import { COVID19API } from "@evrimfeyyaz/covid-19-api";import { FunctionComponent } from "react";import { Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";import { ROUTE_PATHS } from "../../constants";import { About } from "./About";import { SingleLocation } from "./SingleLocation/SingleLocation"; interface RouterProps { /** * A `COVID19API` instance to pass on to the page components. */ dataStore: COVID19API;} /** * The component that uses React Router to resolve and render the current page. */export const Router: FunctionComponent<RouterProps> = ({ dataStore }) => { return ( <div className="py-4 flex-grow-1 d-block-when-width-sufficient"> <Switch> <Route path={ROUTE_PATHS.about}> <About /> </Route> <Route path={`${ROUTE_PATHS.home}:countryOrRegion?/:provinceOrState?/:county?`}> <SingleLocation store={dataStore} /> </Route> </Switch> </div> );};