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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# File:         build_geolocation
# Description:  Parse geonames files to create ExifTool geolocation database
# Syntax:       build_geolocation [OPTIONS] [DBFILE] ...
# Options:      (see -h output)
# Created:      2024-03-03 - P. Harvey
#               2024-04-15 - PH Clean up and add options for public release
#               2024-04-22 - PH Increased number of possible feature codes from
#                               32 to 64. Convert backslashes in directory names
#               2024-04-24 - PH Fixed problem with population exponent when run
#                               under ActivePerl
#               2024-04-29 - PH Added feature types and default to db v1.03
# Notes:        Requires these files from https://download.geonames.org/export/
#               allCountries.txt (or other input database if specified)
#               countryInfo.txt
#               admin1CodesASCII.txt
#               admin2Codes.txt
#               featureCodes_XX.txt (optional)
#               alternateNamesV2.txt (optional)
# Output datbase format (Geolocation.dat):
#   Header:
#       "GeolocationV.VV\tNNNN\n"  (V.VV=version, NNNN=num city entries)
#       "# <comment>\n"
#   NNNN City entries:
#     Offset Format   Description
#        0   int16u - latitude high 16 bits (converted to 0-0x100000 range)
#        2   int8u  - latitude low 4 bits, longitude low 4 bits
#        3   int16u - longitude high 16 bits
#        5   int8u  - index of country in country list
#        6   int8u  - 0xf0 = population E exponent (in format "N.Fe+0E"), 0x0f = population N digit
#        7   int16u - 0xf000 = population F digit, 0x0fff = index in region list (admin1)
#        9   int16u - v1.02: 0x7fff = index in subregion (admin2), 0x8000 = high bit of time zone
#        9   int16u - v1.03: index in subregion (admin2)
#       11   int8u  - low byte of time zone index
#       12   int8u  - 0x3f = feature code index (see below), v1.03: 0x80 = high bit of time zone
#       13   string - UTF8 City name, terminated by newline
#   "\0\0\0\0\x01"
#   Country entries:
#       1. 2-character country code
#       2. Country name, terminated by newline
#   "\0\0\0\0\x02"
#   Region entries:
#       1. Region name, terminated by newline
#   "\0\0\0\0\x03"
#   Subregion entries:
#       1. Subregion name, terminated by newline
#   "\0\0\0\0\x04"
#   Time zone entries:
#       1. Time zone name, terminated by newline
#   "\0\0\0\0\x05" (feature codes added in v1.03)
#   Feature codes:
#       1. Feature code, optional space-followed-by-feature-name, then newline
#   "\0\0\0\0\0"
# Feature Codes v1.02: (see http://www.geonames.org/export/codes.html#P for descriptions)
#       0. Other   3. PPLA2   6. PPLA5   9. PPLF   12. PPLR   15. PPLX
#       1. PPL     4. PPLA3   7. PPLC   10. PPLG   13. PPLS
#       2. PPLA    5. PPLA4   8. PPLCH  11. PPLL   14. STLMT
# Feature Codes v1.03 and later are listed at the end of the database

use strict;

my $dbVer        = '1.03';                  # default output database version
my $dbFile       = 'allCountries.txt';      # default database file
my $countryFile  = 'countryInfo.txt';       # mandatory country names file
my $regionFile   = 'admin1CodesASCII.txt';  # mandatory region names file
my $admin2File   = 'admin2Codes.txt';       # mandatory subregion names file
my $featureFile  = 'featureCodes_en.txt';   # optional feature names file
my $altNamesFile = 'alternateNamesV2.txt';  # optional alternate names file
my $outFile      = 'Geolocation.dat';       # output ExifTool database file
my $outAltNames  = 'AltNames.dat';          # output alternate names file
my $outDirName   = 'Geolocation_out';       # output directory for database files
my $geoLang      = 'GeoLang';               # output directory for language files

my %defaults = (
    file => $dbFile,
    minpop => 2000,
    def_codes => 'PPLA,PPLA2',

# languages to read from geonames database
my @languages = qw(cs de en en-ca en-gb es fi fr it ja ko nl pl ru sk sv tr zh zh-cn zh-tw);

# indices of feature codes (v1.02 is hard-coded in ExifTool)
my @fc102 = qw(
# base features for v1.03+
my @fc103 = qw(
my $i = 0;
my @featureCodes = $dbVer eq '1.02' ? @fc102 : @fc103;
my %featureCodes = map { $_ => $i++ } @featureCodes;
my %featureNames;

my ($dbfile, @dbfiles, $outDir, $verbose, $noLang, %needRgn);
my %optArgs = ( p => 1, c => 1, cp => 1, l => 1, o => 1, ver => 1 );

