import { ValuesOnDate } from "@evrimfeyyaz/covid-19-api";import { FunctionComponent } from "react";import { titleCase } from "title-case";import { getValuesWithEma, readableValuesOnDateKeys, ValuesOnDateWithMovingAverage,} from "../../../../../utilities/covid19ApiUtilities";import { numToGroupedString } from "../../../../../utilities/numUtilities";import { SingleLocationBarChart } from "../charts/SingleLocationBarChart";import { EmaMessage } from "../EmaMessage";import { LatestValuesMessage } from "../LatestValuesMessage";import { SingleLocationTooltipNew } from "../tooltips/SingleLocationTooltipNew";import { SingleLocationSection } from "./SingleLocationSection";import { SingleLocationSectionProps } from "./SingleLocationSectionProps"; interface SingleLocationSectionNewProps extends SingleLocationSectionProps { /** * The property that is explained and charted in the section. */ property: keyof Omit<ValuesOnDate, "date" | "caseFatalityRate" | "recoveryRate">; /** * The color to use for the property mentions and the plot. */ color: string; /** * Whether or not this section should calculate and show the exponential moving average for the * data within. */ showEma?: boolean;} /** * Renders a page section that charts the daily new numbers, such as new cases. */export const SingleLocationSectionNew: FunctionComponent<SingleLocationSectionNewProps> = ({ startingFrom, xAxisTitle, values, property, color, showEma = false,}) => { const emaRange = 15; let valuesWithEma: ValuesOnDateWithMovingAverage[] | null = null; if (showEma) { valuesWithEma = getValuesWithEma(values, property, emaRange); } const propName = readableValuesOnDateKeys[property]; const title = titleCase(propName); const description = ( <> <p> The number of <span style={{ color }}>{propName}</span> on each day, starting from{" "} {startingFrom}. </p> <LatestValuesMessage latestValues={values[values.length - 1]} property={property} /> {showEma && valuesWithEma && ( <EmaMessage values={valuesWithEma} property={property} chartUnit={propName} range={emaRange} /> )} </> ); const chart = ( <SingleLocationBarChart data={valuesWithEma ?? values} dataKey={property} name={title} color={color} xAxisTitle={xAxisTitle} yAxisTitle={title} yAxisTickFormatter={numToGroupedString} TooltipComponent={<SingleLocationTooltipNew property={property} />} /> ); return <SingleLocationSection title={title} description={description} chart={chart} />;};