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Test Coverage
## 1.6.3 (Aug 19, 2019)

* (New) wal-g version 0.2.11
* (New) bundle update

## 1.6.2 (Aug 05, 2019)

* (Fix) more typos in attributes

## 1.6.1 (Jul 30, 2019)

* (Fix) typos in attributes.

## 1.6.0 (Jul 03, 2019)

* (Deprecation) `postgresql_cloud_backup` attribute `protocol` was removed. It was used only for a partial env vars validation.

## 1.5.4 (Jun 28, 2019)

* Travis config: tests for Ubuntu 18.04 were removed again. Run local ones.

## 1.5.3 (Jun 27, 2019)

* (New) WAL-G version 0.2.9
* (New) `wal-g wal-push` fix by injecting the `PATH` variable into the envdir
* (New) ruby 2.6.3 for TravisCI
* (New) Test Kitchen suites for Chef 15

## 1.5.2 (Feb 25, 2019)

* (New) tests for PostgreSQL 9.1 & 9.2 were dropped from TravisCI configuration
* (New) WAL-G version 0.2.6 which has new GPG support implementation

## 1.5.1 (Feb 17, 2019)

* (Fix) envdir's files should be marked as sensitive.
* (Fix) Set PGHOST environment variable to `/var/run/postgresql` for wal-g if unset.

## 1.5.0 (Feb 16, 2019)

* (New) PostgreSQL 11 tests
* (New) wal-g support for cloud backup
* (New) Ruby 2.6.0 for TravisCI tests
* (New) Inspec configuration to test running PostgreSQL configuration
* (Fix) pip version 18.0 was pinned as the newer fails to install to sandbox
* (Fix) Some minor ruby style fixes
* (Fix) Other pg extension should be installed during integration tests

## 1.4.2 (May 22, 2018)

* (New) Ubuntu 18.04 tests
* (New) Test Kitchen configuration for AWS cloud was removed
* (Fix) cookbook `poise-python` version was restricted again `>= 1.7.0`
* (Fix) Some minor Test Kitchen configuration improvements

## 1.4.1 (May 15, 2018)

* (Fix) Unpin `poise-python` cookbook version

## 1.4.0 (Apr 10, 2018)

* (New) Chef 14 support & tests
* (New) LWRP-defined resources were rewritten using the new custom resource style
* (Fix) TravisCI: all Chef 13 test were enabled

## 1.3.1 (Apr 03, 2018)
* (Fix) TravisCI build method. Now using `sethvargo/stove` gem instead of `dpl`

## 1.3.0 (Apr 03, 2018)
* (New) Chef 12 test were dropped. (Chef 12 reaches EOL at the and of April 2018)
* (New) Chef 13 full support;
* (New) WAL-E version 1.1.0;
* (New) `poise-python` cookbook is used instead of outdated `python`;
* (Fix) TravisCI configuration was updated to test against more OSes and to use Chef 13;
* (Fix) Berksfile version pins were removed;

## 1.2.4 (Mar 12, 2018)
* (Fix) Rename `params` method in `postgresql_cloud_backup` for compatibility with Chef 13

## 1.2.3 (Jan 31, 2018)
* (Fix) Resource `postgresql` PostgreSQL version validation.
* (Fix) Use resource attributes to set PostgreSQL version for test purposes.

## 1.2.2 (Jan 16, 2018)
* (New) PostgreSQL 10 support.
* (New) Integration tests were migrated to InSpec.
* (New) InSpec resources: postgres_database
* (Fix) InSpec resources: `postgres_cluster`, `postgres_extension` & `postgres_user` were refactored.
* (Fix) Test Kitchen: use one test recipe instead of one-recipe-per-pg-version.
* (Fix) Test Kitchen: use only official images.
* (Fix) Test Kitchen: tests for Chef 11 support were removed, as outdated.
* (Fix) Test Kitchen: Test for Postgresql 9.0 were removed; there is PostgreSQL 9.0 package on modern systems.
* (Fix) [postgresql] fix ruby_block notifications.
* (Fix) [pgtest] user creation should be invoked using `encrypted_password` attribute for better compatibility.

