import { ValuesOnDate } from "@evrimfeyyaz/covid-19-api";import { FunctionComponent } from "react";import Col from "react-bootstrap/Col";import Row from "react-bootstrap/Row";import { COLORS } from "../../../../constants";import { getFormattedValuesOnDate } from "../../../../utilities/covid19ApiUtilities";import { dateKeyToDate, getFormattedDate } from "../../../../utilities/dateUtilities";import { MoreInfo } from "../common/MoreInfo";import { SingleLocationLatestNumbersItem } from "./SingleLocationLatestNumbersItem"; interface LatestNumbersProps { /** * The name of the location. */ locationName: string; /** * A `ValuesOnDate` object containing the values for the latest data point. */ values: ValuesOnDate;} /** * A component that shows the latest numbers (confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries) for a single * location. */export const SingleLocationLatestNumbers: FunctionComponent<LatestNumbersProps> = ({ values, locationName,}) => { const { date, confirmed, newConfirmed, recovered, deaths, newRecovered, newDeaths, caseFatalityRate, recoveryRate, } = values; const { activeCases } = getFormattedValuesOnDate(values); const formattedDate = getFormattedDate(dateKeyToDate(date)); let footerInformation: JSX.Element | undefined = undefined; if (newRecovered == null) { footerInformation = ( <MoreInfo text="Why?" info="Unfortunately, the Johns Hopkins University CSSE time series data does not include the recoveries information for the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Canada's provinces and the US states." title="Recoveries Data" /> ); } return ( <section className="mb-5"> <header className="mb-4"> <h2> Latest Numbers <small className="text-muted">{formattedDate}</small> </h2> {activeCases && ( <p> On {formattedDate}, there were{" "} <MoreInfo text={`${activeCases} active confirmed cases`} info={ <img src={"images/active-cases.svg"} alt="Confirmed Cases - (Deaths + Recoveries)" className="img-fluid" /> } title="Active Cases" />{" "} in {locationName}. </p> )} </header> <Row> <Col xs={4} data-testid="latest-confirmed-card-container"> <SingleLocationLatestNumbersItem color={COLORS.confirmed} title="Confirmed Cases" value={confirmed} newValue={newConfirmed} /> </Col> <Col xs={4} data-testid="latest-deaths-card-container"> <SingleLocationLatestNumbersItem color={COLORS.deaths} title="Deaths" value={deaths} newValue={newDeaths} rateValue={caseFatalityRate} /> </Col> <Col xs={4} data-testid="latest-recovered-card-container"> <SingleLocationLatestNumbersItem color={COLORS.recovered} title="Recoveries" value={recovered} newValue={newRecovered} rateValue={recoveryRate} footerInformation={footerInformation} /> </Col> </Row> </section> );};