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        = graphical_icon "exercism-face"
        %span πŸ’™
        = image_tag user_track.track.icon_url, alt: "Elixir"

      %h1.text-h0.text-center.mb-12.md:mb-16 Introducing the #{cohort.name}
      %p.text-p-2xlarge What happens when a few committed learners encourage and help each other on their learning journeys? We've invented the Exhort to find out! (The "Elixir cohort", see what we did there? πŸ˜‰)

            = graphical_icon "mentoring-gradient"
            .text-gradient.ml-24 Tell me more!
            %span What is the Exhort?
            The Exhort is simple. We'll give you and a bunch of other learners a space to learn together, add in some of our best mentors and Exercism experts, and support you as you work together through the Exercism Elixir syllabus over 30 days.
            %li.mb-6 100% free
            %li.mb-6 Starts August 8th. Lasts for 30 days.
            %li.mb-6 Work through the track in your own time
            %li.mb-6 Pair with each other or work as individuals
            %li Commit to sharing your journey, and supporting others

            %strong Notes: Some programming experience is required (if you can write a "Hello World" in any language, you're good enough).

          = link_to "#register", class: 'btn-primary btn-m self-start' do
            Sign up below!
            = graphical_icon "chevron-down"

          <div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0;"><iframe src="https://www.loom.com/embed/5356c8f57bcc4cae9beafb3f9e113368" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;"></iframe></div>

          = graphical_icon "concepts"
          .text-gradient.ml-24 Gain fluency in Elixir

        %h3.text-h1 Here's a taste of what you'll learn!

          The Elixir track on Exercism has
          %em #{user_track.num_concepts} concepts
          to learn, along with
          %em #{user_track.num_exercises} coding exercises
          for you to complete. It’s a great way to pick up Elixir specific concepts and ways of working.

            And better still, get mentoring from senior Elixir developers to discover your knowledge gaps and build a deep understanding of the language.

        = link_to track_path('elixir'), class: 'btn-enhanced btn-m mb-48' do
          Explore the Elixir track
          = graphical_icon "arrow-right"

        = link_to track_concepts_path('elixir'), class: "concepts-map" do
          = image_tag "screenshots/elixir-concepts.png"