import { FunctionComponent } from "react";import { Typeahead } from "react-bootstrap-typeahead";import Form from "react-bootstrap/Form";import { getAliasesForLocation } from "../../../../../utilities/locationUtilities"; interface LocationSelectionInputProps { /** * The list of locations to show. */ locationsList: string[]; /** * The initial locations that are selected. */ defaultLocation: string; /** * The id to assign to the input component. */ id: string; /** * A callback that is fired when the selected location is changed. * * @param location The new location that is selected. */ onChange: (location: string) => void;} /** * A component that allows the user to select a single location with autocomplete. */export const LocationSelectionInput: FunctionComponent<LocationSelectionInputProps> = ({ locationsList, defaultLocation, id, onChange,}) => { /** * Determines what autocomplete options to show based on the user input. * * The arguments are normally provided by the `Typeahead` component, not to be used outside it. * * @param option The option that is being tested to see if it should be shown as an autocomplete * option. * @param props The props of the `Typeahead` instance, mainly the current text and the already * selected options. */ function filterLocationsBy(option: string, props: { text: string; selected: string[] }): boolean { if (props.selected.includes(option)) { return false; } const location = option.toLowerCase().trim(); const text = props.text.toLowerCase().trim(); const aliases = getAliasesForLocation(option).map((alias) => alias.toLowerCase().trim()); const allNames = [location, ...aliases]; return allNames.some((name) => name.includes(text)); } function handleChange(locations: string[]): void { if (locations.length > 0) { onChange(locations[0]); } } return ( <Form.Group controlId="location-input"> <Form.Label>Location</Form.Label> <Typeahead id={id} options={locationsList} defaultSelected={[defaultLocation]} filterBy={filterLocationsBy} placeholder="Select location..." highlightOnlyResult selectHintOnEnter clearButton onChange={handleChange} paginationText="Show more locations" inputProps={{ id: "location-input", }} /> </Form.Group> );};