# process command-line arguments
my $opts = { };
while (@ARGV) {
    my $opt = shift;
    if (not $opt =~ s/^-//) {
        $opt = '.' unless length $opt;
        $opt =~ tr(\\)(/);  # use forward slashes
        $opt =~ s(/$)();    # remove trailing slash
        $opt = "$opt/$defaults{file}" if -d $opt;
        -e $opt or die "Error opening database $opt\n";
        push @dbfiles, { %defaults, %$opts, file => $opt };
        $opts = { };
    my $arg;
    if ($optArgs{$opt}) {
        $arg = shift;
        defined $arg or die "Expecting argument for -$opt option\n";
    if ($opt eq 'p') {
        $arg = uc $arg;
        if ($arg =~ /=/) {
            my ($cc, $mp) = split /=/, $arg;
            $mp =~ /^\d+$/ or die "Expecting number on rhs of '=' for -p option\n";
            my @cc = split /,/, $cc;
            foreach $cc (@cc) {
                $cc =~ /^([A-Z]{2})(\..+)?$/ or die "Invalid country/region '$cc' for -p option\n";
                $needRgn{$1} = $needRgn{$cc} = 1 if length $cc > 2;
                $$opts{cc_minpop}{$cc} = $mp;
        } else {
            $arg =~ /^\d+$/ or die "Expecting number for -p option\n";
            $$opts{minpop} = $arg;
    } elsif ($opt =~ /^c(p?)$/) {
        my $p = $1;
        $arg = uc $arg;
        my ($cc, $co);
        if ($arg =~ /=/) {
            ($cc, $co) = split /=/, $arg;
        } else {
            ($cc, $co) = ('??', $arg);
        my $sign = $co =~ s/^([-+])// ? $1 : '';
        my @co = split /,/, $co;
        my @cc = split /,/, $cc;
        # store lookup for features to keep for each country ('??' = any country)
        foreach $cc (@cc) {
            $cc =~ /^([A-Z]{2}|\?\?)(\..+)?$/ or die "Invalid country/region '$cc' for -$opt option\n";
            $needRgn{$1} = $needRgn{$cc} = 1 if length $cc > 2;
            if (not $sign) {
                $$opts{"keep$p"}{$cc} = { };
            } elsif (not $$opts{"keep$p"}{$cc}) {
                # start from defaults
                my %codes = map { $_ => 1 } split /,/, $defaults{"def_codes$p"};
                $$opts{"keep$p"}{$cc} = \%codes;
            foreach $co (@co) {
                if ($sign eq '-') {
                    delete $$opts{"keep$p"}{$cc}{$co};
                } else {
                    $$opts{"keep$p"}{$cc}{$co} = 1;
    } elsif ($opt eq 'l') {
        $arg = lc $arg;
        my @langs = split ',', $arg;
        if (not @langs) {
            undef @languages;
            $noLang = 1;
        } elsif ($langs[0] =~ s/^-//) {
            @languages = grep !/^$langs[0]$/, @languages foreach @langs;
        } else {
            @languages = @langs;
    } elsif ($opt eq 'o') {
        $outDir = $arg;
    } elsif ($opt eq 'ver') {
        $dbVer = $arg;
        $dbVer =~ /^1\.0[23]$/ or die "Unsupported version number $dbVer\n";
    } elsif ($opt eq 'v') {
        $verbose = 1;
    } elsif ($opt eq 'h') {
        my $defcp = $defaults{def_codesp};
        $defcp =~ s/(PPLG,)/\n              $1/;
        my $defLang = join ',', @languages;
        $defLang =~ s/(ja,)/\n              $1/;
        print <<"END";
Description:  Build ExifTool Geolocation database.

Syntax:       build_geolocation [OPTIONS] [DBFILE] ...

  DBFILE    - Input database file name or directory.  Multiple input database
              files may be specified.  The -p, -c and -cp options apply to
              the database that comes after them on the command line.
              Default is "$dbFile".
  -p POP    - Minimum population for cities to include.  POP may be a number
              or be of the form "CC[,C2...]=###" to set different limits for
              specific countries/regions, where CC and C2 are country codes
              with optional region name or code appended after a period (eg.
              "CA.Ontario,US=500" sets the minimum population to 500 for
              cities on Ontario Canada or the U.S.).  If a region is
              specified, either the full name or the geonames admin1 code may
              be used, and case and spaces are not significant.  May be
              multiple -p options for each input DBFILE.  Default is "$defaults{minpop}".
  -c CODE   - Feature codes to always include, regardless of population. CODE
              is a comma-separated list of feature codes, with an optional
              leading comma-separated list of country/region codes followed
              by an equals sign to apply only to specific countries.  The
              feature-code list may begin with a dash to remove entries from
              the default list, or a plus sign to add entries.  May be
              multiple -c options for each intput DBFILE.  Country/region and
              feature names are case insensitive. Default is "$defaults{def_codes}".
  -cp CODE  - Additional features to include if above minimum population.
              Default is "$defcp".
  -l LANG   - Alternate languages to read from $altNamesFile if
              available.  These are used to generate $outAltNames an the
              $geoLang files.  LANG is a comma-separated list of language
              codes, starting with a dash to remove items from the default
              list.  May be set to an empty string to disable generation
              of alternate language files even if $altNamesFile
              exists.  The same set of languages applies to all input
              database files.  Default is "$defLang".
  -o OUTDIR - Output directory name.  Default is the same directory as the
              first input database file.  A directory named $outDirName
              containing the output files will be created in this directory.
  -ver VER  - Version for output geolocation database (default is $dbVer).
  -v        - Verbose messages.
  -h        - Show this help.

