import { ReactElement } from "react";import { CartesianGrid, ResponsiveContainer, Tooltip, XAxis, YAxis } from "recharts";import { NoData } from "../NoData";import { SingleLocationChartProps } from "./SingleLocationChartProps"; interface ChartContainerProps<DataType, DataKeysType> extends Omit<SingleLocationChartProps<DataType, DataKeysType>, "dataKey" | "color" | "name"> { /** * A chart component from the Recharts library, such as `LineChart` or `ComposedChart`. */ ChartComponent: React.ElementType;} /** * The container component for all the charts on the single location page. */export function SingleLocationChartContainer<DataType, DataKeysType>({ data, xAxisTitle, yAxisTitle, yAxisTickFormatter, ChartComponent, TooltipComponent, children,}: React.PropsWithChildren<ChartContainerProps<DataType, DataKeysType>>): ReactElement | null { let body = <NoData />; if (data.length > 0) { body = ( <ResponsiveContainer height={400} className="mb-2"> <ChartComponent data={data} margin={{ top: 20, right: 30, bottom: 40, left: 30 }}> <CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="3 3" fill="rgba(255,255,255,.9)" /> <XAxis label={{ value: xAxisTitle ?? undefined, position: "bottom", offset: 10 }} /> <YAxis label={{ value: yAxisTitle, angle: -90, dx: -55, }} width={70} tickFormatter={yAxisTickFormatter} allowDataOverflow /> <Tooltip content={TooltipComponent} /> {children} </ChartComponent> </ResponsiveContainer> ); } return body;}