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Test Coverage
<%= form_tag form_action, :id => "part_add", :method => 'post', :class => "form-inline", :remote => remote do %>
  Enter a user login: <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :user, :name, {:size => 20, :class => "form-control", :style => "width: 250px"} %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag(obj_type, obj_id) %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag('model', model) %>
        <!-- E726 Fall2012 Changes Begin -->
    <%= hidden_field_tag('authorization', authorization) %>
        <!-- E726 Fall2012 Changes End -->
    <% if form_action == "add" %>
        <input id='add_a' type='submit' value='Add' class="btn btn-md btn-default" />
        <%= radio_button "user","role", "participant",:checked=>(params[:authorization]=='participant' or params[:authorization].nil?)%>
        <%= label_tag :role_participant, "participant" ,{:style=>"font-size:16px;"}%>
        <img src="/assets/info.png" title='A participant can submit artifacts, review artifacts and take a quiz.'>

        <%= radio_button "user","role", "reader", :checked=>params[:authorization]=='reader' %>
        <%= label_tag :role_reader, "reader" ,{:style=>"font-size:16px;"}%>
        <img src="/assets/info.png" title='A reader can review artifacts and take a quiz, but cannot submit artifacts.'>

        <%= radio_button"user","role", "reviewer", :checked=>params[:authorization]=='reviewer' %>
        <%= label_tag :role_reviewer, "reviewer" ,{:style=>"font-size:16px;"}%>
        <img src="/assets/info.png" title='A reviewer can only review artifacts.'>

        <%= radio_button"user","role", "submitter", :checked=>params[:authorization]=='submitter' %>
        <%= label_tag :role_submitter, "submitter" ,{:style=>"font-size:16px;"} %>
        <img src="/assets/info.png" title='A submitter can only submit artifacts.'>

<!-- E2351 Added the mentor selection for a mentor -->
        <%= radio_button"user","role", "mentor", :checked=>params[:authorization]=='mentor' %>
            <%= label_tag :role_submitter, "mentor" ,{:style=>"font-size:16px;"} %>
            <img src="/assets/info.png" title='A mentor can submit, review, take quizzes, and has mentor permissions.'>

    <% elsif form_action == "add_ta" %>
        <input type='submit' value='Add TA'/>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

        var role = $(this).val();