Input files (download from https://download.geonames.org/export/dump/):
  $dbFile      - default database file (smaller files with names
                          like "cities###.txt" may be specified instead)
  $countryFile       - mandatory country names file
  $regionFile  - mandatory region names file
  $admin2File       - mandatory subregion names file
  $featureFile   - optional feature codes file
  $altNamesFile  - optional alternate names file (must exist to
                          to generate $outAltNames and $geoLang files)

Output files:
  $outDirName       - default output directory name
  $outFile       - ExifTool database file
  $outAltNames          - alternate names file
  $geoLang               - directory for alternate language files

  Copyright 2024, Phil Harvey

  This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
  same terms as Perl itself.
        exit 0;
    } else {
        die "Unknown option '-$opt'\n";

if (@dbfiles) {
    # apply any remaining options to last database file
    $dbfiles[-1]{$_} = $$opts{$_} foreach keys %$opts;
} else {
    # use default database file if none specified
    push @dbfiles, { %defaults, %$opts };
    unless (-e $dbfiles[0]{file}) {
        # also look in script directory
        if ($0 =~ m{(.*)/} and -e "$1/$dbfiles[0]{file}") {
            $dbfiles[0]{file} = "$1/$dbfiles[0]{file}";
        } else {
            die qq(Database "$dbfiles[0]{file}" not found.  Use -h option for help.\n);

# determine our working directory
my $dbdir = $dbfiles[0]{file};
$dbdir = '.' unless $dbdir =~ s(/[^/]*$)();

# add default feature code lookups if necessary
foreach $dbfile (@dbfiles) {
    my $p;
    foreach $p ('', 'p') {
        next if $$dbfile{"keep$p"}{'??'};
        my %codes = map { $_ => 1 } split /,/, $defaults{"def_codes$p"};
        $$dbfile{"keep$p"}{'??'} = \%codes;

# pre-read region file if necessary
if (%needRgn) {
    open REGION, '<', "$dbdir/$regionFile" or die "Error opening $dbdir/$regionFile\n";
    while (<REGION>) {
        my @items = split /\t/;
        my $rgn = $items[0];
        my ($cc) = split /\./, $rgn;
        next unless $needRgn{$cc};
        unless ($needRgn{$rgn}) {           # allow region code to be used
            $rgn = $cc . '.' . uc$items[1]; # also support full region name
            unless ($needRgn{$rgn}) {
                $rgn =~ tr/ //d;
                next unless $needRgn{$rgn}; # also allow no spaces
        $needRgn{$rgn} = [$items[0], "$cc.$items[1]"];
    close REGION;
    foreach (sort keys %needRgn) {
        next if length == 2;
        die "No matching region for $_\n" unless ref $needRgn{$_};

if ($verbose) {
    my $langs = join ',', @languages;
    $langs or $langs = '<none>';
    print "Languages to read from input database(s):\n  $langs\n";
    foreach $dbfile (@dbfiles) {
        print "Parameters for reading $$dbfile{file}:\n";
        print "  Minimum populations (??=any country):\n";
        print "    ??=$$dbfile{minpop}\n";
        foreach (reverse sort keys %{$$dbfile{cc_minpop}}) {
            my $cc = ref $needRgn{$_} ? $needRgn{$_}[1] : $_;
            print "    $cc=$$dbfile{cc_minpop}{$_}\n";
        print "  Features to keep regardless of population:\n";
        foreach (reverse sort keys %{$$dbfile{keep}}) {
            my $cc = ref $needRgn{$_} ? $needRgn{$_}[1] : $_;
            print "    $cc=",join(',', sort keys %{$$dbfile{keep}{$_}}), "\n";
        print "  Features to keep for population >= minimum:\n";
        foreach (reverse sort keys %{$$dbfile{keepp}}) {
            my $cc = ref $needRgn{$_} ? $needRgn{$_}[1] : $_;
            print "    $_=",join(',', sort keys %{$$dbfile{keepp}{$_}}), "\n";

# translate option region arguments to region codes
foreach $dbfile (@dbfiles) {
    my ($type, $cc);
    foreach $type (qw(cc_minpop keep keepp)) {
        my @cc = keys %{$$dbfile{$type}};
        foreach $cc (@cc) {
            next unless ref $needRgn{$cc};
            my $tmp = $$dbfile{$type}{$cc};
            delete $$dbfile{$type}{$cc};
            $$dbfile{$type}{$needRgn{$cc}[0]} = $tmp;

$outDir = "$dbdir/$outDirName" unless defined $outDir;
-d $outDir or mkdir $outDir, 0777 or die "Error creating output directory '$outDir'\n";
-e "$dbdir/$_" or die "Missing input file $dbdir/$_\n" foreach $countryFile, $regionFile, $admin2File;

