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Test Coverage
# Resources

This cookbooks provides next resources:
* [zabbix_action](#zabbix_action)
* [zabbix_application](#zabbix_application)
* [zabbix_connect](#zabbix_connect)
* [zabbix_database](#zabbix_database)
* [zabbix_graph](#zabbix_graph)
* [zabbix_host](#zabbix_host)
* [zabbix_media_type](#zabbix_media_type)
* [zabbix_screen](#zabbix_screen)
* [zabbix_template](#zabbix_template)
* [zabbix_user_group](#zabbix_user_group)
* [zabbix_user_macro](#zabbix_user_macro)

## zabbix_action

Creates zabbix action with operations, conditions and messages.

### Actions
    <td>Default action. Sync action description with one's in zabbix server</td>

### Attributes
    <td><strong>Name attribute</strong>. Name of the action (required)</td>
    <td>Source of event for action, now only :trigger allowed</td>
    <td>Delay between escalation steps</td>
    <td>Is action enabled?</td>
    <td>Subject of action message</td>
    <td>Body of action message</td>
    <td>Send recovery message when conditions of action become false</td>
    <td>Subject of recovery message</td>
    <td>Body of recovery message</td>
    <td>Add an operation to action, see below. It's possible to add more then one operation</td>
    <td>Add an condition to action, see below. It's possible to add more the one condition</td>

Attributes for operation.
    <td>Type of operation, can be :message or :command</td>
    <td>Time to escalate to next step</td>
    <td>Start step, when this operation take place</td>
    <td>Last step, when this operation take place</td>
    <td>Zabbix user group names that'll receive message</td>
    <td>Message description, see below</td>
    <td>Use default actin message if empty</td>

Attributes for conditions.
    <td>Type of condition, can be one of :trigger, :trigger_value, :trigger_serverity, :host_group, :maintenance</td>
    <td>Operator for condition, can be one of :equal, :not_equal, :like, :not_like, :in, :gte, :lte, :not_in</td>
    <td>Value for condition.</td>

It also possible to use short form of condition, like:
  condition :trigger, :equal, '42th trigger name'

Attributes for message.
    <td>Use default message from action</td>
    <td>Message subject</td>
    <td>Message body</td>
    <td>Name of media type to use</td>
    <td>By default all media types are used</td>

### Examples
zabbix_action 'Test action' do
  action :sync
  event_source :triggers
  operation do
    user_groups 'Test group'
    message do
      use_default_message false
      message "Trigger: {TRIGGER.NAME}\n"\
        "Trigger status: {TRIGGER.STATUS}\n" \
        "Trigger severity: {TRIGGER.SEVERITY}\n" \
        "\n" \
        "Item values:\n" \
      media_type 'sms'

  condition :trigger_severity, :gte, :high
  condition :host_group, :equal, 'Main'
  condition :maintenance, :not_in, :maintenance


## zabbix_application

Creates application, items and triggers. You should think about items and triggers like nested
resources inside zabbix_application resource.

### Actions
    <td>Default action. Sync application description with one's in zabbix server</td>

### Attributes
    <td><strong>Name attribute</strong>. Name of the application (required)</td>
    <td>Add an item to application, see below. It's possible to add more then one item</td>
    <td>Add an trigger to application, see below. It's possible to add more the one trigger</td>

### Item attributes
Create/update zabbix item
    <td><strong>Name attribute</strong>. Zabbix key for an item, should be unique.</td>
    <td>Type of zabbix check, possible values
      :zabbix, :trapper, :active, :calculated
    <td>Descriptive name of zabbix check, shown in web-interface
    <td>How often zabbix checks this item in seconds</td>
    <td>How many days store item's history</td>
    <td>7 days</td>
    <td>Set a multiplier for item</td>
    <td>How many days store item's trends (archived history)</td>
    <td>Set a unit for item</td>
    <td>Type of gathered value, possible values
      :float, :character, :log_line, :unsigned_int, :text

### Trigger attributes

### Examples
zabbix_application "Test application" do
  action :sync

  item 'vfs.fs.size[/var/log,free]' do
    type :active
    name 'Free disk space on /var/log'
    frequency 600
    value_type :unsigned_int

  trigger "Number #{node.fqdn} of free inodes on log < 10%" do
    expression "{#{node.fqdn}:vfs.fs.size[/var/log,free].last(0)}>0"
    severity :high

## zabbix_connect

### Examples

zabbix_connect 'default' do
  action :make
  apiurl 'http://localhost/api_jsonrpc.php'
  databag 'zabbix'

## zabbix_database

### Examples

zabbix_database db_name do
  db_user db_user
  db_pass db_pass
  db_host db_host
  db_port db_port
  action :create

## zabbix_graph

### Examples

zabbix_graph 'Test Graph' do
  action :create
  width 640
  height 480
  graph_items [:key => 'vfs.fs.size[/var/log,free]', :color => '111111']

## zabbix_host

### Examples
zabbix_host node['fqdn'] do
  action :create
  host_group 'Hosts'
  use_ip true
  ip_address node['ipaddress']

## zabbix_media_type

### Examples
zabbix_media_type 'sms' do
  action :create
  type :sms
  gsm_modem '/dev/modem'

## zabbix_screen

### Examples
zabbix_screen 'Test Screen' do
  action :sync
  screen_item 'Test Graph' do
    resource_type :graph

## zabbix_template

### Actions
    <td>Default action. Add a template to node</td>
    <td>Import templates from xml file to zabbix server</td>

### Attributes
    <td><strong>Name attribute</strong>. Path to file for :import or name of template for :add action (required)</td>
    <td>Name of host new template to add</td>
    <td>FQDN of current node</td>

### Examples
zabbix_template '/opt/zabbix/templates/zbx_templates_linux.xml' do
  action :import

zabbix_template 'Linux_Template'
  action :add

## zabbix_user_group

### Actions
    <td>Default action. Create a new zabbix user group</td>

### Attributes
    <td><strong>Name attribute</strong>. Name of new zabbix user group (required)</td>

### Examples
zabbix_user_group 'Test group' do
  action :create

## zabbix_user_macro

### Examples
zabbix_user_macro 'Test_macro' do
  action :create
  value 'foobar'