import { FunctionComponent } from "react"; interface SingleLocationTooltipEmaInfoProps { /** * The actual value, e.g. the new cases value on a certain day. */ value: number; /** * The moving average for the same day as the value. */ movingAverage: number; /** * The unit of the chart values. For example, the unit for the new cases chart is "cases," and * the unit for the new deaths chart is "deaths." */ chartUnit: string;} /** * A component showing the difference between a value and the moving average on the same day. This * is used in tooltips, e.g. showing the difference between the new cases value on a day and the * moving average on that day. */export const SingleLocationTooltipEmaInfo: FunctionComponent<SingleLocationTooltipEmaInfoProps> = ({ value, movingAverage, chartUnit,}) => { const movingAverageDiff = movingAverage - value; const message = movingAverageDiff > 0 ? `${movingAverageDiff.toFixed(2)} ${chartUnit} below EMA` : `${Math.abs(movingAverageDiff).toFixed(2)} ${chartUnit} above EMA`; const className = movingAverageDiff > 0 ? "text-success" : "text-danger"; return <p className={`mb-2 ${className}`}>{message}</p>;};