import { FunctionComponent } from "react";import Card from "react-bootstrap/Card";import { numToGroupedString, numToPercentFactory } from "../../../../utilities/numUtilities"; interface LatestNumbersItemProps { /** * The name of the value, e.g. "Confirmed Cases". */ title: string; /** * The latest value. */ value: number | null; /** * The color of the header. */ color: string; /** * The increase of the data point compared to the last date. For example, if this item is showing * "confirmed cases," this value would should be set to "new confirmed cases". */ newValue?: number | null; /** * The value as the percentage of confirmed cases. */ rateValue?: number | null; /** * Extra information to show in the footer. */ footerInformation?: JSX.Element;} /** * A single item within the {@link SingleLocationLatestNumbers} component, showing a value such as * "confirmed cases," and other information. */export const SingleLocationLatestNumbersItem: FunctionComponent<LatestNumbersItemProps> = ({ color, title, value, rateValue, newValue, footerInformation,}) => { const valueStr = value != null ? numToGroupedString(value) : "No Data"; const rateValueStr = rateValue != null ? numToPercentFactory(2)(rateValue) : undefined; const newValueStr = newValue != null ? `+${numToGroupedString(newValue)}` : undefined; return ( <Card className="text-center"> <Card.Header className="h5 text-light" style={{ backgroundColor: color }}> {title}{" "} {rateValueStr && ( <small> <div className="d-xs-block d-md-none" />({rateValueStr}) </small> )} </Card.Header> <Card.Body className="p-3"> <Card.Text> <span className="h4 text-shadow-dark">{valueStr}</span> </Card.Text> </Card.Body> <Card.Footer className="p-1"> <span className="h6">{newValueStr}</span> {footerInformation} </Card.Footer> </Card> );};