## Cookbook Name:: zabbix_lwrp# Recipe:: web## Copyright (C) LLC 2015-2017 Express 42## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of# this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in# the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to# use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies# of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do# so, subject to the following conditions:## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all# copies or substantial portions of the Software.## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR# IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE# AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER# LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,# OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE# SOFTWARE. include_recipe 'php-fpm'include_recipe 'chef_nginx::default' db_vendor = node['zabbix']['server']['database']['vendor']unless db_vendor == 'postgresql' || db_vendor == 'mysql' raise "You should specify correct database vendor attribute node['zabbix']['server']['database']['vendor'] (now: #{node['zabbix']['server']['database']['vendor']})"enddb_name = 'zabbix' sql_attr = node['zabbix']['server']['database'][db_vendor]db_host = sql_attr['configuration']['listen_addresses']db_port = sql_attr['configuration']['port'] # Get user and database information from data bag if sql_attr['databag'].nil? || sql_attr['databag'].empty? || get_data_bag(sql_attr['databag']).empty? raise "You should specify databag name for zabbix db user in sql_attr['databag'] attibute (now: #{sql_attr['databag']}) and databag should exist"end db_user_data = get_data_bag_item(sql_attr['databag'], 'users')['users']db_user = db_user_data.keys.firstdb_pass = db_user_data[db_user]['options']['password'] chef_nginx_site node['zabbix']['server']['web']['server_name'] do action :enable template 'zabbix-site.conf.erb' variables(Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. server_name: node['zabbix']['server']['web']['server_name'], fastcgi_listen: node['zabbix']['server']['web']['listen'], fastcgi_port: node['zabbix']['server']['web']['port'] )end packages = [] if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' && node['platform_version'].to_f < 16.04 if db_vendor == 'postgresql' packages << 'php5-pgsql' elsif db_vendor == 'mysql' packages << 'php5-mysql' endelsif node['platform_family'] == 'rhel' || node['platform_version'].to_f >= 16.04 if db_vendor == 'postgresql' packages << 'php-pgsql' elsif db_vendor == 'mysql' packages << 'php-mysql' endend if node['platform_family'] == 'debian' if node['platform_version'].to_f < 16.04 packages << 'apache2' else # ubuntu 16.04 and higher packages << 'apache2' packages << 'php-mbstring' packages << 'php-bcmath' packages << 'php-gd' packages << 'php-xml' endelsif node['platform_family'] == 'rhel' packages << 'httpd' packages << 'php-mbstring' packages << 'php-bcmath' packages << 'php-gd'end packages.each do |pkg| package pkgend case node['platform_family']when 'debian' package 'zabbix-frontend-php' do response_file 'zabbix-frontend-without-apache.seed' action [:install, :reconfig] end if node['platform_version'].to_f >= 16.04 package 'apache2' do action :remove end end when 'rhel' package 'zabbix-web-pgsql'end php_fpm_pool 'zabbix' do listen "#{node['zabbix']['server']['web']['listen']}:#{node['zabbix']['server']['web']['port']}" max_children node['zabbix']['server']['web']['max_children'] max_requests node['zabbix']['server']['web']['max_requests'] min_spare_servers node['zabbix']['server']['web']['min_spare_servers'] start_servers node['zabbix']['server']['web']['start_servers'] max_spare_servers node['zabbix']['server']['web']['max_spare_servers'] process_manager node['zabbix']['server']['web']['process_manager'] php_options node['zabbix']['server']['web']['configuration']end owner_name = case node['platform_family'] when 'rhel' 'apache' when 'debian' 'www-data' end template '/etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php' do source 'zabbix.conf.php.erb' mode '0600' owner owner_name group owner_name sensitive true variables( db_vendor: db_vendor.upcase, db_host: db_host, db_name: db_name, db_port: db_port, user_name: db_user, user_password: db_pass, server_host: 'localhost', server_port: '10051' )end