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# Description
Pgbarman cookbook for chef.
Installs and configure pgbarman - backup and recovery manager for PostgreSQL

# Requirements

pgbarman package, at least 1.3.3 version

## Platform:

* Ubuntu 12.04+
* Debian 6+

# Attributes

* `node['pgbarman']['packages']` -  Defaults to `"%w(barman bzip2)"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['servers_config_dir']` -  Defaults to `"/etc/barman.d"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['barman_home']` -  Defaults to `"/var/lib/barman"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['barman_lock_directory']` -  Defaults to `"/var/run/barman"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['barman_user']` -  Defaults to `"barman"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['log_file']` -  Defaults to `"/var/log/barman/barman.log"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['compression']` -  Defaults to `"bzip2"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['reuse_backup']` -  Defaults to `"off"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['immediate_checkpoint']` -  Defaults to `"true"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['basebackup_retry_times']` -  Defaults to `"3"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['basebackup_retry_sleep']` -  Defaults to `"30"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['retention_policy_mode']` -  Defaults to `"auto"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['wal_retention_policy']` -  Defaults to `"main"`.
* `node['pgbarman']['server']['global_configuration']['configuration_files_directory']` -  Defaults to `"node['pgbarman']['server']['servers_config_dir']"`.

# Recipes

* pgbarman::default

# Resources

* [pgbarman_server](#pgbarman_server)
* [pgbarman\_bidirectional_ssh](#pgbarman\_bidirectional_ssh)

## pgbarman_server

### Actions

- create: creates pgbarman server configuration

### Attribute Parameters

- name: name of barman server
- ssh_command: ssh conenction string for db server
- pg_conninfo: postgres connection string
- retention_policy: retention
- additional_parameters: additional barman paramters, see ```man 5 barman``` for server configuration details

## pgbarman\_bidirectional_ssh

### Actions

- create: creates private key and authorized_keys configuration  for bidirect ssh connections between barman and db servers

### Attribute Parameters

- name: name of barman server
- granted_user: destination user, who receives private key for authentication and authorized_keys for connection
- ssh_folder_path: path to ssh folder
- ssh_private_key: private key to use for auth
- ssh_public_keys: array of public keys from which allow to authenticate

# Examples
db_server = ''
pgbarman_server db_server do
  ssh_command "ssh postgres@#{db_server}"
  pg_conninfo "host=#{db_server} user=postgres"
  retention_policy 'RECOVERY WINDOW OF 14 DAYS'
    network_compression: 'True',
    reuse_backup: 'link'
lwrp examples to generate private key for barman and sets public key from db01/02 to allow bidirectional connect between servers

pgbarman_bidirectional_ssh 'barman' do
  granted_user 'barman'
  ssh_folder_path '/var/lib/barman/.ssh'
  ssh_private_key 'barman_private_ssh_key'
  ssh_public_keys ['public_db01_key', 'public_db02_key']

pgbarman_bidirectional_ssh 'db01' do
  granted_user 'barman'
  ssh_folder_path '/var/lib/barman/.ssh'
  ssh_private_key 'db01_private_ssh_key'
  ssh_public_keys ['public_barman_key']

pgbarman_bidirectional_ssh 'db02' do
  granted_user 'barman'
  ssh_folder_path '/var/lib/barman/.ssh'
  ssh_private_key 'db02_private_ssh_key'
  ssh_public_keys ['public_barman_key']

You can find more examples in [tests](

# ToDo

# License and Maintainer

Maintainer:: LLC Express 42 (

License:: MIT