# order of country codes, region names and subregions in database
my (%orderCC, %orderRgn, %orderSub);

# languages to read from geonames database (converted to lower case)
my %languages = map { $_ => 1 } @languages;

# language codes supported by ExifTool
my @supportedLangs = qw(cs de en-ca en-gb es fi fr it ja ko nl pl ru sk sv tr zh-cn zh-tw);

# supported country-specific languages
my %ccLang = ( TW => 'zh', CN => 'zh', CA => 'en', GB => 'en' );
my (%lang, %featureLang, %haveCountry, %cityFlags, %rgnFlags, %subFlags, %ccFlags, %flags);
my (%haveRegion, %haveSubRgn, $filesize, $percent);

sub GetFileSize($)
    my $file = shift;
    seek $file, 0, 2 or die "Seek error\n";
    my $size = tell $file;
    seek $file, 0, 0 or die "Seek error\n";
    return $size;

# pre-scan database to determine which countries, regions subregions and
# feature codes we will be using
foreach $dbfile (@dbfiles) {
    my $database = $$dbfile{file};
    my $upgraded;

    print "Reading $database...   0%";
    flush STDOUT;

    # pre-read the files to initialize necessary variables
    open INFILE, '<', $database or die "Error opening $database\n";
    $filesize = GetFileSize(\*INFILE);

    open OUTFILE, '>', "$outDir/$outFile" or die "Error creating $outFile in $outDir\n";

    $$dbfile{kept} = [ ];
    $percent = -1;
    while (<INFILE>) {
        my $p = int(100 * tell(INFILE) / $filesize + 0.5);
        if ($percent != $p) {
            printf("\b\b\b\b%3d%%", $percent = $p);
            flush STDOUT;
        my @items = split /\t/;
        my ($dbnum, $code, $cc, $rgn, $sub, $pop) = @items[0,7,8,10,11,14];
        next unless @items > 17 and $cc =~ /^[A-Z]{2}$/;
        my ($minpop, $keep);
        if ($needRgn{$cc} and defined $$dbfile{cc_minpop}{"$cc$rgn"}) {
            $minpop = $$dbfile{cc_minpop}{"$cc$rgn"};
        } elsif (defined $$dbfile{cc_minpop}{$cc}) {
            $minpop = $$dbfile{cc_minpop}{$cc};
        } else {
            $minpop = $$dbfile{minpop};
        # keep regardless of population
        if ($needRgn{$cc} and $$dbfile{keep}{"$cc$rgn"}) {
            $keep = $$dbfile{keep}{"$cc$rgn"}{$code};
        } elsif ($$dbfile{keep}{$cc}) {
            $keep = $$dbfile{keep}{$cc}{$code};
        } else {
            $keep = $$dbfile{keep}{'??'}{$code};
        if ($pop < $minpop) {
            next unless $keep;
        } elsif ($needRgn{$cc} and $$dbfile{keepp}{"$cc$rgn"}) {
            next unless $$dbfile{keepp}{"$cc$rgn"}{$code};
        } elsif ($$dbfile{keepp}{$cc}) {
            next unless $$dbfile{keepp}{$cc}{$code};
        } else {
            next unless $$dbfile{keepp}{'??'}{$code};
        push @{$$dbfile{kept}}, $_;
        $lang{$dbnum} = { alt => [ ] };
        $haveCountry{$cc} = 1;
        $haveRegion{"$cc$rgn"} = 1;
        $haveSubRgn{"$cc$rgn.$sub"} = 1;
        # add new feature codes (up to maximum index of 0x3f)
        unless ($featureCodes{$code} or @featureCodes > 0x3f) {
            if ($dbVer eq '1.02') {
                next if $code =~ /^(PPLH|PPLQ|PPLW)$/; # (stored as "Other" in v1.02)
                $dbVer = '1.03';
                $upgraded = 1;  # print upgrade warning
                @featureCodes = @fc103;
                my $i = 0;
                %featureCodes = map { $_ => $i++ } @featureCodes;
                next if $featureCodes{$code};
            push @featureCodes, $code;
            $featureCodes{$code} = $#featureCodes;
    close INFILE;
    print "\b\b\b\bDone.\n";
    warn "Some feature codes not supported by version 1.02, writing as 1.03 instead.\n" if $upgraded;

# read feature names
if (open INFILE, '<', "$dbdir/$featureFile") {
    print "Reading $dbdir/$featureFile\n";
    while (<INFILE>) {
        my @items = split /\t/;
        $items[0] =~ s/^.\.//;  # remove feature group and "." separator
        next unless $featureCodes{$items[0]};
        my $name = ucfirst $items[1];
        $name =~ s/ ([a-z])/ \U$1/g;
        $featureNames{$items[0]} = $name;
    close INFILE;
} else {
    print "Not found: $dbdir/$featureFile\n";
    print "--> Not storing feature type names\n";

