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Test Coverage
th, td {
    padding: 5px;
<% @calibration_response_maps.each_with_index do |response_map, index| %>
    <% team = Team.find(response_map.reviewee_id) %>
    <% min_question_score = @assignment_questionnaire.questionnaire.min_question_score %>
    <% max_question_score = @assignment_questionnaire.questionnaire.max_question_score %>
    <% current_responses ={|response|response.response_map.reviewee_id == response_map.reviewee_id} %>
    <% response_ids = [] %>
    <% current_responses.each { |curr_response| response_ids << } %>
    <% participant_num = current_responses.count %>
    <h3> <%= "Calibration #{index+1} (team name:  #{[:ip])})" %></h3>
    <% @questions.each_with_index do |question, index| %>
        <% instructor_answer ='answer').where(["question_id = ? and response_id = ?",, response_map.response[0].id]).first.answer ||= 0 %>
        <b><%= "Question #{index+1}: " %></b><%= question.txt %>
        <table border="1">
                <th width = "20%"> Assigned Score </th>
                <% (min_question_score..max_question_score).each do |answer| %>
                    <th width = <%= (80.0 / (max_question_score - min_question_score + 1)).to_s + '%'%>><%= answer %></th>
                <% end %>
                <td> Number of students </td>
                <% max_count = 0 %>
                <% count_hash = {} %>
                <% (min_question_score..max_question_score).each do |answer| %>
                    <% count = Answer.where(["question_id = ? and response_id IN (?) and answer = ?",, response_ids, answer]).size %>
                    <% count_hash[answer] = count %>
                    <% max_count = count if count > max_count %>
                <% end %>
                <% count_hash.each do |answer, count| %>
                    <% answer = 0 if answer.nil? %>
                    <% css_class = get_css_style_for_calibration_report(answer - instructor_answer) %>
                    <td class=<%= css_class %>>
                        <% if count == max_count %>
                            <b><%= count.to_s %></b>
                        <% else %>
                            <%= count.to_s %>
                        <% end %>
                <% end %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

<p> ** The <b>bolded</b> percentages are the highest ones for each question. <br>
  The scores in <i class = "c5">green cells</i> are the review scores that given by the teaching staff (expert-review); <br>
  the scores in <i class = "c4">light green cells</i> are the review scores that 1 point away from the expert-review; <br>
  the scores in <i class = "c3">yellow cells</i> are the review scores that 2 points away from the expert-review; <br>
  the scores in <i class = "c2">orange cells</i> are the review scores that 3 points away from the expert-review; <br>
  the scores in <i class = "c1">red cells</i> are the review scores that 4 points or more away from the expert-review. </p>