import { FunctionComponent } from "react";import { COLORS } from "../../../../constants";import { getFormattedValuesOnDate } from "../../../../utilities/covid19ApiUtilities";import { MoreInfo } from "../common/MoreInfo";import { SingleLocationSection } from "../common/sections/SingleLocationSection";import { SingleLocationSectionProps } from "../common/sections/SingleLocationSectionProps";import { SingleLocationOverallChart } from "./SingleLocationOverallChart"; /** * Renders a page section that shows the case fatality rate, recovery rate and active cases on a * chart. */export const SingleLocationOverall: FunctionComponent<SingleLocationSectionProps> = ({ startingFrom, xAxisTitle, values,}) => { const formattedValues = getFormattedValuesOnDate(values[values.length - 1]); Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. const caseFatalityRateText = ( <MoreInfo text="case fatality rate" info={ <img src={"images/case-fatality-rate.svg"} alt="(Cumulative Deaths) / (Cumulative Confirmed Cases)" className="img-fluid" /> } color={COLORS.deaths} /> ); Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. const recoveryRateText = ( <MoreInfo text="recovery rate" info={ <img src={"images/recovery-rate.svg"} alt="(Cumulative Recoveries) / (Cumulative Confirmed Cases)" className="img-fluid" /> } color={COLORS.recovered} /> ); const title = "Overall"; const description = ( <> <p> The <span style={{ color: COLORS.deaths }}>deaths</span>,{" "} <span style={{ color: COLORS.recovered }}>recoveries</span> and{" "} <span style={{ color: COLORS.confirmed }}>active cases</span> as percentages of confirmed cases on each day, starting from {startingFrom}. </p> <p> On {}, the{" "} <span style={{ color: COLORS.deaths }}> {caseFatalityRateText} was {formattedValues.caseFatalityRate} </span>{" "} , and the{" "} <span style={{ color: COLORS.recovered }}> {recoveryRateText} was {formattedValues.recoveryRate} </span>{" "} . </p> </> ); const chart = <SingleLocationOverallChart data={values} xAxisTitle={xAxisTitle} />; return <SingleLocationSection title={title} description={description} chart={chart} />;};