# read country names
$i = 0;
open INFILE, '<', "$dbdir/$countryFile" or die "Error opening $dbdir/$countryFile\n";
print "Reading $dbdir/$countryFile\n";
while (<INFILE>) {
    next if /^#/;
    my @items = split /\t/;
    next unless $haveCountry{$items[0]};
    $lang{$items[16]} = { alt => [ ] }; # reference lookup by db number
    $orderCC{$items[0]} = $i++;         # (entry 0 is the first country)
close INFILE;
printf "  %.6d countries  (0x%.4x)\n",$i,$i if $verbose;
die "Too many countries!\n" if $i > 0x100;  # (no default 0 entry)

# read region (admin1) names
$i = 0;
open REGION, '<', "$dbdir/$regionFile" or die "Error opening $dbdir/$regionFile\n";
print "Reading $dbdir/$regionFile\n";
while (<REGION>) {
    my @items = split /\t/;
    $items[0] =~ tr/.//d; # (remove "." separator)
    next unless $haveRegion{$items[0]};
    $lang{$items[3]} = { alt => [ ] };  # reference lookup by db number
    $orderRgn{$items[0]} = ++$i;        # (entry 0 is default "" region)
close REGION;
printf "  %.6d regions    (0x%.4x)\n",$i,$i if $verbose;
die "Too many regions!\n" if $i > 0x0fff;   # (account for default 0 entry)

# read subregion (admin2) names
$i = 0;
open ADMIN2, '<', "$dbdir/$admin2File" or die "Error opening $dbdir/$admin2File\n";
print "Reading $dbdir/$admin2File\n";
while (<ADMIN2>) {
    my @items = split /\t/;
    $items[0] =~ s/\.//; # (remove first "." separator)
    next unless $haveSubRgn{$items[0]};
    $lang{$items[3]} = { alt => [ ] };  # reference lookup by db number
    $orderSub{$items[0]} = ++$i;        # (entry 0 is default "" subregion)
close ADMIN2;
printf "  %.6d subregions (0x%.4x)\n",$i,$i if $verbose;
if ($i > ($dbVer eq '1.02' ? 0x7fff : 0xffff)) {
    die "Too many subregions!\n" if $i > 0xffff;
    $dbVer = '1.03';
    warn "Too many subregions for version 1.02, writing as 1.03 instead.\n";

# read alternate names file if available
if (not $noLang and open INFILE, '<', "$dbdir/$altNamesFile") {
    $filesize = GetFileSize(\*INFILE);
    print "Reading $dbdir/$altNamesFile...   0%";
    my %bestPri;
    while (<INFILE>) {
        my $p = int(100 * tell(INFILE) / $filesize + 0.5);
        if ($percent != $p) {
            printf("\b\b\b\b%3d%%", $percent = $p);
            flush STDOUT;
        # items: 0=altID,1=geoID,2=lang,3=alt name,4=preferred,5=short,6=colloquial,7=historic
        my @items = split /\t/;
        my $lkup = $lang{$items[1]} or next;
        my $altList = $lang{$items[1]}{alt};
        my $lng = lc $items[2];
        next if $lng and not $languages{$lng};
        push @$altList, $items[3] unless grep /^\Q$items[3]\E$/i, @$altList;
        next unless $lng;
        my $flags = 0;
        # keep only the best translation for this name for each language
        $items[$_] and $flags |= (1<<($_-4)) foreach 4,5,6,7;
        $flags{$items[1]} = ( $flags{$items[1]} || 0 ) | $flags;
        next if $items[6] or $items[7]; # ignore colloquial and historic names
        my $pri = $items[5] ? 0 : ($items[4] ? 1 : 2); # priority for best type of name
        my $langPri = $bestPri{$lng};
        $langPri or $langPri = $bestPri{$lng} = { };
        next if $$langPri{$items[1]} and $$langPri{$items[1]} > $pri;
        $$langPri{$items[1]} = $pri;
        # save language-specific name for this feature, removing commas
        ($$lkup{$lng} = $items[3]) =~ tr/,//d;
    print "\b\b\b\bDone.\n";
    close INFILE;
    # read alternate feature names
    if (%featureNames) {
        my $lng;
        foreach $lng (@languages) {
            next if $lng eq 'en' or not $languages{$lng};
            my $file = "$dbdir/$featureFile";
            $file =~ s/_en\./_$lng./ or next;
            next unless open INFILE, '<', $file;
            print "Reading $file\n";
            while (<INFILE>) {
                my @items = split /\t/;
                $items[0] =~ s/^.\.//;  # remove feature group and "." separator
                next unless $featureNames{$items[0]};
                my $name = ucfirst $items[1];
                $name =~ s/ (.)/ \U$1/g;
                # change $name back to byte string
                if ($] >= 5.006 and (eval { require Encode; Encode::is_utf8($name) } or $@)) {
                    $name = $@ ? pack('C*',unpack($] < 5.010000 ? 'U0C*' : 'C0C*',$name)) : Encode::encode('utf8',$name);
                next if $name eq $featureNames{$items[0]};
                $featureLang{$lng}{$items[0]} = $name;
            close INFILE;
} else {
    print "Not found: $dbdir/$altNamesFile\n--> " unless $noLang;
    print "Not writing alternate languages\n";
    $noLang = 1;

my (%coords, %langLookups);