## 1.2.1 (Dec 15, 2016)
* (New) Autoremove checkpoint_segments from configuration if pg > 9.4

## 1.2.0 (Jul 22, 2016)
* (New) Add extension lwrp to install extensions from postgresql-contrib subpackage, which comes installed
* (New) Add pgxn extension lwrp to install extensions from website, using pgxn client
* (New) Add test recipes for installing extensions with newly introduced resources

## 1.1.15 (Sep 24, 2015)
* (Fix) [postgresql] Fix initial slave creation on 9.1

## 1.1.14 (Aug 11, 2015)
* (Fix) [postgresql_database] Fix database existence

## 1.1.13 (Jul 17, 2015)
* (Fix) [common] Fix run under Chef 11

## 1.1.12 (Jun 27, 2015)
* (Fix) [common] Fix compatibility with Chef 12.4.0
* (New) [postgresql_user] Use inline resources in user provider

## 1.1.11 (Apr 7, 2015)
* (New) [common] Return to LR for all resources

## 1.1.10 (Apr 5, 2015)
* (New) [cloud_backup] Add backup retention
* (New) [cloud_backup] Add (See README)
* (Fix) [cloud_backup] install libffi-dev package for cffi
* (Fix) [common] Fix reload on Chef 12

## 1.1.9 (Mar 5, 2015)
* (Fix) [metadata] Fix recipes name

## 1.1.8 (Mar 3, 2015)
* (New) [Replication] Add primary_slot_name param support in recovery.conf
* (New) [cloud_backup] Add add prefix to crontab command
* (Fix) [packages] Install dev package only for actual cluster version

## 1.1.7 (Jan 22, 2015)
* (Fix) Remove wal-e pip attribute
* (New) Add serverspec tests for cloud backup

## 1.1.6 (Jan 21, 2015)
* (New) Use virtualenv for wal-e
* (New) Add test recipe for cloud backup

## 1.1.5 (Dec 28, 2014)
* (Fix) Fix cloud_backup cron script name

## 1.1.4 (Dec 22, 2014)
* (Fix) Fix pg version checks

## 1.1.3 (Dec 22, 2014)
* (New) ssl key and cert linkage for pg < 9.2

## 1.1.2 (Dec 22, 2014)
* (Fix) Fix full_backup_time param

## 1.1.1 (Dec 18, 2014)
* (Fix) Fix Test Kitchen boxes
* (Fix) Fix postgresql start after reboot

## 1.1.0 (Dec 10, 2014)
* (New) Add cloud backup lwrp, using wal-e for cloud backup

## 1.0.1 (Oct 31, 2014)
* (Fix) Fix broken allow_restart_cluster option

## 1.0.0 (Aug 25, 2014)

* (New) Flat configuration file
* (New) Initial replicaton can be started automatically
* (New) Option allow_restart_cluster allows do restart instead reload (Only first time or always)
* (New) Resources/providers for database and user creation
* (New) Recipe apt_official_repository with official postgresql repository
* (New) Severspec tests added
* (Removed) Removed databags for users and databases. You should use appropriate providers
* (Fix) pg_ident template fixed

## 0.2.3 (Jun 18, 2013)

### Minor fixes

* Cluster create options were defined as Hash and accessed as Mash.
* pg_hba.conf became faulty on long db/user names or other line fields.
* Examples in readme was badly formatted and contained small syntax issues.
* ssl was hardcoded to postgresql.conf.

## 0.2.2 (May 8, 2013)

### Minor fixes

* Check cluster_create_options hash for key before accessing it.

## 0.2.1 (Apr 14, 2013)

### Minor fixes

* Style fixes to satisfy foodcritic wishes

## 0.2.0 (Apr 14, 2013)

### Improvements

* Set LANG from cluster_create for postgresql package install(used in pg_clustercreate in debian scripts)