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# This GitHub Action is designed to automate the process of setting up a RHEL server for Expertiza development.
# The end result will be a fully functional server, ready for Expertiza development.
# It is triggered by a manual event (workflow_dispatch) and runs a job called "setup".

# The job consists of two steps:
# Checkout: This step uses the actions/checkout@v3 action to check out the code from the repository.
#           This is necessary so that the Ansible playbook can be executed on the system.
# Run playbook: This step uses the dawidd6/action-ansible-playbook@v2 action to run an Ansible playbook called "setup/setup_playbook.yml".
#          The playbook is executed with the following parameters:
#          key: This parameter specifies the SSH private key required to connect to the remote node. The value of this parameter is read
#               from the SSH_PRIVATE_KEY secret.
#          inventory: This parameter specifies the inventory file for the Ansible playbook. The node is the name of the server being targeted,
#                     and ansible_host, ansible_user are the host and user credentials required to connect to the remote system. 
#                     The values of these parameters are read from the SSH_HOST and SSH_USER secrets, respectively.
#          options: This parameter specifies any additional command-line options to be passed to the Ansible playbook, 
#                   in this case, --verbose for extra logging.
name: Ansible system set up

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Run playbook
        uses: dawidd6/action-ansible-playbook@v2
          playbook: setup/setup_playbook.yml
          key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          inventory: node ansible_host=${{ secrets.SSH_HOST }} ansible_user=${{ secrets.SSH_USER }}
          options: --verbose