foreach $dbfile (@dbfiles) {
    my $database = $$dbfile{file};

    print "Processing database entries...   0%";
    my $i = 0;
    my $num = scalar @{$$dbfile{kept}};

    foreach (@{$$dbfile{kept}}) {
        my @items = split /\t/;
        my ($lat, $lon) = @items[4,5];
        $lat = int(($lat + 90)  / 180 * 0x100000 + 0.5) & 0xfffff;
        $lon = int(($lon + 180) / 360 * 0x100000 + 0.5) & 0xfffff;
        my $coord = pack('nCn',$lat>>4,(($lat&0x0f)<<4)|($lon&0x0f),$lon>>4);;
        # take the city with the highest population if there are
        # multiple cities with the same reduced coordinates
        if ($coords{$coord} and $coords{$coord}[6] >= $items[14]) {
        # coords=(0.lat,1.lon,2.city,3.cc,4.rgn,5.admin2,6.population,7.timezone,8.feature code,9.alt names)
        my ($altList, $alt);
        die "Internal error\n" unless $lang{$items[0]} and $altList = $lang{$items[0]}{alt};
        if (@$altList) {
            tr/,//d foreach @$altList;
            $alt = join ',', sort @$altList;
        } else {
            $alt = '';
        $coords{$coord} = [ @items[4,5,1,8,10,11,14,17,7] ];
        $coords{$coord}[9] = $alt;
        my $lkup = $lang{$items[0]}; # 0=geoID
        my $key = $items[1];         # 1=city
        $lkup or die "Missing language for geoID $items[0]\n";
        $cityFlags{$flags{$items[0]}} = ($cityFlags{$flags{$items[0]}} || 0) + 1 if defined $flags{$items[0]};
        my $ccLang = $ccLang{$items[8]};    # get country-specific language
        if ($ccLang and $$lkup{$ccLang}) {
            my $lc = $ccLang . '-' . lc($items[8]);  # eg. zh-cn
            # add country suffix for this language in this country
            $$lkup{$lc} = $$lkup{$ccLang} unless $$lkup{$lc};
        foreach (@supportedLangs) {
            next unless $$lkup{$_} and $$lkup{$_} ne $key; # (ignore if same)
            $langLookups{$_}{$key} or $langLookups{$_}{$key} = [ ];
            push @{$langLookups{$_}{$key}}, "$items[8]$items[10].$items[11],$$lkup{$_}";
        my $p = int(100 * ++$i / $num + 0.5);
        next if $percent == $p;
        printf("\b\b\b\b%3d%%", $percent = $p);
        flush STDOUT;
    print "\b\b\b\bDone.\n";

# write city database
my $str = $noLang ?  '' : " and $outAltNames";
my @t = localtime;
my $date = sprintf('%.4d-%.2d-%.2d', $t[5]+1900, $t[4]+1, $t[3]);
print "Writing $outDir/$outFile (version $dbVer)$str...\n";
print OUTFILE "Geolocation$dbVer\t",scalar(keys %coords),"\n";
print OUTFILE "# $date Cities with population $dbfiles[0]{minpop} or greater from geonames.org with a Creative Commons license\n";

if ($noLang) {
    unlink "$outDir/$outAltNames";
} else {
    open ALTOUT, ">$outDir/$outAltNames";
    binmode ALTOUT;
my (%tz, @tz, %fcodes);
my $tzNum = 0;
foreach (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %coords) {
    my $items = $coords{$_};
    # @$items=(0.lat,1.lon,2.city,3.cc,4.rgn,5.admin2,6.population,7.timezone,8.feature code,9.alt names)
    my $iCC = $orderCC{$$items[3]};
    defined $iCC or warn("Unknown country code $$items[3]\n"), next;
    my $iRgn = $orderRgn{"$$items[3]$$items[4]"} || 0;
    my $iSub = $orderSub{"$$items[3]$$items[4].$$items[5]"} || 0;
    my $tn = $tz{$$items[7]};
    unless ($tn) {
        push @tz, $$items[7];
        $tn = $tz{$$items[7]} = $tzNum++;
    # convert population to our binary format
    # Note: format in ActivePerl is "3.1e+004", but "3.1+04" in other Perls,
    # but other Perls will round 34500 to "3.4e+04", so add 1 to get "3.5e+04"
    $$items[6] += 1 if $$items[6] > 100 and not $$items[6] % 10;
    my $pop = sprintf('%.1e',$$items[6]);
    # pack CC, population and region index into a 32-bit integer
    my $code = ($iCC << 24) | (substr($pop,-1,1)<<20) | (substr($pop,0,1)<<16) | (substr($pop,2,1)<<12) | $iRgn;
    $fcodes{$$items[8]} = ($fcodes{$$items[8]} || 0) + 1;
    my $fc = $featureCodes{$$items[8]} || 0;
    # store high bit of timezone index
    if ($tn > 255) {
        if ($dbVer eq '1.02') {
            $iSub |= 0x8000;
            $tn -= 256;
        } else {
            $fc |= 0x80;
            $tn -= 256;
    my $pt = pack('NnCC', $code, $iSub, $tn, $fc);
    $$items[2] =~ tr/,//d;   # remove any commas
    print OUTFILE "$_$pt$$items[2]\n";
    next if $noLang;
    $$items[9] =~ tr/,/\n/;
    print ALTOUT $$items[9],"\0";
my $altSize = 0;
unless ($noLang) {
    $altSize = tell ALTOUT;
    close ALTOUT;
print OUTFILE "\0\0\0\0\x01\n"; # section terminator

