClient();

$programChannel = "Live Event";

$programs = $demoMarketoClient->statuses()->getStatuses($programChannel);
// $programs = { ... }