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# Commit Convention of ESL project

The project is using `@commitlint/config-conventional` commit message rules. 
Please check it out in case you want to contribute to ESL. 
Use this short note to renew commit message rules.

## IDE Support

If you are using JetBrains IDE (IDEA or WebStorm) you can use this
[plugin](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/13389-conventional-commit) to simplify commit validation.

If you are using Visual Studio Code then you can use the following 
to be sure that you are following the commit convention.

## Convention Goals

- provide more standardized and informative commit messages
- allows automatically generate CHANGELOG.md
- allows categorizing commits by importance and goals

## FAQ
- Why does ESL use the commit convention?
    - It's important for us to have an automated process of RELEASE NOTES and CHANGELOG creation.
- What if incorrect commits were added to my branch?
    - Try to reword your commit messages using
      [git rebase](https://google.gprivate.com/search.php?search?q=git+rebase+reword)
    - You can also squash (concat into one commit) your commits but that's not necessary,
      the most important point is that your final commit messages correctly define the
      type and have a detailed and clear description of the changes
    - In case you can't fix your Git history, please add a conspicuous comment indicating
      the use of GitHub Squash Merge. Additionally, it would be helpful if you could provide a commit summary
      to expedite the process of creating a final commit.
- Do I need to define a type for each commit in my feature?
    - Yes, you will need a type for each commit. But, be careful with the following situations:
        - **If the feature or bug changes are not released and already described by the first message - 
          make sure you are using style or refactor change type. Even, if you are fixing your previous commit, 
          it doesn't matter for project history until changes are not released.**
        - **Prefer squashing in case the result history does not describe changes enough or does it incorrectly**

## Commit Message Signature

<type> (<scope>): <subject>



`<type>` and `<subject>` parts are always required. So minimal valid commit message:
<type>: <subject>


### \<type\>
Type is a required part of the message, and it is limited by the following values:

| \<type\> | Description |
|:--------:|:----------- |
| feat     | Add new functionality |
| fix      | Fix existing functionality |
| refactor | Code changes that are not add new functionality or fix something |
| test     | Add or update tests |
| docs     | Add or update docs |
| chore    | Development changes related to build system or package dependencies |
| revert   | Revert functionality |
| style    | Just code style changes (linting, semicolons, etc) |
| ci       | Continuous integration and deployment related changes |
| perf     | Backward-compatible performance improvements |

The type should be in lowercase.

### Force minor version update

You can increase the importance of the patch changes to the minor using the `MINOR VERSION` marker in the message.


**To identify breaking changes use `!` postfix for the <type>**
feat!: Hey I'm breaking something that already exist

**Identify everything that break or change existing API or behaviour with the `BREACKING CHAGES:` list
feat!: Hey I'm breaking something that already exist

  something was broken
  some api was changed


### \<scope\>

Scope is highly recommended part of your commit message.

Using a scope enhances clarity and organization in commit messages, allowing for better categorization of changes.

Utilize a scope to clarify the area of changes (module, component, feature, or epic).

The scope should be enclosed in parentheses after the type but before `:`.

The scope should be in lowercase.

fix(esl-utils): fix IE compatibility for scroll type detection

**Valid Scope Values**

To ensure consistency and clarity in commit messages, refer to
the [list of permissible scope values](https://github.com/exadel-inc/esl/blob/58095ed129ae6fcc0e1a2e32f099af36c090a176/.commitlintrc.yml).


### \<subject\>

The subject is the main part of the commit message where you should describe your changes.

Subject text rules:
- be informative
- use imperative, present tense: “change” not “changed” nor “changes”
- don't capitalize the first letter
- no dot (.) at the end

fix: some fixes
feat: Component updated to the new base class. 

fix(esl-utils): IE compatibility for scroll type detection
feat(esl-popup): esl-popup component base structure 


### \<body\>

The body is an optional part of a commit message. 
It can be used to provide details about the changes made in the commit or to clarify the motivation behind the changes.

The header and body should be separated by a blank line.


### \<footer\>

The footer is optional lines to provide additional details like linking closed issues, mentioning contributors, and so

The body and footer are also should be separated by a blank line.

fix: disappearing controls on hover

Update of css rules order.

Close PR #123.