die "Too many time zones!\n" if $tzNum > 0x01ff;

if ($verbose) {
    $i = 0;
    print "Features kept:\n";
    foreach (sort keys %fcodes) {
        my $fc = $featureCodes{$_} || 0;
        printf "%6d (%2d) %s\n", $fcodes{$_}, $fc, $_;

# write country codes
open COUNTRY, '<', "$dbdir/$countryFile" or die "Error opening $dbdir/$countryFile\n";
my %cc;
while (<COUNTRY>) {
    next if /^#/;
    my @items = split /\t/;
    next unless $haveCountry{$items[0]};
    $cc{$items[4]} = $items[0];
    die "country code error\n" if length $items[0] != 2;
    $items[4] =~ tr/,//d;   # remove any commas
    print OUTFILE "$items[0]$items[4]\n";
    if ($lang{$items[16]}) { # (16=geoID)
        my $lkup = $lang{$items[16]};
        my $key = $items[4]; # country name
        $ccFlags{$flags{$items[16]}} = ($ccFlags{$flags{$items[16]}} || 0) + 1 if defined $flags{$items[16]};
        foreach (@supportedLangs) {
            next unless $$lkup{$_} and $$lkup{$_} ne $key; # (ignore if same)
            $langLookups{$_}{$key} or $langLookups{$_}{$key} = [ ];
            push @{$langLookups{$_}{$key}}, ",$$lkup{$_}";
close COUNTRY;

print OUTFILE "\0\0\0\0\x02\n"; # section terminator

# write regions
print OUTFILE "\n"; # (null region)
open REGION, '<', "$dbdir/$regionFile" or die "Error opening $dbdir/$regionFile\n";
my %region;
while (<REGION>) {
    my @items = split /\t/;
    #items: 0=region code, 1=name, 2=ascii, 3=geoID
    $items[0] =~ tr/.//d; # (remove "." separator)
    next unless $haveRegion{$items[0]};
    $region{$items[0]} = $items[1];
    $items[1] =~ tr/,//d;   # remove any commas
    print OUTFILE "$items[1]\n";
    if ($lang{$items[3]}) { # (3=geoID)
        my $lkup = $lang{$items[3]};
        my $key = $items[1]; # region name
        my $cc = substr($items[0], 0, 2);
        $rgnFlags{$flags{$items[3]}} = ($rgnFlags{$flags{$items[3]}} || 0) + 1 if defined $flags{$items[3]};
        foreach (@supportedLangs) {
            next unless $$lkup{$_} and $$lkup{$_} ne $key; # (ignore if same)
            $langLookups{$_}{$key} or $langLookups{$_}{$key} = [ ];
            push @{$langLookups{$_}{$key}}, "$cc,$$lkup{$_}";
close REGION;

print OUTFILE "\0\0\0\0\x03\n"; # section terminator

# write subregions
print OUTFILE "\n"; # (null admin2)
open ADMIN2, '<', "$dbdir/$admin2File" or die "Error opening $dbdir/$admin2File\n";
my %subregion;
while (<ADMIN2>) {
    my @items = split /\t/;
    #items: 0=admin2 code, 1=name, 2=ascii, 3=geoID
    $items[0] =~ s/\.//; # (remove first "." separator)
    next unless $haveSubRgn{$items[0]};
    $subregion{$items[0]} = $items[1];
    $items[1] =~ tr/,//d;   # remove any commas
    print OUTFILE "$items[1]\n";
    if ($lang{$items[3]}) { # (3=geoID)
        my $lkup = $lang{$items[3]};
        my $key = $items[1]; # region name
        $subFlags{$flags{$items[3]}} = ($subFlags{$flags{$items[3]}} || 0) + 1 if defined $flags{$items[3]};
        my $rc = $items[0];
        $rc =~ s/\..*//;    # (remove subregion code)
        foreach (@supportedLangs) {
            next unless $$lkup{$_} and $$lkup{$_} ne $key; # (ignore if same)
            $langLookups{$_}{$key} or $langLookups{$_}{$key} = [ ];
            push @{$langLookups{$_}{$key}}, "$rc,$$lkup{$_}";
close ADMIN2;

print OUTFILE "\0\0\0\0\x04\n"; # section terminator

# write timezones
print OUTFILE $_,"\n" foreach @tz;

print OUTFILE "\0\0\0\0\x05\n"; # section terminator

# write feature codes and optional names
foreach (@featureCodes) {
    print OUTFILE $_;
    print OUTFILE ' ', $featureNames{$_} if $featureNames{$_};
    print OUTFILE "\n";

