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        <title>Device Detector jQuery Plugin</title>
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    <body class="development">
          <h1>Device Detector</h1>
          <h2>jQuery Plugin</h2>
          <p>Detect Browser, Devices and OS.</p>

        <div id="qunit"></div>
        <div id="qunit-fixture"></div>

              <h2>Detect Browser, Devices and OS.</h2>
                It also allows you to submit a Browser Matrix to validate supported Browser.
                <dd id="browserVersion"></dd>
                <dd id="browserName"></dd>
                <dd id="browserId"></dd>
              <h3>Operating System</h3>
                <dd id="osVersion"></dd>
                <dt>Version Major</dt>
                <dd id="osVersionMajor"></dd>
                <dt>Version Minor</dt>
                <dd id="osVersionMinor"></dd>
                <dt>Version Bugfix</dt>
                <dd id="osVersionBugfix"></dd>
                <dd id="osName"></dd>
                <dd id="osId"></dd>
                <dt>Version String</dt>
                <dd id="osVersionString"></dd>
                <dt>Version Categories</dt>
                <dd id="osVersionCategories"></dd>
                <code id="useragent"></code>
                <dd id="supported"></dd>
                <dd id="mobile"></dd>
                <dd id="desktop"></dd>
                <dd id="safari"></dd>
                <dd id="iphone"></dd>
                <dd id="ipad"></dd>
                <dd id="ios"></dd>
                <dd id="macos"></dd>
                <dd id="chrome"></dd>
                <dd id="android"></dd>
                <dd id="firefox"></dd>
                <dt>Internet Explorer</dt>
                <dd id="ie"></dd>
                <dd id="msie"></dd>
                <dd id="edge"></dd>
                <dt>IE Mobile</dt>
                <dd id="ieMobile"></dd>
                <dt>Windows Phone</dt>
                <dd id="windowsPhone"></dd>
                <dd id="windows"></dd>
                <dd id="opera"></dd>
                <dt>Opera Mini</dt>
                <dd id="operaMini"></dd>
                <dd id="blackberry"></dd>
                <dd id="linux"></dd>
                <dd id="bsd"></dd>
<h3>getInfo() Object</h3>
<code id="info"></code>
        <script src="../node_modules/qunit/qunit/qunit.js"></script>
        <script src="../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script src="js/jquery.device.detector.js"></script>
        <script src="jquery.index.js"></script>
        <script src="js/jquery.device.detector.test.js"></script>