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Test Coverage
<h1>Controllers and Actions</h1>

    div_ids =
div_names =

if @has_unknown
  div_ids << 'unknown'
  div_names << 'Unknown'

if @has_missing
  div_ids << 'missing'
  div_names << 'Missing'

if @has_app
  div_ids << 'app'
  div_names << 'Application'

if @has_builtin
  div_ids << 'builtin'
  div_names << 'Builtin'

first = true

<%= render :partial => 'layouts/tabpanel_js',
  :locals => {:div_ids => div_ids} -%>

<% if @has_unknown -%>
  <div id="unknown" style="display:<%= if first then 'block' else 'none' end %>;">
      <%= render :partial => 'layouts/tabpanel_list',
        :locals => {:div_ids => div_ids, :div_names => div_names,
                    :div_current => 'unknown' } %>

                  <div class="guidance_text"><p>The following controllers exist as Ruby
                      classes, but they have not yet been set up in Goldberg:</p></div>
                    <% for name in @unknown.keys do -%>
                      <li> <%= link_to name, :action => 'new_called', :id => name %> </li>
                    <% end -%>
                <% first = false -%>
              <% end -%>

              <% if @has_missing -%>
                <div id="missing" style="display:<%= if first then 'block' else 'none' end %>;">
                    <%= render :partial => 'layouts/tabpanel_list',
                      :locals => {:div_ids => div_ids, :div_names => div_names,
                                  :div_current => 'missing' } %>

                                <div class="guidance_text"><p>The following controllers have been set
                                    up in Goldberg, but the Ruby classes for these appear to be missing.</p>
                                  <p> Are they obsolete?  Should they be deleted? </p></div>
                                <%= render(:partial => 'list',
                                           :locals => { :site_controllers => @missing }
                                          ) %>
                                      <% first = false -%>
                                    <% end -%>

                                    <% if @has_app -%>
                                      <div id="app" style="display:<%= if first then 'block' else 'none' end %>;">
                                          <%= render :partial => 'layouts/tabpanel_list',
                                            :locals => {:div_ids => div_ids, :div_names => div_names,
                                                        :div_current => 'app' } %>

                                                      <div class="guidance_text"><p>These controllers relate to your
                                                          application (i.e. they are not Goldberg's built-in controllers).</p></div>
                                                      <%= render(:partial => 'list',
                                                                 :locals => { :site_controllers => @app }
                                                                ) %>
                                                            <% first = false -%>
                                                          <% end -%>

                                                          <% if @has_builtin %>
                                                            <div id="builtin" style="display:<%= if first then 'block' else 'none' end %>;">
                                                                <%= render :partial => 'layouts/tabpanel_list',
                                                                  :locals => {:div_ids => div_ids, :div_names => div_names,
                                                                              :div_current => 'builtin' } %>

                                                                            <div class="guidance_text"><p>Builtin controllers belong to Goldberg:
                                                                                they are part of Goldberg's configuration. They affect the way the
                                                                                site is used and administered.</p>

                                                                              <p><strong>WARNING!</strong> Use caution in editing these.  You could
                                                                                break Goldberg, lock yourself out, or otherwise drastically affect the
                                                                                way Goldberg works.</p></div>

                                                                            <%= render(:partial => 'list',
                                                                                       :locals => { :site_controllers => @builtin }
                                                                                      ) %>
                                                                                  <% first = false -%>
                                                                                <% end -%>

                                                                                <%= link_to 'New Controller', :action => 'new' %>