# write terminator and close Geolocation.dat
print OUTFILE "\0\0\0\0\0\n";   # file terminator
my $outSize = tell OUTFILE;
close OUTFILE;

# write language lookups
my $langSize = 0;
my $langDir = "$outDir/$geoLang";
# delete existing languages
unlink <"$langDir/*.pm">;
if ($noLang) {
    rmdir $langDir;
} else {
    my $n = scalar(keys %langLookups);
    print "Writing $n language files to $outDir/$geoLang...\n";
    mkdir $langDir, 0777;
    my ($lng, $key, $str, $nm, $alt);
    foreach $lng (sort keys %langLookups) { # ($lng = language code)
        my $myLng = $lng;
        $myLng =~ tr/-/_/;
        my $lkup = $langLookups{$lng};
        my $file = "$myLng.pm";
        open OUT, ">$langDir/$file" or die "Error creating $file\n";
        binmode OUT;
        print OUT "# Geolocation language translations for $myLng\n";
        print OUT "#\n# Based on Creative Commons database from geonames.org\n\n";
        print OUT "%Image::ExifTool::GeoLang::${myLng}::Translate = (\n";
        foreach $key (sort keys %$lkup) {
            ($nm = $key) =~ s/'/\\'/g;
            # count entries and use the most common one, then add others with country+region ID's
            # (entries in @$li are of the form: City:"CCRc,Sc,Alt", Sub:"CCRc,Alt", Rgn:"CC,Alt", Country:",Alt")
            # (Rc = region code, Sc = subregion code)
            my $li = $$lkup{$key};
            my %count;
            # sort by popularity of alternate name
            foreach (@$li) {
                my $val = $_;
                $val =~ s/.*?,//;
                $count{$val} = ($count{$val} || 0) + 1;
            my @order = sort { $count{$b} <=> $count{$a} or length($a) <=> length($b) or $a cmp $b } keys %count;
            my $first = 1;
            foreach $alt (@order) {
                foreach (sort @$li) {
                    my ($code,$val) = split ',', $_, 2;
                    # ($code will be empty for a country name, and 2 characters for a region name,
                    #  and contain a "." for a city name)
                    next unless $val eq $alt;   # don't add if alternate name is the same
                    die "Backslash in translated name" if $val =~ /\\/;
                    $val =~ s/'/\\'/g;          # escape single quotes
                    if ($first and $val !~ /\(/) { # (don't add general translation if name is qualified with brackets)
                        print OUT "\t'$nm' => '$val',\n";
                        undef $first;
                    # format for keys in language table
                    # City: "CCRgn,Subregion,City", "CCRgn,,City", "CC,City", ",City"
                    # Subregion: "CCRgn,Subregion,", "CCRgn,,"
                    # Region: "CCRgn,"
                    # Country: "CC,"
                    # Any: "Name"
                    if (not $code) {
                        # this is a country
                        $code = $cc{$key};
                        printf OUT "\t'$code,' => '$val',\n";
                    } elsif ($code !~ /\./) {
                        # this is a region or subregion
                        print OUT "\t'$code$nm,' => '$val',\n";
                    } else {
                        # this is a city
                        # use region/subregions name instead of code
                        my $sub = $subregion{$code} || '';
                        $sub =~ s/'/\\'/g;
                        $code =~ s/\..*//;
                        $code = substr($code,0,2) . $region{$code} if $region{$code};
                        $code =~ s/'/\\'/g;
                        print OUT "\t'$code,$sub,$nm' => '$val',\n";
        if ($featureLang{$lng}) {
            print OUT "\n\t# feature types\n";
            foreach (sort keys %{$featureLang{$lng}}) {
                my $ftype = $featureLang{$lng}{$_};
                $ftype =~ s/'/\\'/g;
                print OUT "\t$_ => '$ftype',\n" 
        print OUT ");\n\n1; #end\n";
        $langSize += tell OUT;
        close OUT;
    if ($verbose) {
        my @type = ( City => \%cityFlags, Region => \%rgnFlags, Subregion => \%subFlags, Country => \%ccFlags );
        for (;;) {
            my $type = shift @type or last;
            my $flags = shift @type;
            print "$type flags:\n";
            printf("  0x%.2x - %d\n", 0, $$flags{0} || 0);
            my @label = qw(preferred short colloquial historic);
            foreach my $bit (0..5) {
                my $n = 0;
                $_ & (1<<$bit) and ++$n foreach keys %$flags;
                printf("  0x%.2x - %d (%s)\n", (1<<$bit), $n, shift(@label)) if $n;

print "Output file size(s):\n";
printf "%8.2f MB %s (%d entries)\n", $outSize / 1e6, $outFile, scalar(keys %coords);
printf "%8.2f MB %s\n", $altSize / 1e6, $outAltNames if $altSize;
printf "%8.2f MB %s/*.pm\n", $langSize / 1e6, $geoLang if $langSize;
printf "%8.2f MB Total\n", ($outSize + $altSize + $langSize) / 1e6 if $altSize or $langSize;

# end